Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chronicles of the Moon ❯ Trouble Foreseen ( Chapter 27 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.
A/n: VERY VERY DARK chapter. Maec sinks back and forth from sanity to madness. Ryukotsusei and Naraku face off as Masanori makes himself known to the hanyou. Hell breaks loose as one objective is met and it causes civil war. Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think.
Trouble Foreseen
She was trying to ignore the obvious but it could not be ignored. Asuna was sluggish and she felt heavy as she made herself get up. She went to a looking glass and she looked at herself. She looked tired and too thin. It was crazy because she was starving half the time. The inu princess sighed and Hideaki was in Panyu and he had trusted Tsukiko with her and of course his family. Lei stirred from her futon and he blinked as she perused her form.
“You are very with child but I feel such conflicting auras.” He murmured.
“Should not.” She said confused.
“May I ask which of your yummy mates you have been partaking of now?” Lei asked standing.
“Naraku and Onigumo who is actually his ningen part. Maybe that is what you feel! I have hanyou?” Asuna asked surprised.
“That would explain it but it is not a normal halfling. Odd.” He said frowning.
Asuna looked at the glass and she could only feel one aura. She frowned and she went about getting dressed. Amedeo and herself were not speaking very much and Justinus felt the tension. Asuna was also staying away from her own twins; she did not want Drostan's spies to even remotely think they were hers. She was dressed in a royal blue hanfu with black accents and Lei looked at his wife as his mouth watered. The inner dress was simply a long silk tunic but it was cinched and given a waist by a halter style lace and silk inner half jacket. Everything was fairly sheer and he stared at her chest. Her outer haori was long and the long bell sleeves were edged in the finest black lace. The halter portion of the bodice was also lace and high neck but it plunged in the front. Yes, Lei was staring like a lecherous idiot and she smiled a little.
“I brought it back with me from the future era. It looks old style but I was pleased by the design.” Asuna grinned.
“I think it quite stunning. I am wondering if you should wear it out.” Lei said looking at her eyes.
“Come.” She said taking his arm.
Lei gulped and they walked into the main hall. The few corporeal and the children needed regular food. Asuna sat down and began to eat with her chop sticks and small ladle spoon for broth. Her stomach rolled and she scrambled to the side of the room and began to throw up. Yhea reached her first and she was getting wretchedly sick.
“Call on Nobu or Nanami.” He yelled at Lei.
Lei nodded and Yhea picked her up. Her pups looked concerned and she was laid down on her futon.
“Asuna?” He asked softly.
“I want to go to the forest. I feel sick again.” She said as he phased her outside.
She began to vomit more and she was dry heaving as he rubbed her back.
“Do you think taking in his putrid blood did something to you?” He asked.
“Perhaps. I took in a lot I think.” She said wiping her mouth.
Asuna was feeling weak and she was also feeling such despondency and she began to wonder if it was her. She narrowed her eyes and she thought back to what happened between her and the ookami kumo. She truly did not know much of their species. She knew they were capable of great deceit or loyalty. They were excessively intelligent beings as they had orchestrated the fall of the Tsuchigumo kingdom. Asuna wondered if there was more to the story and the emotional tide might have done more to two deeply telepathic minds.
“I need to find someone.” She said making herself get up.
Yhea frowned and she decided to stalk him. She made her body move and she closed her eyes. The heaviness was hers but she felt certain it was his as well. If he was houshi the poor man would be flogging himself. She went to his past burrows and she was going on by his very subtle scent. She made her way past Illina's monument; normally lower levels would not be afforded such a thing but she had been an exception and something special; even in her mind. Asuna bowed and said a prayer for her soul and she moved on. She was careful to look for signs of kumo both low level and taiyoukai. She had to search for more then four days before she happened upon an ookami kumo. It was a low level and hurt badly. She looked around and it made threatening noises.
“I will not hurt you.” She stated aloud and then in funnel.
Funnel was the universal language amongst the island kumo. It was easily understood and the male stopped. Its eyes followed her movements and she climbed his web with ease.
“A bear or boar got you perhaps?” She inquired.
The male indicated yes and she looked at the gouge marks. They looked to be tusk inflicted and she calmly ran her hand over his leg.
“I have a toxin that I can use to seal this. May I use it?” She asked in kumo.
He rubbed his legs together and he was frightened. It seemed he did not trust taiyoukai and she sighed. She stood up and neared him and surprisingly he did not move. He seemed confused and dazed as she neared him. She waved her hand in front of his face and he suddenly grabbed her. She yelped and he was not hurting her and he settled her next to his body.
“What are you doing?” Asuna growled out in annoyance.
He did not answer and only settled in his web. She yelled but he ignored her. She was ranting and raving when Masanori did show up. He was shocked to see the male holding onto her tightly.
“Ken? Why are you holding an inu? We do not eat taiyoukai!” Masanori admonished the young male.
Masanori listened carefully and he looked at the male and he was not giving up the pretty inu.
“Ken, she is my friend. Please let her go.” He said crossing his arms.
“He refuses to listen! I was only trying to assess his wound. He grabbed me when I got close.” She exclaimed.
“He says you smell good. He wants to smell you often so he has decided to keep you.” The taiyoukai said smirking.
“He cannot keep me Masanori. I have things to do.” She growled.
“He does not care. He is a very young male and only recently came of age. I think what he is smelling is your state. You are pregnant right?” He asked tapping his foot.
“The babe I carry is part kumo hai. I think.” She said cocking her head.
“Oh Asuna that is bad.” He said climbing up.
He was acting normal and as if nothing had occurred between them and she stared at him as he began to work on the wound. The young male made noises of what she assumed were relief.
“I would not have hurt him.” Asuna snorted.
“He knows. He wanted to smell you.” He said without looking at her.
“Jack ass.” She growled out again.
“He again does not care. Says you smell like perfect.” Masanori shrugged.
She saw him working steadily and after awhile the young male relaxed his hold. It seemed he was sleeping and she looked at Masanori.
“I stunned him with my venom. He really wanted you. I think he may have tried to um do things.” He said smiling as he walked past.
“We need to speak.” She said softly.
“Not really. If you came to check if I am okay then I am. You were right of course. Love is not an option for me. I thank you for seeing it. You were being more astute then I was.” He said moving away.
“I feel you. I am feeling your emotions.” Asuna called.
“Forgive me. It will wear off. It normally does after some time passes. Ookami kumo are highly developed in telepathy. I think it is supposed to enhance pleasure but side effects, sorry.” Masanori shrugged.
“You hurt. You feel despondent.” She accused.
“It does not matter what I feel. You left. I am not a glutton and I do not stick around to have anyone trample my feelings. You only reminded me why love is worthless and sex is just sex. Thank you.” He said bowing.
“I wanted her.” She cried out.
“Just not me. You could not even tell me the truth. I had to drag it from you. I am okay Lady Asuna. Forget this nobody. I am no one and happy to be so.” Masanori stated walking on.
“What happened in that cavern? Tell me!” She demanded.
“I reacted. My beast actually surfaced and needed to be with the onna who was supposed to have our child. When I woke up as myself the said onna was long gone. I had never had such a moment. I had never had such emotion as I rutted but that is all it turned out to be; rutting or fucking. Take you pick.” He shrugged.
“How dare you!” Asuna growled at his back.
“How dare I? How dare you! You forced your way into my mind and my heart. I wish to remain civil and if we run across each other then so be it but I will no longer be used by you or for you. You are truly no different then any other kumo onna. You just wear the wrong species.” He said bowing.
“Masanori!” She said in a strangled tone.
“What? I am nothing to you or for you. I learned my lesson well inu. You were fun and quite the diversion. Have a nice life.” He said bowing again.
She choked at his words and she walked up to him. She shoved hard and he whirled on her. Masanori grabbed her jaw and he caught the same scent that Ken had. It was so freakishly subtle and he made a pained noise. He stumbled away from her and he looked at her as if she had burned him.
“What?” She demanded.
“He smells ookami kumo.” Masanori whispered.
“No, he does not.” She said confused.
“Hai he does! I do too. Onna you could not conceive so easily could you?” He demanded.
“I am half uppyr so hai, I conceive like a rabbit the mortals would say.” She growled.
