Bleach Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of the West ❯ The Prophecy of the Wind ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The characters of Inuyasha are not mine; they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not own the characters of Bleach, Tite Kubo does. No money is made on my part. All OCs are mine.

A/n: A surprise from Leth`Evana brings about significant change and plans are made for immediate removal of certain threats. Rumored things are brought to light and into the fold. An old regret is laid to rest as well as a summit is planned to pull together the Western family. Thank you for reading and please let me know your thoughts! The next couple of chapters will again be delving into history that pertains to characters that are important to the inu heiress and the Western house.

The Prophecy of the Wind

Chan was paranoid and the letter was from Beren. It was disturbing that he should have been able to get in here and then it occurred to him that sprites could move back and forth and not be felt. He took the letter to Chanak as it was written not in Undine but Foraoise fae. He was not as fluent in their tongue and his cousin took the letter. The Soten wraith grew furious and he stared at Chan and Maec was still there and he looked at his nephew as if to say, speak!

“Beren states that he is taking what you value most.” Chanak said shaking.

“He would not dare go against his sire.” Chan scoffed.

“Dumb ass is not working on all cylinders Chan!” His cousin stated sarcastically.

“No! He would not; he would not!” The incubus said suddenly violet eyed.

“Speak empusae! What?” Maec was getting furious dealing with the fairy beings.

“My idiot half-brother seduced your queen Uncle Maec. He used our natural ways to overwhelm her blood drinking senses. The Undine are more warlike than the Foraoise fae but the point is; I am certain she has some care for the twit, she did not want the alliance and he coerced her into it.” Chanak explained.

“He raped her?” Maec said as his eyes bled silver in rising anger.

“We blood drinkers would and will always see it that way but he drowned her senses so she could not say no; she could and would only say yes.” His nephew said looking away.

“So what did you do?” The Shouten king stated cracking knuckles.

“You and I both have a sordid history with her; do not be saintly with me sir! She started it and not me! She bit me and she laced the bite with her succubus toxin.” He hissed.

“Toxin?” The king stated stupidly.

“How can you know so little?” Chan asked almost amused.

“I am Shouten empusae. I know much about other blood drinkers; I know my lovely queen has a nasty toxin called Dakkasou that I hate with a passion but the empusae have a toxin?” He asked surprised.

“It is very subtle and it is released very rarely. It is usually only released when the succubus or incubus intends to take the one as a mate. It is our way of marking I suppose.” The incubus lord shrugged.

“She released it in you and did not know it!” Maec accused of Chanak.

“Yes, I guess so. I did not know that at the time. I thought her a depraved bitch.” He blushed.

Maec actually busted out laughing and he got a good laugh at the expense of the Soten and he got himself serious again concerning the fairy boy.

“Okay so Prince Beren used blood lust against my queen and he is now threatening you Chan because you wiped out other Undine?” The Shouten stated.

“Yes. I need to go to Japan.” He said in concern.

“I will go to Japan. You stay here and direct your assassins and such. My brother Admal will be here with Isha and Maiell very soon. Do try and keep your other empusae off of my brother, will you? He is half empusae.” He smirked.

“Wonderful.” Chan snapped.

Chanak was concerned; very concerned because he could see Chan was in a near panic and he was certain that his half-brother had gone nutsy. Maec phased over to Japan and Chan stared at Chanak.

“What do you value most Chan?” Chanak demanded.

“You know what I value most!” The incubus said shaking.

“I will have to take out my brother. Will you lend me your sword and swear to guard my son with your life?” The Soten asked raising a brunette brow.

Chan was shaking and he nodded. Simyth allowed Chanak in the palace and Airis got along with Chanak too. No, he would have the most access to the now crazy prince.
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Asuna was not prepared for anything and she had been ambushed inside of inu lands. She was taken by Beren himself and it seemed by several Undine warriors. She was suppressing her aura and trying not to make things worse and she watched her now; ex-husband agitated and he turned on her when they were in Leth`Evana proper.

“How could you help that monster?” He whispered.

“I helped to deliver justice! He was an Undine prince and he was left as ekimmu fodder. Your own aunt was using you and he could and would have killed you. I stopped him.” Asuna said calmly.

“Oh since when do you give a damn about fae politics wife?” Beren sneered at her.

“I no longer hold that distinction. You disavowed me before Simyth.” She stated lifting her chin.

“Leave us!” He snarled out to the Undine.

“I have found out that Airis rules the Undine until the proper heir of Don is brought forth. Imagine my surprise when I found out that it was the very creature that created the mess in the first place that fathered the heir! They will not accept that beast but his progeny they will because they have seen what an Undine looks like from its mother!” He said in a scathing tone.

“Blame me.” Asuna stated realizing what he was saying.

“Ireth is her name? Lovely child and QUITE beautiful. Airis has hidden her quite well all this time. When did you and my healer commit this sin?” Beren snarled in his hate.

“It was because of my telepathy. He was trying to help me during the second birth. I did this before when I was very young to a very strong telepath by accident. My psi yoki gets out of control when I am in vulnerable situations.” She said defending Airis.

“You made him take you?” The Leth`Evana prince demanded in fury.

“I bit him. I attacked him. It is not his fault that he reacted to my nature. He did hide Ireth but only because he wanted his child. He does not want me but he did want his child. Healer Ludok condemns me as a whore as much as you.” She said trying to protect all.

Beren knew how much Airis had suffered when Ilhane had died and losing a child was too much. He could forgive his healer but not her. Asuna could not react fast enough and she fell to her knees and choked up blood in vast amounts. She gasped and coughed up salty water and realized Beren had used an Undine blade.

“I forgive Airis but you will not have a foot hold in this realm any longer.” He smirked cruelly.

The man who had sworn such love left her in a forest with a mithril spear through her middle and Asuna began screaming in agony.
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Chanak found her and the bastard had not even taken her far from the palace. She had nearly bled out and he was in rage. He phased her to Yamasaki General and Nobu was horrified and she was whiter than he had seen in a very long time. Chanak’s rainbow eyes were more orange-red at the moment and he could not face Chan at the moment.

“How did this happen?” Nobu asked stunned.

“My half-brother in Leth`Evana has gone crazy. She chose me and us out here over him. He stabbed her and you know that Naraku sanctioned the alliance with the Panyu incubus. It was his child and one of her own frère that she carried. Chan is a former Undine prince and he will go insane.” Chanak explained and he bowed.

“Shit! Fucking elves! Do me a favor and get Kameron here and I need Airis. Can you do that?” Nobu asked.

“Yes.” Chanak nodded.

