Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ Tormenting the Soul ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: Profound and deep pain. Searching for a way through as one player ups the anty. Victories scored as those who lies would have led to unraveling full history. Family trees revealed as the heir has to face her fears and take control fully. Ultimatums and passions lost and gained. *intense scenes of gore and character deaths. Please do not read if this bothers you.* I wanted to thank you if you have followed this story. Thank you so much and I would love to hear from you all!

Tormenting the Soul: One Frère and One More

Pain's hold has yet to foldas sorrow does crushand anguish strangled coldclosing of orbsthat once life did holdreach aroundof tender flesh frigidfalls away from warmthand embrace to nothingnessand empty spacewhat once was now is no. – A. Benne

Kameron actually had a hold onto Ayille but not for long. Her jugular began to heal before his eyes and he let his arm change into his true form. She began to laugh hysterically as she saw his arm.

“Oh my Kameron. You are so delicious when you are angry!” Ayille shrieked in laughter.

He swiped at her quickly and with force as she ducked and laughed more. Ayille whirled and slipped into his abdomen like butter and he gasped in pain as he looked down and blood poured down his lower stomach to drench his pants. Ayille’s maniac grin was feral as she grabbed his jaw in her hand and snarled like the wild animal she was.

“You think I shall allow you to destroy me? I made you boy! I will destroy you!” She said as spit landed on his face.

“You may kill me Ayille but know that I am free of you forever!” Kameron retorted.

“You let her turn you! Did I not love you best?” She said with crazed eyes.

“Your perversion you call love is nothing like the love I know now. I knew pain and nothing else at your hands bitch! I am glad she turned me. I wish she had done so sooner so that I could have been away from you!” He said with reddened eyes.

“She feels this I am sure. Fine! Let her feel this!” She screamed in his face.

Kameron’s face crumpled as she shoved her claws deep into his belly. He could not breathe as she lacerated his internal organs and he tried to breathe but spasms of horrid agony went through him in waves. He had to throw up as Ayille smirked with triumph.

“God your blood and intestines are so hot on my hand. I should strangle you with your own entrails! You betraying fuck!” She said getting in his face.

“No problem. I would rather die than be near you!” Kameron hissed through his pain.

Ayille was bodily slammed into by something and she crashed into her former frère. Asuna pulled her yoki dagger from the Ramanga queen’s back and she stabbed her over and over again as Ayille flung Asuna back. The empusae-inu hit the cavern wall and she grunted but she jumped on Ayille again. The two powerful women of differing uppyr descent rolled on the ground as the tore and tried to kill the other. Ayille was being strangled by Asuna and she was in a demonic haze. Kameron’s body had been ripped asunder but he fell forward but his healing was slow.

“I will kill you! I will fucking kill you! He is not yours! He is mine! He is mine for all time!” Asuna said through her grit teeth.

“I made him into the perfect bitch! Do you not enjoy your slave I made for you Arianrhod?” Ayille could barely get out.

Asuna released her throat and reared back. Her claws raked across Ayille’s face and she released her Dakkasou. The Ramanga queen screamed as the horrific pain seared her and ate the flesh. The black haired female was slammed a fist in Asuna’s face and Ayille snarled as she sank fangs into the inu onna’s arm. Asuna made no sound as she fell forward and her dagger sliced into the Ramanga’s throat and pinned her to the cavern ground. Blood spurted up like a fountain and she fell back as she withered on the ground in wretched pain.

“Mistress!!!” Kameron barely gasped.

Asuna felt pain coursing through her but she would not succumb. Her instincts to save Kameron were in high gear and she withered towards him. Ayille managed to jerk the dagger out of her throat and she licked her own blood that dripped. Her eyes burned unholy in her sockets as she stalked as if in slow motion towards her bitterest enemy. The male hybrid tried to move with speed but Ayille slammed her foot down on his arm and she screamed in glee as she crushed his arm. The Ramanga queen sank to her knees and slammed her lethal claws into his gut again and he screamed out as she ripped his belly wide open. Asuna was desperate to stop her but Ayille moved swiftly behind her old frère.

“Watch! Watch!” She screamed with insane happiness.

Asuna tried to push herself up but she was brutally shoved down by something and Kameron was being strangled by his own entrails.

“So good Kameron. Good boy. DIE!” Ayille said with such evil dripping from her lips.

She only strangled him a short while before she ripped out an organ and Kameron could not scream. He fell to his side; torn and decimated as Asuna watched in helpless horror as Ayille ate something. She saw his lips moving slowly and the inu-empusae queen screamed over and over as she surged yoki suddenly. The Ramanga that had pinned her down was half melted from the expulsion of her greenish energy. The pain in her body was reaching unbelievable proportions as Ayille stepped back and gore dripped from her lips.

“I gave him immortality and I took it away Arianrhod. Soon I will take away yours for good!” She screamed and she laughed as she ported away.

Asuna swayed as she stared at Kameron and he was barely alive. She stumbled to him and she did not think he would survive. Bloody tears fell down her face in torrents as she pulled him up into her lap.

“Mis-mis-tress.” Kameron barely managed to get out.

“Please Kameron. Please do not leave me.” Asuna wept as sliced her wrists over and over.

Kameron weakly lifted a trembling hand and wrapped his fingers around her wounded forearm. Blood squished between his fingers as his life drained away quickly. He knew it was not long and he stared at her face in horrid pain.

“I…I am hh-appy Asuna. I can-not han..dle your pain. Take blood please.” He said fading.

“No! You will take in mine! Kameron! No! No! Fuck, NO!” Asuna wept as the red stained the stone under him.

“Love so much. I love so…” His words spilled out barely audible and his fingers loosened as they slowly fell to the ground.

“Kameron? Kameron? Kamis! Noooo!” She screamed as her voice reverberated throughout the caves.

His dark eyes were open and there was no life in them. His skin was pallid beneath his naturally bronze skin. Dark red congealed under him as she sat there as the Ramanga bite ravaged her body. She fell over his dead body and sobbed wildly as she crushed his black hair in her hand. She sobbed herself hoarse as her body continued to shake with her unending tears. She could not move and she was certain that she was dead too.
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She was in a bed and she would not move. Chan was watching as was Quilin. The two male incubuses had heard her screams in their minds and they had found her within a few hours. The beautiful frère had been brutally killed and the empusae queen was unmoving. She sniffed every so often and they stared at the other.

“She is in need of nourishment and family. I shall see to it that these family members of hers are gathered up and move on. There is only pain here.” Chan commented.

“Master, what do we do for her?” Qui asked softly and his heart ached for the beautiful woman.

“Shelter her for now Qui. I will return my lover. Keep her sane and I shall figure out the details. She loved her frère as he loved her. It was not instinct. It was love and it will kill her.” He sighed as he slowly moved away.

Chan left to gather up and force her family together in this era. The one known as Chanak was in a death sleep and she was only laying there as she seemingly wasted. Qui moved nearer to the bed and he knelt so she had to see his eyes.