Masanori closed the distance and he took in her scent and his eyes were bleeding red. He reached up and ripped open her bodice. She made an angry noise and he leaned down and scented her carefully. Masanori had to grab her shoulders and he was laving his tongue along her sternum. He was suppressing his raging desire to force her down so he could taste all over her chest.
“Is that what you want?” Asuna asked in a strange tone.
“Hai.” He groaned.
Masanori shut his eyes and began to kiss her breast bone and his lips made it to a breast. He suckled her with need and aggression as she whimpered for him. He pulled her down to the grass and he laid her back and he exposed her stomach. He hands shook a little and he pressed his ear to her belly. Masanori shut his eyes and by the Kamis he felt his child; he felt his son. His hands clutched the silk of her hanfu and he let out a little cry himself. He began to kiss her stomach and she was caught up in his tidal wave emotions. He kept thinking boy and the soft pressing of his lips drifted down her stomach to her nestle of curls.
“Masanori.” She said with a heaving chest.
“No words. I need no words.” He said as he gently spread her thighs.
He only slipped two fingers into her depths and he moved up her body so that he could watch her face. He also wanted to kiss her as he slowly worked his fingers back and forth. He stretched and moved them within her and she very soon was grunting. Masanori kissed her gently as he continued to work her most private parts. Asuna was getting crazy and he was lazily pressing his lips to hers.
“Masanori! What did we do?” She asked groaning loudly.
“We mated Asuna.” He said softly as his fingers grazed her sweet spot.
“Mated?” She cried against the pleasure.
“Hai. I figured you did not mean it. Onna stop holding back.” He growled.
“You were going to walk away! I was grieving for our loss. I am sorry. I wanted her and I would have lived without you in my life to have had her.” She whimpered.
“You are cold! How can you even say that? How can you say you would shun me?” Masanori asked.
“Because you were not thrilled with the idea of being a father.” She growled.
“I am terrified but happy! You onna need to learn how to interpret my emotions.” He snapped.
The whole time they argued; she was working his hakama down and undoing his haori. He rasped as he joined with her and it was glorious. He had no voice nor will left to argue. His mind was immediately primitive and his beast was only concerned with now looking after and protecting his young. He hated his primitive nature.
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Asuna noticed she was much calmer. Masanori did not like how thin she was and he was trying to get her to eat. She had thrown the rice in his face. He had jumped on her and proceeded to pin her down and he only wanted to kiss her. Asuna fully realized that male kumo “nested” and it was such an odd thing for this species. Very few species in nature or in general were this paternal. Male kumo would make jokes of their instincts but when actually faced with a pregnant mate; their jokes stopped and they became territorial and quite vicious. Masanori felt like an idiot but his drive to shelter and just touch her was making him crazy. Asuna had sent a letter to the in between and said she sought out a medicine man and she had not lied. She also had not elaborated. So now Masanori was staring down at her and he was so much more then fond of her. She watched his face as he moved their clothes and he thrust in her.
“Masanori.” She gasped.
“Hai.” He moaned.
“Ai!” Asuna cried.
“Ai.” Masanori whispered back and he continued short and sharp thrusts.
The onna who had teased and flirted with him was now under him as he made passionate love to her. She carried his son and was becoming more and more entrenched in her. The thought frightened him that he was going to expose himself. The only one he knew to expose himself was the hanyou. His son shared her womb with his son. He decided he was going to deliver her to the in between himself. He knew her and she would get pissed but she was going to have an ookami kumo shadow.
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Masanori took a deep breath and he felt an ominous aura in his old burrow. He stepped in and he looked around. The hanyou was here but he had not appeared. Asuna was sleeping and she was not eating at all. This was not normal behavior for her at all and he cleared his threat.
“Hello?” Masanori called.
“I wondered if you would show.” Naraku said stepping from the inky blackness.
“I am Imai Masanori. I need to come forth and be a man. Your mate is my dearest friend but we have had physical relations. You should know that she carries a hanyou and it has your aura sort of. I know not your history nor is it my business but she says it is your child. She does not lie to me so I believe her.” He shrugged.
“She does not lie to you? You are fortunate ookami kumo. She lies to others when it suits her. She is not an evil onna but a bossy, bullheaded, and arrogant tart. Makes me love her more.” He smirked.
Masanori actually smiled and Naraku was circling him.
“You will be of use to me. I have no quarrel with your relationship. Perhaps I need delve very deeply in her mind. Perhaps we already know one another?” The hanyou offered.
“We do.” He nodded feeling himself flush.
“I see. How very curious of me. I find myself enjoying certain memories more then others. Those memories make me anxious to experience it.” He said watching him.
Masanori could actually feel the power of this being and it absolutely terrified him. He also could feel the goodness of a small part. This being could so easily be evil but he was also loyal to what he deemed as his. Asuna was his creature he realized. To stay in good graces one must pass through him. Masanori was glad he had manned up.
“Intelligence impresses me and I have been learning all I can about empusae. Thankfully she seeks others because she would and could actually kill even me.” He said watching him.
“Kill?” He asked surprised.
“Oh hai. She can drain a mortal or youkai to death with her fangs and her yoki absorbs other yoki. Why do you think she is so powerful? She keeps feeding the need but really does not unleash it. Succubus have many many young but their survival is normally low. Other succubus and incubus as the males are killed will kill each other off in search of that fix.” He explained.
“Oh Kami.” Masanori said with a horrified expression.
“They are so dangerous that other manner of uppyr would kill them off as well. The fact they can suck the life right out of someone without actually feeding from their blood. They can even channel it too. The mortals legends of them have the ningen terrified of these creatures. Every culture in the world has a name for them. There were wars within their clans backs many thousands of years ago. Rivers were said to have run red and the British Isles became an epicenter for both these Shouten and empusae. They worship the same Gods.” Naraku explained.
“How many individuals are left?” he asked stunned.
“Maybe a hundred? Not many at all. The blood of an uppyr takes over any blood. That is why they can change other beings into them. Their whole base structure changes. It is the oddest thing in nature. This is the reason they are feared so among the youkai and mortals.” He said staring at him.
“I cannot imagine.” He said stunned.
“You have seen one of my children? Her name is Hibari and she is a perfect blending of my power and her mother's yoki. She also has more then one mate as her mother does. Instead of killing endless men; these onna take several mates to feed themselves.” Naraku stated as he paced.
“It seems to work. Asuna used to be Lady Ayana.” He pointed out.
“She has had the soul of a blood drinker for all time. Legends of the warrior queen have her act like herself now. Only difference was that she did not drink blood.” The hanyou murmured.
“So what would you have of me?” Masanori asked.
“Give our inu what she needs even in spite of herself. You need to get comfortable with much kumo. She is worldly and you are naïve.” He chuckled as he walked back into the shadows.
“What are you saying?” He yelled.
“Get used to the ruckus of a large and crazy family. Your son and mine will be born into it.” He heard and Naraku disappeared.
Masanori stared and the implications of Naraku's words hit him like a ton of bricks. He told him move near her. He told her to become apart of her family.
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Maec was tossing and turning and memories surfaced in his brain that he had shut away. Isha was making him loose his fucking mind faster. He had flown into irrational rages and he was falling apart. His court was watching their king become crazier. He shifted in his bed and he felt a hand on his cock. He jerked his eyes open and he could swear it was Nia. He yelped and the ghostly image laughed and laughed. Maec sat up and tried to belt her across the face. Sanra was scared of him and his power but he was also terrified of what her fucked up mind would come up with. Sanra tr'Awnhi had a nasty temper that normally manifested in twisted plots. Maec had taken much of the credit for the wiping out the Koval clan. He had been fond of Yung. It had not been about love but admiration when he had taken him under his wing. Maec was naturally possessive and Yung he had considered his. It had been mutually pleasant at first and he had wanted to shut out the pain of Nia's betrayal. Maec had decided to indulge fascination and had an odd hair up is ass occasionally. Truly he preferred women but when he was deep in depression; it was easier to go against norms. He snarled as he began to strangle her and she laughed more. His sister got off by the violence and he threw her from him.
“You sick bitch! Get out of my bed.” He screamed.
“I do not want to.” She pouted.
“You think I want you after you show me her face? You are a whore!” Maec snarled.
“Love it!” Sanra purred.
