Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Why Are You Running Away? ❯ The Before and After ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This was on my mind for a while. I know V-Force is over, but, I just decided to use Joseph in the fic. Anyways, enjoy!






"Where are you goin', sis?" a young boy asked, jade eyes in intrest as he watched his sister leave.


"Somewhere, bro." Miriam replied, sadly, looking at her younger brother.


"Oh," Joseph replied. Miriam kneeled down infront of her brother and hugged him.


"Please, behave, and don't runaway, even if your temped to,"


The ten year old nodded.


Three years later:


Growling, thirteen year old Jospeh sprinted out of the Juvinile Detention Center and ran to the forest. There, he stood against the tree, panting. Closing his eyes, he let himself fall to the ground. "I've made many mistakes, since she left," he whispered to himself.


"Don't you ever question as to why you are doing what you made mistakes in?" came a gentle soft tone. He looked up and gasped.




SORRY if its so short! But I have many other stories to work on.


Pairings: KevinxOC and JosephxOC and OzumaxMiriam