Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Will you send me an angel? ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:I do not own beyblade,nor do I own any of the characters on the show,just the Prison Guardian.

warning:light yaoi..Dont likey,dont read.

Being shy

Tala ran for life,his feet barely touching the ground beneath him. His left hand was clutching Wolborg tight, the blade near to cut into his skin from the grip. He climbed the wall and hit the ground on the other side. He coughed from the hard knock, feeling a sharp pain in his side. A frown slipped across his pale face. He had probably broken a rib or two in the fall.

But there was no time to worry about that right now, he needed to find his friend. "Wolborg,come help me..." ,he muttered. A strange, blue glow sprung from his left hand, his bit-beast emerging. The mighty wolf stood by his master`s side,waiting for his order. "Thank you. I need you to find the angel, he is hiding in the woods". The wolf`s dark eyes glinted, and he sniffed the air. The animal let out a growl as he caught the scent of something unknown, something human-like but still different. Tala climbed onto the beast`s back and grabbed hold of the soft fur with his hands.
They found the angel curled up in a ball behind a huge rock. "Tala-kun!"Kai smiled as he came closer. He cast a glance at the bit-beast and reached out his hand to touch the wolf. "Dont.." ,Tala was about to warn the angel, Wolborg wasn`t very friendly to anyone beside his master, but he silenced when the other boy stroke his beast, burying his face in the grey and white fur. "Such a beautiful beast you have, Tala-kun.. What is his name?"

Tala came back to his senses and shook his head. "Wolborg...I think he likes you..He has never let anyone other than me touch him before".
Kai chuckled. "No wonder...He is a very proud animal, I can feel his strenght". The angel looked up at him with those heavenly, purple eyes, shining with joy.

"How come you can touch him then?" The wolf was lying on his back, purring as Kai scratched it`s stomach.
"I have always been good with animals...You humans are not the only one to have beasts", he replied. "You have bit-beasts in Heaven too?"
Kai nodded,his expression becoming sad. "Yes...The beasts are our partners. Dranzer is my partner". Tala blinked.Dranzer was a bit-beast?
He had figured that Dranzer was Kai`s girlfriend or sister. Had he really fled from Heaven just to get back his bit-beast?
But as Tala watched the angel play around with Wolborg, he understood.He was very close to his own bit-beast aswell, he would probably have done the same if the wolf had been taken away from him. Wolborg was a part of him, a part that he never wanted to let go.

He called back his bit-beast to it`s beyblade and tucked it safely away in his inner pocket. "We have to go now, they will search for us". The angel nodded and stood up, reaching out his hand for Tala to take. As their hands came in contact, Kai let out a pained yelp. Tala stared at him with worry written on his face. "Are you ok?" he asked. The angel nodded and took a deep breath, gazing up at him. "Why didn`t you tell me that you are hurt?" he asked, pain in his eyes. "You can tell?" He earned a nod. "Yes, when I touch others, their pain flow into my body". Tala bit his bottom lip. "I am sorry...I didn`t know". The angel shook his head and managed a little smile. "No need to be sorry". Then he reached out his hands and placed them on Tala`s chest. "What..?"

But he said no more as a strange feeling occured.A light glow circled around his upper body,coming from the angel`s hands.When the hands were removed,Tala felt alright again,his ribs didn`t hurt anymore."What did you do?"he asked.Kai sighed,rubbing his forehead."I used my own energy to heal your damages".He tried to smile,but it turned into a frown instead."You ok?"Tala asked for the second time.
"Just a headache,I always get that when I heal others.I am not trained in those powers yet,so they are still very weak".Tala nodded."You think you can manage to run?"The angel nodded."Then we go",Tala said and took his hand,leading the way out of the woods.

When dawn broke,they stopped for a little while to rest.Tala could have kept going for many hours yet,he was trained to do this.His companion however was exhausted,barely able to stand straight.He had said nothing,made no complaint as they ran,just gritted his teeth and tried to keep the redhead`s pace."We stay here for a couple of hours".Kai gave him a grateful nod and sighed."We better find you some new clothes,you will only draw attention if you walk around in those",Tala frowned,pointing at the angel`s outfit.

