Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Will you send me an angel? ❯ Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiya guys!(girls...)
Special thanks to you:
Courtza:-bows deeply-You really think this is one of the best ever?-all teary eyed-That makes me reaaaally happy ya know-lol-Yeah,I have put a lot of work into this I do to all of my stories.If you wanna,you can check out some of my other stories?
Melissa:-grins insanely-It was that good that you wanna show it to ya friends?-lmao-Well..any kind comment is appreciated indeed.
Disclaimer:do not own beyblade nor the characters..only the Prison Guardian.
chapter ten
Brooklyn impatiently waited for the Prison Guardian to arrive.He knew he couldnt go anywhere before she came to talk to him.The Guardian of the Prison was a strange creature.He wasnt even sure if she really was a female.She would appear in different shapes to everyone who seeked her.To him she always appeared as a young woman.He sighed.If she decided to,she could let him wait forever.She had all the power in this dimension,she held control of everything.As the wind started blowing he knew she had come.Moments later she was standing in front of him.With her long,purple and curly hair,heavenly,golden eyes and slim figure she really was a beauty.Her face looked serious,somewhat annoyed.
"Why have you come to see me this time,child?"she asked,her voice holding a sharp edge to it.He smiled.She could read his mind.Why would she even bother with questions?She snorted,crossing her arms.
"I see..You have come to search for that pretty boy and his friend.I cannot hold you back,you know that.But I wont help you either,you must find him yourself",she stated with a slight smirk.
"You refuse to help me?"he asked in a low voice.She nodded..
"Precisely.Go now,I wont stop you",she laughed and wawed her hand.Everything turned into a maze of colours.
He opened his eyes again as he suddenly felt colder.He was standing on the ground this time,apparently in a dark cave.A light was shining further ahead.His heart was beating rappidly in his chest,and he slowly followed the light.He could hear the sound of water hitting the ground,like something was melting.When he came closer he saw that Dranzer was surrounded by a ball of ice that was slowly merlting away.He stared at her with wide eyes and ran over to his friend.
"Dranzer!"he shouted and touched the orb.It felt incredibly cold against his skin,and he had to back away.
"Dranzer!Can you hear me?"he called,trying to wake her up from the deep sleep.
"Please..I have come too far to give up on you now.."he begged,anger surfacing.He growled and hit the smooth surface of the orb,only hurting his hand in the process.
"Let her go!I want my friend back!"he yelled in desperation,tears falling from his pretty eyes as he hit again and again.Nothing happened.He sank to his knees,his head resting against the ball of ice.
"Please.."he begged again,sobbing now.He stayed oblivious of the fact that the phoenix stirred and opened her eyes,slowly coming back to this world again.Kai suddenly felt a stinging pain in his chest."Ahhh!"He gasped,his fists clenched as he tried to breathe.
"Kai...You came..."He was startled at the sound of her voice in his head.Looking up he saw that his precious friend was awake,her eyes clouded from the deep,drugging sleep.
"Dranzer!You are back!"he cried,the tears falling now happy ones.He stood up and didnt care about the cold as he touched the cold orb again,trying to get closer to her.She smiled sleepily and tried to break free.
"This wont work,Kai..I am too weak to get out",she sighed.He could feel how tired she was,her limbs powerless.The cold was holding her down.
"I will get you out of here,I promise you that!"he stated.She smiled again.
"You have always been fiercy,my dear Kai...",she chuckled."Never the one to give up".She sounded proud on his behalf.
Brooklyn rubbed his forehead in frustration and kept flying.He was sure that Guardian was slowling him down so Kai could free his friend in the meantime.At the moment he was flying above the ground in a strange dimension where everything appeared to be purple.This was really confusing his sight,making his head spin.He had to get out of this dimension at once.Just as he thought that a black hole apeared before him,and he flew straight into it,unable to avoid it.He landed hard on the floor,the air leaving his lungs.
"Kzit!!!"he muttered and stoiod up,taking a deep breath.Looking around he found that he was standing in water,it surrounded him all around.His hair floated freely.He could still breath though,and he kicked off from the ground and started swiming.He wanted to end this little game and go straight to his friend.But the Guardian had a tricky mind.She could do whatever she wanted to in this dimension.Water fairies swam beside him.He cursed and moved faster,using his powers to get away.Those fairies were lost souls that had been imprisoned here for ages.
Get out!!!!his mind screamed.Another black hole appeared,and he escaped into it.
Bryan snapped his eyes open and stared into a world of darkness.It was completely black,except from a couple of flames that were licking at his feet.But strangely enough,it didnt hurt even one bit.Something appeared out of the dark,a gigant bat.It looked terrifying,with long,sharp fangs and glowing,red eyes,demon eyes.His mouth went dry when the creature spoke,the voice coming from inside his own head.This had to be a joke of some kind.This couldnt really be happening...The bat grinned,a fearsome grin and looked at him with those evil eyes.

"You have entered my domain without permission.You must be punished",the creature spoke.It`s voice was raw and rough,almost sounding as a growl.He looked around,confused by this whole affair.Bryan opened his mouth to speak,but no word came from his lips.The creature smirked and moved closer,it`s breath on his face.

"No need to speak,little devil.You wont leave my domain again.I think I will let you suffer here for eternity",it laughed.Bryan tried to scream,but no sound emerged from his parted lips.His body was struck by a sudden pain,making him cry out without a sound.

This cant be happenening!!!This aint real!!!he sobbed,but could do nothing but keep crying as pain wrecked his shaking body.

Rewiew ne ne?

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