Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ The Chibi Curse ❯ The Sick and the Jealous ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Chibi Curse
Bester of Death
This Chapter is for Beybalder_Laura who has been in hospital this weekend! Hope your better!
The Sick and the Jealous.
“Well this is unexpected” said Max looking at Chibi Lee and Galleon.
“Maybe Dranzer and Dragoon will change later” suggested Tyson as he put Dragoon down next to Galleon.
“Maybe. We need them for tomorrow” said Ray as Kai placed Dranzer in the corner and put a cushion in fount of her to make sure she didn’t fall.
“Well let’s get to bed! We got a tournament in the morning and since our bit beasts are Chibis we have to be prepared” said Kai taking Tyson’s hand and leading him to they room. Kenny just gave a heavy sign and took Ray and Max’s blades off them and said he’ll update them. Ray pulled Max closer to him and leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. Max blushed but opened his mouth to allow Ray to kiss him deeper.
“That yucky!”
Ray and Max looked at the sofa and saw Galleon still tried looking at them.
“Go back to sleep Galleon” smiled Ray. Galleon yawned and snuggled back down next to Lee.
“We better take this to our room for a bit more privacy” whispered Ray in to Max’s ear.
“Yeah let’s go”
Kai and Tyson lay asleep in the small single bed. They were both in their boxers and Tyson’s head was resting on Kai’s chest. The door opened and a blue finger sneaked in and jumped on the bed. Kai felt someone pulling on his arm and he opened his eyes to see Dragoon with huge tears in his eyes.
“Kai, please wake up!” he whined
“Dragoon what’s wrong?”
“Red! Red Sick!” cried Dragoon as he jumped off the bed and started to run to back to the living room. Kai got up and quickly followed Dragoon in to the living room. Lee, Galleon and Dragoon were all staring helplessly at Dranzer who was moaning and sweating. Kai picked her up and hugged her tightly.
“Kai what’s going on?” asked Tyson as he came out of they room.
“I don’t know, but something is up with Dranzer”
“What’s wrong with her?” asked Ray as he and Max emerged from they room.
“Ty!” cried Dragoon “Red sick! Help Red”
“Ok Dragoon” said Tyson as he picked his bit beast up.
“Dranzer what’s wrong?”
“Cold” moaned Dranzer as she started to cry “head hurt”
Kai touched her forehead “Your burning hot Dranzer! Let’s see what Dizzy has to say” He stormed over to Kenny’s room and kicked the door opened. Kenny jumped up in bed and stared at Kai bewildered.
“Kenny gets Dizzy up now!”
“Huh? Kai but…”
“NOW Kenny!” shouted Kai as Dranzer started to have a coughing fit making her cry even loader. Kenny quickly got out of bed and opened his laptop.
“Dizzy wake up” shouted Kenny
“Kenny you told me we’re finished!” Dizzy moaned
“Dizzy something is wrong with Chibi Dranzer I think she’s sick!”
There was a golden flash and Dizzy appeared out of the laptop.
“Give her to me Kai” Demanded Dizzy
Kai tried to pull Dranzer off but she clang to him hysterically crying. Dizzy walked over and pushed Dranzer’s ribs gently making the Chibi lose its grip on her master. She laid Chibi Dranzer on the table and tried to calm the unhappy Chibi down. She press Dranzer’s tummy and felt her head before checking her eyes. She looked at Kai with worried eyes.
“She’s really sick Kai; I think she may have pneumonia”
“I didn’t know bit beasts can get ill” stated Kai
“We can if we get hit with a contrasting element for a while. Did Dranzer go near any water yesterday?”
“She fell in the water river on the love tunnel ride” said Kai
“Did you dry her straight off?”
“Oh Kai no wonder she’s sick! Dranzer is a fire based beast! Water puts out fire and has made her really ill” explained Dizzy.
“Is she going to be alright?” asked Kai picking Dranzer up.
“She must keep warm Kai and she has to drink hot apple cider. It’s an old remedy”
“Right Thanks. Come on Dranzer” Kai carried her out of the room.
“Is she really that ill Dizzy?” asked Kenny
“Yes Kenny she is REALLY ill! Keep me posted about her progress, will you?”
“Sure thing”
Kai held Dranzer closer as he entered the living room and Dragoon instantly ran up to him.
“Kai? What wrong with Red? She ok?”
“She is very ill Dragoon! She needs a blanket”
“Got it” smiled Dragoon holding the piece of martial he had ripped from Kai’s bed sheet at the old hotel.
“Not that one Dragoon. A really one!”
“Me get” grinned Dragoon pointing to himself.
“Alright, as long as it’s NOT my bed sheets”
“Okey” Dragoon started to run down the corridor with Galleon and Lee behind him.
Kai signed and sat down on the sofa with Dranzer in his lap sniffling and rubbing her eyes.
