Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Why Do I Care? ❯ back to school ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter 1
“Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing”. Kia Tilwaree jerked up and slammed a hand down on her alarm clock.
Why in the world is my alarm-?” she groaned.
“Back to school” she muttered stumbling out of bed

“Bye mom, Bye dad” Kia yelled moving towards the door.
“How are you getting to school?” her mother asked.
“Hiwatri's giving me a ride; do you know where Ryushi is?”
“I think he's already gone next door”
“He couldn't wait, could he? Thanks anyway.”
The wind blew hard making Kia glad she had she had tied her hair; she hated it on her face. Her hair was the darkest shade of brown and looked black unless you saw it in the sun. She had dark brown eyes and a slim figure most girls dreamt of. She was also one of the most good looking girls at Oskara High.
In contrast to that Ryushi, her twin brother, had blond hair, blue eyes and was also good looking. Not that she thought so.
She walked towards the house next door to hers. It was more of a mansion actually. She rang the bell and after a moment it was opened.
“Ah, Mistress Kia. Nice to see you again.” Said the butler who opened it.
“Good morning Banto! How many times do I have to tell you to call me Kia?”
“One more time.” He answered letting her in.
Kia looked up to see her best friend Calica Hiwatri coming down the stairs. Calica had dark orange hair, which got darker still as they went down, and orange eyes.
“Hi Aurin!” Kia smiled at her. “Ready to go?”
“Almost, Kai and Ryushi just need to come.”
“Where are those two?”
“In Kai's room, they'll be here soon”
Kai Hiwatri was Aurin's twin brother. Kia sometimes thought he had been born to annoy her, and that was saying something. Kia never got annoyed. And it also didn't help that he was her twin's best friend Calica also had a huge crush on Ryushi, so did he, but they were too shy to tell each other
“Well you better call them soon or we'll be late.” Kia said.
“Why don't you ever relax Twee?” asked a very familiar sneering voice.
“Because you're always around Hiwatri” Kia shot back.
“Not your usual comebacks, but it still hurt” Kai teased his face expressing mock hurt
Kai had slate colour hair, which, like his sister's, got darker as it went back, crimson eyes and a muscular figure that made him one of the most wanted guys at school.
“Stop fighting you two, we've had enough of it in the holidays” Calica's voice cut in.
“Fine. But can we leave we're getting late. Can we leave now please?” Kia said
“Okay, okay chill Twee” Kai said. Twee was his nickname for Kia, shortening it from her last name.
“Lets just go” Ryushi interrupted.
They got into Kai's car. Ryushi sat in front with him and the girls sat at the back. After a few minutes of Kia and Kai's arguments and Calica and Ryushi flirting they arrived at school. Just as they were getting out of the car a bell sounded.
“See I told you we were late” Kia yelled running towards the main building.
“Cool it Kia, we're just a few minutes late” Kai answered following her.
All four of them ran to their class, receiving curses when bumping into people. Finally they reached. Kia knocked and entered.
“Sorry we're late; we got stuck in a traffic jam.” She said quickly
“That's okay, but make sure it doesn't happen again you four. Now I was just telling everyone where they were sitting.” Their teacher answered
Kia turned around startled then groaned. She had forgotten Kai was in her class this year.
“Now we will be sitting one boy and one girl on a table.” Groans “and the person sitting next to you will also be the one with exactly the same schedule as yours so you know who to ask incase you miss anything.” More groans “the pairs are……………..”
The teacher started reciting a list of names, a few catching Kia's ear. She smirked when Calica and Ryushi's names were called out together. Two other that she caught were Salima and Ray.
Salima was another one of her best friends. Ray, Salima's boyfriend, was Ryushi's and Kai's other best friend. Kia had also known them as long as she'd known the Hiwatri's.
“……and finally Kai and Kia.” finished the teacher.
“WHAT!” they both yelled in unison “YOU CAN'T PUT ME WITH THAT!”
“First of all don't talk to me like that both of you” said the teacher calmly “second, you both were purposely put together so you could learn to get along. So just sit down without any fuss”
They both glared at each other but did sit down.
`This year is going to be great' thought Kia `Kai in every class. Really great.'