Both Shouten heard snarling and they saw green eyes. Maec was uncertain of who it was and he made ready to attack. Sanra was slammed straight through the wall of the bedroom and when Asuna stalked forward she saw no Sanra. She jerked her head towards Maec and he stared at her in awe. She came at him and slammed him against his head board of his lush bead. She sank her fangs into his jugular and his eyes slid shut slowly as she drank from him as if starved. She was coaxing forth a massive and powerful response. His hands buried in her silver hair and he was groaning out as she began to lick at the puncture wounds.
“Yes! Yes, please Isha. Gods fucking spill me.” He growled out wildly.
His blood spilled down his chest and she began to lave it up and he was loosing his mind to a completely awesome source. She yanked hard on his nipple piercing and he screamed out. Asuna proceeded to coax his lips to hers and he hungrily sucked at her tongue and he groaned out loudly. She finally released his mouth and she looked around. She threw open a drawer near his bed with a wave of her hand and his eyes drifted to the contents. She dove for and trapped him under her in a second. Asuna was in a bestial state and so hungry. Her mind was clear and she wanted him. She craved him and she gave herself permission since he had healed her and made her immune to the kemuri. She slipped the sterling silver cock ring on him and he groaned and hissed.
“Isha!” He hissed softly as she put the thing on him.
“Mine.” She growled loudly.
“Pardon me? Have you lost your mind?” Maec asked and she then licked his rock hard and painful erection.
She began to lave her tongue on him and he bowed in her grasp and she used the tip of her tongue to dig a little in his slit. Maec was breathless and she was in a nasty mood and he was very much aroused by it. Asuna worked his barbell gold rings in his cock and she was so utterly wicked.
“Isha! Oh fuck. Oh Gods yes. Why do you torture me?” He demanded.
“Say my name in this life Maec. I am Isha hai but who am I?” She whispered as she took the barbell in her teeth that was in his skin underneath his head.
“Asuna! I know your name woman! You are Tomoshibi in soul and I see it.” He groaned beautifully.
“So hungry Maec. I cannot hold down corporeal food.” Asuna whispered as she nipped as his glans.
“Just fuck me! Let me feel you and I will check you.” He reasoned.
She nodded no and she attacked his cock in earnest. When she took him down her throat he wished to the Gods that he would just let go. It seemed ironic to him at the moment because this nifty toy had been Yung's invention.
“Bastard!” He muttered.
Asuna looked up and a lewd smirk crossed her features. She was getting images from his mind and they were hot. They made her ache and she was in a nasty mood alright. Asuna pried his thighs apart and she began to use her tongue again. He arched as she probed him deeply with her wicked organ.
“Isha! Oh Gods woman what is going on in your head?” He begged.
“You allowed him to?” Asuna growled softly at his memory.
“Yes! I told you I am a nasty, kinky son of a bitch, okay?” He said in desperation.
She lay against him and she slipped two fingers past his tight entrance. His eyes rolled back and Nia had not even been this bold. He had always been the bold one and introduced her to pleasures. Of course Maec mentally reasoned that he had introduced Asuna to some himself. His cock was weeping and she shifted her belly against him.
“You have called me evil!” Maec gasped.
She did not want his words and she began curling her fingers. Maec stopped breathing deeply and it was making him wild. He was going blissfully crazy as she made his prostate vibrate it seemed. She felt the pre-release leak from his cock more heavily and his need was making her mouth water.
“Isha! Isha please. Oh Gods let me come. Isha! I swear to everything I will pay you back. I will make you so crazed!” He whimpered.
“You are so beautiful. You are so gorgeous. Will it then.” She said moving her body.
“You bitch! Oh Isha. You have brought me low. Let me!” He screamed.
She massaged him with more pressure and increased how fast she curled her fingers. Maec was gasping in and his eyes had bled white as she was getting him to euphoria. He was shifting and trying to thrust his hips helplessly.
“Damn Yung! Sadistic freak. Bastard!” He snarled as he bit his own lips.
Asuna wanted to chuckle and it seemed her Koval prince had his own secrets. Perhaps this had been his own version of payback when things had gone sour. She was piecing together the story together in bits and pieces and Maec was groaning non stop. She slowly pulled her fingers back and he was ready to tear her up. Maec was ready to throw her on the floor and take her harder then she had ever been. Kisses began to be deposited on his over sensitized length. She willed something else into her hands and she proceeded to tie up wrists. Maec could not even see her at this point and he was snarling. He slammed his lush head of brown-black hair against his bed as she proceeded to cover his mouth with something. She was so wet and so damn aroused. He snarled as he began to lash his tongue deeply into her folds. Luscious arousal wept from her and he was utterly crazed. He only wanted this at this moment. She took herself from his talented mouth and he groaned in frustration. Maec felt searing heat touch his lips and he wrapped his mouth around her wrist. A second later she sheathed him within her perfection. He slowly sucked on the wound he had made and she moving on him slowly. Asuna watched him feed from her wrist and he moaned softly as his tongue lapped at the wound. It was ungodly sexy and incredible the way he reacted. Her mind could only latch onto the idea that she wanted him. She wanted him sane fully and not damaged severely. Her walls were already quivering around him as she rode her formerly bitter enemy but still technically her enemy. He grabbed her arm and he was snarled louder and louder as she rotated on him. Maec truly thought he was drowning and he began to kiss her palm and wrist as Asuna took him to dizzying heights.
“Ask again.” She gasped out.
“Give me release. Please Asuna. My beautiful Isha. Give me my end. I beg you. Woman I beg you.” He groaned out in a pained whisper.
She was staving off her own end and his blood had made her feel better. Asuna leaned back and released the sterling silver and Maec arched up into her. His cry was so beautiful and she too screamed out. Her claws dragged down his chest as she spasmed. Maec would have lost his corporeal form if they had not been in Hueco Mundo. He was jerking against her and his eyes bled silver as the perfect bliss consumed him fully. She released his wrists and they fell to his side.
“You did not take my energies.” He whispered as his breathing very slowly returned to normal.
“I fed from your blood.” Asuna murmured as she climbed off of him.
She licked the claw marks on his chest and he was sleepy but it was actually a good sleepy. She surprised him and she climbed next to him and laid her head on his chest.
“What are you doing?” He asked stunned.
“Shut up. I am tired.” She snapped as her eyes closed.
“Oh no no no! You do not get to come in here and dictate to me Isha.” Maec said in a profound lust.
“So tired Maec. I have not eaten in almost a week.” Asuna said barely audible.
He was in disbelief and after the incredible act of delicious torture. He sighed and pressed his hand to her belly. His eyes widened and a smile played on his lips.
“That is it my sweet. Hide yourself. Good girl. Let your brothers shield your aura.” He whispered.
Maec wrapped his arms around and he fell into blissful sleep with a woman he loved for the first time in many, many centuries.
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Maec woke up and he felt wonderful. He looked at Asuna and she was too pale. Her wrist had been sliced wide open and other poisons had been used to keep it open. Maec launched himself over her form and he sucked the poison out and swallowed it. He was immune to many, many poisons but Sanra had been vicious. She woke up and she had a small smile on her face.
“Stabbed her too.” She grinned.
“You should not come here anymore. I forbid you!” He said in a desperate tone.
“Not my king.” Asuna smiled weakly.
“Bull shit Isha. You are something akin to a wraith. Fuck! How did she get in here and I not feel it?” He demanded.
“I felt her and attacked.” She said sleepily.
“Asuna wake up!” He commanded.
“You act normal right now, why?” She asked opening her eyes and meeting his.
“Shut up. You are offending me.” Maec snapped as he picked her up.
“Why can you not stop her?” Asuna asked softly.
“All of my weaknesses need not be known my darling lover. You are still my enemy, remember?” He growled in exasperation.
“You were not my enemy last night. You were Takeo's father. You were my lover.” She said sitting up.
“Stop talking.” He said getting agitated.
“Please Maec. Fight for us. Fight for our daughter.” She murmured meeting his mouth.
“Isha stop this madness. In the middle of the night; it is a beautiful dream. I have done many things and you want me to be sorry for and I will not!” He said getting angry.
She calmly kissed his mouth and he tried to fight what she was doing. He leaned her back on his bed and he held her head in his hands and met her lips urgently. He could not get out of his head what she had done the previous night and he pressed himself against her. He was mumbling in Kazak as he possessed her. Maec knew that was exactly what he was doing; he was possessing her.