“How is she really Kai?” asked Max
“Dizzy thinks Dranzer’s got pneumonia yesterday from when she fell in the water on that ride”
“What? Oh Kai I’m so sorry!” said Ray slapping his forehead.
“Why you didn’t do anything?” said Tyson
“No but I was the one looking after Dranzer, so it’s my fault!”
“Its no ones fault Ray; no one knew Dranzer could get sick by falling in to water. It’s just something we had to get over and try and get Dranzer better”
Said Max comforting his lover.
“Tyson could you warm up some apple cider please?” asked Kai.
“Sure thing” said Tyson as he quickly ran to the kitchen.
“Kai” said Dragoon as he and the other two Chibis came running in to the living room holding a knitted white blanket. “See we get it”
“Thanks” said Kai as he took the blanket and wrapped it tightly round Dranzer, so her face was barely seen as was her white trainers.
“Dranzer look silly” said Galleon point at the hidden Chibi. Dragoon turned and slapped Galleon hard.
“Red not well! You no pick on her!”
“Sorry, I was just saying” sulked Galleon. Lee who had said nothing all the while he was a wake clung to the end of Galleon’s ponytail, looking unsure.
“Are you alright Lee?” asked Ray knelling down to look at the other Chibi. Lee blushed and hid behind Galleon.
“Wow Lee is really shy” smiled Max
“He wasn’t when he was a kid” commented Max.
“I wonder what the White Tigers will say when they discovered they master is a Chibi” said Kenny as he entered the room.
“Knowing Mariah, she would try and give both Galleon and Lee a make over” said Tyson who came in with a small glass with the hot cider and handed it to Kai.
“Don’t even joke about HER Tyson, she still gives me nightmares” said Kai “She is a freak!”
“She looks like something the cat dragged in and the kittens refused to eat!” said Max.
“Oh come on guys, she not that bad!” said Ray
The others looked at him as if he lost his mind and Ray sweat dropped. Lee whispered in to Galleon’s ear and Galleon nodded.
“Lee wants you to know that he doesn’t want to go back to his team, as Mariah scares him”
“Why doesn’t Lee talk Galleon” asked Kenny
“He only wants me! That’s why” said Galleon proudly.
“Fine! I discovered our first match is with the white tigers anyway, so they’ll be quite easy to beat considering they best player is a Chibi and we have come a LONG way since we went against them. So who will Blade?” asked Kenny.
“Max and Ray can blade since they have they bit beasts, and Dranzer is too ill to blade Chief so I’ll do it” said Tyson.
“Yeah! Me and Master Tys fight and make Red happy” jumped Dragoon with joy.
“Kai do you want to come with us or are you staying here with Dranzer?” asked Max
“The stadium has central heating Kai, Dranzer will still be warm there, as long as you keep giving her that cider” said Kenny
“Ok I’ll go!” said Kai.
The tournament was being held in the first BBA stadium, “The Earth”. It had been an old football arena before all they had to do was put in the ring and a roof. It as once the best stadium around for years but not was used only for fund rising advents. Dranzer continued to shake violently and coughed as Kai carried her in to the building. The building itself was warm but to be on the safe side he was going to ask for a small heater to be put in their booth. Dragoon had tried to raid the food stand but could not as Tyson had put a collar and a leash on him. Tyson had learnt his lesson yesterday with Dragoon and had quickly went and bought the collar before going to the tournament. Galleon held on to Lee and walked close to Ray and Max.
“Right lets find the white tigers and AAAAAHHH!” screamed Ray as a heavy pink thing flung its self around Ray’s neck.
“Ray oh Ray its great to see you” said the screeching voice of Mariah.
“Um…hello Mariah”
Mariah got off of Ray and look at him with a hurt and pouting face.
“Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Of course I am…” sweat dropped Ray.
“As happy as he is when he has toothache” muttered Max.
“What was that?” asked the dense Mariah.
“Nothing, um where are the others?” asked Ray
Gary and Kevin are in the ring already and Lee was meant to be with you”
“He is” said Max as he pointed to Chibi Lee. Mariah looked down on the Chibi who instantly clung to Galleon in fear. Mariah’s eyes widened and her smile got frightenly bigger as she gave off a high pitch sequel.
“CHIBIS! HOW CUTE!” She tried to make a grab for Lee but Galleon pulled out his claws and scratched her.
“Ow! You’re not a very nice Chibi” she moaned looking at the tiny scratch marks on her hand.
“Your just stoopid!” said Dragoon coming to Galleon’s defence. Lee come out from behind Galleon and pointed to Mariah and spoke his first two words “Pink freak”
“You little freaks! I will…” Suddenly Mariah hair caught a light. Mariah screamed and ran to the nearest toilet to put it out. Everyone stared at Dranzer who was now sleeping happily in Kai’s arms.
“I guess that fire blast knocked her out” said Kai
“Kai” said Dragoon gesturing for Kai to come down. Kai knelt on the floor with Dranzer still in his arms as Dragoon stood on tip-toe and kissed Dranzer on the nose.
