Black Lagoon Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction / Gunsmith Cats Fan Fiction ❯ Night Angels ❯ Old Aquaintances, Pt. 3 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Night Angels – “Old Acquaintances”, Part 3
Hellsing/Gunsmith Cats fanfiction
By Elwin “” Coldiron –,, and

“Hellsin g” and characters are created by Kohta Hirano, and is the property of Shounen Gahousha/Dark Horse Comics, Rondo Robe/Wild Geese/Satelight/Hellsing Production Committee, and Geneon Entertainment. “Gunsmith Cats” and characters are created by Kenichi Sonoda, and is the property of Kodansha/Dark Horse Comics, Vap/Tokyo Broadcasting, and ADV Films, as well as “Black Lagoon”, created by Rei Hiroe and is the property of Shogakukan, Madhouse Studios and Geneon Entertainment. I do not own neither series, nor the characters. I just write the fiction.


The full moon hung over the nighttime sky, like an old friend on a warm spring day. A gentle breeze wafted its way inside the darkened bedroom through the balcony window. Inside, an elegant Victorian-era canopy bed sat in the center of the room, walls of chiffon sheers covering the parameter of the bed, concealing the occupant inside.

Moria Hedgley lounged lazily upon the mattress, her nude body elegantly stretched over the sheets. Occasionally, she would glance towards the window, as if waiting for someone. Finding nothing occurring, Moria would continue to relax, sometimes fondling one of her breasts in anticipation of… something.

Soon, a shadow falls upon the sheers just as a slight gust nearly parts them. Almost eagerly, Moria rises from the bed and parts the curtains, seeing the cause of the disturbance. “You’ve come,” she says almost breathlessly.

“Hey, didn’t I say I would?” Irene “Rally” Vincent, also nude, replied gently. “Sorry it took me a while,” she was met by Moria, whom the vampire taken into her arms, “things got a little busy back there.”

“It doesn’t matter, my dear,” Moria replied huskily as she drew Rally closer, “as long as you are here – and in my arms, I can wait for an eternity if I have to.” The two then laid back down on the bed as Rally drew Moria into a deep kiss, while the human entertained herself by fondling Rally’s left breast, occasionally pinching the nipple. As they parted, their tongues continued to play with each other, saliva dripping between them.

Rally then continued to plant light kissed upon the human girl’s body, starting from the neck and proceeding down slowly. Briefly, she hesitated as she took the right breast and started sucking it, her right hand gently kneading the left. Ever so briefly, the vampire would gently nip at the nipple, lightly grazing it, which drew a surprised gasp from Moria. “Not… too hard, love,” she managed to say, her breathing growing more labored.

“Oh I’m just beginning, my dear Moria,” Rally purred, resuming her kisses upon her lover’s body, deliberately finding every erogenous zone with them… until she reached Moria’s crotch, taking in the building musk. Rally then paused, catching sight of Moria’s eyes, already feverish with lust. A smile graced the girl’s lips before she closed her eyes. Satisfied, the dusky vampire began to lap away at the generously-juicing slit.

“OH GOD… YES, RALLY… YES!!!” Moria cried out, the electric sensations of Rally’s tongue sending her to new heights of passion. With every lick, she felt like she was going to explode, the moans seemingly emanating on their own. Then all of a sudden, Rally had stopped, causing Moria to panic. “Wait… don’t stop, I was getting close!” she pleaded.

Rally simply chuckled as she changed positions, strattling Moria’s crotch with hers. “I know, I know. Don’t worry about, I’m not finished… but let’s take this to another level!” She then started grinding down rapidly, taking Moria’s right leg for added leverage. “Oh yeah!!” the vampire gasped, “Now… this is… more like it!!!”

Both women were now moaning in unison, the pitch and the tempo of them growing exponentially as Rally’s gyrations increased. “RALLY… I’M… I’M GOING TO COME!!!” Moria cried, starting to tense up.

“ME TOO!!! LET’S… COME TOGETHER!!!” Rally added, her hips frantically grinding her clitoris against Moria’s. Then both women tensed briefly before crying out, their crotches fountaining out as they orgasmed.

After five seconds, Rally finally collapsed, nearly spent. “Man,” she gasped, clinging to Moria’s sweaty body, “that was intense! I… I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand up after that!”

Then Rally felt Moria’s hand gently turn her face. The human’s eyes had an almost dreamy look to them. “Then refresh yourself,” she whispered. “Drink all my blood; make me your willing servant for all eternity!” Moria then closed her eyes and slowly craned her head back, offering her neck to Rally.