“Why did you come here?” He demanded.
She could see him getting suspicious and she fought back despair. She could actually see him sinking into some sort of madness and she did the only thing she could think of. Asuna wrapped her legs around his hips and he was forced to move inside of her. His face fell as the bliss consumed him.
“You crave the oneness. Take it.” She said softly threading fingers in his hair.
His mind was clouded and she felt so good. It was not just the sex; he felt whole within her presence and Maec fell to pieces. This man was tortured by his own evil deeds and those thrust upon him. The depravity became the norm and the sickness tried to kill him. He began to sob her into her juncture and he was reeling. He felt so weak and he was not weak. This woman made him wish for change and it made him nuttier. Maec shoved himself into her hard and she cried out for him. A small part of him wanted to punish her but this part was soothed by her closeness.
“I am taking you away.” He whispered as he shifted them.
Her legs now rested in his elbows and he was gasping.
“Isha! Look at me.” Maec demanded.
She looked at his face and she was trembling. Maec stopping moving and he held onto her neck and pressed his forehead to hers.
“I want you.” He whispered softly.
Asuna knew what he wanted and she was terrified. She nodded and the look on his face made her swoon. Terror filled her but she knew that Nia had felt fear of him in the end. She refused and she relaxed totally. He felt her surrender and he was trembling. Maec let himself become his ether form and he pulled her as well. It was so easy to do and he was shocked. He had seen this and forced it with her before but it had been unwilling. Maec was shattered and he realized his mistake after as she slept. She was not a normal Tomoshibi soul. He had no freaking clue what she was and he also knew she was trapped in the corporeal. That thought saddened him above everything. It also made him mad as hell. He also had no one else to blame but himself.
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Asuna was shocked to find herself nestled back in Japan near the dragon castle and she found a note in her hand. Maec had written in Japanese and told her to not bothering to return. He also told her for the sake of their daughter to take in blood of Shouten or uppyr. He said eventually she should be able to take in the natural slop of a corporeal. Asuna was enraged at his words but he was shutting her off. What had happened between them was setting him off and she had reached him. He forbid her from returning to Astana and he stated he would protect her as long as she carried his child but she was not to go after Sanra right now. He also stated that he refused to be weak and she made him weak and it was intolerable. He wrote vehemently that he would not let her destroy him. She used her Dakkasou to destroy the note in anger.
“Well I do not care what you say, I will save you from yourself bastard!” She growled under her breath.
Asuna looked around and she sighed as she trudged towards the dragon castle. She needed to talk to Ryukotsusei anyway about employing a barrier like the West. Her sire really was so much easier to deal with and so much more bent towards sensibility. She went inside the castle and she went searching for Ryu and Akemi. She found the dragon lord and he looked up to see her. His demeanor was cool towards her and she was confused.
“They are sleeping for now.” He said rising.
“You are angry for what reason?” Asuna demanded.
“You have absolved yourself from me. You bore these babes and you have resigned yourself to being their guardian.” Ryukotsusei accused.
“Drostan thinks they belong to Akemi! He loves her and he would not harm them as long as he thinks that. I heard his mind. If he even has an inkling they belong to me then he will target them with no problem. Right now it is safer to be their guardian as you put it then their mother! He does not even know about Aellae and he will not. Think what you will Ryu but I love my pups more then you will ever know. If it means that I play and act a part at the moment then so be it!” She growled.
“But you have absolved yourself from me!” He said getting in her face.
“Perhaps it is for the best. Naraku has forbidden me from being anything more then an ally and I love him.” She said under her breath.
His face filled with rage and his chest heaved.
“So he knows of my children and you let him dictate to you about your lovers?” He asked in a low voice.
“His will is important to me hai. Just as you have a say in Akemi's choices; he has a say in mine. If you will, he is my chief mate so to speak. Anyone else is below him.” She said lifting her chin.
“Sickening! For one he is the very being who stole the Shikon no Tama and nearly killed your Uncle Inuyasha and your own father!” He snarled in fury.
“You murdered me in a previous life and waged war against the Inu no Taisho for centuries. So who has more sins on his plate?” Asuna asked in retort.
“That was true war and he only wished for a powerful trinket.” Ryukotsusei said narrowing his eyes.
“Well he had reasons; you and I may not agree with them but we are not hanyou are we? His creation was unique and he only tried to make himself whole. Again, I do not agree and honestly he is way more powerful as a hanyou then as a full youkai. He cannot function fully as youkai and have all of his power so a hanyou he must stay. You may not agree but that is also not the point. I feel him always. I felt him even when he was secluded and his ningen part feels me as well.” She shrugged.
“Ningen part? You have seen his ningen half?” He asked in hatred.
“Hai numerous times. He fathered one of my pups. She is a hanyou named Emi.” She said lifting her chin and meeting his eyes.
“This is why I have not trusted inu. Backstabbing and arrogant creatures you all are. If this is the way you wish it Asuna then keep this arrangement permanent. Akemi loves my children as her own. I can admit I made a mistake; a terrible mistake.” The dragon lord said in supreme anger.
“Do not threaten me Ryukotsusei. Do not think to keep my son and daughter. Ask Naraku what I do what someone threatens my children.” Asuna said getting furious herself.
“I know how powerful you are onna. I also know you know I am as well. Sorami and Ryota are dragon dominant and in dragon lands they will stay. I will not back out on my treaties but you will not have my twins. Get out!” He hissed.
She lost her temper and she came at him. He grabbed her throat and he was furious. He felt betrayed and like a fool. He had given her his heart and a fucking hanyou dictated his life. She heard his thoughts and he hated Naraku with a passion. He hated the hanyou because he; Ryukotsusei, loved her more then his own chief mate. He loved Asuna with a deep passion and it was killing him. He felt like a fool for having shared something so deep and profound of himself with a devious inu whore. She choked and stumbled as she stared at his face.
“We agreed! You swore not to feel as such. You lied!” She said getting emotional.
“I told you I was falling and I did not know how to stop. You will not do this to me again. I will not allow it. I told you the time I marked that I was madly in love with you. I was honest and you flippantly disregarded my words. You allow a hanyou of all creatures to tell you what you shall do. Well he is not my master Princess Asuna. He may be yours but never mine.” He said yelling.
“You want something I cannot do! You want me to give up my ways for you!” She accused.
“I only wanted you not to shut me out but Naraku demanded it, so it must be. Such a yoke upon such a powerful onna. No wonder he no longer needs the Shikon; all he need do is tap you!” Ryukotsusei scoffed.
Asuna's mouth dropped open and she was horrified at his words. Ryukotsusei was in a jealous rage and he would have fought the hanyou if he could.
“Get out. See our children when you pass through but they are not leaving. Let us let the wyvern think what he will.” He said cruelly.
She ported out and she felt as though she had been sucker punched. She held onto the wall and she was blinking back tears. She had known things with him would end badly. She had known and she had still given into her desires. Asuna felt herself give into her grief and she wept.
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She wondered about Sounga and she had to focus on something and she began to wonder if Maec had really been the one to go back and possess Touga. She was not sure of anything anymore and she wondered exactly what his sins really were. She knew he was responsible for some of the issues within the Jings and she was sitting in the in between and she pondered. Valerian and Lei were sparring and her basilisk lover was quite talented with a blade and really so was Lei. He also preferred not fight; he would if he had to but Yhea plopped down beside her and she looked over at him.
“You are shielding from us.” He said flatly.
“Lots to think about it.” She stated.
“Yes but I hate to think you cannot trust us.” Yhea said resting his chin on his knees.
She looked at him and sighed.
“I hate what I am at times. I hate that I subjugate my loves and I hate that sometimes you all hate me.” Asuna admitted.
“Emotional creatures. It is bound to happen. Evolution did not do a smart thing making you empusae the way you are but who cares? I love you like crazy and you know what? I do not care. I am apart of something great and that is what matters to me. I have something of my own and I am apart of something grander. My son is awesome and my brother is okay sometimes. My sister is skittish little thing but I love the hell out of her too. My father is a great man and my uncle is incredible. My wife is beautiful, so what do I want?” He asked her.
“You make me feel normal.” She laughed.
