Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ When Angels Deserve To Die ❯ Life Sucks, Ne? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Soran: Not that much reviews lately, huh?

Subaru: Seems that way. ::Potato is thrown:: OW!!!

Soran: It wasn't me!!!.......I was framed.

Subaru: Were not!!!!! Your just scared of me.

Soran: Oh you want to take me on?

Subaru: Bring it on.

Disclaimer: There they go, once again. I know for a fact that Subaru will win.

Warnings: No Soran will.

Disclaimer: I bet $98 that Subaru will.

Warnings: Well...::Looks nervous:: I bet $2 that Soran will.

Soran: T-T Not much confidence.

Disclaimer: shut up women.

Warnings: I thought they were guys?

Disclaimer: There women!!!

Warnings: I bet $85 that there guys.

Disclaimer: Well I bet $1000000 that there girls.

Note: ::Sighs:: We don't own anything.

Warnings: This fic will contain mentions of rape, rape {Maybe}, lemons in later chappies, some naughty language, and adult situations. M/R, maybe some K/T on the side. ^.^!!


Chapter 1 Life Sucks, Ne?


After the tournament, we all went our different ways. I didn't wish to leave, but I had to. I said my good-byes to my friends, and my secret crush. He smiled at me, then embraced me right before I left. He gave me his address to write to him, which I will do. I will miss them all greatly, including my crush.

Kai, are leader, will stay with Ty, cause he has no other places he could stay. I would stay here, in china. Kenny, Well, I'm not quite sure about him, he didn't say anything about it. But Rei, he will go back to China.

My mom drove me away from the airport. I held back my tears, then waved to them. I was silent on the way home, and my mom could sense it. "Max, hunny, whats wrong?"

I didn't answer her. But, I knew she really wanted to know. "I'm just going to miss everyone. They've been a family to me."

I heard my mother sigh. "Don't worry, you'll see them again." I nodded my head, so she wouldn't ask anymore questions. I still wished I could of staid with Rei.

I woke up early next morning. It kind of startled me, cause I usually sleep in, at least when I'm not going to school. I took a glance at my clock, seeing that it was only 7:09 A.M. Perfect, I'm up early, and I can't go back to sleep. {What is wrong Max?}

{Oh...Draciel, its nothing. Go back to sleep.}

{As you wish} I felt him leave, then I got up. I walked out of my room, and into our kitchen. "Hey Max." I looked up, seeing my mom drinking coffee. "Well, I'm off to work." I nodded, and walked over to the front window. "Oh, I have to do something real quick." I then notice a dark figure was standing behind my moms car.

I watched that figured, then it was gone. 'What was that all about?' I turned around, watching my mom grabbing some things then left the house. Meanwhile, I turned on the news. "Be on the look out, Voltaire has escaped prison. Please inform the police if you have seen him. He is dangerous, with a high explosive with him. If you have an information on his where abouts, please contact the nearest police station, fast!! Now, on with the weather. Take it George."

"Thankyou Bob, now todays weather wi-" He shut the Tv off. I faintly heard my mothers car turn on. I gazed out the window, then sighed. Well, intill school starts, I'm stuck here.

I jumped, hearing a knock at my front door. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and walked towards the door. "Who is it?" I called out.

It was silence. "Mail service, package for Mr. Max." I opened the door, only to bite back a scream.

In the door way, Voltaire stood. He gazed down on my little form. "Voltaire!?" I was pushed back, landing on the floor. I quickly tried to run away, but was caught from around my waist.

"Shut it you brat!!" Voltaire hissed into my ear. I felt him pick me up. I was met with the floor of his kitchen. I soon felt rope around my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked, scared.

"I'm taking you with me, to use as bait for your friends." I shivered, then was lifted again.

"My mom will call the cops!!!! She-"

"She's going to die." I stared wide eyed.

"What?" I asked, holding back my tears as hard as he could.

"I put at bomb on her car. It should explode soon, while shes driving to work." I listened as the dark man chuckled. "I stole that bomb, and we'll see if it works." I was carried into my room. "Wheres you blade?" I didn't answer, still shock. "Answer, or I'll find it and destroy it."

