Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Emotionless-ness Contest ❯ Round One: Fighting Your Worst Enemy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author’s Note: Don’t ask how I got this idea… I was watching Bleach and I figured that Byakuya was more emotionless than Fluffy, so I decided to write about it. xD Now, onto the disclaimer, and my first mini-challenge!
Sesshoumaru- InuYashasgirlfriend, hereby known as IYG, does not own myself or my opponent. If you disagree with This Sesshoumaru, he will have no choice but to decapitate you with the Tokijin.
Byakuya- I cannot lower myself to speak with you. The youkai said it all.
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“Dear Diary,” the young miko wrote, her hand stopping its furious scribbling as she thought of what to say. “I don’t know how it came to this. It all started out as an innocent contest between Sesshoumaru and my friend Rukia’s older brother, Byakuya. Don’t ask how Rukia and Byakuya came to the Feudal Era, okay? They just did. Oh, and Ichigo. He had to come for the first part. InuYasha wasn’t happy about that, especially since Ichigo liked me when we were younger…

Yeah… onto the story. Since both Sesshoumaru and Byakuya are infuriatingly emotionless, Rukia and I decided to hold a contest to see which one was worse. We decided to have a minimum of four challenges, most of them centered in the Feudal Era because Sesshoumaru can’t travel through the well. Rukia dragged Ichigo along for the first challenge, which was fighting your worst enemy to see how long it took for you to get angry. And yes, insults toward the contestants were allowed.

Ichigo fought Byakuya, much to his delight. He hadn’t had a chance to fight the captain in Hollow form yet. Sesshoumaru obviously fought InuYasha, because it was impossible to get Naraku here to participate. And besides, I think InuYasha would have ended up getting himself killed if I had tried.

Well, back to the story. So, Rukia, Ichigo and Byakuya had somehow arrived in the Feudal Era. InuYasha had already found Sesshoumaru, because he, of course, was in on it too. Kohaku, Rin and Jaken had tagged along, probably because Jaken didn’t want to babysit. I can’t blame him. I decided that we needed another judge, so while Rukia got the rings set up, I approached Kohaku. I asked him whether he could be a judge to see who got angry first, and he nodded. This kid’s almost as bad as Fluffy and Byakuya! Wait, did I just call Sesshoumaru Fluffy? Oh well.

Rukia and I directed each contestant to a separate square made of rope tied to trees, and then we stood in front of them. We announced that we were having an emotionless-ness contest, and Sesshoumaru stated that emotionless-ness wasn’t a word. I kicked him in the shin to get him to stay quiet. Rukia wanted to announce the first contest, so she did. She called it: Fighting Your Worst Enemy.

She shoved Ichigo into the ring with Byakuya, and InuYasha into the ring with Sesshoumaru. I told them to draw their swords (Or Zanpactous, ‘cause Ichigo and Byakuya were in Shingami form), and the contests surprisingly listened. I shouted go, and Ichigo immediately went into Bankai.


“Prepare to die, Byakuya.” Ichigo announced, holding Zangetsu out in front of him. “Bankai.” His reiatsu flared, and a huge burst of smoke formed around him. When it cleared he was standing there in his awesome Bankai outfit, pure black Zanpactou held straight out. He smirked, and shouted two words: “Getsuga Tenshou!”

As usual, the blast of black light flew from Zangetsu, not even harming Byakuya. Ichigo tried again, and again the Captain blocked.

While this was going on, InuYasha had already tried Adamant Barrage on Sesshoumaru. The latter was already starting to get frustrated with his half brother. He had the Tokijin drawn, of course, and he deflected an Iron Reaver Soul Stealer with a flick of his wrist. “Die, mutt.” The taiyoukai snarled, thrusting his sword at InuYasha.


After that happened, Rukia and I ended the round. Byakuya had won, staying calm throughout the battle. Then again, Ichigo hadn’t gone into Hollow form…

That’s all for now, Kagome.