“Thank you. Now what is on your mind?” Yhea asked.
“How to stop Sanra and figure out exactly where and when she has been.” Asuna stated bluntly.
“Maec is not innocent Asuna. He did you a service I grant you but my love; he has done things too. That was him who took my father. I swear that it was him.” He said in a defensive tone.
“Maec has much to answer for Yhea, of that I have no doubt but my love, I will condemn him for his sins and not Sanra's treachery. Sanra allowed and directed her own twin to sexually molest and abuse Lei for years! He may have had tendencies but I assure you that his tendencies are geared for the female. Wraiths are geared for the opposite sex in corporeal form and in the ether form; honestly they do not care. I get that now and tendencies may linger, okay, no big deal.” She shrugged.
Yhea smiled and she finally got much. He leaned forward and kissed her mouth several times when Lei stopped sparring and so did Valerian.
“Hey! Leave some for us too.” Lei snapped.
“Si.” Valerian growled softly.
“Possessive jack asses. I swear I am going to get you alone and make you scream wife. I do enjoy you alone too.” Yhea said kissing her and then he phased out.
She sighed and waved at the two men. They went back to sparring and they enjoyed the other's company much. Valerian was still very much into his other side but he always asked before he touched. She grinned at that idea and her sweet young basilisk got her very well. Hai, he fit in quite well.
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Asuna was watching Yung and Hajnal was beginning to walk. He was praising her and she was clapping too. He looked over at her and smiled widely.
“Hello my lovely bound mate. Your mind is buzzing but I hear nothing.” He said softly.
“Wondering at you and Maec. Did you ever like him?” Asuna asked.
Yung actually blushed and he looked up before answering.
“I was in awe of him when I was very young. I watched the whole Nia mess and I did feel bad for him at first. If you are wondering was I willing in the beginning then the answer is yes. He is charming as you know and he suffered. He loved Nia. I was only a distraction I know as we both had female lovers as well. He was teaching me the old ways. I think to pass the time and take his mind off his dark past. I did many things in his company I am certain I would have never done before.” Yung explained.
“Maec did not murder your family.” She said softly.
“Pardon me?” He asked shocked.
“No. He was furious with you but he had genuine care for you in his way. He considered you as close of a friend as he could have in his deluded mind. I am certain it was Sanra in conjunction with Raganos. His former heir is trying to force a civil war and what better way then have you rise up against your former lover and mentor?” She said in a very calm tone.
“Do not do this Asuna. Do not make me stop hating him!” He cried softly as he picked up Hajnal.
“I did not say he was not responsible for many atrocities Yung. I am only saying that this particular one I do not think he did. Your father still lives.” Asuna stated watching him.
“How do you know this?” Yung demanded.
“I saw some of his mind when he made me immune to the kemuri. I did not intend to but he was so emotional and not shielding well. He is certain Sanra ordered your mother and sisters put to death. Sanra has something she can do and he cannot defeat her per say.” She stated.
“She is the eldest born. The throne rightfully should have been hers but Maec is the oldest son. There is disgusting history that I do not even know but she is strong and I would have no doubt she has a way to destroy Maec. Why she has not I do not understand. I think it is because she fancies herself madly in love with him. She wants him despite his constant hateful attitude towards her but she gets off on that sort of thing.” He said beginning to cry.
“She would probably become bored with him if he actually cared about her. The fact he hates her and shuns her makes Sanra want him all the more. My Kamis that family is screwed up. To think Maec shielded the sons of Nia against it.” She said softly.
“Sanra got her nasty harpy claws into Thei and Sindari. Even though they were from his wives; he adored those girls but Sanra would constantly take them and show them things. I remember Maec flying into rages. He beat Sanra almost to death but she took it. Come to think; I think she liked it.” He shuddered.
“Oh my Kamis. Nasty onna.” Asuna stated disgusted.
“Maec lost interest in the girls when they showed a penchant for violence. He abandoned them except when he was in his madness. I know for a fact he never exposed his children to the magics except for Nveid. He must have had a latent talent for them.” He shrugged.
“So you are telling me he was not a bad father?” She asked softly.
“Actually when he was calm; he was rather loving. He could be quite tender but Asuna he is consumed with darkness. It is eating him alive. His madness grows and it will destroy not just him but all those around him.” Yung pointed out.
“Did he love his wives at all?” She asked.
“Love? No. Enjoy them? Oh yes. He enjoyed them often and they were well taken care of. Maec was amorous and would take them both sometimes in one night. They were lovely but they were just trophy wives.” He shrugged.
Asuna nodded and she was deep in thought. Yung too was deep in thought and he looked at her.
“If my father lives; I have to find him.” He whispered.
“I understand. Let us do that carefully, okay? Will you trust me? Please?” She asked him.
“Yes. You gave me hope after my tragedies and gave me my beautiful daughter. I love you very much and I love what I have. I will trust you.” Yung said kissing her mouth and then her cheek.
Hajnal squealed and she grinned at her copper headed daughter. She kissed her fat toddler cheek and she spent more time and finally went on about her business.
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Asuna decided not to listen to Maec and she was within Hueco Mundo. Maec was not in Astana but a small lodge and he was sitting alone.
“Why are you here?” He demanded snarling.
“You said do not come to Astana. This is not Astana.” Asuna said crossing her arms.
“Isha, do not piss me off.” Maec snarled whirling around.
“What are doing? You are sitting here alone and sinking into a depression.” She said watching him.
“Woman do not piss me off. You think since I did something to pay that whore back that I am going to bend over and kiss your ass? Please!” He said grinding his teeth.
“You sent me away because you are terrified. You are trying so hard to hold onto reality.” She said softly.
“You do not get it. I will probably end up killing you again or you will kill me. You also do not get that Sanra will eventually catch up with you again and I would rather her wrath be against me right now. I would actually like this baby to see the light of day. Raganos killed my last daughter and I should like this one to actually be born.” He said getting in her face.
“I should like to see her born too. Yung told me that you loved Thei and Sindari much until Sanra gave them her attention.” Asuna said in his ear.
“Yung runs his mouth.” Maec snarled.
“Nalah? Did you love Nalah?” She asked softly.
“Yes. I loved Nalah very much.” He whispered suddenly choked up.
“You sent her away.” She murmured.
“How do you know of Nalah?” He demanded in anger.
“One of my sons married her.” She stated honestly.
“Married her? She was in a monastery! She was a nun.” He said eyes turning silver.
“Hai. Hanaj had taken her from it. She had been raped by uppyr. It was after you supposed death. Hanaj took care of her and when Hanaj revolted he did not wish to leave her. I went to Astana and took her. I brought her to one of my homes and Asher fell in love with her. He begged Hanaj for her hand. They are happy and have given you a granddaughter.” She whispered very gently in my ear.
Maec blinked and the news of one of his youngest children being married startled him. It unsettled him that she had been married to an uppyr but he tried to stay calm. Nalah had reminded him of Nia in that she had been so gentle.
“He had better never treat her badly or I will kill him painfully.” Maec threatened.
“He loves her Maec. He loves her passionately. His twin is quite jealous but they deal.” She said watching him.
“She is not a whore! I will not tolerate hearing that she is shared! She was nothing like me. She is a good girl and I swear to the Gods that I will…” He began ranting.
She covered his mouth and he was startled. He suddenly wrapped his arms around her and kept her to him as he took over the intimacy. Maec sought her moist heat and it was such a slow, passionate kiss. His eyes were bleeding silver and he picked her up. Maec made it as far as the steps and he phased his clothes and hers. He sat on the step and he kept up kissing her as they made love. He was a fool again and this was stupid. To keep engaging her on such a tender level was making him utterly and completely bat shit crazy. Maec felt her body shudder in his arms but he did not stop kissing her nor moving her. She was gasping against his mouth and he loved this passionate and powerful woman. She was the opposite in coloring to his Nia but she had the same sense of justice. She was just as stubborn and he loved it about her. He kept her undulations slow and she gasped and screamed over and over as he continued to hold back his release.
“Pay back a bitch Isha? You like how I can control myself?” He asked huskily.
“Hai. Oh hai.” She groaned softly.
