Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Scattered Heart ❯ Clouds ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Scattered Heart Ch.2: Clouds
Rukiabi: Yippee! I can't believe it! We made it so far already! …nande? It's only the second chapter you say? Well, I'm quite surprised I even made it to the second chapter. I'm still writing this, nee? But a problem that just came up you see is, my writing style has changed from three years ago, not to mention I'm not quite sure how I even managed to write the first chapter in such a weird point of view… actually, I might have been a better writer when I was in grade nine than now haha. Be horrified once again.
Disclaimer: All characters of Beyblade are © of Aoki Takao.
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Can you feel that?
Soft isn't it?
They say that his heart flew away and left these feathers behind…
Am I…?
A split of light appeared in the middle of the darkness, widening slowly in an oval shape. The oval flickered but widened fully to reveal— a bright blue colour.
“Am I dead…?”
“Nope, not dead. Maybe a little brain damaged but definitely not dead.”
Two crimson coloured eyes stared into two midnight coloured ones.
I sat up like a slingshot in my surprise. Where am I?
Everywhere I looked was all blue sky and clouds. Underneath me as well. The air was cool and the light was bright. I was sitting upright on a huge giant cloud with a total stranger beside me. Who is this person?
“Hoh, yeah…” The stranger said as his gaze followed mine. When I looked up, he looked up. When I looked to the right, he looked to his left, which was my right. And when I looked down—
“You're sure a strange person.”
I looked straight at the boy who was now sitting in front of me and got a full view of what he looked like. He had midnight blue eyes with the same colour hair, and lightly tanned skin covered by some white sheets tied together making his outfit look sort of like a toga.
“Who are you? No.. more importantly, how did I get here? Why… am I…”
“From the sky.” The boy pointed up.
“I was lying here watching the clouds like I usually do when all of a sudden, the clouds parted in a circle and a long golden beam of light shone down from the heavens. You were floating down that beam of light and I caught you.”
“That's… not possible. This must be a dream.” I held my face in a hand. This couldn't be anything other than a dream. And after this dream, I would go back to reality. Reality. Where the only alarm clock you have to remind you to go to school, is the dry sobs of your mother in the morning.
“What are you thinking?”
What? Oh.. I forgot about that guy.
“Takao. My name is Takao.”
“Oh…” I looked away.
“Hmm? You're not going to introduce yourself to me?”
I don't… feel like it. Besides, you're just a dream and we'll never see each other again.
“Hey, that's really mean to ignore somebody, especially a somebody who just saved you from falling into the pointy tips of the wooded pine trees below.”
I got up and began walking away from the annoying chatter from the boy behind me. I could walk on the cloud too. Every step felt like walking on cotton, transparent cotton.
“Hey, wait a second!” He floated in front of me.
My eyes widened at what I saw in front of me. “What!? How are you doing that?”
“Huh?” He looked down at where I was staring. His feet weren't touching the ground-- or clouds or whatever and he was just… floating there. No. Wait. What was I thinking? He's just a dream. I person I made up in my mind. He's not real. And I shook my head before pushing him aside and kept on walking straight.
“Ah, wait, if you keep on going straight you're bound to--”
“Ahhh!” I yelled in surprise when I reached the edge of the cloud and found nowhere else to go except down.
“Got'cha!” The boy called Takao caught a hold of my arm before I could fall. I looked down. Why did the world below the clouds seem so much more real than it should? Do all dreams look and feel this real?
“Ah! Let go of me!” I tried to struggle from his grasp. He was touching me.
“If I let you go, you're going to fall!” We floated back over the large patch of cloud that I had woken up on before and he let me down. He was still holding onto my hand.
“Let me go.” I pulled my arm out of his hold roughly. This was really stupid. I was stuck on a giant cloud with nowhere else to go, stuck with some boy flying wearing bed sheets. When will this dream end?
I held my head in my hands. “Ugh, why am I here?!”
The blue haired boy just floated to the side and stared at me. His voice was soft. “Maybe I could help you...”
When I looked up into his eyes, I noticed that there was almost a sparkle in his irises. A sparkle of kindness. A kindness I didn't want.
“I don't need your help.” A kindness I didn't need.
“But--” A kindness I couldn't take.
“Just leave me alone!” I shouted back at him. What was his problem? Why was he still talking to me? Didn't he get it? I don't want him around! And yet he was still there. He was still looking at me with those eyes as if he knew something about me. He knows nothing about me!
There's something deeply wrong with my dream. I want to wake up now.
The boy looked back at me with a confused look. He raised his right arm and reached for me..
“Ouch!” My hand went to my cheek. He pinched me. He not only touched me, but he pinched me. “What was that for?!”
But he smiled back at me instead of looking sorry for what he did. “You're not dreaming. And you're real.”
My eyes widened at what he said just then. I'm not… dreaming?
He began floating in a circle around me. “And what's even more important is that you can feel pain. A physical pain. It shows that you're alive.”
He was now behind me. “Your pain on the outside… is it the same as the pain on the inside?”
Gasp. What?
He was now in front of me again. Smiling still, “While you were falling down that tube of light, there were feathers coming out of your chest.”
“Many red feathers. They came out of your chest and the Compass Winds carried them away. They must be scattered all across the lands now.” He emphasized this by widening his arms above his head and looking up to the sky.
“Why should I care?” I closed my eyes. It didn't matter. Red feathers coming out of my chest? Please. That meant nothing to me.
“Maybe if we found all of them, you'll be able to find out why you came to this world.”
“I don't care about that.”
“Oh? Then, what are you going to do now?”
What AM I going to do now? I'm stuck in this whole other dimension where I can stand on clouds and not fall and where flying people exist. And what that guy had said was true… I can feel pain. But, maybe it was possible to feel pain in dreams too! Maybe I'm dreaming that the pain is real…
[“Your pain on the outside… is it the same as the pain on the inside?”]
Of course not. This is… a dream?
I couldn't help but look up the wide expanse of sky blue above me. It looked like it went on forever…
[“Maybe I could help you...”]
Maybe… I'm not…
“Get me off this thing…”
“Huh?” The blue eyed boy named Takao blinked at me.
“I said—get me off this thing, this… cloud.”
“Ho? You want my help now?” He sounded excited. “But I can't help you unless you say `Please', I mean, that's only fair.”
God… I sighed. I spoke through my teeth. “Please.”
His eyes lit up with a joy that I couldn't explain or even comprehend.
“He he…”
He took my hand in both of his own.
“Ah—wait a second!”
He was touching me.
“Come on!” He said as he pulled me towards the edge of the cloud.
He was touching me with warm hands.
“Let's—” We were at the edge of the cloud now.
“Ah no!” I cried. I'll fall.
“—Go!” I was over the edge. I was floating in mid air with nothing to stop me from falling.
With clouds all around me and blue sky. We began falling.
I was flying once again.
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Rukiabi: I swear I'm not copying Tsubasa. This plot came to me before I had even read the manga. But now that I'm writing it, I can't help but see the similarities between CLAMPs world and mine. (Sigh) I hate when something like this happens. This is the reason why I'm trying to avoid reading fan fiction nowadays. I'm afraid that I'll read up a fic that has the same plot ideas as mine and then I'll lose inspiration to continue that story. I wonder if that this has ever happened to anyone?