Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Scars Reopened ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Lee kicked at some loose pebbles on the street as he strolled down it, still brooding on his anger. <I can't believe they think they can kick me off the team. I'm the leader!! I can do whatever I want.> He sighed as he remembered what happened earlier between him and his other teammates.

Lee glared at his fellow teammates, upset that they didn't see it his way.

"Rei deserved it." He snapped at Mariah. If she'd had a tail, it would have bristled in anger.

"How dare you, Lee! No one deserves that, and you had no right at all to do that to him!" She yelled back, then, before anyone could stop her, slapped Lee across the face. Lee gripped his cheek, staring at Mariah in shock, then growled and started towards her, intending to return the favor. However, he stopped when Gary and Kevin stepped forward.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Lee demanded.

"Back off, Lee." Gary growled.

"I am your damn leader!! You can't boss me around!"

"No, Lee." Mariah said angrily. "You are no leader. A true leader wouldn't have sunk as low as you have. How could you do that to Rei?! You're a spoiled child, and a rotten person!"

Lee walked around the city of Tokyo, pausing as he looked up at the hospital. < feet have taken me to Rei.....> He smirked and was about to step inside when he heard someone calling his name.

Lee turned in time to see a fist come flying at him and connected smoothly with his jaw, slamming him back against the hospital wall.

"What the hell......Kai, how nice to meet-" He was cut off by Kai grabbing the boy by the throat and driving him even harder against the building.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?!" Kai hissed, absolute infuriation burning in his eyes. Lee smirked as well as possible, considering he was having trouble breathing.

"What? I'm not allowed to visit my old teammate?"

"Not after the hell you put him through, you're not." Kai growled, tightening his hold on Lee's throat.

"And what right do you have to tell me whether or not I can see him? It's not like you're his boyfriend or anything." Kai's eyes twitched at this comment, then closed and he backed away, letting go of Lee. "That's bett-" Kai's eyes flashed open, and he punched Lee again, twice as hard this time, breaking his nose and sending him stumbling into the dirt. The bluenette strode over to the cursing teen, and kicked him in the side, flipping him over onto his back, then bending down and grabbing the collar of his shirt, hauling him back to his feet.

"Give me Drigger, then get your lousy ass away from this hospital, and never even think for a second about returning."

"What makes you think I'm just going to hand over the bitbeast that rightfully belongs to me? And who are you to decide who gets to see Rei? It's not up to you who Rei hangs out with. He can decide for himself. Besides, he and I go back a long ways. There's a lot more to the story of me and Rei then you know of. You're just his captain, someone he only has to obey in the stadium. If it wasn't for you two being on the same team, Rei probably wouldn't even look twice at you!!" Lee yelled, managing to somehow swing his arm up and punch Kai in the jaw. Kai barely noticed, however, and slammed his fist into Lee's stomach, then into his face as he doubled over, knocking him to his feet.

Kai instantly pinned him down and started to repeatedly punch the Chinese boy over and over again, his blows growing harder as his frustration and anger built larger.

He was suddenly pulled rather ungracefully off of the now mangled Lee by an unseen force behind him. Twisting around, he glared at Tyson.

"What the hell-Back off Tyson!!! This does not concern you!!" Tyson didn't move, a hard glare on his face.

"Kai. Calm down."

"You calm down!!" Kai snapped, slamming his elbow into Tyson and breaking free, then lunging for Lee again. "Now give me Drigger!!!!" He yelled, gripping Lee by the collar of his shirt. The Chinese boy winced, then smirked.

"Fine." Lee reached a hand into his pocket and pulled out the bit, then, right before Kai's shocked eyes, snapped it in half. Kai stared at Lee for a full 20 seconds, not moving, then his eyes flashed with anger, and, with shaking hands, resumed pounding Lee into the ground, yelling harsh curses at him with every blow.