“Gods you are fucking wetter then I have ever felt. You will always be mine. Some way you always be mine, always. No matter if you take that entire blasted clan Jing. You are mine Isha. Our son will rule one day. Our son Maiell will be king of the wraiths and I will be dead I am sure but I will have the knowledge that it is our son that runs this empire.” He rasped.
“Stop speaking!” She cried out.
“Did you not tell me once that nothing but my death would suffice? I tell you I expect it but I make you this promise; I will not make it easy and it must be by your hand my beautiful enemy. You must be my murderer and you must make it painful. I have sins to atone for, remember? I must pay for killing my Isha and Nia.” He said drawing closer to his climax.
She was trembling and she realized she was crying.
“You cannot save me Isha. You cannot save something damned. Come for me again lover. Grip me tightly so I may forget a moment.” He whispered in her ear.
He sank his fangs in the top of her breast and she did climax again. Maec gripped her tightly and held on as she made him feel; he felt perfection. Yes, he fully expected that she would kill him and he was getting to point of not caring. He would destroy Sanra and he decided he would give it up. He was loosing his will for to dominate and he only wished to find some sort of peace in his mind. Asuna was barely breathing as she heard his mind. She ported them to his bed and he passed out. She rolled to the other side and sobbed silently
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Naraku was highly curious as his inu was not around as much. There were no battles and everything was rather calm. His inu was up to something. Asuna was actually reading when he found her and it was in a language he did not know. She turned the page of the leather bound volume and he watched her.
“Masanori found me. Hai I have your son. Hai he is well and I am keeping normal food down again. I am attempting to ascertain Sanra's stupid, demented brain. If you sit then I shall tell you.” She said still reading.
He smiled and he sat down. His black hair was down and she looked over at him. He wore a grey haori and white kosode with a black hakama. He was luscious as always and she mentally groaned.
“My my koi. You are thinking lewd thoughts now.” Naraku smirked.
“Naraku. I swear I get within a foot of you and I become like an adolescent pup again.” Asuna murmured taking him in.
“Does that mean you think I am pleasing? Do you like the danger or the darkness?” He asked with a tiny grin.
“Hai. I love you.” She said dropping the book she had stolen from Maec.
She crawled into his lap and she stared at his face. He cocked his head to the side and stared at her boldly and unashamed. Before long ago; he had fought his own desires for this onna. When the ningen began to have memories of her; his obsession with her deepened.
“Undo my hakama and take me onna. Right here and right now.” Naraku commanded.
He saw her eyes flash and her breath quicken. She did as he told her and she used her own hanfu to cover them. He kept his eyes steady and his breathing deep as he kept her unmoving on him.
“We are supposed to be one creature. I know this now. We are not supposed to be apart and we will rule all of Asia one day. Through our family we will control everything.” He said holding her chin between thumb and forefinger.
“Hai.” Asuna nodded and unable to think too clearly.
“You will conquer these wraiths and we will rule that plane as well. Do you know what a high that gives me?” He asked thrusting up in her.
Her eyes widened and she nodded. He liked power. Power made Naraku feel secure and he equated both together.
“That whore is mine to kill, do you understand?” Naraku stated softly as he touched her tenderly.
“I want the kill.” She whined.
“No my beautiful koi. No one harms my inu. If they do; I will decimate them. I will either absorb them or tear them to pieces. Take your choice for her. Pick her torture.” He said as he began to kiss her mouth in short quick nips.
Asuna felt his yoki and he was pressing in on her. He was also using the cover of her hanfu to hide his wickedness. She stared at his eyes and they had changed to brown. Her mouth dropped open as she felt one of his tentacle appendages.
“Hai.” He chuckled as he continued to make love to his mate.
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Naraku had brought her back to the old burrow of Masanori and now she was sandwiched between hanyou and kumo. She had come to find out that Masanori and Naraku were now buddies of sorts. It was good and she felt so lethargic. Masanori woke up and moved his head and pressed his ear to her belly.
“He is good and so is our little hanyou.” Masanori mumbled sleepily.
“Good.” She smiled.
“You are eating again?” He demanded.
“Hai Masanori. I told you what I needed. I am okay.” She stated softly.
“Just please take better care. You need to gain weight. Onna need to gain weight during pregnancy.” He admonished.
“I know! I swear you are worse then Nobu.” She growled.
“The healer is wise.” Naraku mumbled.
“Stop! You all act as if I have not carried before. I have carried before, obviously!” Asuna snapped.
“Well I watched you get sick for days. You do look a little healthier though and not as sallow.” He said blinking.
“Imai Masanori! I ought to beat you!” She said snapping as she got up.
Naraku laughed out loud and she put on a yukata. Masanori sat there and crossed his arms.
“Ai!” He growled.
“Hai. I love you and you. Now goodbye.” She said walking away.
Naraku looked at Masanori and nodded to him.
“You and I are going to continue to be excellent friends. Now let us discuss our plans on your training.” Naraku stated.
“Pardon me?” Masanori said surprised.
“Hai. You are an assest to me but you need to learn to battle with a blade. You will learn and I will help you learn some other things.” He said rising himself.
Naraku wore a pale blue hakama only and Masanori saw the kumo shaped scar. He too had one but it was very small. All those that came from that house did but he said nothing. Naraku did not tell him that he was telepathic and he was intrigued by his thoughts. This man continued to intrigue him and they began to discuss their futures and their sons as well.
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Ryukotsusei was in the palm forest surrounding his castle and he was still reeling over his last meeting with Asuna. Anger consumed him and he was honestly devastated by her words. He felt so utterly betrayed by her words and he was staring out at his ancestral lands. He felt a surge of power from further south and he ported to rocky outcroppings near the shore. He was shocked to see the man who had demanded that his lover remove herself from his life and jealous rage took hold of him. He stalked forward and Naraku felt a powerful aura approach. He turned and he saw the famed dragon lord; Ryukotsusei.
“Do you know who I am hanyou?” Ryu demanded.
“A dragon?” Naraku asked very much annoyed.
“Hai. Not just any dragon hanyou filth. I am Ryukotsusei. I am the Lord of the Ryuku Islands and all dragons who dwell within these lands. You stand upon my lands and you trespass.” He stated clenching his teeth.
“Am I to be impressed lizard? I assure you I am not.” The dark hanyou said coldly.
“You took her away from me.” Ryukotsusei said hatefully.
“Who? Asuna?” He asked smirking.
“You are an evil bastard! You are undeserving of such devotion.” He snarled out.
“Oh you are funny. I know your history scales but I shall allow you to live and forget that you touched my onna.” Naraku stated with sarcasm.
“I did more then touch Lady Asuna. She bore me a son and daughter. You forbade her from me as if she is your property.” The dragon growled.
“I did? Well how very mate like of me. Are you not tied to her cousin, Lady Akemi?” The hanyou asked dangerously.
“You know not a damn thing! I hate you hanyou and I will see to it that you suffer.” He said turning to leave.
“You tell me that you rutted my mate and expect me to leave it alone?” He asked getting agitated.
“She chose you. She point blank stated that she will be commanded by you like a subject. I told her no wonder you gave up the Shikon; you can take her yoki whenever you wish. Why not when you have control of the most powerful onna here in Japan?” He seethed.
Naraku lost his temper and he moved in front Ryukotsusei and several tentacles erupted. He sneered at the dragon that did not even flinch.
“You think I take her yoki? No lizard. It is she who takes yoki. She is empowered by her own need. The only things I get out my relationship with her are love of epic proportions and fantastical sex. You managed to whore my mate out and I will not tolerate it ever again. You may think me unworthy but I assure you that you are more so.” He said cupping Ryukotsusei's chin with a tentacle.
Ryu slashed the appendage with his claws and miasma burst forth. He began to cough loudly and he looked up, Naraku was gone.
“Bastard!” He hissed.
Ryukotsusei figured if the hanyou was near then she would be around here somewhere. His anger fueled his asinine attitude and he ported closer to the caverns. He had been right and he moved behind her. Ryukotsusei moved behind and jerked her to him. Asuna gasped and she snarled as he ported them both out. He took her to his southern most island called Yonaguni. It was small and he had small estate there.
“Change form.” He demanded.
“Pardon me?” Asuna snarled in anger.
“I said change form.” Ryukotsusei said shoving her.
