Bleach Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Silent Warrior ❯ Maximus the Arch Angel of Demons ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“I'm TJ Davis. I don't look like it, but I'm really a super hero! As you know by now, I can transform using the power of the Phoenix to become Silent Warrior, and fight bad guys! I've got two friends who also fight with me: my smart and talented cousin, Tyrese Anderson-Gibson, and the quick-tempered, psychic boy monk-in-training, Styve Carmona. Both of them are so dependable, I'm starting to feel like I'm falling behind. Oh well, I've just got to do my best!”
Silent Warrior
Episode 14
“Now that Goliath has failed me and been taken care of, it is time for someone else to take command of this mission,” King Mithos is saying to his army. “Sacred, of the Youkai Demon Knighthood, who would you suggest to take over this mission?”
“My lord, I believe that I will be able to take over this mission,” a demon says.
A figure steps up, much looking like Goliath, only slightly smaller in frame with a green gem in his forehead.
“So, Maximus, you believe you have what it takes?” Mithos asks.
“Yes,” he replies. “And unlike my brother, Goliath, I won't take energy from just anybody. I will find a specific target and drain it from them. You see, we are all moved by the movement of the stars. I will tap into this and read their movements, and then collect energy from the target at its peak.”
“You seem awfully sure of yourself, Maximus,” a voice taunts.
An attractive female demon then shows up. Des Demona is a fierce looking female demon with bright red hair which trickles past her waist. She typically has her wings draped over her back like a cape. She has a red gem on her forehead, a tail, and wears a uniform similar to Maximus and Goliath.
“Des Demona, I don't know why you are here, but it's time for you to go,” Maximus snaps. “It is my job, and my job alone to retrieve the Zinzuishou.”
Maximus the Arch Angel of Demons
Maximus is at a mansion deep in the woods that he has decided to be his base of operations. He walks into a room that has a giant stained glass window for the ceiling.
“Focusing powers of the fates, I ask for guidance from the untouchable forces,” he begins.
As he is talking, the ceiling changes to reveal stars and his wings appear on his back, one angelic, one demonic.
“The stars know everything, and to everything the stars know,” he continues. “Show me the next person to release their energy.”
A beam shoots from the sky to the gem on his forehead, revealing his demonic emblem and tattoos all over his body. He then receives an image of a young boy.
“Ah, Sean Rui, you are the next victim!”
* * *
The next day, TJ and Marcy are watching a tennis match at the school, along with other students. Sean then walks by and waves to Marcy.
“Go for it bro, you can win this!” Marcy shouts back.
“I didn't know you knew the tennis champ Sean Rui,” TJ says to her.
“We're childhood friends,” Marcy explains. “He's like a big brother to me.”
As the two are talking, a tall, dark skinned, handsome man comes walking up to the bleachers. Marcy stops mid sentence as she sees him and claims she is in love. The guy leaps over the railing and goes right up to the court.
“You need to put more weight into the ball,” the man says, stepping onto the court.
He then asks the girl if he could go against Sean for just a second.
“Go ahead and serve to me,” he calls out.
Sean serves the ball and the guy hits it back hard. Sean tries to hit back but the force from the ball knocks the racket out of his hand.
“With a serve like that, a fly could land on it,” the man continues.
“Just who the hell are you anyways?” Sean asks.
“I'm sorry, my name is Angelus,” he says. “Angelus Maximillion to be exact. I am a tennis coach and I had heard rumors about a student here at NorthWest Academy.”
He then reaches down to pick up Sean's racket. When he touches it, he places his demonic symbol on it, prepping it the way a monk would purify an object.
“Just think about putting more weight into the ball,” Angelus says, handing it back.
The other girl gets back onto the court and Sean serves the ball to her. The impact knocks the girl down to the ground. Everyone in the crowd is shocked, especially Marcy. This continues for the next hour; Sean knocking down each opponent one after the other. Soon, nobody wants to go against him. TJ thinks the whole thing is amazing, but Marcy feels something is wrong.
* * *
Elsewhere, Prometheus is at an arcade terminal.
“This is the watcher Prometheus calling into mission control,” he says to the game.
“Prometheus, you must be very cautious of this enemy,” mission control says. “They are known as the Youkai Demon Knights; the most elite demons to ever be, heralding from the Tao Dynasty. Though two seem to be missing, there are still four left which you must look out for. They are working from a place known as the Dark Kingdom, which is located somewhere in the Negative Space of this universe.”
“What are they here for?”