Taking the hint, all the vampire did was to smile as she slowly bent down and gently sank her fangs into her lover’s neck, taking in the crimson essence that issued forth from within Moria’s body. The human girl, in the meantime, continued to embrace Rally as the blood was drawn from her body – until Moria’s hands fell lifelessly to the side.


Moria awoke with a start, eyes wide. “Wha-what the…?” she gasped, frantically feeling around her neck for any sign of injury. “Not that dream again?” She was in her bed at the Hellsing mansion, her new home since her flat was wrecked during the Angela affair. She had also noticed that, for the fifth night in a row, her bedclothes had been cast aside, her body almost nude – and her right hand was sticky and wet. ‘I… I masturbated in my sleep again,’ the girl thought to herself, examining the secretions on her hand. ‘How strange.’

She had looked upon the alarm clock on the nightstand – 4:30 AM, and dawn was not too far off. “Well, as long as I’m up anyway, I might as well get ready for the day.” Getting up, she stripped-off whatever bedclothes remained on her and made for the shower.

After she showered and dried-off, she put on a nice bra and panties and settled down in front of the vanity to begin preparing for the day. But the dream she had still rankled Moria’s mind. ‘I remember over two months ago, I cursed Rally, wishing her dead for being a vampire. At least now we’re on close speaking terms – but these dreams I’ve been having…’ She looked at herself in the mirror of her vanity as she brushed her hair, again thinking, ‘It’s not like I don’t want to make love to Rally – I really do! Even Grandfather Peter fretted that one day I might have the misfortune to find a girl that was a bit abusive. But Rally’s not like that! She’s kind, sensitive, and very brave.’ She then sighed sadly and added, ‘But Rally belongs to Seras. I could never be a true match for her, even if I tried. I guess I’m just destined to watch from a distance.’

As she continued to brush her hair, however, Moria couldn’t get out of her mind a disturbing fact about the dreams that had plagued her for five nights. ‘But at the end of that dream – I always end up offering my blood to her – almost eagerly in fact! Could I… have some secret desire to become a vampire myself?’ She shuttered at the very thought.

A knocking on the door brought her back to reality. Quickly finding a robe, Moria put it on and tied it as she made her way to the door to open it. “Coming!” she called out, turning the knob and opening it a crack. “Oh Sir Integra,” she said, recognizing the form of Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing in front of her, “you’re up.”

“Yes… and so are you. Are you alright?” the Hellsing leader asked.

“Oh nothing. I’m an early riser, that’s all,” Moria chuckled. “But seeing you up this early is certainly a surprise.”

“Business had me up this early,” Sir Integra replied, “and it is business that has brought be here. Miss Hedgley, is your passport still current?”

“Uh… it is, but…”

“Good. Miss Hedgley, I want you to pack clothing specifically for a tropical region,” said Sir Integra. “You will be accompanying Rally Vincent and Seras Victoria on their mission.”

“WHAAAT!?!” Moria was almost floored by that revelation. “I… going with them? But… where?”

“Thailand, if the trace Rally placed on that call is accurate enough,” Sir Integra continued tursly. “I know this is coming on short notice, but I need someone I can trust that can see to the vampires’ needs while down there.” She handed Moria several papers, “I have gone over your records and I noticed that you are fluent in several of the languages spoken there, as well as fifteen others.”

“Well… yes I am,” the maid answered, still in a bit of a shock, “Grandfather did insist I have a well-rounded education, but… what do we know of that area?”

“Walter will brief you on that as soon as you are ready,” Sir Integra answered. “I need to get some things done here, but I will accompany the three of you shortly afterwards. Make sure your things are packed and ready within the hour!”

“Y-yes, I’ll do just that,” sputtered Moria, and then quickly closed the door. Returning her maid’s uniform to the closet, she quickly selected a casual business suit and comfortable shoes, dressed herself, got out several suitcases, and packed for a warm climate. ‘This is so sudden,’ she thought to herself, ‘but it’s an assignment, after all. I’d best pack a couple guns and ammunition, just in case.’


Less than an hour later, Moria had her cases placed in front of the motor pool, and the girl was standing near the building. Also standing near her was Walter C. Dolnez, holding a laptop computer in front of him. “… And I must further warn you that the city of Roanapur, while a very beautiful city on the outside, is rife with all sorts of debauchery, so you best be on your guard.”