“You had him within you. You had my beloved in you the last time.” She said in a low snarl.

“My queen, I know you hurt. I am only here to be of service to you.” Qui stated with gentleness.

Qui’s eyes were dark blue bordering on violet. Asuna suddenly reached out and choked him in her grief. His eyes looked liquid and he was truly sympathetic as she jerked back her hand and rolled away from him.

“Get away from me. I have no use for you except to kill any Ramanga you see! I want my frère; Ryo or Chrestian. The only other full incubus I will have anything to do with is Bastian. You are neither Jin nor Sheng so fuck off!” Asuna snarled in her overwhelming pain.

“I am yours to command but I am also one who could bring you joy. Do not dismiss us so easily young one. You may be queen but you are young.” He said with respect but also admonishment.

Rage stole through her and hate that her beloved Kameron was gone. She had not expected the love of him but it had brought her so much and she was reeling from severe pain and a wretched loss that she was desperate to quench. She was desperate for her blood and Asuna knew in part it was her instinct but it was also the loss of such a great man. She made herself rise and the anger on her face made Quilin shrink back a little.

“You can do some good by finding my frère!” She said in a beastly tone.

“I assume they are not here?” He stated bravely.

“Hai. Since they are not then I will go.” She sneered.

“Chan did not wish that.” Qui said lifting his chin.

“I am not really caring what Chan wishes. I am the alpha and you naught but a peon.” Asuna said baring fangs.

Qui stood still and did nothing and he suddenly found himself pressed against the wall with her whole strength and she was snarling and weeping at the same time.

“I will have Chrestian or Ryo. I will have them now! You will either release me this second or you will inform my ekimmu mates to retrieve them for me. I will kill you. I have no love of you and I will kill you.” She said shrieking in his face.

“You have a streak in you that is cruel. Do you think I would disobey Chan?” He said almost benignly.

“I think you think yourself a little too above your station.” She said and she let him go.

Qui went to say something but she stalked to the door. The barrier should have held her and she did burn her hand badly as it repulsed her for a moment; the magenta energy fizzled and collapsed within a moment and she ported out.
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Jouichi waited and Gwydion had brought the Viking and dragon frère to the past. Ryo was agitated badly and Chrestian could not calm him down. Chrestian jerked his head in another direction and he stared at his brother.

“Brother now.” He said softly and he grabbed the dragon’s hand.

Ryo was ported by the elder frère and they found Asuna kneeling on the beach as the tide crashed up. She stared at the water and Asuna had torn her own clothing and chest with her claws in her grief. Ryo made a noise and came to her as held her tightly and began to weep as well. Chrestian stood by and his green eyes were filled with pain. Ryo was speaking Japanese and Asuna began sobbing harder.

“Asuna!” Ryo wept into her hair.

“I cannot think. I cannot breathe.” She whispered to the winds.

“Me either. My chest hurts. Let me hold you. Please let me hold you. I need you.” Her dragon frère said in his own hell.

“Hai. Chrestian?” Asuna whimpered through her tears.

“Yes Mistress?” He asked softly.

“I need…I do not know…tell me what to do!” She screamed and sobbed out.

“We surround you for now. We do as we do. Come Ryo.” Chrestian whispered and moved to hold them up and be strong.

Chrestian was now the eldest and he had to do what Kameron had done. He pulled them up and he used his tremendous yoki to port them safely and deeply within Wales. He followed his instincts at this moment and he needed to keep his queen going. Kameron had been something so amazing and he did not want to even see what Lei Jing would do when he found out. The fact that she was relying on them was satisfying but he knew how much she had fallen for Kameron. He had been jealous but he had not ever stated it. Kameron had assumed and had hated him for some time. They had functioned well for several years but this…it was devastating. Chrestian, Kameron, and Ryo had all become true frère and they had all come to rely on the other. They all watched out for the other and for their queen. They fought for her, their huge family they were a part of, and the other. Ryo could not even function because Kameron had been in part his maker. He was sick and he watched as the youngest frère vomited blood and he wailed the name of their oldest blood. Asuna was trying and doing her best to calm him and he bloodied his hand as he beat the ground. Chrestian had never seen the red dragon frère so miserable.

“Asuna! My Kameron! I need him. I need him. Mistress where is he? I need him!” He screamed.

“He is laid out. You do not wish to see him like this.” Asuna said through her own stifling misery.

Ryo’s shoulders shook with his grief and two tears fell down Chrestian’s face. He was busy watching over and being the strong one for now. His queen was vulnerable and his brother frère was a wreck. He felt a strong aura that was still some distance. He did not like the feel and he stepped back.

“Chrestian! Do not leave. Please. We need you.” She whispered hoarsely.

“I do not leave mistress.” He said lifting his head and scenting.

She watched him and his senses were on high alert. She watched as he was suddenly gone and it still unnerved her how he did so.
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He appeared out of a blur and the other daemon eyed the blonde creature that appeared. Chrestian seemed benign but the Panyu was not fooled. He was also in utter shock. This frère was beautiful and he was simmering in lethal power.

“I feel what you are but you are not wanted here.” Chrestian stated in a low and seemingly gentle tone.

“I realize she is your direct maker and I am a born but she is my queen as well. Frère please do not allow a quarrel.” The incubus said smoothly and bowed his brunette head.

“I am sorry you seem to not understand my words sir. She does not wish for outsiders. We lost our brother and my queen lost her mate. This is not for outsiders.” The former Viking said bowing his head as well.

The violet eyed man snorted in annoyance and he rushed Chrestian who had to whirl. Quilin was astonished and the blonde landed on his knee and looked up with reddened eyes. The born empusae was continually shocked at the speed, strength, and intelligence of the frère. Chrestian moved again and Qui had to look behind and fast because the blonde was behind him and he had an athame to his throat.

“I explained the situation and my patience is finite. Your coven leader does not understand our ways. My queen is not like your liege and she has her own mind. If you serve her then you serve her will and do not dictate what used to be. Now I have asked kindly and I will not do so again. I have no wish for violence but I will do so.” His silk like voice stated in Qui’s ear.

“I will not be denied beautiful frère. You and I will have to battle but it will be pure pleasure I assure you.” The brunette stated.

Qui shoved his elbow back but Chrestian had moved already. The Panyu incubus was using sharp senses to try and keep track of this creature and he ported quickly to and fro to avoid deadly blows.

“I experienced him you know.” Quilin called out as he ducked a fierce blow from Chrestian.

“Kameron had suffered terribly at Ayille’s hands. I did not and so his tastes were not my own.” The Viking frère stated with red eyes and managed to catch flesh.

“Truly? That is odd! You are such an odd creature!” The darker haired man said dropping and sweeping his foot to try and trip the blonde.

Wings of a Ramanga erupted from Chrestian’s back and Qui looked up at another hybrid incubus. His eyes were wide and the raw beauty of this creature. His blonde hair fell into his eyes and he stared down at the incubus and he was angry. It angered him that he took advantage of Kameron.

“I did no such thing!” The Panyu growled low.

