Big O Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Showtime! ❯ Oh my, that was unexpected. ( Prologue )

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A Ranma / Big O Crossover / Fusion Type-thing.

By Lord Raa.

Disclaim-me-do: Hey, if you owned the rights to either of these intelluctual properties, would you be writing fan fiction?




It was a typical day in Nerima.

That means several unbalanced martial artists with the ability to kill people with their bare hands and not break a sweat were chasing a certain somebody.

He was a handsome young man with his hair in a pigtail.

The man in question had several problems. These included the inability to speak for more then 10 minutes without putting his feet in his mouth; a sweet, but somewhat violent, girl for a primary fiancee; one of the most severe cases of ailurophobia known to man; a Chinese warrior-maiden who, by her tribal laws at least, considered them to be married. Oh, and this same Chinese girl turns into a cat.

There are no cash prizes for guessing the identity of the male in question


Sorry, female in question.

Yes, it was a typical day in the suck-fest that was Ranma Saotome's life. Happosai, who was the one that splashed Ranma in case you were wondering, had pulled out a magical artifact.

"This'll make those sweet mounds of Ranma-chan's mine forever," the shrunken pervert cackled.

Ranma caught a nasty vibe off the troll's new toy and made a grab for it. Unfortunately, he was groped as payment for her trouble.

"GAHH! Will you get off me!" She shriked, kicking the pervert off into a wall.

Bounding off with Happosai's magical toy, Ranma made for the Tendo dojo. After a few minutes of roof-hopping, she sat in the dojo when a knock at the door startled her.

"Hello, is my husband or son in?" asked Nodoka.

"N-on, Auntie Nodoka. They're on a training trip right now," Kasumi told Mrs Saotome.

"Oh, is that Ranko there?"

"Yes, I'm here Auntie Nodoka," 'Ranko' answered.

"Is everything all right?"

"I," 'Ranko' sighed, "I just had to deal a number of perverts and people who don't like Ranma."

Looking at her mother leave to speak to Kasumi, she forgot that she'd pilfered one of Happosai's magic trinkets and unthinkingly spoke aloud " I wish that I wasn't cursed."

Then the light show started.

Nodoka and Kasumi rushed in to see a scorch mark on the dojo floor and a smell of acrid smoke.

"Ranma!" Kasumi shouted.

Nodoka looked at the sobbing young woman strangely. Turning around, she saw Nabiki staring at the scorched floor. "Nabiki, I believe that I have not been told the whole truth about my son. Would you care to fill in some of the details?"

"I-I guess so, but I think we should get Mr Panda here," Nabiki advised.

"I'm home! Where's Ranma?" Akane asked as she shed her outdoor shoes. "Oh, hello Auntie Nodoka."

"Akane," Nodoka nodded in greeting. "Could you get your father and Mr Panda if he's available, please?"


Nodoka sat at the table digesting the information given to he. Her white knuckles threating to shatter the tea cup in her hand, the twitching of the left side of her face and icy gaze directed at the Panda in the corner were all signs that it was time to get the hell out of Dodge.

"Genma, choose where you want to die."

Soun blanched at the thought of the death of his best friend. Nodoka's crazy look in her eyes stopped him from doing anything braver then not showing everybody that "Incredible Human Fountain" party trick of his.

Also she was ready to bring a whole world of hurt to the Tendos for lying to her about Ranma, interferring could endanger his little girls.

The panda seemed to be a tad confused about its behavioural patterns - it froze deer-like in a pair of headlights.

It proved to be its undoing.

"Mr Tendo, would you take this panda skin rug as payment for putting up my son and husband?"

Soun started to shake. The Tendo daughters huddled together in the corner, fearing for their safety. That woman was so nice before, then she ran that not so innocent panda through repeatedly.

"I'll take that as a no. I'll offer it to Miss Kuonji then. Good day," Nodoka walked out of the house with tears filling her eyes and her hands full of panda skin.


In another place, at another time, a young man filled out the start of his journal.

"Paradigm - a city without a past. It's also a city with its fair share of secrets.

"You see, 40 years ago, something happened here. We don't know what exactly happened because we can't remember. Yes, our memories were erased. For better or worse, our karmic slate was wiped clean.

"My name is Roger Smith and I'm a negotiator. I help out in situations like abitration in a labour dispute or contract negotiations for entertainers. I even help out in kidnappings.

"But there are somethings that even I can't do on my own. It's times like those that I call upon the Big O.

"What can I tell you about the Big O? Well, it's probably the biggest single source of property damage in the city. It's also the only thing that stands between (relative) order and chaos, when the military police just aren't enough.

"No doubt you are wondering what can't a military police force handle? Well, what do you do when a giant robot of unknown origin starts trying to break into the mint and your weapons just bounce off the outside? Well, that actually happened. Luckily, I was on hand to help them.

"I am aided and abetted by my lovely assistant, Ranko Saotome. Now, before you all accuse me of assorted perversions about living with a cute red-headed girl, there's something you should know about her.

"Yes, it's true that she's well built. In fact, I think she was hand-built. You see, Ranko is actually an android.

"Like most of Paradigm city's inhabitants, she's looking for clues to her past. But for some reason, she seems familiar.

"I can't put my finger on just what it is though. It could be the red hair, the pig tail, which is similar to mine. Maybe it's the surname, Saotome.

"What I do know is that I've spent enough time agonising over it. Maybe it will be revealed later. Memories have a tendancy to do that."


"Master Roger," an elderly (in comparison to Roger Smith and Ranko Saotome) gentleman called out.

"Yes Norman?"

"You have a visitor. It's major Dastun."

"I'll be right there."

To be continued....

Well, here is the first fleshed out draft of "Showtime!".

But this won't be the typical Ranma as (whomever) fusion.

Who is Roger really?
What are the origins of Ranko?

I think some of you already have an idea about the answer to those questions. Me, I'm making this up as I go along. A bit like life really.

Do you:

Like it?

Hate it?

Think I should step away from the keyboard with my hands in clear view?

Want to shower me with riches and offer me free reign of a house of ill-repute?

Give me your opinions via your usual method.

Email is: (lordraa) (digitalpimp) ( I doubt that you will have any trouble figuring out the missing link.