"....Its on my dresser." He smirked and grabbed it.

"There, thats a good boy." He carried me out, and soon he was out of the house. There was a black car in the park way. He pushed me into the black car, then got in. He cut the rope from my hands, then handed me my blade.

I took it, still shocked and scared. My mom was going to die, and I was going to be held hostage, so my friends can come save me. Please, he doesn't hurt anyone...If not, then hurt only me, and not my friends.

For the last week, I've been under ground. He contacted each and everyone of my friends, and they told the police. I know, cause he beat me for that. He would abuse me when my friends did something he didn't want them to do. He told the ransom, he wanted Kai. He said, if they give him Kai, the would set me free. Of course I didn't want anyone hurt, so I kicked him. I then received a harsh beating for that.

I sighed, trying to get free. He hand cuffed me to a bar from the wall. He used a large computer to talk to the others. I watched as he turned it on, and dialed everyones number. I looked at the screen, seeing each of their faces. Usually Voltaire would hide me, so I couldn't see my friends, and this was the first time that I was going to see them, since we all broke apart. "So, are you going to send yourself in Kai?"

Nobody answered. Rei then saw me. "Max!!!!!"

Everybody looked up, the sighed with relief that I was Ok. Then, something scared all of us. Voltaire began to laugh, his evil laughter echoed around me. "You better get one last glance at the pretty face of his. Since you don't want to hand over my grandson, I think I'll experiment with him instead." I heard them gasp. "Say goodbye."

I close my eyes, then knowing I was going to get the worst abuse ever when I said this. "Rei, Were underground, right under the tournament grounds!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled out.

Voltaire turned around and glared at me. He walked over, not bothering to turn off his computer. Everybody watched as he backhanded me. I fell back from the force, and my wrist cut as I fell. He glared at me, then turned back to the computer. "Are you alright Max?"

I nodded, my cheek still hurting. Then, the computer was shut off. Voltaire glanced at me, with an evil smirk on his features.

He uncuffed me, then started to walk towards a metal bed. He put me on it, then grabbed a couple of wires, and pushed them into my skin. I screamed from the pain, but then felt my eyes start to drift. He had put something in me, so that I would sleep.

I glance up, then blushed. I was cat like eyes in front of my own, and I knew who they belonged too. "Rei!" I jumped up, then screamed in pain.

"Shh, calm down." He pushed me back down onto the bed, then ran his hands through my long blond hair.....Long blond hair?! He went to sit up, but was pushed back down. "No moving." I bit my lip. "Calm down. Were taking you to the hospital. Thanks for telling us where you were, or we wouldn't have found Voltaire." I still wanted one question answered. "I know what your thinking. We didn't have enough time to save you, from this." He gazed at my body, making me blush.

"Whats wrong? What did he do?"

I watched him sigh. "He first put you to sleep. Then, began to work on you. He turned you into a girl." I started wide eyed. "He was going to make us pay, by turning you against us. He was going to brain wash you, then do many bad things." I nodded, understanding when he said 'Bad Things'. "But don't worry, I'm here now." I smiled. "Even if you look different, that won't change a thing between us." He embraced me. I didn't know if I should be happy, or sad.


End of Chapter 1


Soran: So, that the end of chappie one.

Subaru: More to come soon.

Soran: Yay!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: Wow. Oh, and so I win my bet, Are you girls or guys?

Soran: Well last time I check I was a guy. ::Pulls up shirt:: Yep, I'm a guy.

Subaru: o.O....::Does the same:: I'm a guy!!!!!!!

Warnings: I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::Receives money::

Disclaimer: ::Mutters:: I can't believe that!!!!!!! All that money!!!!!....Who won the fight?

Soran: I did, cause...I'm the author.

Subaru: Well so am I!!!!

Soran: But....I'm a better kisser.

Subaru: ::glares:: Are not.

Soran: But thats beside the point.

Subaru: No it isn't!!!!!

Soran: ::Sighs:: Lemon in maybe the third chapter.