“Using lust against another empusae is low is it not? We may have been Ramanga but we are like you now. How is it not as I have thought?” Chrestian demanded.

Qui was reacting quickly and this beast was fast and an expert at hand to hand it seemed. He surmised that he must have been a warrior and he ported out in a rhythm of his energies. He was hoping to catch the other man off guard but it was not occurring and Quilin was growing frustrated and stalemated. It occurred to him that he had taken down the scrumptious ebony haired frère only by surprise and his mind tingled. That man had been spectacular and Chan was already thinking ahead. He was trying to get to the queen to explain but she was shutting herself off. Chrestian was quickly on Qui and they rolled several times and the blonde made a purely Ramanga sound.

“You were human!” The Panyu cried in delight.

“It matters not what I was. I am uppyr now and I belong to her.” He said kneeing him with tremendous harshness and the Panyu incubus made a decidedly shrill shriek.

Quilin was in pain and his cock was throbbing terribly as Chrestian got up and his appearance was that of a normal looking human. He dusted off his old style English style clothes and he walked towards the forest.

“That was cruel!” The Asian empusae hissed.

“I do not care.” Chrestian said softly as he disappeared.

Qui had failed in his objective and he had realized just how powerful these turned incubuses really were. They seemed to keep their former sensibilities as well and that saddened and shocked him at the same time. He narrowed his beautiful eyes and groaned in pain.
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Ryo slept and she saw him walk towards her quickly. Things were not safe and things were too chaotic in his opinion. Asuna could feel his agitation as he walked up to her and jerked her gently forward. Chrestian cradled the back of her head as she sank her fangs into his jugular. He always fed her first and she knew to just do so. He felt the bloody tears against his skin and he just held her as she took from him.

“I feel the agony.” He said as his hand petted her hair.

Her eyes were shut and she was remembering his seduction of her when he was still under Ayille’s influence. Asuna choked on his blood and she pulled back to stare at his face and light green eyes.

“Chrestian.” Asuna stated sobbing.

“I know you loved him better. I am not ignorant of that my queen but I have always tried to give you my best.” Chrestian answered honestly.

“I did not love him better! It was different.” She said wiping her eyes.

“I am sorry.” He said looking down and his heart was hurting for hers.

“He was the oldest frère.” She whispered honestly.

“I ached for you and I could not remember why. I am being nostalgic and it serves no purpose mistress. Forgive me.” He said sighing softly.

Her hands clenched and she wanted to scream that each of them were special to her in such different ways. Kameron had been unique and a powerful force in her life simply because he was the most powerful of her three. Her eyes stung worse and she suddenly fled. Chrestian cursed in Norse and Ryo woke up. His stare was blank and he realized she was gone.

“Where is she?” He demanded.

“She grieves and I was foolish.” Chrestian admitted.

“Fuck!” The red said pushing down his own pain and he shimmered out to find his queen.

The blonde frère allowed himself to hate the situation and he wished death had befallen him those thousands of years ago. The main joy of his life was Freyja and he did love Asuna but he truly felt that when his human form died; he was worthless. It was not common for many youkai to say that but for him it felt true. Painful cramps let him know it was time to feed and he shut his eyes a moment. Ryo had already found her he could feel and he ported out slowly to find his own nourishment.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////< br> Chrestian found himself in a small town outside of London and he had smiled at a Tavern wench and now he was deeply kissing her as blood spilled from her lips. He did not kill and it did not feel right. He kept his sexual appetites under control by constant hunting and he would rip apart animals in his Ramanga form. He withheld himself from his queen often now and Asuna seemed to overlook him. His eyes held that eerie quality and he gently let the woman fall to the ground and he stepped back.

“You have never forgiven for your rebirth.” She said from afar.

Chrestian stiffened and he looked over at her and she had on a simple tunic in white. Blood stained her silver mane and her dress as well. He could smell Ramanga and Sistern on her and he stared at her face.

“Do you remember once that I asked if you would end my life?” Chrestian asked softly.

“You cannot ask that of me! Not now! Not this day of all days! I do not see you as a replacement for him. You are not him but I formed an intense bond with him because he so wished it. You never wished it with me!” Asuna accused.

“It must be as you say.” He bowed and he face held no malice or anything.

“What happened to you? You attacked me! You followed me and seduced me! You are pathetic!” She screamed in anger over so much waste.

A spark went off and he lifted his face. Chrestian stared at her with hunger, pain, and want. Her middle frère rarely showed anything than his gentle side. He was instantly in front of her and his hand cupped her jaw. His face clouded in his emotion as their eyes met.

“You dismissed me always. I came to you and begged you to remake me. You did so and cruelly. You went back to my human self in guilt. It was not love my queen. It was quilt. I came to you out of love and need to be more than a monster. I wanted part of myself back. Now it is instinct and I do love you but that same empty feeling fills me that I always felt when I was around her. I do not have the testes to be a frère and Kameron did. He was blackened in soul and I never was. Pardon me my queen for I have to seek your protection.”Chrestian stated gently but it was like a hammer to her heart.

“Leave. Leave me and never return.” She said frigidly.

“Pardon?” He said suddenly, very stiffly.

“Leave me. If you seek to end your existence than that will be your choice. I have always wanted you three to have choices. I want nothing more from you Chrestian.” Asuna said turning and walking away.

“I am frère!” He shouted out.

“No Chrestian. You never really were. I thank Kamis for that I think. You have instincts of one but you never fully took to it. That is a blessing I think. Leave.” She growled.

“Freyja.” He growled back with slowly reddening eyes.

“You told me after you awoke that her sire died away. A Viking warrior sired her and not some simple frère.” She said coldly.

He blinked and she was gone. Chrestian Stone was horrified and he was alone. He cursed his stupidity and his jealousy. His anger over Kameron had reduced her one less protector and he did not know how he felt. He was not sure of anything and he could only stand there.
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Ryo was worse than horrified and his emerald eyes stared at her in bewilderment and she sat on a rock that jutted into the damnable English waters.

“Do you wish freedom as well?” Asuna asked in a mood.

“NO!” He growled.

“I am a target Ryo.” She whispered and the pain was permeating them both.

“I know not this other reality. I am still dragon but I am yours. I was yours the moment I laid my eyes upon you.” Ryo said through his own emotional turmoil.

“Can we really function?” She asked shaking terribly.

“I cannot at the moment but mistress I was never hers! I have always been yours and Kameron’s. I have never known anything but your ways.” He whispered in her ear.

Asuna realized his words were true and she looked back at him and his green eyes held their pain. His fiery red hair was down and the slight burnished scales stood out in the sunlight. There were bloody trails from the corners of her eyes and he leaned forward to barely touch his lips to hers. Asuna cried out in her fury and pain and she ported them. They appeared in Japan and they were in the Ryuku Islands. He smiled softly through his anguish and he walked towards his childhood village. It was apparent she wanted to just be amongst her blood tie and he needed her. Ryo had no clue that the pain could be this bad. His anger and hatred of Ramanga was tearing him apart. He hated them already for destroying his previous life but he had truly fallen in love with her and Kameron. The hatred returned with a vengeance and the small portion of his heart that he had reserved for his other maker was shriveled and dead.
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Chan was furious and he stared at Qui with a raised brow. The white haired Panyu was curious what made these frère stronger than a born incubus and he looked at his long time lover.