Chanak sent Airis a message through an actual fairy and it was about an hour when he showed up at Yamasaki General and he was shaking. Beren had shown up and given him some drivel about his forgiveness and how the whore had been cleansed. He had told Simyth and his best friend had been beyond stunned and they had no idea what the prince had done. Airis came in and he cried out. Chanak stood by and Airis held her face and the rage was evident in his brown eyes and he looked at the Soten.

“I found her pinned to the forest floor with a mithril spear near Tanath`Sal.” He whispered in the Undine language.

“Beren spoke nonsense that he forgave me for my sins. He said she confessed to infecting me and causing me madness. He also said; I forced her to give up Ireth to me. Would she lie to protect me like that?” He asked the Soten shaking.

“Yes. She did it for me.” Chanak said looking away sick.

“Simyth is beside himself. The Sáile Undine expected this child to be born. It was the last legitimate link to Hunir and Don.” Airis stated shaking in near tears.

“Chan is not weak. He will seek revenge and he wanted this child and he will go into his madness Ludok. He is my first cousin you realize; I find him a worthy ally and I will help him in vengeance.” He stated flatly.

“Please do not fracture Leth`Evana further Prince Chanak!” The Undine man said desperately.

“My brother should have thought of that before staking my wife to the forest floor! I am taking his children as mine. You will not see me coming.” He warned.

“No, I will help you. Beren has lost his mind.” Airis said looking at Asuna who was on a breathing machine.

“Chan will begin to think to search for us soon. We have to face him together. Beren is a dead man.” The Soten ruler stated flatly.

Airis was terrified and he looked back at the woman who had his soul and she had tried to save face for him and she had suffered so cruelly. His face was wet and he allowed the Soten ruler to phase them somewhere.
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Chanak appeared with Airis and Chan was conversing with Maec concerning his royal children. Admal was there already and the incubus suddenly moved to his cousin and Ludok. His hands began to shake ever so slightly and his eyes were violet; his cousin knew proper etiquette but this was so far from proper and an anguished sob was ripped from his chest and it was actually painful to hear. Maec edged closer and Airis held up Chan which seemed odd. Ludok was speaking Undine which also seemed odd and Chanak was speaking rapidly in their language too.

“Arthmael!?” Chan roared out in Cantonese.

“Yes my lord.” A distinctly NOT Asian looking incubus answered.

“See to his majesty; King Maec and Prince Admal. I have to…I need to…” He almost broke down as when Chun died.

“Your lord has an emergency. See to the Shouten royalty as well as my son. He has lately returned as well Princess Ireth Ludok, please?” Chanak said with authority.

“As you command.” The warrior incubus stated and nodded to Maec.

Chan phased out and she was on a breathing machine and Airis along with Chanak stood beside him. Nobu came forward and tears stung his eyes as tears poured down Chan’s face and he too bled.

“She lied to him about me. She swore she attacked me and that I shunned her. She swore that she only delivered justice because you were left to the ekimmu.” Airis whispered choking up.

“She spoke lies about you and spoke truth of me. She suffered for me. My son died because she tried to protect and she honored me! Your prince will die this day!” Chan snarled at Airis.

“You truly love her.” The other Undine man stated.

“Yes! Imagine my surprise when an empusae queen showed compassion and dare, I say it? Respect of me? Fuck!” The incubus said as his hands were beginning to shake horribly.

Kameron was flanked by Quilin, Ryo, and Chrestian. Qui looked beyond devastated and he looked ready to puke. Naraku as well showed up and Chan could not handle so much right now and the hanyou came to him and held his cheeks between his humanoid hands.

“Your anger is our anger. Your agenda is our agenda. Your hate is our hate. You are not that man left behind but you reminded her; us of what we are. You have us as much as we have you Panyu. Make use of your family.” Naraku growled deep in his throat.

“He killed my son without thought or care.” The incubus nearly sobbed.

“Then hell reigns on the brat prince. You lead your revenge but you have us. Those here are worthy of this empirical family we have created. It is our will and our destiny.” The dark hanyou said with rabid coldness.

“I want his death and I want it painful. I want him to suffer.” Chan snarled.

“Then we go to Leth`Evana together and we destroy him.” Naraku offered him.

The incubus lord of Panyu nodded and Chanak understood and Airis was horrified but he was in good with the hanyou. He had no intentions of losing his place in his child’s life; nor her mother. He realized he had just made the decision to stand by his wife’s family and it would make him a traitor to his king but his heart came first. Chanak had heard his mind and he nodded to the Undine man and he respected him greatly. Chan and Naraku disappeared and it seemed that it was going to be a massacre that they would soon find out about.
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It was so very quiet but her frère surrounded her and Quilin laid his head against her hands and he wept bitterly. He had no idea that he would be so devastated. Kameron know knew what the other frère had been protecting and he wished he had just trusted him; his frère needed to know that their children would come from her. ALL of their children would come from her. It was stupid and ridiculous to think that any other female would give any of the four of them their progeny. He needed to speak with Qui to spell out the rights of a frère and for him to stop being an idiot and that he was a part of this screwed up family but it was family. He sighed and he put his hand on his shoulder.

“We talk later. I am so sorry brother. Never keep that from us. We could and would have protected your…?” He asked.

“Daughter. I was to have a daughter.” Quilin whispered in agony.

“We speak later. Be near her for now.” Kameron commanded.

Quilin nodded and he suddenly was so broken and he began to sob with such heart break that Kameron had to hold him up. The others still did not trust him completely but now, Kameron did. He knew this man would kill and die for them all. He was in pain for his brother and he intended to make it easier. All he knew was that ekimmu was circling their family to find a crack to get at her; the fae were breaking apart at the seams; and it seemed Sanra was causing shit in the past. They had to pull together and fast.
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Asuna’s eyes flew open and she felt her frère near but she literally pulled out her own breathing tube and she gasp and she felt the void of the tiny beings that he become so much a part of her. Before her frère woke up; she ported out and she appeared to Juria and her tengu was shocked to see her. She was shaking horribly and she sat down and actually broke down.

“Did Simyth ever pull Kaimei for Hikari?” She asked.

“Not yet. Should you like me to do some swaying?” Juria asked gently.

“Immediately before Chan strikes. Send me back somewhere; I cannot where. I cannot think or face this pain right now.” Asuna sniffed.

“I can make Hikari hurry Kaimei. He will come after you Asuna. You know this.” She sighed.

“Hasegawa Kaimei is better alive than dead. Please Juria.” She wept.

“Ok darling. Here cover your markings.” She said softly.