“Yes, Grandfather insisted that I take martial arts courses along with my education,” Moria agreed, “so I think I can antiquely defend myself.”

“Remarkable. It is any wonder you found time for anything else besides your studies, the way Commander Fargason had you going,” the old butler remarked.

“What can I say, Mr. Dolnez? I was always a quick study.” Moria then scanned around the grounds. “Is there any way I can get to talk to Rally? I need to ask her about something.”

“I am sorry, but I am afraid that is not possible,” Walter said. “Miss Vincent is already in her coffin and ready to go.” He pointed to several of the Wild Geese sealing a coffin within a crate. “However, if you wish to talk to Miss Victoria, she is currently undergoing last-minute discussions with Sir Integra.” He pointed to a doorway, “They are over there, if you like to see them.”

“Yes, I’ll do just that. Thank you.” Moria then made her way to the cracked doorway. However, before she could knock on it, she happen to see Seras Victoria and Sir Integra talking to each other. It seemed normal enough – until Moria happen to see Sir Integra draw the Draculina into a rather passionate hug – followed by a deep kiss. ‘What in the world…’ she thought to herself, startled by this scene. Ever so slowly, she crept away from the door. ‘I’ll ask her later, when we arrive in Thailand,” she thought.


It was a good thing that the Yellow Flag Bar was closed, otherwise Revy would have shot up the bar, angry as she was. So for most of the day, she and Rock had wandered the city, either browsing around the shops of just simply taking in the azure sky. Now it was late in the day, and the two had gotten orders at an outdoor ramen stand.

Revy was still in a foul mood, but luckily her anger had waned to the point where she was still fuming. “If you ask me, Rock,” she snarled, picking at her soup with a chopstick, “it was lucky that stuck-up bitch was still in London, otherwise I would’ve blown her head off.”

“If you say so, Revy,” the former salaryman said, slurping up a few noodles, causing Revy to cringe. “Still, if you hadn’t cut-in the way you did, we might have gotten somewhere.”

“Oh you heard her,” the girl griped, “she wasn’t going to pay us, no matter what you did!” She then sighed and added, “However, that’s a problem for later. But I am a little curious about the person that answered the phone, though.”

“Oh?” Rock implored, noodles in his mouth.

Revy nodded, adding, “Yeah, that girl identified her as Rally Vincent. I’m wondering if it was the one I heard about.”

“What for?”

It was then that Revy had pulled-out from one of her holsters a rather worn magazine clipping. Unfolding it, she showed a picture of an automatic pistol. “Do you have any idea what this is, Rock?” she asked.

Rock looked up at the photo. “It’s a gun… so?”


“OW!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?!” Rock yelped, smarting from the smack on the side of his head Revy gave him.

“That was for being a fucking idiot!” the girl snapped. “I mean, look at this gun and tell me what it is!”

Rock still rubbed the sore spot on his head. “How should I know? It’s not like I own something like that! I mean after all, Japan’s practically gun controlled and only some firearms otaku would know something like that!”

Revy just stared at Rock hard, then sat back into her chair and chuckled. “Oh, I guess they didn’t teach firearms safety back where you lived. Okay Rock, time for Auntie Revy to give you a brief lesson.” She then held the photo, adding, “This is the CZ-75 First Edition, made in 1975 in Czechoslovakia. Possibly the best fucking firearm ever build.”

“That true?” Rock asked, taking a new look at the photo.

“Yup,” Revy added. “This baby, although it only holds about nine rounds in a clip, is one durable gun. Metal’s so hard you can use a stronger powder charge and it STILL won’t break it.” She bent closer to Rock and further added, “I know of gun collectors who would literally cream in their pants whenever they catch sight of this piece… and are willing to sell their right ball to pay top dollar just to get their hands on it.”

“If it’s that good,” Rock said, scratching his head, “then why don’t they just go down to the factory and get one.”

Revy just snorted, “Because since ’75, the quality of these guns wend downhill! Granted, some of the later guns are good, but the rest are nothing but pieces of shit! That’s why this particular model is the one they want in their gun cases.”

She then handed Rock the picture of the CZ-75 for him to study. “I… guess that would explain it,” he said, but then asked, “But… what does this have to do with this… Rally… whatever she is?”

“Rally Vincent… at least the Rally Vincent I’ve heard of,” Revy began, “is a shit-hot bounty hunter from Chicago, Illinois. She possibly one of the best in the business. I’ve met men on the Lower East Side – the type that would kill you just for looking at them the wrong way – literally piss in their pants whenever they catch word that she’s in town!”