“We cannot fully pull out her power if she does not stay amongst us now can we?” He asked irritated.

“I am thinking Chan that we should never have left her alone to begin with.” Quilin said.

“How was I supposed to know she was the reborn Arianrhod?” Chan asked wryly.

“You also thought after she broke Jin’s heart that she would turn out like the previous queen.” The intelligent man stated and he watched Chan.

“She is still so young Qui. She is also so damanably impressionable! I have never met a female empusae who was so easily swayed. Our power alone should seduce her and she resists us and allows my grandsons to partake of her! Jin and Sheng have taken from my queen freely.” His coven leader said in a foul mood.

“So what are we supposed to do from here Chan? This is the modern era and she is back there.” Qui stated.

“Yes, yes I know.” The older man said pacing.

Quilin neared him and nudged his nose and Chan stared at him with violet eyes and he smiled a little. Qui had so little inu in him and he had so much more. They both had enough incubus in them to be ravenous creatures and he grabbed his sculpted chin softly.

“I could only give you up to her.” He said softly.

“Pardon me?” The brunette said surprised.

“She is aimless right now and in danger. That idiot Sebastein tried to rule us once and failed. I was smarter. I led us here and I protected us from that evil bitch. Trust in me now.” Chan practically purred.

“What are you suggesting Chan?” Qui asked nervously.

“Her frère are so powerful.” He whispered.

“I am born!” He growled.

“I know my darling but her soul is that of Arianrhod. We will not survive without our rightful ruler and the scourge of the devils will wipe us out. I for one like living.” He said softly kissing his lips.

“You wish me to give myself up to death and be reborn?” The Panyu asked afraid.

“Can you imagine how powerful you would be?” His lover asked.

“You ask too much Chan. You manipulate too much!” Quilin snapped.

“I manipulated and I made a great nation! My son’s sons are amazing and powerful men. Why should I hide my pride at that?” Chan demanded.

“Because you swear I am your favorite along with Milu.” His lover said coldly.

“I adore you both and you know it.” Chan stated angry.

Quilin knew what it was and he knew Chan fancied himself above the old king. He fancied himself Sebastein Laurent and there was old animosity there. There was ancient history there and Chan wanted what Bastian had. He wanted the ear and the power of the most powerful empusae woman.
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It had been some time but he could feel it as well. Those who were in her inner circle could feel it. Sebastein hated Britain but he was there and he could see the back of her head. Ryo saw the light green eyes and his mouth dropped open.

“Chere?” He whispered it seemed as if on the wind.

Asuna stiffened and she whirled around. Her eyes were wide and Bastain stood there in this era’s clothes and his eyes spoke his feelings and she ran into his arms. She sobbed as he wrapped his arms around her. The mixed empusae held onto him as she let out her emotions.

“Is our bebe safe?” He asked gently.

“Hai! She is safe. You have her in the other time.” She said wiping the red tears away.

“Look at me. Oui! Look at me Chere. You are strong! You are powerful. Look at me mon amour!” Sebastein commanded.

Asuna was forced to stare into his light green eyes and he was still so beautiful and so sinful. She knew exactly what Chan meant when she explained they could not live together and she attacked his mouth. He groaned and Ryo watched not in jealousy because he was salivating some as well. She slowly pulled her mouth away from his and stared at his now red eyes.

“My frère Sebastein. Ryo? Meet Sebastein.” She commanded.

Her dragon frère came forward and bowed low. The full incubus eyed him and she looked at him questioningly.

“I want you to tell me the truth and I want it fully. Who was your mother Bastian?” Asuna asked softly.

“It was a long time ago mon amour.” He whispered and he looked away.

“You have told me you are ancient. You speak Gaelic. Your chest was pierced at one time. You have tattoos mon amour.” She whispered.

Sebastein jerked his head to stare at her and it never occurred to him that she paid attention to tiny details and he looked down.

“Why did you not say that Halldora Fardahl was your mother? You knew later that I was Arianrhod and Fionn has been around. Did you know what became of her?” She asked in a hurt tone.

“I was raised by my father’s side. I was raised by the Novak tribe.” He said staring at her with a heaving chest.

“Why?” Asuna asked with a sick heart.

“Because I was powerful for a man child and I was not ekimmu, oui? Do you understand that we male empusae were not as powerful as you women? My father went to war over my birthright and it was in Gaul.” He said with a raised chin.

“Oh my Kamis.” She said surprised.

“Oui. I was arranged to marry my distant cousin Danika Novak who was the Novak’s daughter. Annka became ekimmu because she is and was an old bat. We live long enough than we are classified as ekimmu. Do you understand?” He stated and he was obviously agitated.

“Did you know that you have another brother?” Asuna blurted out.

“I have many siblings oui? I have not known many of them. I know my mother tried to fight for me but I also know something dreadful happened to her. I was not told a lot but I was in love with Danika and I did not pay attention and after what she did to me and my infant son; I was also in a death sleep for a very long time. Does this make sense, no?” Sebastein asked in a hoarse voice.

“I cannot believe Fionn Hammel is your brother!” She cried.

“I am nothing to him because he considers us unworthy. We are infants to him and therefore nothing. He spits upon us and nothing? Oui? Do you get it? He is a bastard. I want nothing from him.” He growled in anger.

“Did you use me to beget Celeste? Did you beget an empusae that would be more powerful than me so you could have some fictional crown?” Asuna asked in rising anger.

“Why is it wrong for revenge upon my past? Why is it wrong to wish to have a powerful bebe?” He demanded of her.

“I believed in you Sebastein. I believed in your anger, your fury, and your lying. Why did you just not tell me the full truth!” She screamed at him.

“Because you could not remember mon amour! What purpose would it serve if you could not remember a dead life but you could pull on the power of that life?” He asked in rising fury.

“First Gwydion! Now you! Fuck you all! I hate you all! I am hunted and those I love killed because you all are liars and idiots! I lost Kameron and he was such a part of my heart. He was so deep in me and I wonder how I can live without that!” She screamed at him in rising agitation and rage.

“He was only a bitten!” He growled in a nasty sound.

Ryo made a nastier sound and he moved to stand in front of his maker. Sebastein was furious looking and she stared at him in her anger. She knew her words were in anger but he was emotionally fragile compared to many of those that were in her circle.

“He was not just a bitten and he was older than you!” Ryo snapped.

“Really? You think so little one?” Sebastein stated.

“Yea.” Her wise ass frère said in his anger.

“Your turnling is amusing mon amour. I am sorry you see me as not telling you as a lie. I was of the opinion that you were you; Asuna and not Arianrhod Hammel.” He said coldly.