Asuna did as she was bid and she could only weep as she had failed Chan terribly. Pain permeated her in every sense and she had begun to want and NEED the incubus’s pup with all in her and Qui’s pup; he was her frère. She understood instinctually that she should be the one giving her frère their babes. She tried to escape but it was of course her frère who came upon her and it was all four of them. Where she went; they followed and Juria sighed and just sent them back to an easier time.
Quilin stared bitterly out; he knew not where and Kameron sat by him. He knew the eldest on twice his age but his turning had been bitter. When he had realized that the empusae queen those loved those she turned in anger or not; she would protect them unto death, something in him had changed. He did not see this situation as a prison but as a place where few of his kind could be. It was true and he had been born an incubus; but he would never have been this close to a female of his kind. It just was not their way. He found he rather enjoyed the young queen and she had cemented his conversion in a very witty and handsome wraith. Qui had come to love his new life.

“I came to love mine. I hated her at first. She took me from Ayille. I know your change was bitter but your life amongst us not be so. She will never allow another female to carry your children. It is instinct. Do you know this?” Kameron said softly.

“I had not thought on it.” Qui admitted it.

“When we turned Ryo after he had been viciously attacked by other Ramanga; I told him what I am about to tell you, yes we care for her. It is our instincts to protect and nurture but in the same she will protect and nurture us. That is HER nature. She has born me Arsinoe and Aahmes and Freja to Chrestian. If Ryo ever figures out that he wishes it; it will be from her body that his child comes. We are brothers through her blood and through her blood; we are family.” The eldest admitted.

“I did not realize how much I wanted her. When I did; I guarded that secret with my life. She was mine! Granted she shared the womb with Chan’s babe but that girl was mine! I have come to you all and I know you approve Chan; I believe and know he loves her. He loves her so much that he would have turned out all of us that had been loyal and loving to HIM for her. So please know; I believe Chan would die for her and he has not felt that strongly since his son Chun died. He is now bereft and feeling hate that he felt at Don’s sons. His hate will not cool because they robbed him of something he had come to treasure. I see and saw the looks he has given Asuna. He will only accept a child from her womb and he will go on a murderous rampage for the killing of their child.” Qui said wiping bitter tears from his now purple eyes.

Ryo came and sat beside him too and he looked over at the Panyu empusae.

“Guess you are not such an asshole after all.” The dragon frère smiled.

“No, I suppose I am not Ryo. Thank you for finally admitting it. I am glad you finally approve! I care not if you want my thanks or whatever. You have made my life unbearable!” Quilin snarled at the red dragon.

“Hai well you pissed on territory that was not your own. Kameron and Asuna? My makers! Before she took you and we restored Kameron; they were all I was and had. So yea, I was pretty pissed. I have to share in his love with Lei and Admal because their good and decent men but to share them with you; after I had lost Kameron? Fuck that.” He hissed.

“Ryo stop! You have never spoken of your angst of Admal and Lei.” Kameron said softly.

“You never asked me how I felt. You’re the head brother; what am I? Just your turned. So I get to fuck off and fuck around. Yea, I get it.” The red said getting furious and he stood and left the topic alone.

Kameron sighed deeply and he now had to talk to his own turned and Qui was miserable. Chrestian was never good at these things. He was a good frère for Asuna but a bad one in general. He loved his daughter and loved Asuna but for any other female uppyr? He would never have done well. Chrestian just did what he did and he lived his life to be as happiest as he could; the others were protected to a point by him but he was and would always be more concerned with Freja and her mother.

Asuna was sitting on a bluff overlooking some territory and they had no idea where they were. She just needed to pull together her pain and she would be better but Kameron knew how much this had hurt her.

“Kameron, I am hunting. Can you four stay together and I will return.” She said softly.

“As you wish my heart.” He said sadly.

Asuna had no idea what year she was in but she recognized Manchuria. She switched form and she would gain some strength from the hunt and she went deep into the forests that surrounded the palace of Hegang. It seemed wistful to her and she had no notions of running into an emerald eyed black inu. The old lord of Manchuria about jumped out of his inu skin when he saw the silver bitch and Asuna had not seen or thought of Katashi in so long. She distinctly remembered trying to have his pup and that too had been bitter. She changed form and he did so too. Their relationship had changed in the past; being that she had made it possible for him to raise Ang Chi and his death was at Sanra’s hands and not his father’s. That was her only solace and while their mating had not gone smoothly; the black inu had never stopped loving her. This Katashi knew her but her blue eyes shocked him and she also shocked him by pinning him to a tree and without ceremony began to devour him. The Manchu house had belonged to her as had the House of Panyu and she frankly did not care like she did in the past. She saw them as hers and Katashi was a moaning mess of male inu perfection. Kameron spied and this was regret he knew his mistress had. He kept his frère busy while Asuna consumed her own pain whilst tempering it with passion for her the inu who had known her first in an intimate manner.
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Katashi could not fathom what brought her here and she had not spoken so much as devoured every word he had spoken with an act of carnal passion. He was also littered with healing bite marks and he had known Nirvana many times over. They shared custody of his heir Ang Chi because as she put it; he owed her since it was Sanra who had taken their pup. That had made him bitter but Ang Chi called his ex-mate mother and she made certain that his boy never forgot it. His son was his pride and joy and now his ex-mate was here doing wicked and delicious things that they had not shared in so long. They had flatly argued over his custody and she had wanted him more often and Katashi had lost his temper and he flew into a rage saying; Chi was HIS son and Asuna had nearly killed him and told him that she would kill him for the boy. Asuna had nursed the boy as a babe when they had taken him from the Shouten bitch. It made sense; in this topic she acted proper and like an inu bitch. So while history changed and she knew it and he did not; it was still Ang Chi that had torn them apart. It had been Ang Chi’s custody that had decimated their mating. She had fought him privately and ripped him asunder emotionally over their boy and Katashi could not stop loving the onna who loved his pup selflessly. Katashi had actually believed that his ex-mate had come to love his pup MORE than she had loved him. She loved Ang Chi obsessively and it was true. She truly did love the future Manchu lord; she knew a different reality that he no longer did and she would always love Ang Chi deeply. Katashi just could not compete with his own pup for her affections and he had no idea what to do with an onna who loved an adopted pup more than him. It wounded him and he had never gotten over it. He should have been honored that his mate loved his formerly bastard son and she had restored his boy to him at such a young age; but in doing so, he had lost her. It had been a heavy toll.

“Quit thinking Katashi.” Asuna murmured softly.

“How can I Asuna?” He murmured.

“How was I supposed to stop being a mother? You finally accepted me as I was; you accepted me as the empusae I am but you could not accept the fact I loved Ang Chi as if I birthed him? Why should that have been abhorrent to you? He is and will always be mine!” She demanded of him.

“Onna, I do not want to fight again! He is my son! I will always love you but it is quite a pill to swallow for an inu man to know that a son I sired with another onna is loved MORE than me. Sorry, I hurt for that…ok? I actually admire you and love you for it but in the same breath it wounded and wounds me.” Katashi stated bitterly.