“Thawk you Red”
“Greeting friends! This is Brad Best and My friend AJ Topper, here for the first fund rising advent for “The Broken blades”
“That’s right Brad; teams all around the world are coming here to blade one another to help raise money for the poor unfortunate kids.” Said AJ “Our first battle stars the Blade breakers against The White tigers”
“Surly one dose of Mariah is bad torture enough?” Moaned Tyson
“They going to send Gray first, Tyson if you go up against him you should be alright, even with out Dragoon.”
“He not going anywhere with out me!” said Dragoon
“Can you return to your blade then Dragoon?” asked Tyson
Dragoon nodded and with a small blue light he returned to his blade.
“Good luck Tyson” said Kai sitting Dranzer up, waking her up Dranzer’s eyes had become weepy and she looked sadly at the blade, seeing Dragoon’s insignia.
“Bluey be alright?” she asked
“He’ll be fine Dranzer, he’s gone against nasty people then Gary and his bit beast” said Tyson reassuringly.
“Okay” Dranzer gave Tyson a weak smile before going in to a coughing fit.
Tyson quickly ran over to the dish and as Gray approached. He had not change, still huge and built like a gorilla, but still had a kind heart…Tyson hoped.
“Yo Gray”
“Hi Tyson. What happened to Lee? And why is Mariah in such a bad mood all of a sudden?” asked Gray.
“Lee has turned in to a Chibi and turns out he thinks Mariah is a pink freak and told her to her face”
“Oh great! Do you have any idea what that girl is like to be with?”
“No and I don’t want to know either. You also have my deepest sympathy’s.”
“Ok guys! It just once around the classic dish, and there is only one winner here so get set, ready, Let it RIPPPPPP” shouted Jazzman.
The blades shot from their lunches and in to the bowl. Gary’s blade left a deep trail behind him as the tip of his blade dragged deeper in to the dish.
“Dragoon phantom hurricane” shouted Tyson
“Glazzy get him” ordered Gray. The large fire bear come out of his blade as a small hurricane came out of Tyson blade.
//What’s up with you Dragoon? Is this some kind of insult? // snarled Glazzy
//Hehehehe you can’t get me// laughed Dragoon as he bashed in to Glazzy blade.
//Dragoon? Dragoon what’s happened to you? //
//Me Chibi Dragoon//
Chibi Dragoon appeared from the blade and wrapped himself around Glazzy’s legs sending the bit beast off balance as well as his blade. Gray stared in amazement that his blade had stopped and gazed at the Chibi bit beast, which seemed to be pulling a face before retuning back to its blade.
“And the winner is Tyson!” shouted Jazzman.
Tyson smiled as he picked up both his and Gary’s blade. “Here you go Gray!”
“Thanks Tyson! I didn’t realize your bit beast was a Chibi as well. I want a rematch as soon as Dragoon is back to normal, understood?”
“Sure thing!”
Dranzer forced herself out of Kai’s hold and ran towards Tyson, crying and calling “Bluey” loudly. Dragoon came out of his blade and was almost knocked over by the weeping sick Chibi.
“Whot wrong Red?” he asked
“I saw (hiccup) the meany bear (hiccup) and I was worried” she cried
“He’s ok Dranzer. We won” said Tyson as he picked up both Chibis and went and sat down next to his lover.
“The next match is Ray vs. Kevin” said Jazzman.
“Hey Ray is Drigger a Chibi?” asked Kevin
“No he’s still fully grown” smiled Ray
“Nuts! Well Galman will still beat him!”
“Only in your dreams Kevin”
“On your marks, get set, LET IT RIPPPPPP!!” shouted Jazzman
The blades flew with grace and speed, and crackled with power. They went around the bowl twice before Kevin decided to attack.
“Galman get him!” he yelled at his blade as his bit beast came from his blade to attack.
“You never did learn to respect my bit beast, Drigger Tiger claw attack!” shouted Ray. The two blades crashed and Kevin’s blade went flying out of the ring.
“Oh man! Not again” moaned Kevin.
Lee sat and pointed to Kevin laughing “Loser!”
Galleon nodded and held Lee closer; he liked it when Lee was happy.
“Ray you were wonderful! I love you” cried Mariah blowing Ray a kiss, making Ray blush and cringe. Max’s eyes flashed with jealously and he clutched Draciel in his hand. Draciel would have comforted her master but she was having a hard time controlling her self when Galux started to flirt with Drigger.
//You were perfect as usual Drigger sweetie//
//Do you want to come out to night with me//
//He’s sorry Galux but he has other arrangements// said Draciel.
//I’m sure he can cancel it, what ever it is! Come on Drigger, it’s been ages since you and I have gone exploring together//
//Piss off Galux and leave Drigger alone//
//your going to pay for your rudeness//
//save it for the ring Galux //
“The next match is Mariah vs. Max! Let’s hope that Mariah can win this one for her team” said Jazzman
“Wish me luck Ray” said Mariah and Max at the same time. Both then glared and growled at each other, and the tension in the room built. Both slowly walked to the dish and set up their blades.