She made a hiccupping noise and he rolled his eyes. The woman he adored was emotionally a wreck. The queens and their damn frère were too damn connected in his opinion but nature had made it skewed in his opinion. The turned would kill, maim, and generally decimate for their queen. The idea that a simple frère was stronger than him made him seethe.

“You are jealous!” She said hearing his thoughts.

“Maybe I am mon amour. I tell you I am not normal amongst incubus and you have one who is stronger than me.” He snapped and crossed his arms.

“I am tired of this right now! I cannot think. Kameron’s demise is leaving me down trodden. I dismissed Chrestian and I refuse to have this pissing contest with you! I have ekimmu, Ramanga, and a fucking mortal to decimate.” She said in her angst.

“Word is that the royal house of Leth’Evana is furious with you as well mon amour.” He said snidely.

She whipped her head around and stared at him and his face held that arrogant look from the days before their intimacies. Asuna got a nasty look on her face and she growled low in her throat.

“You want power Bastian?” She said in a beastly growl.

“What is wrong with you?” Sebastein demanded.

“Asuna?” Ryo asked actually getting nervous.

Sebastein stepped back and her aura was off. She was also pulsing anger and he wanted to kick himself for his stupidity. Fionn Hammel and Gwydion Hammel were there rather quickly.

“Down girl.” Gwydion said softly.

“Shut up Gwydion!” Asuna screamed.

“Yes Gwydion shut up.” Fionn snapped as he could see her getting more agitated.

“She will unleash her energies and our little shielding will not hold out! I for one am tired! I am giving her space as you said thunder boy.” The ice prince said in sarcasm.

Fionn wanted to slap his palm over his face and he opted for glaring at his older sibling. He did not even bother to pay attention to the empusae man there. He did not pay any attention to many. Sebastein shook his head and he snorted.

“Well our ekimmu masters can deal with their errant puppy. We lowly infants should give them wide berth frère. We are slop oui? Come and let the elevated brats have their spat.” He said in a nasty tone.

“Were you speaking to me or of us incubus?” Fionn said curling his lip.

Asuna fully realized that Fionn had no clue who this was but she was still in a fury. She whirled on Fionn and punched him rather harshly and Gwydion busted out laughing. She walked to Ryo and grabbed his hand and went to port.

“Coward.” Sebastein hissed at her.

Asuna stared at him and she lost it totally. Fionn and Gwydion were too stunned by the next event to even contemplate stopping. Sebastein had not even thought of this occurring and she was snarling at his throat. Fionn made a noise and he shouted at her stop but she was draining Bastian of his very life.

“Asuna! STOP!” The thunder ekimmu screamed.

Ryo moved and he stood between her and the two ekimmu. Gwydion was staring at Asuna and her eyes were emerald green.

“She intends to kill him.” Gwydion whispered.

“Why? He is an insipid incubus!” Fionn snapped.

“Why don’t you two go protect from afar and leave us the fuck alone, okay? She wants to make a meal of him then that is her business.” The dragon frère said in a nasty way.

“Frere you are too mouthy!” The lightning ekimmu said crossing his arms.

“Yea, I know. My other maker was killed and you know damn well I can stay your asses well enough. Not a normal frère am I? Wanna play fuck up the ekimmu?” Ryo stated in a sarcastic query.

Gwydion adored Ryo and he winked at the frère and dragged Fionn off. Sebastein was dropped at her feet and he was not dead but drained pretty bad. Asuna was horrified at herself but something was driving her.

“What did you do?” Sebastein asked in horror.

“Ryo?” She asked in a shaking voice.

“Mistress?” He asked calmly as if this was a normal occurrence.

“I..I need to…will you give him your blood?” Asuna asked faintly.

“Hai.” He nodded and he knelt near the incubus and growled at him.

Ryo stared at the old incubus and he was gorgeous and now vulnerable.

“You really pissed her off dude. I really like your kid though but glad she is like Asuna.” Ryo snorted.

Sebastein was furious and he surged his own faltering energies and he attacked the frère. Asuna jerked around and her empusae mate was rolling on the ground with Ryo and it was nasty. Claws were bared and the sight made her weak kneed. She stepped back and she found a rock to collapse against. Sebastein was showing his strength and it was intoxicating to watch. Ryo had been a seasoned warrior in his life and the two men were checking the other. They were also bloody and Bastian was weakened from her feeding from him. The light brown haired incubus grabbed Ryo’s throat and he was trying to fight him both mentally and physically but he was faltering. It fully occurred to him that he may lose and he was not stupid. It shocked him when Ryo pinned him brutally to the sand.

“It was fair only because I was weak. Should you give me time to recover?” Sebastein snarled at the frère.

“Sorry dude but you would always be checked by me. I didn’t even pull on my previous yoki you little shit.” Ryo smirked.

Ryo cocked his head to the side and a look got on his face and he stared down at the full incubus.

“You like a lot of us?” He demanded.

“Am I like what you idiot?” The older man demanded in fury.

“Kamis you are a dolt. Do you feed from both?” The red asked laughing.

Bastian turned red in the face and Ryo had his answer and leaned over the prone man. He husked in his ear and Sebastein physically shuddered violently.

“See I am just like you.” Ryo said seductively.

“You are nothing like me, oui? I am born this way! You are turned! You were a serpent before. I have always been…OUI!” Sebastein screamed out as the red sank his fangs into his throat.

Asuna watched the scene and her chest heaved. She was beside him and Ryo as the red lifted his mouth.

“You bitch and complain about power. I am fixing to give it to you.” Asuna said in a shaking voice.

“What do you mean? Stop! You are draining me! You are killing me!” Sebastein snarled in a weak voice.

“No. I am giving you what you want.” She said in a distant voice.

Sebastein did not recognize her voice and Ryo did. She ripped open Sebastein’s caramel colored tunic to expose his pale chest. The incubus widened his eyes when her fangs sank around a flat nipple. His mouth fell open in the crushing pleasure that she chose to employ most times when she fed and he was drifting sleepily as his body felt rapture of such potency. His eyes were dull and he could not fight back…he could not fight her will and at this point he would not. Sebastein was bitter when he realized he had been duped by another woman of his kind. He was barely alive but at least this death would be pleasant. He would just drift off to sleep. Ryo sucked in his breath at the other man’s anger and bitterness but his queen was in a deep trance and he knew it was not her. She would not do this and she cut herself so that she bled into Sebastein’s mouth. The red had to look away and he was so freaking aroused by this scene and she growled in Japanese to come forward.

“Asuna?” He whispered surprised.

“Bleed for him.” She commanded.

“Are we?” Ryo asked shocked.

“He will augment her power.” Asuna said with her voice.

“Why are you doing this?” The dragon asked as he did as he was commanded.

“She hurts over Kameron. She cannot function and neither can you. She needs strength and does not rely on mine. Halldora’s children were extremely powerful. He wants more power and so he will have mine.” Arianrhod’s voice said in calculation.

“Can we bring back Kameron?” He asked shaking and hoping.

