Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desires ❯ Selfish ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bleach x Inuyasha
These are one shots - possibly more shots, depending on how favoured the story is - involving various characters in Devil Within - which can be found on FanFiction under OutofCompleteControl penname
Trying to figure out what is the most favoured pairing with "captions" of what could be.
Pairing below
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The scream was something wretched, a sound that tore at her mind with terrible force, and caused a shiver to work itself down her spinal cord. She knew what that was. It wasn't a demon… she had learnt the sounds of demons many times over during her ventures within the depths of the feudal era but that didn't make the thing which uttered the sound any less dangerous. A part of her couldn't help but curse her stupidity for venturing out during these later hours.
The War may be long over but that didn't mean the streets were safe, particularly not for beings with spiritual energy.
She was a miko possessed extraordinarily high spiritual energy… she was after all one of the strongest mikos to be found. A trait that could be attributed to the fact that despite the belief of so many she had never been that woman's reincarnation, their appearances were shockingly similar only due to the fact that that woman and she shared the same ancestor in Mirodiko the cursed Jewel's creator. Her spiritual energy had always attracted the attention of unwanted beings, first demons and now Hollows.
It certainly didn't help that the hollow wasn't only tracking her, but also another life.
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"You look like a tasty treat."
Its voice a low rumble the Hollow closed in upon the woman. Her power was huge, rising and falling in the tempo of her heart… both to keep her protected and it realized with a start to try and disguise her vulnerability. It hadn't sensed this vulnerability until it was closer, that the woman was carrying within her another life for that secondary life's power was phenomenal for an unborn runt. It had thought that the second power had belonged to someone else… because of the great strength there.
"And you look a little dead."
The voice came not from the woman but rather from someone behind the Hollow… causing the beastly wolf-like Hollow to turn towards whoever was foolish enough to intrude. It looked like a Shinigami. But what froze the Hollow some part of its primitive mind realising it had walked into a trap was that the energy signature radiating from this being was frighteningly not unlike its own tainted energy. From beneath shaggy bangs a pair of golden eyes, the metallic color amplified by the blackened cornea, met the Hollow's gaze… the last thing it saw before it knew no more.
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The silence was deafening as the Hollow's corpse crumbled into nothing but dust.
Her tongue seemed stuck to the roof of her mouth… a part of her more frightened of the being who had intervened than of the Hollow which had thought of her as a snack. Another half of her muttered that Kagome was been unreasonable… it was more instinct reacting to the dark taint that circulated through his energy. Despite the viciousness of his energy, his personality been that of a madman who thrived off of violence and bloodshed, the male had yet to ever raise his hand towards her. Besides there was something about been in the male's presence that seemed to bring out the worst in her.
It was something his knowing smirk revealed he knew well as the man extended one hand towards her, the cruel glee of having killed the Hollow having not quite left his features. A soft sigh escaping her lips Kagome accepted the hand up… it was more a haul up for the strength behind the man's grip had her on her feet and towards his taller form. Fingers splaying across a broad chest, years of fighting had defined powerful muscling, to keep herself from toppling completely into his frame Kagome came to an awkward stop. Her eyes raising to meet distinctively tinged orbs… the cornea no longer white but black and the irises a piercing gold.
Her protest to this man's presence, even if the intervention had saved her from a fight, died on the tip of her tongue as lips pressed against hers in a demanding kiss… one meant to bruise.
Oh… tonight… certainly… she was his.
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Scene Switch
She was warm.
As ridiculous as the thought was it trickled through his mind as his hands slid down her sides. She had gained some weight, not terribly much, but it was the sort of weight that amplified, accenting her slender waist and wide hips. She would never get as large as some women but her compact frame was perfect. A soft breathy laugh greeted his ears as he found a ticklish spot underneath the last rib along her right side. His fingers grazed the spot a few times before his hand glided up, cupping her right breast and running his thumb over the perk nipple through the soft lace of the bra, a striking black against her pale skin, she was wearing.
He could almost taste that nipple in his mouth. She loved it when he sucked on her breasts. Something in her budding maternal instincts mixing the signals and driving her absolutely wild. To wear him out was a feat, but she'd done it before.
Still that proposal wilted though as she shifted overtop of him, her hips rolling slowly into his. It was an almost tentative act as if uncertain if she would find what she wanted. And yet, no doubt she could feel what still she did to him, the slight twitch of lips and the amusement in blue eyes obvious as she splayed her hands across his chest to balance herself more steadily. Growing need flickered through her hooded eyes as she repeated the action, putting a little more pressure behind the movement.
Two could play this game.
His hands straying back down to her hips, the fingers of his left hand automatically stroking the scar that ran from her hip down the front of her thigh his right hand following the movement as he caressed her legs. Shapely legs… that sharp gasp, her body rocking forwards and then back, told him she was still overly sensitive in the back of either knee. Her suspicion as to what he was up to was obvious, she was watching him like a hawk, however that piercing blue gaze shuttered close as he pushed up against her.
A heartbeat later their positions were switched, she sprawled on the bed and him overtop of her. Her legs rested overtop of his while the rest of her was flush against the mattress. It made her look rather vulnerable, her legs on either side of his waist just her underwear keeping him from her heated core. His problem pressed against her ass from this particular position, he would be taking that smaller hole too before he was through with her. Wide blue eyes met his… the anticipation and a little fear in her gaze only fuelling his hunger.
It had been too long since he had had a chance to take the tiny woman, and he wasn't about to pass up the chance.
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She was sore.
That was the first thought that trickled through Kagome's mind as her azure tinged eyes opened. There was a dull throb that had infiltrated her bottom, her ass, and sent a twinge of pain racing up her spine as she shifted slightly. A part of her muttered, making a mental note that she would have to obey, that she shouldn't let him have her ass again any time soon… however enjoyable it was. This first pain itself was echoed within her most intimate of regions… though this second throbbing sensation was distorted by the distinctive presence of someone else's pulse deep within her.
Not the child within her, who was thankfully quiet for once, but rather that secondary pulse within her was from the man whose frame she was sprawled overtop of. He was still lodged deep within her, one hand splayed wide across her buttocks as a means of letting him know the second that she thought of getting up. He could be rather possessive, although that was a nice way… a very open ended way… of stating some traits within his personality. Still, even so, as a vague part of her recalled just what had happened earlier Kagome couldn't quite help the smirk that teased her features.
Terribly possessive he maybe but that possessiveness made him rather protective… after all he didn't let anything harm what was his.
That he was a fantastic lover, surprisingly attentative to her own needs before satisifying his own, was even better...
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Hichigo [Hollow Ichigo] x Kagome
same time frame setting as Tease