“On your marks, get set, LET IT RIPPPPPP!!” shouted Jazzman
Max used all his strength to give Draciel a good spinning start, as his blade landed in the centre of the dish and While Mariah’s blade landed not far away. Max went for her straight away but Mariah raced off in the opposite direction.
“I know what you’re trying to do to my poor Ray, Max” hissed Mariah
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I know is that your voice is giving everyone a headache”
“Huh! I see you giving Ray your puppy dog eyes. Well it won’t work! Ray is mine!”
“I don’t see your name on him Mariah! Until I do Ray is Free to give his heart away to anyone he pleases”
“Ray is mine because he loves me, show him Galux!” ordered Mariah as he pink beast bit raised from the blade.
“Draciel defensive manoeuvres now!” shouted Max as Draciel appeared from her bit.
“Galux scratch attack”
//Prepared to be ripped apart little one! // laughed Galux
Galux’s claws cut in to the blade and Draciel bit, but the young earth beast refused to give Galux the satisfaction of hearing her scream.
//Give up infant! Your even more pathetic than that low life storm beast//
//NEVER speak of Dragoon that way in Fount of ME! Dragoon is one of the greatest beasts I know and I won’t have a worthless piece of trash like you speak ill of him! // Dragoon was her best friend; he never treated her like a kid or made her feel inferior to him and always made her feel better. A great power flowed though Draciel the like she had never felt before. She could feel herself getting bigger and stronger as her hatred for Galux grew. Galux was now stretching her neck to look up at Draciel and felt something stick in her throat. Max watched in amazement at Draciel and thought it must be the same thing when Dragoon got bigger when Tyson was upset about Kai.
“Ok Draciel! Crush her” he ordered as Draciel come thundering down on top of Galux. Mariah’s blade stop spinning and everyone in the crowd cheered.
“That’s brilliant Draciel you can…” It was then Max relived that Draciel had not returned to her bit and the blade was now moving towards the stun Mariah.
“Draciel!” he shouted as the blade shot out and attacked Mariah. It zoomed around in a zigzag pattern on Mariah’s pants, making the pink freak scream in fright. Draciel smiled as she returned to Max’s hand and waited to admire her work. Everything was quite as suddenly Mariah’s pants fell apart like tissue and floated to the floor leaving the girl with only her top and luminous pink kickers on. Everyone started to laugh and point at the girl who just stood there like an idiot. Everyone in the blade breakers box was rolling on the floor laughing as Dragoon started to sing.
“I see London I see France I see Mariah’s underpants. Their pink and smelly because she did a big fat…”
“Dragoon don’t you dare!” said Tyson “Otherwise I’ll buy a muzzle to go with that leash!”
“I’ll get you back for this Max! You and your stupid bit beast!” vowed Mariah as she ran from the stadium.
“You were awesome Maxie” said Ray as he kissed Max’s cheek.
“Maybe! But Draciel was the one that was truly awesome!” said Max looking down at his blade.
//I never knew you had that kind of power Draciel// said Drigger proudly //Well done! //
//Drigger did you ever really go exploring with Galux? //
//Yes and a small group of others as well. I was asked to take a small earth clan out exploring and Galux was in that group that is all. She was a brat back then and hasn’t really changed much! //
Draciel beamed inside her blade and felt like dancing. Drigger like Galux as much as he likes toothache.
“Well we’re in for the next round guys and its’ looks like we’re up against the Majestics!” said Kenny
“I thought it would have been the All Stars first” said Tyson
“It would have been it the Majestics were a good enough team. They have not been a team long and that stats are lower then the All Stars so we’re up against them first.” Explained Kenny.
“We’ll crush them” said Kai as he gave Dranzer a drink of hot apple cider.
“Why must you always be completive Kai?” asked Tyson
“We maybe friends with them now Ty, but in the ring it’s a different story!”
“Whatever you say Kai mine”
“Come on guys lets go to dinner” said Ray nuzzling Max’s neck
“Yeah FOOD” shouted Dragoon as he tried to run again only to fall on his bottom since Tyson had a firm hold on his leash.
Drigger was in Ray’s coat pocket when it happened. The blade breakers and the four Chibis were at a small resultant that was own by one of Ray’s many uncles. Ray had laid his coat on the floor before sitting down to his meal. It was quite late and there was a small green light from Ray’s pocket, and something small, white and black started to crawl away. Chibi Drigger loved to explore, he would not go too far and stay where his master would see him. He crawled in to the hall where he bumped in to something hard. He looked up and froze in terror.
“Hello Chibi. Aren’t you cute, just like my Ray” said Mariah as she quickly snatched him up from the floor. “You see how that slut Max flirts shamelessly with my Ray? I was planning on taking Ray home with me tonight but I guess you have to do! Once I get you back to the hotel I’ll have to give you a make over”
To be continued
Bester of Death
This Chapter is for Beybalder_Laura who has been in hospital this weekend! Hope your better!