“I can do anything sweet Ryo. We have to stop Ayille first this time. Our personalities are becoming one slowly. Good sweet boy. Rest as now you become a caretaker.” She said with a strained voice.

She leaned over Sebastein and he was bleary eyed. He was being pulled into a death sleep and he could see her clearly.

“What have you done to me?” Sebastein asked barely able to get the words out.

“Stopping Ayille, Bilae, and our enemies Bastian Fardahl. I am still her but I speak with my memories intact. I speak as Arianrhod now. I know your pain and we as her did stop that insane infant. We give you part of us.” She said softly and tenderly.

“Cannot change another uppyr.” He whispered slowly fading.

“Not true. I am the original queen Bastian; even above your wonderful mother but I was and am stronger. I have domain over all like me. You are like me now. Sleep.” The voice said and his eyes shut.

“My lady?” Ryo asked softly.

“Yes Ryo?” That voice asked.

“What did we just do?” He asked nervously.

“We made a frère.” She said and she lay down next to the unmoving form of Sebastein Fardahl Laurent.
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Ryo stared at the body of Bastian as she called him and Asuna had screamed in agony as she saw what she had done. He held her tightly as she wept. Chrestian had returned and said nothing about the fight they had and he held her as his eyes were wide as he took in the scene. He was struck dumb by the actions and the incubus was awake a lot sooner than either Ryo or he had been. His eyes were fierce and Asuna was horrified.

“What did you do to me?” He raged.

“I do not know why I did that Bastian. I am sorry. I was angry.” Asuna said backing up.

“You fed on me? You drained me?” Sebastein said snarling.

“Is that not what we do when we couple?” She demanded yelling back.

“No! That is feeding another way. You bitch!” He hissed and he went to stalk away.

“You had better stop Sebastein.” She screamed at his back.

He stopped and he was sick to his stomach to realize that he had to stop. Sebastein was horrified to realize that he was VERY aware of her will and he had never felt as such before.

“What did you do to me?” The incubus stated with utter wrath.

“Gave you power.” Asuna snapped.

“This is power? These are chains!” He screamed as he whirled on her.

Sebastein was shaking in fury and he charged her. He slammed her against a tree and she yelped in pain as she hit. He was shocked at the amount of energies he felt at his fingertips. His green eyes met hers and he was suddenly terrified. Bastian’s abilities had always been deeply mental and this was totally different for him.

“You have my yoki.” She whispered shocked.

“How?” Bastian whispered back amazed.

“No idea. Perhaps since you are a born empusae and I did not actually turn you?” Asuna said watching as his hands had a greenish aura.

“This is your power oui?” He demanded totally surprised and he still could not fathom.

“Mistress! Why does he have your yoki and we do not.?” Ryo asked miffed.

“I think because it was latent in him to begin with.” She said with widened eyes and her heart racing.

Sebastein looked at her and he took her hand to port. They were gone and the two frère stood by and could say nothing. Things had taken on strange circumstances and Ryo was frightened.
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Chan was furious. He was utterly and supremely furious as he stared at the events unfolding. It was sickening to him that a Novak incubus should have anything other than oblivion. He ported in and the two frère stared at him with contempt it seemed.

“Where is your maker?” Chan asked coolly.

“Our queen is busy. We will take a message after the beep.” Ryo said with his usual snort.

“Oh very charming little boy. You are utterly delightful but I asked a question.” He said and his finger pointed down.

Ryo was crushed under invisible yoki and he snarled as he was immobile. Chrestian moved with his incredible speed and Chan sighed. There was a cracking sound and the blonde frère made a soft whine.

“Now I will ask again. Where is Lady Asuna?” He asked almost cheerfully.

“How in the hell do you have this yoki?” The red asked sweating horribly.

“Different tribes had different abilities beautiful boy. I tire of asking and I will truly hurt you and that will get her attention.” He said impatiently.

“Fuck yourself!” He said through clenched teeth.

Chan clucked his tongue as he swept around the prone form of the red. He knelt near him and he breathed heavily along his ear. The white silk brushed up against Ryo’s tattooed arm and he shivered badly.

“Where is she?” He whispered seductively.

“I don’t know. She can block the link.” He said spitting out the information.

“Okay! That was easy was it not?” Chan asked moving so Ryo had to stare at his violet eyes.

“What the fuck?” Ryo asked feeling leaden and his blood pump wildly.

“I am incubus and inu. Now beautiful frère; I have never kissed a dragon. I have been told that it brings good luck.” He grinned.

“Huh?” The red said numbly.

Chan was being wicked and he hauled up Ryo and his mouth possessed the red’s mouth with sultry abandon and the formerly normal fire dragon whined in bliss and agony. The former Panyu lord was also an empusae prince and he frankly had no love of the Novaks. They angered him but the current queen was a very very good deviation from their norm and he adored her. He drank from her frère and he tasted so damn good as the poor turned slipped down his front.

“Well! I will just have to have you as well.” He smirked and he moved away from his victim.

Ryo was dazed as hell and Chrestian moved slowly as his leg was broken and the healing was slow to occur. Ryo was in a state and he was staring up.

“Are you okay?” He asked softly.

“Holy shit.” Ryo whispered.

“What did he do to you?” Chrestian asked.

“Chrestian, he is totally different from us yet he is the same.” He said still feeling the haze.

The former Viking looked at the direction where the other empusae went and things were twisted and odd at the moment.
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Sebastein was still furious but the ability to have an element that he controlled; that alone seemed worth it to be chained to her like he was. Asuna was hearing his thoughts and she had to tell herself that this was a younger Bastian and not the one from the modern era. It was painful to hear him wish to use her but that was basically what she had done to him and she only stood by and the feeling of numbness came over her. The feeling of absolute and complete failure overcame her and she looked hollow.

“Why do you stare off? You did this to me oui? Now show me how to use it!” Sebastein growled.

“You have to do it the same way you pull on your mental abilities Bastian. I am tired. I am newly pupped and I am in need of rest. Technically you are frère but we both know you are not. That portion of my soul wished to use you for your abilities and you wish to be more powerful. There you are.” Asuna said with severe pain in her chest and tears stinging her eyes.

He was still angry but he said nothing. Sebastein felt a presence nearing he had not felt in a very long time indeed and his beautifully sinful face twisted in anger when he spied a Leth’Evana empusae and he hissed at the arrogant bastard named Chan. Asuna whirled and she was angry that all of sudden these incubus were seeking her.

“What Chan? What?” She screamed.

“I would speak with you and I do mean now. Oh hello Laurent.” Chan said smoothly.

“You filth!” The green eyed man sneered.

“Oh Bastian…do come up with something original for once. My queen I will be heard now!” Chan said forcefully.

Asuna glared at him and he truly reminded her of Jin in that moment. She was growling low in her throat and he narrowed his eyes at her. Sebastein was fixing to lay into the incubus when Chan ported and appeared behind her. She did manage to strike him and her anger was complete. She just left and the white haired incubus stared at the light brown hair of the Gaulish one.