“Really?” Rock gasped.

“Really,” Revy nodded. “She’s like a god-damned pit bull whenever she’s going after some bail jumper who thinks they got the balls to skip trial. She even got the nickname ‘The Thumb-snatcher’, because she likes to shoot-off the thumbs of those who are fucking stupid to aim their guns at them – and she shoots the CZ-75 First Edition.”

“And… you think she’ll sell you this gun?”

“Oh give me a break, Rock!” Revy shot back. “When someone has this gun, do you think they’ll be so fucking stupid to sell it? No way! The only way someone like me can get ahold of the CZ-75 First Edition is to either steal it… or kill the owner.”

“You’d do that?” Rock gasped, horrified.

“In a second,” Revy whispered in a low, threatening voice, “and I don’t ever want to hear any of your fucking sanctimonious speeches to the contrary. Got it?”

Rock nodded. Granted he didn’t like what he heard, but he knew it would be suicide to convince Revy otherwise. “So… if this… Rally was smart, she would stay away from you, I guess.”

Revy just grunted, then cast aside her bowl after polishing-off the contents. “C’mon, let’s get back home. Dutch would probably want to know if he’s going to have to own Bao more money.” Rock didn’t argue.


“I’m sorry I couldn’t get much more than what you already got, Dutch,” Balalaika said, seated at her desk. Off to the side, Boris was pouring tea from a samovar for his boss.

“That’s okay, Balalaika,” Dutch said on the other end, “although what you did give me is reason for concern. This… Integra Hellsing is some woman, I must admit.”

“Agreed. Well, I’ll just leave you to use the information as you see fit.”

“Okay. Catch you later.” Dutch then hung up.

Boris then presented the cup of tea to his boss, but became concerned when he studied her face. The two had known each other for a long time, stemming from their service to the former Soviet Union during the Afghanistan campaign, and there was something about the odd look she had that worried him. “Is something wrong, Captain?” he asked.

The mob boss looked up. “Oh… it’s nothing Sergeant, just thinking.”

“That’s not the impression I get,” Boris countered.

Balalaika chuckled. “I appreciate it. Really, from what I’ve gathered, this Sir Hellsing may not seem that dangerous.” But then the look returned, “However, that name… I know I’ve heard of it but I cannot place where. Where have I heard that… name before?”


Natasha Radinov stood at the bow of the sampan as the boat made it’s way into Roanapur’s harbor. Glancing over the deteriorating Buddha statue that marked the entrance, the assassin-turned FREAK could only shake her head. “The same as always,” she sighed.

As soon as the boat made the dock, Radinov paid the owner, then stepped off onto it. In a short time, she walked over to a sight familiar to her – a small dockside shop. The owner, who was seated next to the entrance, stood up, recognizing the figure. “Natasha,” he began, “it’s good to see you again!” He hugged the woman, which was returned.

“Indeed it is, Hueng,” Radinov replied. “So how are things lately? Has our old friend Verrocchio been well?”

“Verrocchio?” Hueng muttered, looking uncomfortable.

Radinov looked alarmed. “Don’t tell me something has happened to him?” she asked.

“He’s dead,” Hueng said, nodding sadly. “Turned out the help he had up and killed him for no reason whatsoever.” He sat back down and added, “I knew hiring the Vampire Twins was a bad idea, but he wouldn’t listen to reason! He just got too greedy!”

“The Vampire Twins – here?”

“Oh don’t worry, they’re dead, too,” Hueng reassured. “That fry-faced Balalaika and her men saw to it.”

Radinov nodded. “That’s too bad. And they were so cute, too.” But privately, she thought bitterly, ‘I say good riddance to bad rubbish! I never really liked Hansel and Gretel… they were too psychotic.’ She then changed the subject, “Hueng, I need some reliable transportation to the mainland. My latest employer has given me a very generous stipend, so I would appreciate a nice car if you can find it.” She produced a bundle of $100 bills and discreetly placed it in the man’s hands.

Hueng quickly hid the bills and said, “For you, Natasha, I can find a whole fleet of cars for your use.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary, Old Friend,” Radinov said, “Just one car will do.”

“I’ll see what I can find,” Hueng said, going into his shop.


Moria yawned loudly as she got a pry bar out to open the cases that held the vampires’ coffins. She really didn’t like shooing away some of the Thai soldiers that helped place the crates in this concealed, but she didn’t like the idea of them panicking once the coffins were opened. This was an ancient land, which held many superstitions, and she wanted to preserve any help Sir Integra needed.