The Sick and the Jealous.
“Well this is unexpected” said Max looking at Chibi Lee and Galleon.
“Maybe Dranzer and Dragoon will change later” suggested Tyson as he put Dragoon down next to Galleon.
“Maybe. We need them for tomorrow” said Ray as Kai placed Dranzer in the corner and put a cushion in fount of her to make sure she didn’t fall.
“Well let’s get to bed! We got a tournament in the morning and since our bit beasts are Chibis we have to be prepared” said Kai taking Tyson’s hand and leading him to they room. Kenny just gave a heavy sign and took Ray and Max’s blades off them and said he’ll update them. Ray pulled Max closer to him and leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. Max blushed but opened his mouth to allow Ray to kiss him deeper.
“That yucky!”
Ray and Max looked at the sofa and saw Galleon still tried looking at them.
“Go back to sleep Galleon” smiled Ray. Galleon yawned and snuggled back down next to Lee.
“We better take this to our room for a bit more privacy” whispered Ray in to Max’s ear.
“Yeah let’s go”
Kai and Tyson lay asleep in the small single bed. They were both in their boxers and Tyson’s head was resting on Kai’s chest. The door opened and a blue finger sneaked in and jumped on the bed. Kai felt someone pulling on his arm and he opened his eyes to see Dragoon with huge tears in his eyes.
“Kai, please wake up!” he whined
“Dragoon what’s wrong?”
“Red! Red Sick!” cried Dragoon as he jumped off the bed and started to run to back to the living room. Kai got up and quickly followed Dragoon in to the living room. Lee, Galleon and Dragoon were all staring helplessly at Dranzer who was moaning and sweating. Kai picked her up and hugged her tightly.
“Kai what’s going on?” asked Tyson as he came out of they room.
“I don’t know, but something is up with Dranzer”
“What’s wrong with her?” asked Ray as he and Max emerged from they room.
“Ty!” cried Dragoon “Red sick! Help Red”
“Ok Dragoon” said Tyson as he picked his bit beast up.
“Dranzer what’s wrong?”
“Cold” moaned Dranzer as she started to cry “head hurt”
Kai touched her forehead “Your burning hot Dranzer! Let’s see what Dizzy has to say” He stormed over to Kenny’s room and kicked the door opened. Kenny jumped up in bed and stared at Kai bewildered.
“Kenny gets Dizzy up now!”
“Huh? Kai but…”
“NOW Kenny!” shouted Kai as Dranzer started to have a coughing fit making her cry even loader. Kenny quickly got out of bed and opened his laptop.
“Dizzy wake up” shouted Kenny
“Kenny you told me we’re finished!” Dizzy moaned
“Dizzy something is wrong with Chibi Dranzer I think she’s sick!”
There was a golden flash and Dizzy appeared out of the laptop.
“Give her to me Kai” Demanded Dizzy
Kai tried to pull Dranzer off but she clang to him hysterically crying. Dizzy walked over and pushed Dranzer’s ribs gently making the Chibi lose its grip on her master. She laid Chibi Dranzer on the table and tried to calm the unhappy Chibi down. She press Dranzer’s tummy and felt her head before checking her eyes. She looked at Kai with worried eyes.
“She’s really sick Kai; I think she may have pneumonia”
“I didn’t know bit beasts can get ill” stated Kai
“We can if we get hit with a contrasting element for a while. Did Dranzer go near any water yesterday?”
“She fell in the water river on the love tunnel ride” said Kai
“Did you dry her straight off?”
“Oh Kai no wonder she’s sick! Dranzer is a fire based beast! Water puts out fire and has made her really ill” explained Dizzy.
“Is she going to be alright?” asked Kai picking Dranzer up.
“She must keep warm Kai and she has to drink hot apple cider. It’s an old remedy”
“Right Thanks. Come on Dranzer” Kai carried her out of the room.
“Is she really that ill Dizzy?” asked Kenny
“Yes Kenny she is REALLY ill! Keep me posted about her progress, will you?”
“Sure thing”
Kai held Dranzer closer as he entered the living room and Dragoon instantly ran up to him.
“Kai? What wrong with Red? She ok?”
“She is very ill Dragoon! She needs a blanket”
“Got it” smiled Dragoon holding the piece of martial he had ripped from Kai’s bed sheet at the old hotel.
“Not that one Dragoon. A really one!”
“Me get” grinned Dragoon pointing to himself.
“Alright, as long as it’s NOT my bed sheets”
“Okey” Dragoon started to run down the corridor with Galleon and Lee behind him.
Kai signed and sat down on the sofa with Dranzer in his lap sniffling and rubbing her eyes.
“How is she really Kai?” asked Max
“Dizzy thinks Dranzer’s got pneumonia yesterday from when she fell in the water on that ride”
“What? Oh Kai I’m so sorry!” said Ray slapping his forehead.