“You fucking prick! You think you will overcome me no?” Sebastein demanded in his cold arrogance.

“I think you Novaks are shit I trod upon.” The Asian empusae laughed and he was then gone.

Chan was pulling on the very faint tie he had through her blood. He was in possession of letters that arrived by way of ekimmu. He was most direct to himself and he smirked. She was in her homeland and he did not like Japan. It was too cramped and small in his mind but she was in the southern islands. Chan felt his queen and she was also deep in the earth which puzzled him. He ported down and he was stunned to see a creature so beautiful and he scented the still blood of a humanoid basilisk. His eyes were wide and he stared at her with awe.

“They exist?” He asked stunned.

“You did not know?” Asuna whispered.

“No! How?” Chan asked mystified.

“Stay away from him Chan! He is mine! I will kill you.” She said growling low.

“Is he? Who is he?” He asked eyeing the beautiful man.

“Amedeo. I miss him. He is in hibernation right now. I just wish to gaze upon him.” She said looking away.

“I would wish to gaze upon him as well! He must be a favorite.” He said knowingly.

“I am married to him in another era. He is the most irksome male but he is one of the most giving, loving, and best men I know. He is royalty as well.” She said as tears fell down her face.

“You need to return to your era to mentally strengthen yourself. Bilae and that whore need to heal. Take yourself and make yourself powerful. Come to me in Panyu! Know us! Know what I can give you!” He pleaded.

Asuna stared at Amedeo and she shook from the toll of losing too much through the years. She looked up at Chan and this seemed all too familiar after Sheng died. Fat tears fell and she nodded. Chan played it coolly and he nodded as well and he stared at the beautiful man and he salivated at the idea of seeing one in the flesh.
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Asuna stood in modern Tokyo and the winds were blowing rather fiercely. It was the rainy season now and it was nasty weather. She had to deliver the news of Kameron’s death to Admal and Lei. Her Jing husband had clutched the door frame and had turned completely pale. She had fled and she would not answer his calls either mentally or by phone. She could not face either Shouten right now or the pain they felt was crushing her. So now she stood in modern Tokyo. Hibari had refused to come back yet. She had to find Sergei and she understood. She had to pull herself together and she stared off dully.

“Femmina?” She heard distantly.

Amedeo was wearing a rain slicker in black to protect him from the damn monsoon and he was calling for his wife and she only stood there in the downpour.

“Papa!” Amedeo called to his father behind him.

Julianus Servius looked up and he was shocked to see her and he walked hurriedly towards her and put his arm around her waist.

“Huh?” Asuna mumbled.

Julianus waited for Amedeo and they walked her quickly to an alley and they shifted to their penthouse apartment. She was soaked to the bone and both basilisk shivered from the rain.

“Femmina?” Her mixed basilisk asked in concern.

“Kameron is dead. I am unsure what to say or do. Lei cannot speak.” She said stumbling over words.

“Kameron? What?” Julianus asked stunned.

“Hai. The odd thing is that the empusae have been coming out of the shadows for what reason I do not know. The Soten is…I have no idea. Hibari is…I need to sleep. May I take your bed Amedeo?” Asuna asked.

“Si!” Amedeo said quickly.

She left them standing there as father and son stared at the other confused. Julianus had adapted to the modern era very well and his long black hair had been cut to his shoulders. Amedeo and he were always together and people assumed they were brothers and they did not correct them. Father and son enjoyed their lives as they helped to exterminate Ramanga and fight the family’s enemies. They were happy but to see Asuna so empty made them both concerned.
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Asuna was sandwiched between Julianus and Amedeo in the middle of the night and she was staring at the ceiling unable to settle. Both of them only wore boxers and she got to feel their delicious flesh against her and Asuna was glad to be amongst men she loved so well. She took Amedeo’s hand in hers and she only felt frozen. Amedeo felt his fingers laced in hers and he came awake very slowly. He was groggy and night was just not his time. He was quiet as he sat up a little and he looked down at her.

“It hurts.” She breathed.

“Si. What can I do?” Amedeo asked concerned.

“Kill her. Kill Ayille. You and Julianus have become good at it. Please! Please Amedeo. I cannot keep losing and trying to save them. This will kill me.” She said suddenly sobbing.

“You wish me to come to the past femmina?” He asked gently.

“HAI!” She yelled out.

“I will come. I will do anything for you si? Anything.” He said softly as he bent down and kissed her.

She viciously took his lips and he was surprised. Amedeo had keenly missed her and he groaned as it became heavy quickly. Asuna was hungering for him too intensely and she grabbed his sculpted ass cheeks and firmly squeezed. Amedeo groaned softly as he tried to slowly pull his mouth away but she followed him. It dawned on him that she was starved and he jerked his mouth away.

“Femmina…shhhh.” He said gently.

“No! Amedeo!” She hissed in her pain.

Julianus woke up and he saw the woman he loved begging Amedeo and his son was trying to be good and honorable. Asuna was weeping as Amedeo was reasoning with her. She reached up and pressed her palms to his cheeks as she whimpered.

“Asuna…femmina, please stop begging me.” Her basilisk husband asked

“Femmina listen to Amedeo. Let us hold you.” Julianus said pressing in behind her.

“NO!” She growled and cried softly.

Amedeo was on his back so swiftly that he had no time to react and she had bitten into his chest. His body was instantly reacting as she needed them. She moved to his mouth and she made him taste his own blood. He groaned crazily as the woman he had married consumed him completely. Julianus was struck by the raw sensuality and bit his lip as she slowly ran her hands up his biceps till she clutched his hands in hers. Amedeo Servius was reeling from just the bite and kiss alone. Asuna lifted her lips and she stared down at him with green eyes.

“Love you so much. You are so much part of me. Amedeo? My sweet Amedeo.” She whispered as her bloody tears splashed on his chest.

He was captivated by the words and Julianus could see what would happen and he was shaking. Asuna let her fingers slide down his silky flesh and down his rippling and ripped stomach. His wife carefully dragged his black silk boxers down and he moaned at her actions.

“Femmina. Asuna? Oh Gods SI!” Amedeo’s startling cry rang out as just the tender flesh of her lips brushed just above his groin.

“Amedeo Servius. You made me and took me that day at the onsen. You made me need your heart. You gave me your love.” She whispered feverishly as she mouthed his skin.

She was never this emotional and it was affecting him profoundly. His skin began to burn with erotic loving words of his mate and her devotional speech. Nothing was hurried as she too slowly let her tongue drag from the base of his organ and his voice cracked badly. Amedeo could not believe himself but this was not her typical behavior and she was destroying him and making him shake with the barest of touches.

“My wife! Oh fuck!” He hissed in his viper cry as the light touches altered his mind.

Julianus met her green eyes and he began to sweat profoundly. His first groan escaped his mouth and she was eyeing him as her tongue just traced the veins in Amedeo’s beautiful cock.

“Femmina this is nothing like before! Oh by Gods!…I need.” He could not finish his sentence as everything brush or touch was repeated to him.