“I am a mother Katashi! I have born pups; even dead ones. I claimed him and I fed him. He is my son and not that witch’s! I am sorry my being a mother wars with your inu nature!” She growled in bitter anger.

“You love your pups more than your men onna. You realize that? Do they know; the rest of your loved ones? Do they know you would leave them in a heartbeat over their own progeny? Hai you act as if an inu bitch when it comes to your pups but you are all empusae in the sheer need for lovers but kamis forbid if they disagree with you and your vision of your pups. They will lose you.” He laughed slightly bitter.

He would never hate her. Katashi could not but pain was pain. Asuna was an excellent mother; she was a very hands on for a ruler. Her pups knew her care and her love and she had been known to steal her own babes from their fathers. She could be hateful when she wanted. He had no doubt if he pissed her off completely; he would actually lose his son completely. Asuna sucked in her breath and realized how much she had changed history and she realized that Ang Chi truly knew Katashi’s love and care. Tears fell from her eyes on that accord and she began to sob anew and the black inu wrapped his arms around her. The kiss she seared him in was passionate and brought his inner beast out. The resulting act was so perfect in its passion and bliss; that he questioned it later as a dream, except she had left him a note telling him she would return. She told she loved him and never stopped. She always would.

“Well there is that.” He whispered and sighed.
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Asuna could not deal with her loss and she sought out the Chan of this era. He would not know exactly what or how but she would lead him a merry chase. She made sure to appear near his compound and he would not be able to resist the feel of power. He knew her from the past and oh, he appeared. He appeared quickly. This Chan was the still arrogant and full of himself one thought to conquer her.

“Hello Panyu.” Asuna whispered.

“The young queen. You grace me with your presence, why?” He asked smirking.

She moved with speed in a white hanfu of lace and sheer silk that bared much skin and he was surprised. Chan was not surprised by much but he was suddenly on the ground and under her. She was ripping open his white, short sleeved pien-fu in red and black as her silver mane hung around them like a curtain of the precious metal. The young looking ancient man was amused until she attacked his neck. The pleasure was unadulterated and shook him. This was no teasing young empusae queen. She was hell bent on taking from him and he was not certain that he wanted to give. She ported them to his bed and he had not gauged her to be so powerful. Anger entered her eyes and her eyes bled red-green-red and stayed red as she stared at the beautiful creature before her.

“Why are you here Lady Asuna?” Chan demanded.

Asuna shed her lace wrap and deftly unlaced her hanfu of see through white silk and lace and sat back as she bared her body to him and Chan was shocked again and this time speechless. The Japanese inu-empusae had him under her in one second flat and she was kissing him and it was sin. It was pure sin and he was ruthlessly kissing her back as she began to unclothe him as quickly as she had divested herself. All he could think was that she needed a power fix and she was going to shatter his mind she decided. Chan’s hair was up in a loose top knot but she had him flat under her, naked and her eyes burned. She leaned down and began to use her tongue to lick and nip a hot path from his elfin ear to his chest. His chest was inhaling and exhaling harshly as she touched him so passionately. This female empusae was refusing to answer his questions and he could not ascertain her mind. She licked up his Adam’s apple to his chin and he shuddered violently as she acted both her natures and she clasped his hands in hers. His large, pale cock was achingly stiff and she was now lavishing attention on it with the perfect amount of licking, sucking, and dragging so lightly with her teeth. Chan’s back shot off his bed and he was groaning out of control as this female of his kind was giving him unreal pleasure. There was more behind her actions but he could not identify it as she lowered her mouth to his stones and he snarled out as she sucked one into her mouth.

“What is going through your mind little one?” Chan gasped as she pleasured him wildly.

A popping sound was heard and he stared at her inu beast and it was so incredibly sexy he thought and she was licking and groaning at his femoral artery. He let his legs fall apart and she sank her fangs deeply and he arched his hips into her mouth. Asuna was too high off of his old blood and the love she felt for her Chan. She grabbed his ass cheeks as she fed and this Chan was nearly screaming as she almost had him release but she released the artery as she suddenly rolled him and he was mesmerized.

“Chan!” Asuna growled in her beast.

“Your inu speaks young queen. Why?” He moaned as she nipped the back of his neck.

She was placing licks and sucks down his spine and Chan was seriously lost in a massive lust and getting into a blood one really fast. She pressed her feminine form into his back and she growled/groaned into his ear and it nearly undid him. He had a weakness for the inu in her and she was exploiting it. She was devouring his fae ear and he was gasping out and he fell into speaking his natural tongue and it was utterly filthy. He did not know she knew he was saying; he wanted and needed to fuck her. He also did not know she knew he said; he wanted to fill her over and over. Her lips were over his skin again as she nipped just enough to leave angry red marks. That turned on the incubus even more and this young queen wanted a wild, out of control encounter and he was in the mind to give it to her. Chan felt her teeth nip at his ass cheeks and he groaned wildly as she suddenly spread him open and he choked. Her tongue began to seek him and tease him in such a decadent way.

“You little vixen! Heavens! Oh gods where have you learned this; my darling little one.” He hissed out.

“Mine.” Asuna growled out in her beast.

His mind could not or would not comprehend her inu and she proceeded to deliver mind altering oral pleasure and he was a panting, wild mess as he threw her under him. She received his wild and bloody kiss with need and WANT. Chan wanted nothing more than to feed from her and perhaps share her with another but she pressed him into his bed and she mouthed his cock again and slid him down her throat. The incubus lord choked and his purple eyes met green eyes and he was laid bare finally. The female succubus sucked him some time until the burn in his nether regions was too much. She climbed into his lap and slid down his rigid maleness and he threw his head back as she began to ride him with utter conviction and passion.

“Fuck my little queen! Give me your end.” He demanded.

“No! Yours. We shall have yours. Give us your all Chan. Give us everything.” The female giving him such mind altering bliss demanded.

“What do you want from me?” Chan managed to demand.

“You. Allow my body to devour yours.” She whispered.

Her answer only served to inflame him more and he rolled them and he began a pace that meant to shatter her over and over. He sank his fangs her wrist several times and she was screaming out as she arched her hips every thrust. This creature was perfect as she neared a shared ending and he realized that is what she was aiming for. Chan tried to prepare himself but shared with another empusae with knock him out; especially with a queen. She was groaning and hissing as her body began to milk his cock.

“My precious. Oh hell. Let go! Now. Now!” Chang commanded.