“Why you didn’t do anything?” said Tyson
“No but I was the one looking after Dranzer, so it’s my fault!”
“Its no ones fault Ray; no one knew Dranzer could get sick by falling in to water. It’s just something we had to get over and try and get Dranzer better”
Said Max comforting his lover.
“Tyson could you warm up some apple cider please?” asked Kai.
“Sure thing” said Tyson as he quickly ran to the kitchen.
“Kai” said Dragoon as he and the other two Chibis came running in to the living room holding a knitted white blanket. “See we get it”
“Thanks” said Kai as he took the blanket and wrapped it tightly round Dranzer, so her face was barely seen as was her white trainers.
“Dranzer look silly” said Galleon point at the hidden Chibi. Dragoon turned and slapped Galleon hard.
“Red not well! You no pick on her!”
“Sorry, I was just saying” sulked Galleon. Lee who had said nothing all the while he was a wake clung to the end of Galleon’s ponytail, looking unsure.
“Are you alright Lee?” asked Ray knelling down to look at the other Chibi. Lee blushed and hid behind Galleon.
“Wow Lee is really shy” smiled Max
“He wasn’t when he was a kid” commented Max.
“I wonder what the White Tigers will say when they discovered they master is a Chibi” said Kenny as he entered the room.
“Knowing Mariah, she would try and give both Galleon and Lee a make over” said Tyson who came in with a small glass with the hot cider and handed it to Kai.
“Don’t even joke about HER Tyson, she still gives me nightmares” said Kai “She is a freak!”
“She looks like something the cat dragged in and the kittens refused to eat!” said Max.
“Oh come on guys, she not that bad!” said Ray
The others looked at him as if he lost his mind and Ray sweat dropped. Lee whispered in to Galleon’s ear and Galleon nodded.
“Lee wants you to know that he doesn’t want to go back to his team, as Mariah scares him”
“Why doesn’t Lee talk Galleon” asked Kenny
“He only wants me! That’s why” said Galleon proudly.
“Fine! I discovered our first match is with the white tigers anyway, so they’ll be quite easy to beat considering they best player is a Chibi and we have come a LONG way since we went against them. So who will Blade?” asked Kenny.
“Max and Ray can blade since they have they bit beasts, and Dranzer is too ill to blade Chief so I’ll do it” said Tyson.
“Yeah! Me and Master Tys fight and make Red happy” jumped Dragoon with joy.
“Kai do you want to come with us or are you staying here with Dranzer?” asked Max
“The stadium has central heating Kai, Dranzer will still be warm there, as long as you keep giving her that cider” said Kenny
“Ok I’ll go!” said Kai.
The tournament was being held in the first BBA stadium, “The Earth”. It had been an old football arena before all they had to do was put in the ring and a roof. It as once the best stadium around for years but not was used only for fund rising advents. Dranzer continued to shake violently and coughed as Kai carried her in to the building. The building itself was warm but to be on the safe side he was going to ask for a small heater to be put in their booth. Dragoon had tried to raid the food stand but could not as Tyson had put a collar and a leash on him. Tyson had learnt his lesson yesterday with Dragoon and had quickly went and bought the collar before going to the tournament. Galleon held on to Lee and walked close to Ray and Max.
“Right lets find the white tigers and AAAAAHHH!” screamed Ray as a heavy pink thing flung its self around Ray’s neck.
“Ray oh Ray its great to see you” said the screeching voice of Mariah.
“Um…hello Mariah”
Mariah got off of Ray and look at him with a hurt and pouting face.
“Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Of course I am…” sweat dropped Ray.
“As happy as he is when he has toothache” muttered Max.
“What was that?” asked the dense Mariah.
“Nothing, um where are the others?” asked Ray
Gary and Kevin are in the ring already and Lee was meant to be with you”
“He is” said Max as he pointed to Chibi Lee. Mariah looked down on the Chibi who instantly clung to Galleon in fear. Mariah’s eyes widened and her smile got frightenly bigger as she gave off a high pitch sequel.
“CHIBIS! HOW CUTE!” She tried to make a grab for Lee but Galleon pulled out his claws and scratched her.
“Ow! You’re not a very nice Chibi” she moaned looking at the tiny scratch marks on her hand.
“Your just stoopid!” said Dragoon coming to Galleon’s defence. Lee come out from behind Galleon and pointed to Mariah and spoke his first two words “Pink freak”
“You little freaks! I will…” Suddenly Mariah hair caught a light. Mariah screamed and ran to the nearest toilet to put it out. Everyone stared at Dranzer who was now sleeping happily in Kai’s arms.
“I guess that fire blast knocked her out” said Kai
“Kai” said Dragoon gesturing for Kai to come down. Kai knelt on the floor with Dranzer still in his arms as Dragoon stood on tip-toe and kissed Dranzer on the nose.