His clothes had used to be white.Now they were full of dirt and mudd,the original colour gone.Tala gazed up at the sky.There was no sun today,it was still dark,even though it was morning."We are not far away from Moscow,we can find you some clothes there".
But as he turned his head,he saw that thw angel was sleeping peacefully,curled up in a little ball,his feathers pointing everywhere.
He smiled and covered the small figure with his own jacket to keep him warm.Tala himself was used to the cold from many years training.

Tala woke up his angelic companion after a couple of hours."We have to go now",he said and stood up.They were still not on a safe distance from the Abbey,they could still get caught and be lead to the dungeons to be tortured.Tala did not fear pain,his body and mind were used to it.But as he cast a glance at the angel,he knew that other boy was not.How could anyone want to hurt such a beautiful creature anyway?
Kai made no complaints as they walked on,rubbing his eyes sleepily.After a little while tala notcied that Kai was not behind him anymore.He turned around.The angel was standing perfectly still,his eyes closed in concentration."What are you doing?Comeon!"The angel opened his eyes and smiled."Can you hear the water flow?"he asked as he came over to the redhead.Tala listened.When he concetrated he could hear the faint sound of a river nearbyØ."We must be close to the city then",Tala stated.
And he was right.About half an hour later then came to the outer part of Moscow.As they walked people cast them curious glances.After all,their clothes were ripped and teared.Tala had made sure to cover up the angel`s wings with his own jacket.Kai gritted his teeth as Tala`s jacket rubbed against his wings.This angle was no good for the healing of his broken bone.But he said nothing as he knew it was necessary.The city made him stare in awe,turn around at every new sound.Most of all he looked like a boy whom had spent all of his life far away from all civilization."Stop staring,you draw attention to us!"Tala hissed and took his hand.
He lead the angel to an old building,most of the windows broken.Tala felt the angel grab tighter hold of his hand."Dont worry,the people here fear me",he comforted.The angel smiled nervously,but moved a little closer for comfort.Tala felt honoured by his actions.The other boy really did trust him.They came to the end of the hall and climbed some stairs before they were standing in front of a door.Tala fumbled around in his bag for a little while to find his keys.The apartment was small,the walls full of holes and paint that was peeling off.It was clear that no one was living here."Be careful,the floor is rotten",he warned.Kai took a look around as he waited for his friend.Tala disappeared into one of the rooms,coming back seconds later with clothes in his arms."Put these on",he said and handed the angel a pair of pants and a sweater.
Kai took them into his hands and stared at Tala.The redhead noticed that the angel somehow semed unsure,a little insecure and shy."Is there something wrong?"he asked,tossing his shirt onto the floor.Kai was about to open his mouth to say something,but blushed bright crimson and looked away."N-no,its nothing.."Kai stuttered.still looking away.Tala smiled."I get it.You are a little shy,ne?"The angel nodded at him."No prob.I`ll just go somewhere else while you change then".With those words he dashed out of the room.
Kai sighed and pulled of his tunic,leaving it in a pile on the rotten floor.The cold apartment sent shivers down his naked spine.The new clothes felt slightly uncomfortable,rough against his skin.He wriggled a bit,but figured that he would have to get used to it.His wings,especially the damaged one felt crushed under the fabic.Tala came back into the room,a little smile on his face."You done yet?"he stopped when he saw the angel`s pained expression."I cant wear this,Tala,my wings are hurting badly",he frowned.The pain in his voice made Tala pity him."But you cant walk around with those wings in the open either.Dont you have any kind of magic that can help you?"Kai nodded."Maybe..."he removed his shirt,forgetting that the redhead was in the same room.