Asuna let herself spiral and she arched her back so hard that her muscles complained but Nirvana washed over her in waves as Chan was snarling out in his shared bliss. She sat up and she sank fangs into his juncture and she held his head to do the same. The act made Chan lose it and he actually blissed out again and it knocked him out. She too succumbed to the raptures and she prayed the yoki had been enough. She wanted him happy and she wanted to give him his heart in their era. The pain was unendurable otherwise.
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The young empusae-inu was asleep near him and she had repeated her act of passion several times and had refused to speak very little. Chan could not enter her mind at all and it was astonishing to him. He knew the spit fire could traverse time and he was certain that this was her in an older form and by his gods; she knew things that made him wilder and needier. She refused to share in the intimacy with another incubus and she would only give herself to him which in a way made him quite pleased. His followers however did not like the fact this queen would not at least allow a taste of her power. When a queen presented; some incubus wanted and some demanded to try and wrestle a chance at taking her. Mating after all brought about raptures and young. Chan was barely conscious and he became aware she was feeding from his femoral artery again and he gasped in deep delight as the pleasure from her bite raced along every nerve. It was NOT an illusion; she was directing the degree of pleasure and it was becoming mind altering. Chan began to ache acutely and her eyes would bleed the red to green and go back and forth while they coupled. He was honestly smitten like crazy but the pleasure was reaching a point that he could not handle it and he needed his end.

“I beg no one precious queen. End it.” He commanded.

She gurgled at his groin and her mind brushed his and he moaned softly. She upped it degree by degree and he arched so beautifully under her and he felt her nearly drooling as his member was proud and erect.

-So beautiful. Please let me see you pleasure yourself a little for me? Please just a little for me my lord? - She pathed so passionately in his head.

Chan was stunned at the timbre of her plea and it was raw, sensual and he slid his elegant hand around his shaft and she refused to let go of her vantage point. Her eyes were green at this time and his clear fluid was leaking heavily as he glided his hand up and down his shaft and she began a growl that became louder as his gasps came faster and she released his artery and she smashed her lips to his and she tangled her lips to his and he snarled into the intimacy. Asuna was moaning and tasting his fangs to his palate as she would suck and just nearly inhale. She abused his bottom lip and she came off his succulent lips and sank down his beautiful cock and Chan shook harshly. She rounded her hips and the heat from his own fae energies were being ripped from him and he was stunned. This woman was not stealing his yoki to feed but to do something else. His natural heritage from his first life was beginning to destroy him and he could not breathe and she was channeling HIM back into himself.

“What is this? My little queen! What are you doing?” He groaned wildly.

Asuna refused again to answer him and she slipped deeply into his mind and he panicked until she just only settled in a presence to slide her mental self against him. His violet eyes were wide and burning as she began to slowly move on him as she was making love to him full force with all of their yoki. Chan was shaking out of control and he was losing control and he laid her back and jerked back and he knew she had some release already and he sank his fangs into her labia and she moaned so beautifully for him as he took in her musky taste and blood. Her sex was swollen with her life force and she was so hot and he needed her. For this moment in time; Chan needed her like he needed to breathe and he drank again and ruthlessly lashed her pearl of nerves in the quest to make her spill her sweet end. She arched and screamed for him as he was correct and she gushed sweetly. He felt like a starved man and he swallowed greedily and the incubus lord finally released her sex and joined her again but lifted one leg so he could get deeper. Chan wanted to face her so he could see her face and she was speaking brokenly in Japanese and inu. He understood both and she was begging him and he could not quite make out what she wanted. She certainly wanted his end but she wanted the shared Nirvana again.

“Open your eyes beautiful woman. Look at me.” Chan breathed controlling himself.

Asuna opened red eyes this time and oh, it was so beautiful to him that she had both her beasts; she had both her empusae and inu beasts to tame and control. This queen was such a giving and beautiful creature.

“You are climbing. Climb with me.” He whispered as agony built in his nether regions.

Asuna nodded and she was groaning incoherently and she thrashed under him as he made her focus their yoki. She was more powerful in the psi yoki he realized and she would unleash that and he was shaking in that realization.

“Climb my precious woman. Let go. Let it all go.” He gasped suddenly as his thrusting was erratic.

Asuna unleashed their shared yoki and her orgasm ripped her apart and he stuttered and he screamed out as well. His mind was awash in the bliss of combined inu and fae yoki and he collapsed against her. The much older empusae man coated her womb with his seed and Chan was actually passed out again from such an encounter.

She woke much later and she was sticky, sore as hell, and weak. Coupling with another empusae meant stolen yoki. Asuna gently sat up and she kissed his forehead and he woke up sleepily. She had stayed three days and Chan had not seen nor spoken to another of his people. This woman had barely spoken to him. He had no idea of her intentions but she came and gave of herself and took from him. It was purely the most unselfish coupling; and it was akin to lovemaking if truth be told. She was dressing and he was astonished.

“You are leaving? This is it. You do all this and just leave.” Chan demanded.

“Hai.” Asuna nodded.

“Why? How dare you?!” He suddenly raged.

She spoke nothing and only pulled up and laced her hanfu. He was naked and his white hair was down and his blue eyes bleeding to their royal color.

“You could at least share yourself with some of my better loved empusae.” He hissed.

“I am for only those I deem myself.” Asuna stated.

“You used me for what little bitch?” He demanded.

Tears slid down her face and he was stunned. She looked away and she leaned forward and caught his lips.

“I respect you Chan. I did not use you. This is not using you. I shared myself and my ways with YOU and only you. Only you of this group get me. Only you have earned my devotion.” She whispered.

“When does this happen?” He asked stunned.

“No matter.” She said bowing and she ported out.

Chan sat there unable to fathom when the little minx had changed her opinion of him and he was quite intrigued in her change of opinion of him. He grabbed a dressing gown and he called on Quilin.
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
She was wrapped up in Kameron’s arms and Qui too had his arms around her in a forest near the Winter Palace near Hegang. Asuna had repeated her passions with Katashi several times and Kameron knew somehow what she was doing. When she started vomiting the next day; she had a serene look on her face and brushed her face out of her face.

“I refuse to fight this time. I am removing myself to perhaps a different time and you four will be my voice and in my stead. We will set up a residence for me and the pups and if there is fighting to be done; Kameron you will work with Ichigawa and Naraku. Quilin you take your place as the elite warrior that you were. You fight beside your brother frère. Chrestian and Ryo are to guard me at all times.” She said softly.

“Are you quite serious?” Kameron said almost excited.

“I am more than serious. I need to confirm what I pray is true but I want this. I want this so badly; I will disappear.” She whispered.

“Mistress.” Quilin said kissing her hands.

“I promise you I will deliver you a daughter for the one taken from us. I promise.” She said as tears fell from her eyes.

“Okay.” Qui said kissing her hands again.

“Chrestian?” She called out.

“Yes my love?” He said softly and knelt near her.

“You too owe Freja a natural sibling. I intend to plan my next pregnancy and you and Quilin will supply my pups. Understood?” She commanded them both.