“Thawk you Red”
“Greeting friends! This is Brad Best and My friend AJ Topper, here for the first fund rising advent for “The Broken blades”
“That’s right Brad; teams all around the world are coming here to blade one another to help raise money for the poor unfortunate kids.” Said AJ “Our first battle stars the Blade breakers against The White tigers”
“Surly one dose of Mariah is bad torture enough?” Moaned Tyson
“They going to send Gray first, Tyson if you go up against him you should be alright, even with out Dragoon.”
“He not going anywhere with out me!” said Dragoon
“Can you return to your blade then Dragoon?” asked Tyson
Dragoon nodded and with a small blue light he returned to his blade.
“Good luck Tyson” said Kai sitting Dranzer up, waking her up Dranzer’s eyes had become weepy and she looked sadly at the blade, seeing Dragoon’s insignia.
“Bluey be alright?” she asked
“He’ll be fine Dranzer, he’s gone against nasty people then Gary and his bit beast” said Tyson reassuringly.
“Okay” Dranzer gave Tyson a weak smile before going in to a coughing fit.
Tyson quickly ran over to the dish and as Gray approached. He had not change, still huge and built like a gorilla, but still had a kind heart…Tyson hoped.
“Yo Gray”
“Hi Tyson. What happened to Lee? And why is Mariah in such a bad mood all of a sudden?” asked Gray.
“Lee has turned in to a Chibi and turns out he thinks Mariah is a pink freak and told her to her face”
“Oh great! Do you have any idea what that girl is like to be with?”
“No and I don’t want to know either. You also have my deepest sympathy’s.”
“Ok guys! It just once around the classic dish, and there is only one winner here so get set, ready, Let it RIPPPPPP” shouted Jazzman.
The blades shot from their lunches and in to the bowl. Gary’s blade left a deep trail behind him as the tip of his blade dragged deeper in to the dish.
“Dragoon phantom hurricane” shouted Tyson
“Glazzy get him” ordered Gray. The large fire bear come out of his blade as a small hurricane came out of Tyson blade.
//What’s up with you Dragoon? Is this some kind of insult? // snarled Glazzy
//Hehehehe you can’t get me// laughed Dragoon as he bashed in to Glazzy blade.
//Dragoon? Dragoon what’s happened to you? //
//Me Chibi Dragoon//
Chibi Dragoon appeared from the blade and wrapped himself around Glazzy’s legs sending the bit beast off balance as well as his blade. Gray stared in amazement that his blade had stopped and gazed at the Chibi bit beast, which seemed to be pulling a face before retuning back to its blade.
“And the winner is Tyson!” shouted Jazzman.
Tyson smiled as he picked up both his and Gary’s blade. “Here you go Gray!”
“Thanks Tyson! I didn’t realize your bit beast was a Chibi as well. I want a rematch as soon as Dragoon is back to normal, understood?”
“Sure thing!”
Dranzer forced herself out of Kai’s hold and ran towards Tyson, crying and calling “Bluey” loudly. Dragoon came out of his blade and was almost knocked over by the weeping sick Chibi.
“Whot wrong Red?” he asked
“I saw (hiccup) the meany bear (hiccup) and I was worried” she cried
“He’s ok Dranzer. We won” said Tyson as he picked up both Chibis and went and sat down next to his lover.
“The next match is Ray vs. Kevin” said Jazzman.
“Hey Ray is Drigger a Chibi?” asked Kevin
“No he’s still fully grown” smiled Ray
“Nuts! Well Galman will still beat him!”
“Only in your dreams Kevin”
“On your marks, get set, LET IT RIPPPPPP!!” shouted Jazzman
The blades flew with grace and speed, and crackled with power. They went around the bowl twice before Kevin decided to attack.
“Galman get him!” he yelled at his blade as his bit beast came from his blade to attack.
“You never did learn to respect my bit beast, Drigger Tiger claw attack!” shouted Ray. The two blades crashed and Kevin’s blade went flying out of the ring.
“Oh man! Not again” moaned Kevin.
Lee sat and pointed to Kevin laughing “Loser!”
Galleon nodded and held Lee closer; he liked it when Lee was happy.
“Ray you were wonderful! I love you” cried Mariah blowing Ray a kiss, making Ray blush and cringe. Max’s eyes flashed with jealously and he clutched Draciel in his hand. Draciel would have comforted her master but she was having a hard time controlling her self when Galux started to flirt with Drigger.
//You were perfect as usual Drigger sweetie//
//Do you want to come out to night with me//
//He’s sorry Galux but he has other arrangements// said Draciel.
//I’m sure he can cancel it, what ever it is! Come on Drigger, it’s been ages since you and I have gone exploring together//
//Piss off Galux and leave Drigger alone//
//your going to pay for your rudeness//
//save it for the ring Galux //
“The next match is Mariah vs. Max! Let’s hope that Mariah can win this one for her team” said Jazzman
“Wish me luck Ray” said Mariah and Max at the same time. Both then glared and growled at each other, and the tension in the room built. Both slowly walked to the dish and set up their blades.