Her green eyes began to have a more bluish hue and she slowly wrapped her lips around Amedeo’s mushroom head. The son shredded his bed with his claws as the lovemaking was surreal already as she slowly worshipped the pagan god that had been her rex. The black basilisk fell to the other side of the bed as he rasped and writhed on the satin sheets.

“Bite me! Please! Let me taste you. Let me! I need you! Shit femmina! PLEASE!” He screamed out and his reddish black hair was plastered to his forehead in sweat.

Asuna gloried in his heat, his live body, the fact that his maleness was between her lips, and everything that him hers and alive. She extended the act to Julianus and she would burn a physical act upon him soon enough but Amedeo always received her first. Her basilisk first mate quit breathing and his mouth went slack as she eased one finger deep within him. She did not hold him back and he did not make a viper cry but one of immense euphoria that shook him to his soul. Julianus was blacking out as his own riveting trip was making him blackout. Tears leaked from Amedeo’s eyes as he could not move as his muscles were lead. She sat up fully and she dragged of the fine cotton tee shirt.

“Thank you. You give to me still. I love you Amedeo. My rex. My beautiful rex.” She said baring her body to him and he met her eyes.

Amedeo forced himself to move and meet her open mouth and he wrapped his arms around her in a powerful grip. He knew to let Julianus sleep for he had not even begun his own session. The mixed basilisk kissed his passion and guided her to lie down on her back as he arranged her open and slipped inside of the heat. Amedeo’s mournful noise was joyous to her and she met his undulations slowly as she ate at his mouth. She bit into his tongue and he lost his mind. He had to bite her in return and the coupling slowly became frantic. It never lost the beauty but they clung as they both spent themselves and shared of their blood, yoki, and souls. Asuna was sweating horribly and dried salty blood tears stained her face. She saw it first and she was horrified to see him. Chan stared silently at the acts of beautiful love and the look on his face told her much. When Asuna looked up again; he was gone.
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She was in the compound in Panyu and she was angry. She was furious and the royal family of Panyu was just that arrogant. It seemed Chan had imparted the arrogant presumption to Jin. The inu-empusae stormed into the main hall of the palatial residence and he looked up from his book and he narrowed his beautiful eyes.

“How dare you! How dare you show up at his home and watch me! How dare you do what you did before Kameron died. This is my life Chan and I will choose how I act. I will choose how my frère interact and I will choose who I partake of!” She snarled at him.

“Yet you give Sebastein Laurent your power?” He said coldly.

“Sebastein is a mate of mine! He sired Celeste. How dare you insert yourself in my life when you ignored me all these years when I could have used your help you arrogant bastard! I was in Panyu! I have asked several times for my supposed rights as this fictional queen status. Hideaki seeks you all out and me? Fuck you Chan but I do not need instruction from you. If I take instruction from any incubus that has inu in him it will be Sheng! He is good and he is honorable. He is not you!” Asuna said in a tirade.

Chan was in her face with the empusae speed and he was growling like a rabid inu. He eyes were more intense and his arrogance was bordering on overbearing to her.

“Sheng would not be here if I did not sire their father you arrogant girl! So you can thank me for giving you my house.” He said meanly.

“You gave them your asinine ways as well!” She screamed at him.

Chan grabbed her chin and he walked her backwards quickly into a wall and she hit hard. His eyes narrowed and he was still growling in anger.

“Your Soten is alive. You did change that by the way.” He snapped.

Her eyes widened and she clutched her chest in that knowledge and the damn tears brimmed her eyes and he watched her.

“You began to use some of your true power last night. It may have been in the midst of mating but it was true! Instead of illusion you created the actual effect. You manifested your telekinesis with utter control in the midst of straining conditions. You bear the winds of the House of Moon and the abilities of our founders. Now my queen you need me regardless of your conceited and young assertions otherwise. Instead of letting that ancient youkai onna out…you harness YOUR yoki and destiny for once. Destroy your enemies! Instead of being Arianrhod Hamel be YOU! Be Asuna; daughter of the Killing Perfection and Queen of Tír na nÓg! Destroy those who stand in your way for peace and happiness. I am a son of Don and Leth’Evana. Do you think I am nothing now?” He asked in his own furious tirade.

Asuna stood there with mouth agape and she was shocked stupid. Anger welled up again and she looked away.

“You have known all this time!” She accused.

“I was not sure. Unlike Teruyoshi and Izanagi…I do not think I am a Kami. I know what I am and I glory in it! What about you?” Chan snapped.

She reversed their positions and she stared into his eyes with pain borne from centuries beyond remembrance. Chan could see a terrified young onna in the body of a woman and it was unfair. He was calculated but what he saw the night before made him believe. It made him believe that a female could rule and they could be united finally. He stared at her face and again grabbed her jaw as she trembled violently.

“I have made no secret of what I also wish of you but regardless of that, I will teach you absolute finite control of ALL your yoki. I will give you the key to unlocking your vast potential young one. I will give you the key to blowing that Ramanga bitch away permanently along with that bastard Bilae.” He whispered.

Asuna turned cold green eyes to him and she stared at him hard.

“Never show up at my residences without permission again. They are my sanctuaries away from this cesspool of shit! I will not have you taint that.” She said with a clenched jaw that made her head ache.

“You are a massively cruel onna. How dare you! Females and males alike throw themselves at my feet and you act as though I am unworthy? What because I am not some damaged prick then I am not worth your care?” He said simmering in fury.

“You said it.” Asuna said.

Chan was in disbelief and he wanted to smack her. He lost her temper and he jerked her and forced her into an intoxicating kiss and she fought him at first until she melted against him as he expertly ravished her mouth. Never had a female of any species denied him and this was a first for him. The want of what he was denied made him crazed in lust and jealousy as he picked her up and pinned her to the wall. Asuna was shocked at herself and his mouth was beyond even Sebastein and she bit his lip and he gasped as she suckled it. She withdrew slowly and he had to fight the base instinct of his sexual nature and he hissed.

“Do not touch me again.” She said with malice.

“No! I want you. I want you so much.” He growled in her face.

“It would be another conquest for you and quite a conquest do you not think? I want men like Kameron, Amedeo, and hai even Naraku! They know me truly and they want me and not my fucking yoki! Now put me down before I hurt you.” Asuna commanded with severe authority in her tone.

Chan let her slide down the wall and she stood her full height. He was angry and he was shutting out his abilities and desire to make her comply. She was more powerful in the long run but she was inexperienced in her yoki yet. He stared at her and he had never known such a profound want. It made him utterly starve but he would his time and she walked away from him as he fumed.

“I will return in two days time. I have to see to Chanak and my chief mates. I am upping this war and I am ending this and soon. I am done! You are right Chan. I need to remember who I am and it is Asuna Orlovich-Jing; heir of the great Sesshomaru. I will prevail over Ayille and Bilae and you all will look upon the sky and you will remember who did this by my crest! You remember who I am Panyu! You will remember yourself always for I am a daughter of the moon!” She said with vehemence.