Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Shool Love ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I only own Syd. Nothing else.

Chapter 3
Syd was standing near the edge of the trap door that led to her attic room. Why she had chosen the attic for a room was a mystery to all but herself. She could've chosen the master bedroom if she had wanted it. "I just cleaned this place yesterday!!" Syd whined as she moved forward to throw the only thing that was on the wall out the window. It was a picture of her mother when she (Syd) was born. She then moved on to cleaning her room. "Anyone wanna help?"
"Sure," Kori said, knowing that she didn't have a choice in the matter. Everyone other than Kai agreed to help too.
"Thanks everyone whose name is not Kai," Syd said. Kai just grunted and leaned against the wall with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes closed. She started to pick up her clothes, knowing that that was a job best left to her. "Owwie... Kori, I gots an owwie."
"Syd, I'm not related to you in any way, shape, or form, and I really don't care," Kori said, putting the posters back up on the wall. "Your a thumbtack short."
"That's because it's stuck in my hand if you wanna pull it out." Syd looked at her hand. "Anybody wanna pull this thing outta my hand for me?"
Suprising everyone, including himself, Kai walked over and pulled the thumbtack out of Syd's hand then handed it to her and walked back to where he had been leaning on before he moved.
"Thanks, Kai," Syd said. As a reply she got a "Whatever," which made her roll her eyes. "I'll be back." She left the room to clean her hand and the thumbtack.
....Five minutes later....
"I wonder what's taking her so long?" Kori wondered aloud. The group had long since finished cleaning Syd's room. Right after she finished, Syd's head popped through the trap door, scaring the shit out of Kori and Tyson. "What took ya?"
"Nothin'," Syd answered, coming entirely throught the trap door and walking over to her bed where she sat down.
"That's a lie." Everyone looked at Kai, who was looking directly at Syd, who told him that she had no idea what he was talking about yet thinking, 'Damn him and his observancy.' Kai walked over to her. He grabbed her roughly by her right arm and forced her to stand facing him. Then he turned around, much to Syd's annoyance, and moved her hair off her back while she glared up at him.
"Syd..." Kori said, making Syd look at her, slightly fearfully. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR SHOULDER?!"
Syd flinched and Kai let go of her arm. "My mother came home early and drunker than hell and decided to chuck a butcher knife at me," she said, sitting back down with a sigh. She ignored Tyson's "Did it hit you?" She rubbed her left shoulder.
"Hey, Syd..." Kori said.
"No," Syd replied instantly. Kori challenged Syd's knowladge of what she was going to suggest. "You were going to say that we should play truth or dare."
"Damn you." Kori thought for a minute. "Could we play Never Have I Ever?"
"If you wanna get the alcohol," Syd replied evenly. "But my mother's banging on the door and will skin us all alive if she catches you."
"Your dad won't care?" Ray questioned. Syd shook her head violently with a "Hell no." "O....k...."
"To the window!!" Kori yelled suddenly. Everyone else sweatdropped.
"If anyone asks, I just met you..." Syd said.
"You're an ass, ya know that?" Kori asked, walking over to the window and climbing out.
"I try," Syd said. "And make sure you don't fall!"
They heard a reassuring silence and waited for about 20 minutes.
"What's taking her so long?" Tyson questioned.
"I hope my mother didn't catch her...." Syd muttered. A bottle went through the window and hit her in the face. "Owwie. And she calls me an ass..."
"I heard that!" Kori said indignantly as she pulled herself through the window. "And your mother did almost catch me, but your dad saved my ass and she went back to your door."
"Gotta love Fishy," Syd stated.
"Why is your dad's nickname Fishy?" Kenny asked.
"He likes to fish and fish in general," Syd explained. The entire group (Kai only because Tala blackmailed him) sat in a circle in the middle of Syd's floor. "It's a good thing for you guys it's Friday."
"Yep," Kori agreed. "Me go first?" she begged.
"Fine," Syd said, slightly creeped out by the beggging. "Then we go in a circle going around clockwse."
"Yay!" Kori cheered, making everyone stare at her. "Heh heh... O.K. Never have I ever randomly decided to say 'People order our patties' at someone's birthday." (i really did that once. it was kori's birthday and me and whoever else was there were laying in the dark and i randomly decided to say it. everyone laughed. very random moment.)
"I remember that," Syd said. She took a drink.
"I do too," Kori said. "Syd, your turn."
"Kayo," Syd said. "Never have I ever made out with somoeone in front of a parent." Kori took a drink, mumbling about something.
It went to Tyson. "Never have I ever gone to Disney more than once."
Syd was the only one to take a drink. "That is so sad, people."
"Never have I ever blackmailed someone into playing a game," Hilary said. Tala, Syd and Kori took a drink.
"Never have I ever had something with sugar for breakfast," Kenny said. Max, Kori, Syd and Tyson took a drink. "O.K..."
"Never have I ever wanted to make out with a person I just met," Kai said. Tala and Kori blushed a brilliant shade red and took a drink. Syd and Kai raised an eyebrow at their respective best friend.
"Never have I ever said 'hn' more than five times in one day," Tala said. Kai took a drink.
"Never have I ever wanted to kill someone because I had a headache," Max said. Syd, Kai, Hilary and Kori took a drink.
"Never have I ever been asked out by a person of the same gender," Ray said after a minute. Kori took a drink.
They went around the circle a few more times before Tyson, Max and Kenny passed out. The next to pass out was Hilary, then Tala, then Kori, which left Syd and Kai, both of whom just shrugged and decided to stop playing.
"You weren't drinking were you?" Kai asked.
"Nope," Syd said in a remarkably cheerful voice for it being 2 am. "Were you?"
"No," Kai responded.
"They'd kill us if they found out..." Syd mused. Kai nodded in agreement.
The two stayed up, staring at the rest of the people in the room. Eventually Syd went over to her bed and passed out on the said object, leaving Kai to himself.