Both men were speechless but to Chrestian wanted another child but he only nodded and a dumb smiled appeared on his face. Quilin could only softly cry and kiss her hands. Kameron was so very happy that she was relying on them so heavily and it was proper. It was perfect and he kissed her deeply. Ryo came over and he stared at her and he glared at her.

“Seen you handle triplets; how about mine too?” He demanded.

“Do you wish to be a father my precious Ryo?” Asuna asked.

“Bout time don’t you think?” He demanded.

“Hai. I am the only onna who gives any of you babes. I am the mother of your babes and you are mine wholly. We protect each other unto death.” She said softly as she looked at her four frère.

They all nodded and this was an empusae queen with her frère. It was natural and perfect in Kameron’s mind. He was giddy that she was removing herself from battles and he could not wait to tell Lei and Admal. Quilin was a hell of a fighter; so was Chrestian and Ryo but as body guards, they would serve better. No this was too perfect and they would work with her other mates and work on the threats. It was perfect. Kameron decided to find Nobu in this time and he could tell her if she was pregnant or not and he ported to Korea and he found her future mate and the poor arachnid was shocked to see the uppyr.

“Healer Nobu? Hello sir, I am here at behest of my queen. She is feeling quite ill. You know her as an inu who was Ayana.” He said veiled.

“Asuna?” He said shocked.

“Lord Ishin is not yet?” Kameron asked.

“Just barely but I have known stuff for years and years. All this time hopping crap is crap! Where is she?” He demanded.

“She is in Manchuria with my brothers. She is safe.” The chief frère stated.

“Ok take me to my future errant mate.” Nobu snorted.

Kameron ported them to Asuna and she was lying with her head in Chrestian’s lap and Ryo was running fingers through her hair as Qui was lying near her.

“A frère is a turnling of an uppyr queen. We all have been turned by her at one time or another. We also are extremely protective of her and your family.” Kameron explained.

“Good to know. Is the frère thing normal?” Nobu asked spooked.

“It was in bygone eras but we make her stronger. We augment her power believe it or not. She can channel us. We are like portable batteries for her. We are extremely useful to an empusae queen and she has the inu in her to make her very loyal and moral. She is perfection in our eyes.” Kameron stated with such devotion and love.

“How do we feel about you all?” The healer asked surprised.

“You and I are very close Nobu. You delivered my children and you helped to defeat my former maker. You are still one of her most important and chief mates.” The chief frère explained.

“Okay.” He shrugged.

Asuna was awake and she still kept her head in Chrestian’s lap and Nobu came over and he laid his ear to her belly and she closed her eyes and her healer mate squinted. He was concentrating and he felt a tiny inu pup and two very distinct auras that were oddly mixed.

“You have an inu pup and two like auras. They are like you but not. Cannot explain it.” Nobu said confused.

“Thank you my darling. I am going into seclusion until I have these babes. You will deliver me in the future era but I will not put myself in harm’s way.” She murmured softly.

“Seriously? You are actually not going to fight?” Nobu stated shocked to his core.

“No. I am not. I have frère now and they are my extensions and they are powerful. They will act in my stead and a couple of my mates can wield my fang. No, I am having these pups.” She said holding her belly lovingly.

The four male frère so excited and thrilled to finally be able to do their jobs as they thought of it and they own personal families were going to be expanding she had said. Asuna was tired of loss and she wanted her babes on her terms. Juria it seemed to know and she smiled wistfully at her former daughter from another life and cupped her cheek.

“This pup is finally being born. I am so happy for you.” She said with tears in her eyes.

“Katashi’s?” Asuna asked looking at Juria.

“Hai. You never got over him.” Her tengu whispered.

“No, I never did and I never will. What do I bear him? Will I have to have transfusions?” Asuna asked in afterthought.

“No you will not. His purity was not as strong as Hana’s is. You will bear Katashi a son. Mentally call on Chan.” She whispered and she phased away.

Her frère gave her privacy and she was in her Tokyo penthouse and Chan had not expected the mental call. He was in such emotional pain that he saw her and his eyes were still violet and the dried bloody tears were still seen. She stood and she neared him. He should not have been surprised but she crashed her mouth against his and she was kissing him beyond passionately. Chan knew this woman loved him now. He knew she truly loved him and the pain of their loss was hurting her too. She had gone to him in the past and he had not known then; but he knew that it was because she had needed to be with him. What surprised him was her taking his hand and pressing his hand to her belly. Asuna gently pulled her lips back and she was crying too.

“I cannot bring back our lost son; but I am giving you a son and daughter. I went back because I could not bear the pain. I was hurting too much. I did not answer you because I just wanted to show you love. I wanted your pup. I wanted your seed and you give me two.” Asuna whispered as she kissed at his lips.

“Asuna! I…I have been a fool. You are more than I ever imagined. Naraku and I are of one mind. Your mates and I are friends and allies.” He said pressing his forehead to hers.

“My frère Kameron and Quilin will be directed by you and Naraku to fight in my stead. Lei and Naraku can call on Konkisaiga. Yhea calls on a black version of my fang. Use them! I am going into seclusion and only a very few will know where I am.” She said holding his face between her palms.

“You do this to see my babes born.” He said emotionally.

“Hai. I will do anything for you or my other treasured mates from now on. My frère are me and extensions of me. As you have stated over and over; I am Asuna and I have her power because I was her but I have evolved into something better!” She murmured passionately.

“I love you. I love you so much.” Chan whispered as he consumed and his arms were wrapped around her and his claws in her hair.

“I know that Sanra is up to something in the past. I have seen your mind. Maec is at your compound with Admal. I will meet with you all before I go into seclusion but I will not be fighting this battle. I also do not care what happens in Leth`Evana anymore; all I ask is that you and Chanak get my children by Beren out.” She said kissing him.

“Naraku, Chanak, and I will be doing so tonight. We are also planning on causing chaos with chaos.” He smiled.

“He is one ekimmu I refuse to lose.” Asuna smiled.

“There are very few worthy. There is one that frightens Chanak and me and we intend to take him out. The one who can call upon the Aether; he is too dangerous to us all and he will be destroyed. I know you may have feelings for the ice and thunder ekimmu but I hate them especially.” He said hatefully.

“I do not know what I feel anymore. I need to assimilate and we need to defeat Bilae. According to Grimmjow; Aizen is also fixing to be a problem again. Soul Society is no friend of mine either. Before you strike against Leth`Evana; allow Simyth to revive my daughter Hikari’s sire; his name is Hasegawa Kaimei. He is a Tomoshibi and extremely powerful. Hikari is also my child; please make certain nothing happens to her.” She begged him.