Finally the bell rang. At last Kia was released from the torture Kai had been causing her. He had been annoying her all morning; well she had been too, but not as much. She hurried to her locker, grabbed her lunch and stood there waiting for Calica and Salima to arrive.
They did. Only, Ryushi and unfortunately Kai were also with them
“Kai you better run” Kia said suddenly.
“And why would I do that?”
Kia pointed over his shoulder. He turned
“Oh no”
Coming towards them was one of those rare people who annoyed Kia more than Kai did.
“Hi Kai sweetie”
Jade was the typical blond girl who wore the shortest most revealing clothes. She also believed Kai “belonged to her'.
“Jade, go away” Kai said trying to be calm
“Oh come on darling” she drawled
“No. So just get lost”
“Oh please” she said, grabbing hold of his arm
By this time Kia was seriously pissed.
“Oh why don't-”
“No Kia” she looked up at Calica's voice in surprise “its Kai's problem let him handle it”
Kia nodded, she never got out of control. What had happened there?
“Ryushi, we'll meet you and Kai at the Oak” Salima said and the girls started walking outside.
The Oak was an oak tree, where Kia and all her friends ate lunch, unless it was raining, but it didn't usually
“Hi guys!” Calica greeted the people sitting under the tree.
Kia looked up to see all her closest friends. (Except Kai and Ryushi) Ray was there and there were also Tyson, Max, Miriam and Hilary. Kia had known them as long as she had known the others, which was her whole life.
“Hey” they answered back.
Kia settled herself between Hilary and Max and took a huge bite of her sandwich. God was she hungry.
“I haven't seen you all day Kia, guess we don't have a class together on Monday” Max was the cheerful one of their gang. He could always make you laugh.
“Where are Ryushi and Kai?” Miriam his girlfriend asked
“Jade” Calica answered shortly.
Tyson laughed, even though he could be a little messy while eating, he was the most determined.
“Sometimes I pity old Mr. Sourpuss” he said
Even though Kai was slightly open with his friends he didn't like people at all. He was very mysterious and would ignore you no matter what. Sometimes even his twin couldn't figure him out. You could hardly see a smile on his face, a smirk maybe, once in a while, a smile never.
“I heard that Tyson” Kai and Ryushi were walking towards them.
Ryushi was giving Kai wary looks. Jade must've really made him angry. Ryushi sat down next to Calica and took out his lunch. Kai on the other hand leaned against the tree, folded his arms and closed his eyes. The perfect Kai stance.
“So how was your day?” Ryushi asked Tyson and the others
“Fine, if fine is studying with Hilary.” Tyson answered a scowl on her face
“What's that supposed to mean?” Hilary glared at him.
“Oh nothing at all” Tyson smiled innocently at her.
Hilary and Tyson always had arguments like that, though secretly they liked each other. Everyone knew that, everyone except them.
“Quit it you two” Max said quickly “Kia and Kai are bad enough” he added with a teasing grin
“I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that” Kia said calmly
Kai just ignored them.
“So when are we going to Horizon next?” Ryushi asked suddenly
“We can't go tonight bro” Kia reminded him
“Kai and I can't come either” Calica said
“Well we'll be there” Ray said
Horizon was a cottage owned by the Hiwatri's. It was situated the edge of a cliff facing the sea. Because Mr. and Mrs. Hiwatri didn't need it, they had given it to their children. They had also equipped it with a DVD, music system and home theatre. It even had a small kitchen and a huge, empty room where they slept when they wanted to. It was basically a place for them to relax, watch movies and just get together
They had named it Horizon because at night the sea and sky looked the same colour that you couldn't see the horizon.
“What lesson have you got next?” Ray asked Kia
“Umm…………………..Food and Nutrition” she answered then groaned “All afternoon!”
Everyone laughed and even Kai looked amused. Kia was hopeless at cooking and Food and Nutrition was the only class she didn't get an A.
The bell rang a few minutes later so they all started walking back to school.

Kia walked out of the F and N room. She almost screamed in frustration. Almost. They had the same teacher as last year so she knew how disastrous Kia's cooking skills were. Over that Kai was still angry and kept snapping at her for no reason. Not that she cared.
She walked towards the parking lot and waited for the others to come out.
Kia groaned, only one person called her that, she turned around. Jade was standing there, with her usual cronies' of course.
“Slut” Kia said “How were your holidays?”
“Don't call me that.”
“Always have. Always will.”
“Fine then, but you are going to stay away from my Kai” Jade said suddenly.
Kia stared at her. Where did that come from?
“What are you talking about?”
“Just stay away from Kai, you know what I mean.”
“No I don't, so tell me”
“Don't act, just stay away from him”
“Why don't you get lost?” a voice interrupted.
Kai was coming towards them. And god did he look mad.
“Kai darling”
“Shut up Jade” He growled “First I am NOT; repeat not yours, second if you don't get lost now I'll make you.”
Jade must've been pretty scared, she had a reason to be, cause she quickly slipped away.
“Calm down Kai” Calica said “You don't have to get so angry”
Kia jumped. Wondering what Jade meant, she hadn't seen her and Ryushi walk up behind Kai.
“Well then why can't she just leave me alone” He hissed “doesn't she get the hint”
“I know what'll make you feel better” Ryushi said suddenly, a smirk appearing on his face.
“Oh ya, what?”
“Kia say thank you”
“He did get rid of Jade for you” Ryushi said, grinning
“Well, I'm still not”
“And I thought she was supposed to be the calmest of us all” Calica muttered
Now that hurt Kia's pride.
“Fine then, thank you” she said softly
“I didn't hear you” Kai said, eyes bright with amusement.
“I said THANK YOU!”
Kia sulked all the way back home and when Kai stopped in front of her house she just got out of the car and disappeared through her house's front gates.
“What's up with her?” Calica asked
Ryushi just shrugged before following her.
Kia let herself into the house. What had Jade meant? And how could they have made her say thank you to Kai?
“Hey honey!” her mother appeared from the kitchen door, still dressed in her office clothes. “How was school?”
“OK. Say hi to Dad when he gets home and tell Ryushi not to disturb me please”
Her mother looked at her in surprise.
“Oh. Okay then. Do you want something to eat?”
But Kia had already started climbing the stairs, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like `What did she mean?' She walked into her room and fell onto her bed.
“Why do I care?”

I hope you liked it! It's my first fanfic
Review please