Just as soon as she was able to get the bar into a seam at the top of one of those crates, she was distracted, by a figure that had walked in. “Excuse me,” she said, “but I said I can do this alone.”

“That’s alright, Miss Hedgley,” the man said, picking up another pry bar. “I’m one of the three contacts Sir Integra enlisted to help you out over here.”

“Oh really?” Moria said, followed by another yawn.

“Anything wrong?” the man asked.

“Well… I stayed up all during the flight over here,” explained Moria. “I was hoping I could avoid jet lag, but I’m just so tired. Well anyway, why don’t we get these open, Mr…. uh, what’s your name?”

“Vincent – Deepak Vincent,” the man said. “I’m Irene’s father.”

“Irene – oh you mean Rally!” Moria gasped, but then a worried look came over her face, “But… do you know…”

Vincent chuckled, “Oh don’t worry, Irene told me what had happened regarding Goldie. So, which one of the crates is my daughter in, Miss?”

“Uh… that one,” Moria said, pointing to the crate closest to Vincent.

Quickly, the two worked, breaking down the planks surrounding the coffins. As soon as they were finished, Moria grabbed two units of blood from a nearby cooler, whereas she handed Vincent one of them. “We better get them up now.”

Vincent nodded, then gently tapped on the lid of Rally’s coffin. The lid opened, then Rally stood and stretched. As soon as her eyes adjusted to the gloom of the storeroom, she looked to the person standing next to her – and did a double-take. “Dad?” she gasped, surprised to see her father standing there.

“Nice to see you too, Irene,” Vincent said, smiling while handing his daughter the blood unit.

“Uh… likewise, I guess.” She then opened the hose and took a sip. Using a clamp to close-off the bag, Rally then asked, “What in the world are you doing here?”

“I just happened to be in the area when Sir Integra called,” Vincent explained. “She told me about that FREAK chip you were going to recover and asked if I can help out. And besides,” he playfully tussled Rally’s hair and added, “I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

“I’m doing okay… well, for a vampire at least,” Rally said.

“Excuse me, Rally,” Seras said, who was still in her coffin that Moria opened, “but who in the world are you talking to?”

“Oh… yeah,” Rally blundered. “Master, this is Deepak Vincent, my father. Dad,” she indicated to Seras,” this is Seras Victoria. She was the one who…” she paused uncomfortably.

“The one who saved my daughter,” Vincent said, walking up to Seras and shaking her hand. “You have my thanks, Miss Victoria, although the way you did it was a bit… unusual.”

“I’m… I’m sorry about that,” Seras said, bowing her head.

“Don’t worry yourself,” Vincent said. “Well, I suggest you ladies finish your meals, then we can get this mission started.” He then noticed Moira blushing as she looked at Rally, but said nothing about it.

“Got it, Dad,” Rally said, returning to her blood.


A few minutes later, the four exited the storeroom, Rally and Seras donning sunglasses as they did. “You’ve gotten stronger, that’s for certain, Irene,” Vincent said, noticing his daughter’s ease with the noontime sunlight.

“I’m no longer a fledgling, Dad,” Rally explained. “I’ve gotten a few more advantages since Master freed me. If I want, I can see my reflection in a mirror, can cast a shadow… even eat some solid food, provided I keep my blood intake up.”

“Other than that, there are still some issues she still has to deal with, Mr. Vincent,” Seras added. “But she’s adapting quite well, I must say.”

“Well, that’s nice to hear,” Vincent replied.

“Excuse me, Mr. Vincent, but you said you were… YAAAAAWWWWNNN… one of three contacts we have here,” Moria said.

“Yeah, what about the other two, Dad?” the dusky vampire asked.

Vincent hesitated, “Yes, about that… well, you’ll meet one of them when we get to your objective, Roanapur. As for the other…”

“HEY PUSSYCAT, NICE SEEING YOU AGAIN!!!” another voice – belonging to A.T.F. agent William Collins – bellowed from behind.

“ACK!!!” Rally’s eyes were wide as she slowly turned around. Sure enough, Collins was indeed behind her, again wearing his dingy tan trenchcoat, and again sporting his blonde ponytail and facial stubble. “Uh… h-hi, Bill. Nice seeing you, too,” she lied, cringing at seeing him again.