“I will never hurt you or this family. We have been united. Panyu and the West are one now. We will meet our objectives. I also have no ill feelings towards Sheng and Jin. Itsuyo needs a brother as does your eldest twins.” He smirked.

“My Lord Chan, you really are an empusae.” She smiled beautifully.

“I am and I told you I could not swear fidelity but I no one but our children and you will ever have my utter love and devotion. Do you understand this?” He said holding her chin.

“I do. I hold you to no stupid traditions. We make our own way and rules. We are not the ekimmu.” She said and she bowed.

Chan’s heart thundered in his chest and he was madly in love again and he knew his twins would see the light of day. His hands shook with the knowledge that she begot herself to make HIM happy. He had allowed himself a treasure when he had stopped trying to control her. Chan nodded and they had much to do and much planning. Naraku had been keeping her ekimmu mates away and it was brewing out of control with them. The Arrancar being named Grimmjow was proving a massively powerful ally and he was keeping them informed of Los Noches and that plane. Chan adored the dark hanyou’s vision of an empirical family and he was part of it. He actually loved it. Asuna ported out and Naraku appeared via his miasma and he looked at the empusae man that had earned his grudging respect and he nodded.

“We take out the brat when Simyth returns the Tomoshibi. Hikari also must be looked after. Chanak will be sent to retrieve the children soon.” He remarked to Naraku.

“Excellent. Did I hear correctly and she is removing herself from the fighting?” The hanyou said astonished.

“She went back and begets herself with my child Dark one. I hope you are okay with it.” He said thoughtfully and softly.

“I am fine with it. Just understand that your children have siblings and your compound will be another home to our family. You are going to have to adjust your outlook quite differently. I respect power and the fact that you were a man to face me. I also respect the fact that you like power.” Naraku smiled with a nasty smirk.

“I have found one can never have too much power. She said she intends to meet with us tomorrow and discuss her seclusion and it will be a great secret. Kameron and Quilin will answer to us. She also said you can call on Konkisaiga?” Chan stated in a question.

“Hai. I have that talent. So does Lei.” He said thoughtfully.

“She said also to call upon Yhea in the upcoming battles.” The incubus said repeating the queen’s words.

“Ah yes. The Jing wraiths are delightfully entertaining. You will adore them. They have enough bad boy in them to make them perfectly mean at the most appropriate times. They are also hellaciously loyal to her and this family. I approve of them highly.” Naraku said with eyes burning crimson.

“I see that we have tremendous strength in our midst. Do you intend to rid her of Maec or any other wraith?” Chan asked.

“I like Maec. Admal too. No, her wraiths stay. She has some outlying lovers that pop up occasionally that will be ousted when they show up. Mugaruma Kensei will be staying as well as the Servius Basilisk. Now the extra basilisk garbage will have to go but the Servius serve our family better being a part of the family. Julianus’s blood acts like acid to some wraiths and ekimmu.” He informed the incubus.

“Ok.” Chan nodded.

“She thinks I am stupid, but I know she had another kumo child and I am certain I know who the father is. My question is; how in the hell did she get the man sane? He has always been the most irritating son of a bitch. He was the leader of my Ookami kumo and now he is gone and he had become GOOD at it. He was also one hell of a warrior. I want my vassal back. It seems I need to delve into his past to understand.” He considered.

“That I know nothing of.” The incubus lord stated honestly.

“Kameron knows. So does Lei. If they are protecting Kenta; then it means the bastard has changed or they know something I do not. Masanori is his brother; and my best friend. If Kenta can be redeemed than he damned well better come back or I will kill him and raise his child as mine.” The hanyou threatened.

Chan nodded and they put the finishing touches on their moves into Leth`Evana. The problems with the ekimmu were going to explode but Naraku intended to end one problem at a time. The fucking Santa’s helpers had become too much of an issue and no one else was going to shove a sharp object through the love of his life and live. Naraku of old was back and Onigumo was pretty much in charge. That spelled trouble for the enemies of the Matsuda-Yamasaki Clans.
---------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Asuna was in Manchuria in the modern era and Ang Chi was quite happy with his unusual situation. Akemi lived between England and here as Drostan had changed too. Amedeo still hated him but Asuna will not allow him to be killed and she would always warn him. When he had found out that she had been his mother in a previous life; and she had married Esus in this life and had his brother, well it was sort of hard to hate his step mother. Ang Chi hugged his mother tightly and she sat down with her beloved adopted son and he looked concerned over her and she looked around.

“Where is Daichi?” She asked.

“It is he and Akemi’s anniversary. They took off for a bit. I have Hoshi and they are working on having a kit finally. Drostan had to be worked into our way of life. When Ryukotsusei; well when he chose differently.” Ang Chi shrugged.

“I am sorry.” Asuna said feeling out of place.

“Haha, I am in no place to talk. Geez.” He smirked.

“I saw Katashi in the past.” She said bluntly.

“Oh. I miss him.” He said looking away.

It still blew her away that she could remember the other way and he could not. Ang Chi remembered his father wanting him and he remembered his father and mother fighting over HIM. He always felt guilty over their mating going sour because of it. He blamed himself. He blamed himself because he felt he did something wrong.

“No! You were mine and Katashi refused to see it like that. I have always been your mother. I took you from Sanra when you were seven months old and I nursed you myself. We fought over you; because I wanted you with me more often and he did not want you amongst your other siblings. It pissed me off. He tried to deny me rights because I did not give birth to you. I had news for him; but I was and always will be your Haha.” Asuna growled.

“Kamis know I know this Haha. I also know that because of you; I was brought home and he learned of me. I honestly believed if you had not found me; he would not have loved me as much as he did. I owe everything to you. I owe you my life, my father, and my grandfather. I just wish you two could have tried to stay mated. I know you stayed friendly but it tore me apart when Sanra killed him and grandfather. I was not ready to lose him so young but you trained me to be a lord as he did before he died. You both loved me too much.” Ang Chi accused.

“Well I am sorry you were loved and wanted!” She snapped in anger.

“That came out wrong. What I mean, you lost so many pups. For some reason; you were not able to give my chichi a pup of both your blood. I feel like if you had had a pup that was you and him; you two would have stayed together. I mean I know what you are and I now know what I am but Chichi would have accepted it better. I was all he had and he focused on me.” He sighed as he looked away.

“I am pregnant with your brother. I am giving Katashi a pup of his blood and mine.” His mother whispered.

“What? When and why now?” Ang Chi asked stunned.

“Prince Beren speared me to the floor a forest in Leth`Evana because I had helped Chan avenge himself and I had taken Airis. I cared for him at one time but my feelings for my other mates overpowered my feelings for him always. When he speared me; I lost Chan’s pup and one of my frère’s. I asked Juria to send me back sometime. I was not specific but I was in Manchuria and your Chichi came upon me and well; I have always regretted our parting and his death. It was bitter for me. I still loved and still do love him. He has always been one of my greatest regrets and you are right; I had lost so many pups. I lost at least four and I despaired of ever giving him any. I actually thought he could not father anymore. I am now quite determined that he shall live and he shall give you your due as lord though.” She explained in detail.