Tala couldnt help but stare in awe at the angel`s torso.His skin was so pale and smooth,so silky-like that it seemed as he was made of glass.he was quite slender,looking a little fragile.Tala felt his mouth go dry,the urge to reach out and touch that pale skin was tearing at him.Kai blushed under his stare and bit his lip shyly."Um..Tala?Could you please stop that?"he asked,his voice a little frightened.Tala snapped out of it and looked away."Sorry...".Kai flapped his good wing a couple of times."Can you find me a bowl or a glass?"Tala arched an eyebrow at him,but left.Minutes later he was back.He handed Kai a bowl,which the angel placed in his lap."Thank you".

Tala watched him with fascination as he chanted some strange words,clapping his hands together once.When he pulled them apart again crystal drops fell from his palms.Sweat appeared on his forehead,and he bit his lip.The drops kept falling for a little longer,dripping into the bowl."Here,rub this onto my wings",Kai said and handed him the bowl back.tala took it and sat down behind the angel.For a moment he hesitated before he dipped his fingers into the clear liquid and started rubbing it onto the feathers as carefully as he could.As he did that,he was surprised to find that the feathers turned invisible."What the..?"Kai chuckled at his words."It wont make you invisible.It only affects angels".The redhead finished and put away the bowl.

"I am cold",Kai muttered.Tala helped him rip two holes in his shirt for the wings.Night fell outside,the apartment got dark,leaving them to brealy see each other.Tala lit a candle and found him a blanket."Tala-kun?How did you end up at the Abbey?I know by your eyes that you never were happy there..."The angel was looking at him with curious eyes.Tala shruged.

"Mom was poor and couldnt afford to feed me.And one day when I was at the park beyblading some kids,a man named Boris showed up.He told my mother that he would be glad to take me off her hands,he meant that I had some skills with a beyblade.Mom couldnt turn down the offer.That is how I came to the Abbey",he finished and silenced.The angel reached out a hand to touch his cheek,softly stroking his thumb over that pale skin.Tala closed his eyes,enjoying the caress.

"You have been very lonely,havent you?"He nodded,tears forming in his closed eyes.He made no movement as Kai moved closer and embraced him,rubbing his back in a comforting manner."You are not alone anymore,I will be here",the angel whispered into his ear and nuzzled his neck.Tala sighed.It felt so good to have someone that cared about you like this,to have a friend.They parted and Kai offered him to sit by him under the blanket.The redhead smiled and moved closer.

"Kai?Dont you think the other angels will come looking for you?What will happen if they find you?"Kai bit his lip again and looked away."Most angels fear Earth.Very few actually dare to go down here.Besides,it is forbidden.Only the High Guardians are allowed to go to Earth".He paused before he continued."They do have one exception to that law though...".His hands were trembling slightly."The only other angel allowed to go to Earth is the Dark Angel,he who fears nothing".Tala cast him a curious glance and waited for him to go on."The Dark Angel is my friend,but even so he will put our friendship aside and hunt me down if the High ones demand him to.Most angels fear him because of his lack of loyalty and moral.He is Heaven`s black sheep".The redhead frowned."How can he be an angel if he is evil?"Kai shook his head."No,not evil.he is very nice.But as I said,he lacks loyalty.He wasnt born an angel as I was.He lived on Earth as a human for sixteen years before he took his own life with a knife(rhyme!-lol-).As a human he worked for the mafia,he was their best asassin.The only reason her wasnt abandoned from the Heavens was because of an order from high up,from the Surpreme Chief himself.No one knows why the Chief wanted the Black Angel to stay in Heaven.But he is really a nice guy".Tala stared at him with a wondering look in his eyes."This dark angel,does a have a name?"Kai nodded again."Yes.His name is Brooklyn".

Tada!What did you think about that?Now you know Brookie`s role in this fanfic.I find him quite interesting as a good guy that is a bad guy at the same time.Ok,did that make any sense at all?I do ramble on and about a lot of things,do I not?

Yours sincerly,Kanilla & Nicholas

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