“Perfect,” Collins smirked, but cringed as well just as he caught sight of Seras glaring at him. “Boy, not her again?” he grumbled. “Anyway, I bet you’re wondering why I’m here, aren’t you Rally?”

“The thought had crossed my mind, Bill,” Rally muttered.

Suavely, Collins walked to Rally’s side and said, “All in good time. Right now, if your father doesn’t mind, I’d like to have a brief chat with you.”

Rally definitely DIDN’T want to be ANYWHERE near the swarmy agent, but was disappointed to see her father give his approval. “Okay, Bill, whatever you say,” she groaned, afterwhich she and Collins made their way to a private corner, then said, “Listen Bill, I’ve just gotten off a very long flight and I don’t have time for any of your crap!”

“I didn’t think you were, Rally,” Collins replied, turning serious – almost grim. “Before you start to rip my throat out, I think it’s only fair I tell you this. You see – how can I put this – a person like me usually has a lot of contacts while performing this line of work – like people down in Homeland Security – people like… Harold Lewis.”

“Lewis?” Rally repeated. Then she made the connection. “So… you know what happened to me… that I’m a vampire.”

Collins nodded sympathetically. “I’ve got to admit, Rally… I don’t envy your position right now. Granted, you are one ballsey lady, but even I didn’t think you’d have the guts to become Dracula’s daughter.”

“More like his granddaughter, actually,” Rally said to herself.

“What?” Collins absently said.

“Nevermind. Anyway Bill, why the hell are you here in the first place?”

Collins straightened up his trenchcoat and said, “For that, I think we better rejoin the others for that. Look Rally, this vampire thing you’ve got right now doesn’t seem to be easy, so I wanted you to know if you get into a jam while we’re here, you’ll have me behind your back.”

“Thanks, Bill,” Rally said as they rejoined the others.


“So you’re saying that the A.T.F. is working with the Filipino government on stopping weapons smuggling over here,” Rally said, seated in the back of a jeep headed for Roanapur. She, Seras and Moria were accompanying Collins, obviously to meet the third contact.

“Right,” Collins said, driving the jeep. “It seems that, there’s some operation over here exporting guns to the communist insurgents over in the Philippines. In fact, we were about to intercept a shipment when the smugglers got jumped by pirates.”

“No doubt the pirates responsible for stealing the FREAK chip,” Seras added. “Any idea how they got wind of the smugglers?”

“Not offhand, but we believe they were working with one of the mob syndicates working on the island,” Collins offered.

“Why in the world for?” Moria asked.

“I would believe,” the Draculina started, “that, is hostilities were to break out, it could prove to be an inconvenience to the syndicates’ drug smuggling routes.”

“Sounds plausible, Master,” Rally agreed.

“Yeah. Well anyway, when we get to the hotel, the third member of our party should bring you guys up to speed on whoever you will be facing,” Collins said.

“Just so long as you don’t get in our way,” Rally added. “Look Bill, I appreciate the help but this is the Hellsing Organization’s matter. You stick your nose in this and you… BILL, WATCH OUT!!!”

Frantically, Collins managed to swerve out-of-the-way of a speeding BMW, which was driving in the direction opposite of the jeep. As they slid into a shallow ditch, Rally just happened to catch sight of the drive – and felt her insides clench as the Beemer raced off. “BILL, DID YOU GET A LOOK AT THE DRIVER?”

Collins did – and even HE couldn’t believe it! “THAT… THAT CAN’T BE POSSIBLE!?! THAT CAN’T BE NATASHA RADINOV!?!? SHE’S DEAD!!!”

“Rally, are you alright?” Seras asked, looking concerned.

“Yes,” Moria added. “You look like you’ve just saw a ghost.”

Rally simply settled back into her seat. “Maybe I just did. I’ll explain when we get to the hotel.”


Radinov, on the other hand, seem pleasantly pleased with the situation. “Hmm… so Rally Vincent is here, also,” she said to herself. “In that case, I may have to ask my old friend if she has… the appropriate tools for handling her.”


It didn’t take long for the others to get the jeep out of the ditch. Soon, they resumed their drive towards Roanapur.

As they crossed the bridge into town, however, the four couldn’t help but feel ill at ease at what they saw. On the trusses entering town, they saw three ropes hanging from the girders. Two of them were tied into nooses. “Charming greeting,” Seras remarked sarcastically.

“Yeah,” Collins added. “Rally, I hope you girls know what you’re getting into coming here.”

“Me too,” the dusky vampire nodded.