Tyson winced, watching as Kai slammed Lee's head into the ground over and over, then saw Max and Kenny walking out of the building,

Calling them over, Tyson and Max managed to pull Kai off of Lee, both of them struggling to hold him back.

"Kai, knock it off!! Snap out of it!!"

"Get out of here!!" Kai yelled at Lee, trying to pull out of Max's and Tyson's grip. "I don't ever want to see your face again, or else not even your entire team will be able to hold me back from what I'll do to you!!" Lee got to his feet, holding his broken jaw with one hand, and, not being able to respond, limped away.

Kai jerked away from the two and turned around, glaring daggers at Tyson. "Why the hell did you interrupt?!" Tyson fisted his hands to keep from punching him.

"As much as Lee deserves to be pounded, at the rate you were going at, you were going to kill him." Kai growled.

"That's what I was aiming at."

"Oh, yeah, and I'm sure Rei would have been real impressed with that!!" Tyson snapped at him, having had enough. Kai began to respond to this, then stopped, realizing he was right, as much as he hated to admit it.

Wiping blood off his chin, he ran his hand through his hair, then looked down at the broken Drigger in his other hand.

"Oh, Rei. I'm so sorry." He muttered, heading into the building.

Kai stood outside Rei's room, chewing on his lower room. After a moment, he opened the door and walked in to see Rei laying on his side on the bed, his back to the door. "....Rei?" He heard the boy breath in sharply, then watched as he turned over, looking at Kai in surprise.

"Kai?" Kai smiles weakly.

"Hey." He walked over to the bed and sat down beside Rei. Rei sat up and wrapped his arms around the bluenette, sniffing quietly.

"Kai, Drigger's missing. Lee took him." Kai closed his eyes, leaning his chin against the top of Rei's head. <Oh, man. What do I say?> He closed his eyes tighter to hold in a tear. "Kai?" Opening his eyes, he looked down at Rei.


"Your lip is bleeding." Kai touched his mouth, then sighed.

"I got in a fight with Lee a while ago."

"Lee was here?" Fear flooded through Rei's eyes.

"He was, but I convinced him to leave." Rei sighed in relief, then leaned his cheek against Kai's chest.

"Thank you, Kai." Kai gripped the bitbeast tighter in his hand, trying to decide what to do. Eventually, his conscience got the better of him.

"Rei? I....I have Drigger." Rei instantly pulled away, wincing slightly at the quick movement, and looked up at Kai, shock and joy shining in his eyes.

"You do?!"

"Yes, but......" Kai sighed, and opened his hand, placing the pieces in Rei's.

Rei stared down at the pieces of his bit in his hand, his face hidden from Kai. Then, he looked up at the boy, tears welling in his topaz eyes. However, the weakest hint of a smile was on his face.

"It was Lee, wasn't it?" Kai nodded, wiping one tear away with his thumb.

"I'm sorry, Rei, I couldn't-"

"Thank you so much, Kai." Kai was thrown off by this. "Thank you for getting Drigger away from Lee." Rei placed Drigger on the desk and returned to hugging Kai, a few tears dampening Kai's shirt. Rei looked up at Kai, and froze as he realized how close Kai's mouth now was to his.

Kai held his breath as he too noticed this, and was trying to decide if he was brave enough to close the distance between them. <What if...what if he refuses? I'll have ruined any chances of friendship with this amazing person.> However, he took one look into those topaz eyes, the ones that snatched away all coherant thought when he saw them, and threw caution and reason to the wind, leaning down to catch that tempting mouth in a gentle kiss.

A/N: I'M SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT!!!!!!! but it seemed like the best place to end it! aren't i so cruel!?!? *snickers* take that Lee!!!

Lee: I thought you liked me!!

I do. in the tv show. but in my story, you were there perfect one to use as the bad guy. i mean comeone. can you really see this story being as popular if Gary had been in your place?

Lee: I guess not......

That's right!!!! So, tell me what you thought!!!