Fury at the fae’s actions crossed her eldest son’s features but what she told him sunk in and he was astonished. He grabbed her hands and the joy that would bring to such a favored pup would mean so much.

“Katashi knew to love like Tekeshi. Your sire accused me of loving you more than I loved him; the pain of our losses I fueled into you.” Asuna admitted.

“Haha! I am so thrilled but you always fight.” Ang Chi said looking away.

“No, I am not this time. I am having my frère fighting in my stead and your Chichi N can call on my fang as well as Lei. I know you do not care for Lei but I love him deeply. Yhea also has his own version of Konkisaiga. Chrestian and Ryo will also be my body guards and I intend to go into seclusion in my pups are born.” She said softly.

“You allowed yourself to get pregnant on purpose with Chan and Chichi’s on purpose.” He said in understanding.

“Hai. I know it foolish…” She started to say.

“No Haha. You will probably go dormant soon. You did the first round of us pups and it is nearing that time you did the first time. You want to have the pups you wish before you do so.” He stated.

Asuna nodded and she knew she would be able to bear more pups later but it would be another generation like it had been this time. No, she intended to have the pups by who she wanted and she would have her family that she wished and in between she would be a killing machine.

“Hasegawa Kaimei is being pulled back from the brink before Leth`Evana is attacked and my pups by Beren are retrieved. I am going to have your Chichi revived somehow. I might go in and pull him back right at his death.” She thought very carefully.

“You can put a non-blood drinker in a death sleep.” Ang Chi suggested.

“I know. We have to avoid certain ekimmu and I have so much to do! Okay. Help me figure out the exact details and we shall do it together. Sound good?” She said softly.

“Hai!” He said with tears in his dark eyes.

Asuna hugged her eldest and beloved pup and she thought carefully of things and she ported back to her estate and she knew she had to prepare to talk to her very alpha mates. They would be privy to her whereabouts but not everyone would. Naraku walked in and she looked up at him and he had a look on his face and she straightened her spine.

“He is in Denver. Our son’s name is Masahiro named after Masanori. If you allow; I will show you the entirety. He never intended to usurp your rights as his alpha.” Asuna said flatly.

“You are sly inu. Show me.” He said coldly.

She opened her mind and Naraku had unfettered access to her mind to the man Kenta really was and to the fact; he really was loyal to Naraku, just not stupid but she had forced him to face himself and the horrid actions that had occurred during his childhood.

“Who did that bitch not screw up?” Naraku snarled in hate concerning Sanra.

“I killed the Airi imposter but she made Kenta a ranting and woman hating lunatic for a while. He used the sake to numb himself to function and had meaningless sex to feel something.” She said softly.

“You get him and you tell him to face me.” Her mate commanded.

“Naraku please do not harm him.” Asuna begged.

“I have no intention of it inu. A sane Kenta is an asset; a drunken sodden Kenta is worthless. Bring him to me now!” He demanded.

She nodded and she ported to Denver and Kenta was asleep in a rocking chair with their babe across his chest. Asuna neared him but he woke when he felt the vibrations on the floor. He smiled at her and she kissed him softly.

“Naraku has finally demanded to know your whereabouts. I told him the truth.” Asuna said gently.

Kenta looked fearful and she nodded no. She picked up Masahiro and Kenta thought her insane.

“Face him as he asks. Do as he tells you Kenta. Do not show fear.” She commanded.

“Okay.” He said actually terrified out of his mind.

Kenta actually ported via his venom cloud and the appeared at her estate. Naraku was sitting in a Queen Anne style chair in the same red suede as the couch. Asuna brought Masahiro to him first and the babe was starting to stir and he began to mewl and his eyes opened the hanyou felt sucker punched. The ookami kumo had sired a boy so beautiful that it was unreal. His blue kumo eyes were looking at the hanyou’s maroon ones the baby kumo grabbed a finger and the fearsome Naraku became mush.

“Get back to your post in Sapporo. You have a job to do Imai. You are kumo and therefore he will be with his siblings as well. You will move to my estate in Korea.” Naraku commanded.

“My lord?” Kenta stated shocked.

“Why did you have to sire such a beautiful babe?” The hanyou demanded.

“I do not know?” The poor ookami kumo said confused.

“He is as much mine as he is yours. It is our way. You insert yourself into this family you make your child my child too.” He said standing and it was obvious Naraku was in love.

Kenta was shaking and he was actually scared Naraku would kill him just to take his son. Asuna nodded no and Naraku chuckled at wolf spider’s thoughts.

“Oh no Kenta. Your people respond better to you. You sane and not being a drunk has made you quite valuable to me. I need you amongst the ookami kumo. You also father rather stunning babes. I wonder what a girl would look like. Ask our inu; I am a sucker for our kumo girls.” He chuckled.

“I never meant a slight Lord Naraku. I love my son and he is everything to me. I have never wanted to live right and fight so hard for our people in my life.” He admitted.

“Oh I believe you. Go to Sapporo. You are behind. I will babysit.” He commanded.

“My lord?” Kenta stated truly scared he would lose his son.

“Get to work! It is still the day; you are behind on your duties. You are a lesser lord in the Federation. I will have your possessions moved to my estate in Korea. Your son has brothers and sisters to meet amongst his funnel siblings. Now get going. Say, see you tonight Chichi.” The hanyou smiled at Kenta.

“Hai my lord.” Kenta said bowing.

Kenta ported to Sapporo but he was freaking truly. Asuna was staring at Naraku and he was cooing at the baby kumo. Masahiro was just that stunning.

“He is truly terrified that you intend to take his son. He is petrified Naraku.” Asuna said nearing her hanyou.

“My Onigumo side is saying to do just that but I shall not. I cannot believe what a handsome little man he is. I admit I am smitten and I shall probably favor him.” Naraku said just captivated.

“You are just a sucker for a pretty baby face.” She smirked.

“So? I am in part kumo.” Her hanyou smiled mirthfully.

“So when will everything go down in Leth`Evana?” She asked softly.

“The middle of tonight; you should nap after you feed these three and we shall talk about where you are going into seclusion with our children. Hai even the older pups. I intend to use this time to massacre enemies. Since my little inu is being so compliant and easy; I shall have to kill her enemies cruelly and without mercy as I make our path safe for our family.” Naraku smiled as he caressed her belly.

“Hai. Safe and free to live how we choose. Hai, I will do whatever you want.” She said as she sat down on her sofa and began to feed her pups.