She narrowed her eyes and the winds roared up. She changed into her inu form and she lowered her muzzle and growled. Ryukotsusei too changed form and she figured he wanted a fight. She was fine with that and she did not have to deal with messy emotions. Ryukotsusei rose up over her and his red eyes narrowed.
“Now you will learn.” He said with his noh mask.
-Right! You want to fight? So be it! Bring it on Ryukotsusei. - She pathed.
The dragon chuckled and she expected a raigekidan but he moved swiftly. She barked and he wrapped himself around her somewhat tightly. He squeezed and she whined out and barked in pain. Ryu moved the muscles in his long body and she felt weird and she whined out more. Her inu claws gouged the soft earth and she could not believe what he was doing. She shut her crimson eyes and she let out a deep whimper as he proceeded to mate with her in their animal forms. Ryukotsusei was not letting her go and he was not stopping. Her inu sounds were getting hoarse and his head was near hers.
“I love you. No control but only passionate love. I need you.” His noh spoke.
-Release me! - She whispered in his mind.
“Hai. Always remember what we have shared Lady Asuna. Never can I have this with anyone else. Hold on.” The deep voice told her.
She let loose a deep whine as he began to bring her over the edge. She was in her beast and crying out constantly. Finally his own end washed over the two great beasts and he unfurled his body. He moved back and changed form. Asuna slowly changed form as well and she looked wild. Her hair blew in the slight breeze and Ryukotsusei looked dejected. She ripped her hanfu and she stalked to him. She jerked him to her and their lips clashed. Ryu held the back of her head and their teeth clacked and their tongues collided as they desperately tried to taste everything. She sucked on his as he tried to nibble and taste back. He fell to his knees and took her with him. Ryukotsusei's hands drifted to the inner dress of her hanfu and ripped it wide open. Her breasts were ripe and he was only interested in the kiss at the moment. Asuna forced her lips away and she was breathing too fast and too hard. She was finding out that rutting in the true form was fabulous but left her wanting and needing more. She wanted to feel the humanoid form against her body and she wanted to speak. She ruined his hakama in her frenzy to get to him. Ryu was normally careful but he did not care. She exposed his long and proud staff and she began to lick and suck immediately. Like always; he arched his perfect body up as she tasted him.
“Asuna. I want to feel you whole body against mine. I need to lie against you and take in your taste.” Ryu breathed out passionately.
“And I wish to taste and take you like this.” Asuna husked.
He groaned as she slid him down her throat. His hazel eyes shut as she bobbed her head and worshiped his maleness. He knew she loved this and he knew why she loved this. His lover was active and loved to bring him to heaven. He was the same and she sucked his cock long enough to get him gasping and whispering all manner of things. Ryu knew he was bearing his soul but he did not give one damn. He loved her. He needed her and by the Kamis he refused to live his life without her. The hanyou could be damned and he loved her warrior ways. He loved her sense of honor. He loved her good heart and by the Kamis she mothered his only daughter. Ryukotsusei was in love with the Taisho's sister and realized he had been at least infatuated with her since he saw her. He managed to sit up and he groaned more as one hand became buried in her loose silver hair and the other was fisting the soft grass. He never guided her and he never would. He hated to feel as though he forced an onna. He had demanded the true form and he felt like an ass but in the truth of matter; he needed her. He heard a whisper in his mind and she wanted his climax. She wanted to taste him. He shut his eyes and let himself go.
“Hai! My love so good. Hai it is so good.” He moaned as he came.
Asuna finally pulled her head up and her eyes bled red. She moved up his body and he jerked her mouth and he sought to taste. It truly made him wild. Her selfless act of passion made him want her more. Asuna enjoyed how much he enjoyed to taste. He laid her back and continued to lick and kiss her mouth clean of his release. He pressed his forehead to hers and he was very out of his head in lust, love, passion, and need.
“I do not say love easily Asuna. I do not use such a word flippantly. I cannot stop and I can admit that I need you. You need know that I respect and venerate you as you are. Always and forever; wherever you are my heart and my soul. I can truly accept who you are but I must have you in my life or I shall die a living death. When I marked you; you truly will always have a piece of me.” He murmured with eyes closed.
“Ryu!” She gasped.
“Now tell me what it is you want and need. Let me make love to you how you need the most. I care not what.” Ryukotsusei stated with such a deep voice.
“I only want you. Give me you.” Asuna stated mesmerized.
“Hai.” He whispered.
Ryukotsusei ended up altering her like he always seem to and she lay with him in the field of fairly tall grass. Her body was covered in perspiration and he licked at her breast as they felt the aftermath of their coupling. She was breathing softly as her hand slowly went through his hair.
“What are we?” She asked.
He lifted his head and he stared at her face.
“You are the love of my life. You give this existence meaning. I am nothing without you and I only began when you entered my life. I love all of my children very much but our son and daughter are my sun and moon. That is what you are to me. I understand your love of Naraku but know that if I must then I shall make him my most earnest friend and ally. I will make you see all this. I love you that much. You are my goddess.” Ryukotsusei stated.
Tears stung her eyes and slowly tears leaked from her eyes.
“You are not supposed to feel as such.” Asuna said feeling overpowered.
“But I do.” He whispered wiping her tears.
“Silly dragon.” She smiled as he looked upon her.
“Silly inu. You should once a dragon loves; it is for all time. We are just that way. Open for me so I may ravish you.” He smiled.
Asuna shyly opened for him and he again brought her to heaven.
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The book she had stolen was old journal of Maec's. It was filled with so much and Asuna found so many spells. She really wished the Pazuzu would wake up. It pissed her off in a way that he still slept. She began to think they were a joke. She wondered about her own great grandmere and she was of the opinion that Maec was apparently a very bad case of abuse of many kinds. She knew nothing of Ganek and Maec had done everything he could to wipe him out of existence. She began to formulate a plan to retrieve Yung's father who was named Yosef Koval. Naraku and she had a horrid fight over Ryukotsusei and she had begged him to reconsider. She had begged him to see him as an ally. He had snarled that he would think on it. He had also slapped her. Masanori had taken her away. She knew her hanyou and he would have a reckoning with the dragon lord but she had to let him sort it out. She was so engrossed in the book that time passed. It was thick and spanned hundreds of years. He would work out spells and tell of things of such a personal nature. Some of the things he wrote were so dark and rantings. She found the time frame where he had murdered Nia. The pain in his writings and the smudges where the ink had been smeared because of tears, it was heart breaking. It had Sanra written all over it. He lamented over and over that he just had wanted her love. He only wanted someone who loved him for him. Maec Ruwon tr'Awnhi had loved her with everything in him and he had even stated in his own hand that he would have given up his wives for her if she wanted. He had been willing to make Nveid his heir but she had not gone for it. He had also written of several meetings where he had made love to her and she had told him that she had met the Gods themselves. Nia Besud had loved Maec in return.
Asuna read in fascination as she came to know him more. He also spoke of his childhood occasionally. He referenced Sanra as “the slut”. He had written that his first taste of a man had been his sister. Asuna had been sick at that thought. She began to think Sanra had raped her own brother at a younger age. She found out that Maec was ten years younger then her. She also pieced together that Sanra had suffered horrendous and heinous abuse at the hands of Ganek. She could only imagine the depravity she had gone through to turn her so evil. Maec went into long tirades about his sister's appetites and how he had to clean up her messes early on. She found one passage she kept rereading. It was of a very young Maec and he had wept so much as he wrote it.
“Our younger sister was found this day. She had been missing some time. I do not want to know what she did. I do not want to know what she suffered. Sanra stood there and licked her lips as Father only smiled. I have to do something. The other clans are rebelling and soon nothing will be left. Those that call themselves the Tomoshibi are calling for separation. I am telling father they are wraith but he is not listening. He put Sana's brother to death this very day. He swore death to my intended and I cannot allow it. I cannot allow Sana to suffer. Rumors are she has taken a corporeal as a husband. I pray the rumors are wrong. Father has stated that the Sahen will be attacked within a few weeks. I am hoping to see her first.”
Maec was quite sane at that point but he wrote of Juria's past life and how beautiful she was. She was also his betrothed. She had betrayed the Sahen-tr'Awnhi treaty and mated Yasu. She had born a bastard babe in Isha Sahen. Maec had been trying to save her clan politically and she had denied him. Maec had been promised her hand and she had snubbed him. She could see Sana's reasons as Yasu was quite striking and really a good man if not a tad grumpy. She smiled at her thoughts but it must have been love even after all these years. Maec wrote on after he had met with her and his hand was shaky.