“On your marks, get set, LET IT RIPPPPPP!!” shouted Jazzman
Max used all his strength to give Draciel a good spinning start, as his blade landed in the centre of the dish and While Mariah’s blade landed not far away. Max went for her straight away but Mariah raced off in the opposite direction.
“I know what you’re trying to do to my poor Ray, Max” hissed Mariah
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I know is that your voice is giving everyone a headache”
“Huh! I see you giving Ray your puppy dog eyes. Well it won’t work! Ray is mine!”
“I don’t see your name on him Mariah! Until I do Ray is Free to give his heart away to anyone he pleases”
“Ray is mine because he loves me, show him Galux!” ordered Mariah as he pink beast bit raised from the blade.
“Draciel defensive manoeuvres now!” shouted Max as Draciel appeared from her bit.
“Galux scratch attack”
//Prepared to be ripped apart little one! // laughed Galux
Galux’s claws cut in to the blade and Draciel bit, but the young earth beast refused to give Galux the satisfaction of hearing her scream.
//Give up infant! Your even more pathetic than that low life storm beast//
//NEVER speak of Dragoon that way in Fount of ME! Dragoon is one of the greatest beasts I know and I won’t have a worthless piece of trash like you speak ill of him! // Dragoon was her best friend; he never treated her like a kid or made her feel inferior to him and always made her feel better. A great power flowed though Draciel the like she had never felt before. She could feel herself getting bigger and stronger as her hatred for Galux grew. Galux was now stretching her neck to look up at Draciel and felt something stick in her throat. Max watched in amazement at Draciel and thought it must be the same thing when Dragoon got bigger when Tyson was upset about Kai.
“Ok Draciel! Crush her” he ordered as Draciel come thundering down on top of Galux. Mariah’s blade stop spinning and everyone in the crowd cheered.
“That’s brilliant Draciel you can…” It was then Max relived that Draciel had not returned to her bit and the blade was now moving towards the stun Mariah.
“Draciel!” he shouted as the blade shot out and attacked Mariah. It zoomed around in a zigzag pattern on Mariah’s pants, making the pink freak scream in fright. Draciel smiled as she returned to Max’s hand and waited to admire her work. Everything was quite as suddenly Mariah’s pants fell apart like tissue and floated to the floor leaving the girl with only her top and luminous pink kickers on. Everyone started to laugh and point at the girl who just stood there like an idiot. Everyone in the blade breakers box was rolling on the floor laughing as Dragoon started to sing.
“I see London I see France I see Mariah’s underpants. Their pink and smelly because she did a big fat…”
“Dragoon don’t you dare!” said Tyson “Otherwise I’ll buy a muzzle to go with that leash!”
“I’ll get you back for this Max! You and your stupid bit beast!” vowed Mariah as she ran from the stadium.
“You were awesome Maxie” said Ray as he kissed Max’s cheek.
“Maybe! But Draciel was the one that was truly awesome!” said Max looking down at his blade.
//I never knew you had that kind of power Draciel// said Drigger proudly //Well done! //
//Drigger did you ever really go exploring with Galux? //
//Yes and a small group of others as well. I was asked to take a small earth clan out exploring and Galux was in that group that is all. She was a brat back then and hasn’t really changed much! //
Draciel beamed inside her blade and felt like dancing. Drigger like Galux as much as he likes toothache.
“Well we’re in for the next round guys and its’ looks like we’re up against the Majestics!” said Kenny
“I thought it would have been the All Stars first” said Tyson
“It would have been it the Majestics were a good enough team. They have not been a team long and that stats are lower then the All Stars so we’re up against them first.” Explained Kenny.
“We’ll crush them” said Kai as he gave Dranzer a drink of hot apple cider.
“Why must you always be completive Kai?” asked Tyson
“We maybe friends with them now Ty, but in the ring it’s a different story!”
“Whatever you say Kai mine”
“Come on guys lets go to dinner” said Ray nuzzling Max’s neck
“Yeah FOOD” shouted Dragoon as he tried to run again only to fall on his bottom since Tyson had a firm hold on his leash.
Drigger was in Ray’s coat pocket when it happened. The blade breakers and the four Chibis were at a small resultant that was own by one of Ray’s many uncles. Ray had laid his coat on the floor before sitting down to his meal. It was quite late and there was a small green light from Ray’s pocket, and something small, white and black started to crawl away. Chibi Drigger loved to explore, he would not go too far and stay where his master would see him. He crawled in to the hall where he bumped in to something hard. He looked up and froze in terror.
“Hello Chibi. Aren’t you cute, just like my Ray” said Mariah as she quickly snatched him up from the floor. “You see how that slut Max flirts shamelessly with my Ray? I was planning on taking Ray home with me tonight but I guess you have to do! Once I get you back to the hotel I’ll have to give you a make over”
To be continued