“She told me to rot in hell. She sneered at my declaration of love and told me that she would never yoke herself to a Shouten bastard. She told me I was unworthy of her hand as she was an evolved being! I have tried tirelessly to save her wretched kind and she threw in my face that I was Shouten. A beautiful child ran in between us and I lost my head. Sana screamed for the tiny girl who could have been no more then three or four. I told her again I loved her and she told me that she would never love me. She told me that the tr'Awnhi were a dying clan and that we were nothing. I told her Ganek would not live forever but she scoffed. She said she hated me and she would rather die then marry and bind to a filthy bastard. I strangled her The little girl; Isha, came at me trying to save her and I backhanded her. I left Sana and blood poured from her little head. She was suffering and in pain. I cut off her breathing so that she would suffer no more. I then turned to Sana and finished her off as well. I cruelly told her that her bastard daughter was dead. I told her to try and leave the Shouten now. Her eyes were filled with such hatred as she died. She swore she would come back. She swore she would come back and kill me. I fell over her body and wept as I have never done in my life. I have never killed a woman or an innocent child. I am damned now but I buried Isha in the tr'Awnhi cemetery. I buried her next to my mother. I hate Sana. I hate her with everything in me. I hate myself for having killed the little girl. I pray for her. I pray for her soul.”
Asuna stared at the pages and Sana had been an independent onna who had thought for herself. Apparently the Tomoshibi had prejudices of their own like the Shouten did. He did not start out hating them but he had learned quickly. He felt tremendous guilt for her first death and she sighed as she stood stretched. She hid the journal and she decided to try and get him to talk. She knew to search him out other then Astana. He was there half the time and he was withdrawing more and more. She found him at Nia's tomb. His face was covered in dried bloody tears and he was on his knees at the base of the crypt.
“Isha.” He whispered.
“Maec.” She whispered back.
“You stole something from me.” Maec stated again in a whisper.
“Hai. No one else has seen it.” Asuna stated.
“You have no right. I told you that we are enemies. We will never be anything but. Take your weapon and sink it in.” He said turning to her.
“No.” She said flatly.
“I am ready. I am willing to pay for those sins. You know many now. Go ahead and sink your blade straight through my heart. Cut my head off for good measure and then burn my body.” He said looking at her with white eyes.
“No. I will not help you commit suicide.” She said getting emotional.
“Isha. I am not mad at this moment. We have had half a binding for sometime now. I am sure you know that it makes wraiths insane. I am willing to do this for Maiell and I pray you will name her Isha for me. I know he will be a good man and when he is an adult; he can take the throne at fifty. Hanaj will have to help put down the civil war that has broken out but I cannot stop it. It is done. I told you that no one else will end my life but you. I allow you to do this because by our Gods help me but I do love you. I took your life and I now I give you mine.” He said and fresh tears fell down his face.
“Maec do not do this now! I can save you!” Asuna begged.
“You can save me by giving me peace. There is no saving me Asuna. There is no saving me at all. There is hope for the tr'Awnhi and our people but you must do this. Take my body to the corporeal plane. It will give the Jings peace as well. I did those things to Jing. Sanra convinced me he was a threat. I did evil things to him. Give them justice.” He said lowering his head.
“How can you ask me this now?” She asked in horror.
“Because I know you love me in return. I am sane in this moment. Do it!” He cried.
Tears broke out on her face and she burst into tears. She allowed Konkisaiga to appear and she was shaking.
“Stab me straight through the heart. Then take us to the corporeal plane. Finish me off there.” Maec instructed.
His hands were shaking and Asuna was weeping. She pulled her arm back and thrust into his chest. Maec grunted as blood erupted from the wound and she began to cry harder.
“Now Isha. Take us now.” He gasped as he coughed up blood.
She ported them out and she appeared in the in between. She jerked her fang back and Maec fell to his side. Asuna heard shouts and she was crying worse.
“I love our son. I love our daughter. Know I love you Isha. I do this for you as well. I pray perhaps you can forgive my sickness. Get ready.” He commanded.
Shan Lao, Lei, Yhea, Yung, and many other Shouten appeared. Asuna let her dagger appear and she cut into his throat. Hanaj came in at that moment and he cried out. Maec's eyes were closed as she delivered the death blow and she fell back. Her hands were covered in his blood and she began screaming “NO” over and over. She covered her face with her bloody hands and screamed harder. Hanaj could not believe that his mate had just killed the most powerful king of the Shouten. She was loosing it and she actually fell over his body and screamed herself hoarse.
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Asuna would not leave her bed and she had told Shan Lao to burn his body. He had done as she requested and no one could believe it. Juria could not believe it and Kaimei was there as well. It astonished everyone that the deed they had been trying to accomplish for years had finally come to pass. No one could believe she was this depressed. There was civil war going on in Hueco Mundo and the throne was left open. Raganos was moving militarily and it seemed Sanra backed her nephew. Asuna knew by his will that Maec had named Takeo as his official heir but no one was honoring what the “bastard” wanted. His children split and it was mayhem all over the Shouten Empire. The corporeal plane for once was Shouten free except for those that chose to come.
“Something is terribly wrong.” Lei said to Shan Lao.
“She should be happy. I am thrilled.” He said under his breath.
“She will not speak. She does nothing but lay there.” Her husband said sighing.
“I do not understand. He hurt her over and over. She must feel her honor or something is tarnished.” Shan Lao said softly.
“I think we need return to the present for now. This thing with the wyvern is still there and the civil war will need to be dealt with. Raganos and Sanra will come for revenge on her. Sanra will want to kill her for killing Maec.” Lei stated.
“I am not certain of anything Lei. She is not eating. She is barely drinking enough water. Maybe the future is the best place. Pull together our things and family. Bring Zhang as well. Send for Hideaki. She will want him to come.” His father stated.
Lei nodded and he felt out of sorts. Naraku had been here and she would not even speak to him. She just lay there and did nothing. Nothing but tears fell down her face and he could not even reach her.
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Hanaj had brought his father's ashes and settled them in the family monument in Hueco Mundo. He felt as though he should be happy but he was not. He felt wretched. He could only get from her that they had to eventually stop the civil war. She had mumbled over and over that Maec wanted Takeo on the throne. Hanaj did not want it and he was happy for his adopted son to do it. His father had loved him but he had done terrible things. He stiffened when he felt Sanra and her pale face was flooded with bloody tears.
“She killed him! She killed him! How could she have killed him? He was the most powerful there was!” Sanra snarled at her nephew.
“No Sanra. She is the most powerful and you are just a sick bitch. You are next.” Hanaj growled.
“I will kill her! I will kill her and your baby sister in her womb. I will kill that brat too. I will start to pick off those she holds dear including you traitor!” She screamed as she came at him.
Hanaj held out his hands and he shielded himself with his kemuri. She burst through it and he threw an ash ball at her face. She screamed as she fell to the sand and she screamed Maec's name over and over.
“You are pathetic. To have loved your own blood was sin. To have murdered as you have is sin and you will pay for them. I will help to stop you. Rot!” He said letting his hiebie solidify and he stabbed her shoulder.
Sanra lifted her burned face and she let her hand become like needles. She stabbed his thigh and released the two shoki and he fell.
“It is now time you join your father you preachy little brat! Convenient you are here already.” She snarled.
Hanaj had not expected her to rise and she began to heal before his eyes. She phased her hand into his chest and he screamed as she squeezed his heart. Sanra was filled with such hate as she had seen him lay Maec next to Nia. She screamed in rage as she caused his heart to explode in his chest. Hanaj never saw it and his head fell to the side dead.
“Next is your own son. She will pay for having killed my Maec. You all will die!” She snarled at the dead body of her nephew.
Sanra walked away as blood dripped into the sand. The hollows never came to the cemetery; no one would find Hanaj for some time and she prayed that he was not dust by the time they did. A smile curved her lips as plans for ripping open babies entered her mind. Raganos was easy to manipulate. It was high time she finally paid Asuna Orlovich-Jing back and ended the whore's life permanently.