“They seem to be gathering energy from the people on this planet, and they are looking for the legendary Zinzuishou. You and the Brother Soldiers must stop them Prometheus…”
That evening, Prometheus has called a meeting at the Masaki Shrine.
“I spoke with mission control today, and they told me about this enemy we are fighting,” he explains. “They are called the Youkai Demon Knights. Now, according to legend, these knights were once the most powerful force of demons ever known.”
“What happened to them?” Tyrese asks.
“They just simply vanished, from what I remember. Now it seems they are back and working with the Dark Kingdom. There are a total of 7 of them. Two seem to be MIA, and you all defeated one already.”
Styve gets real quiet for a moment, and Tyrese notices.
“Something wrong Styve?” Tyrese asks. “You look like you have something to say.”
“No, I'm ok,” Styve stutters. “What is this Dark Kingdom?”
“It's obviously a kingdom that can't afford electricity, so they're always in the dark,” TJ answers.
Everyone looks at him and rolls their eyes.
“The Dark Kingdom exists in the negative space of our universe,” Prometheus continues. “It's an introverted form of our universe, so think of it as the other side of the mirror. If we are going to fight them, we need to make sure we are prepared.”
“I think we should all take up tennis!” TJ exclaims. “It will help us build up our endurance, strength, and speed, not to mention accuracy!”
“What made you pick tennis?” Tyrese wonders.
“Well, everyone knows that cute Asian girls in short skirts play tennis, and we all know how I love those types of girls.”
“TJ, the girls in both your school and mine wear uniforms, and those skirts are short as it is,” Styve explains. “And second of all, does this mean you've given up on the Yellow LightStar?”
“Oh yeah her…what should I do?”
“I'm glad Styve and Rese are with me,” Prometheus sighs.
“And what's that supposed to mean?”
“In all honesty, Mr. Davis, if I still only had you, the Youkai Demon Knights would have already drained all the humans of their energy by now.”
“Are you sure TJ is supposed to be a Brother?” Styve asks.
“That is saying too much you two,” Tyrese interjects.
“Why is it that Rese is the only one who is nice to me?” TJ cries. “Rese will you come play tennis with me?”
“Sorry T, but I have cram school.”
Before TJ can start to complain, he gets a two-way on his Nextel from Marcy, asking him to come over. TJ leaves the guys and goes to her place.
* * *
“I'm glad you came over,” she says, letting him into her house.
“Well just remember, Melvin is my friend, and I would never do anything to hurt him,” TJ explains.
“What are you talking about? I asked you over here because I'm worried about Sean. After you left today, I stayed and continued to watch his practice. He was beating people left and right; it was unbelievable. But then he started getting mean. He knocked one boy's racket out of his hand then went over to him and broke it, saying he should buy some talent before coming back onto his court. When I walked up to him he slapped me to the ground and told me to mind my own damn business.”
At this point in her story she has started to cry and TJ feels bad for her.
“We should go investigate this right away,” TJ suggests.
Marcy takes TJ down to the tennis club that Sean usually practices at.
“One of those demon knights might be involved with this, maybe I should call the others,” TJ thinks to himself. “But if I can do this by myself, then Promeeth and Styve will cut me some slack.”
“I thought you guys were supposed to be professionals,” Sean yells at a pair he is playing with. “Get up and get ready again!”
“See what I mean TJ, this isn't him,” Marcy says. “Sean stop it, you're going to end up hurting someone.”
“I thought I told you to go home; this is no place for little girls. Get back in the kitchen!”
He waves his tennis racket at her and TJ and the force knocks them back into a fence, knocking out Marcy.
“His energy is at its peak, reveal yourself Youkai Demon!” Maximus says in Sean's head.
The symbol on the racket glows brightly, then a dark force comes out of the racket.
“Phoenix Transform!”
The demon finishes draining the energy from Sean and is ready to leave when the dagger strikes before him.
“Taking advantage of a student who is only trying to perform their best and become all that they can be cannot be tolerated. I will not allow anyone to stop someone from pursuing their dreams. I am Silent Warrior, and in the name of the Phoenix, I will right your wrongs!”
“I haven't the time for you,” the demon says.
It then creates a tennis racket and hits a ball towards him. Silent Warrior tries to dodge it, but fails and gets hit. He is then turned into a tennis ball. The demon then starts controlling Silent Warrior, bouncing him all around the court and against the walls. He then raises him high into the air and is getting ready to send him slamming into the ground, when a card is thrown, disrupting the demon's concentration and breaking the hold on Silent Warrior.
“Thanks a lot, Yellow LightStar,” Silent Warrior says, coming down to the ground.
“Don't let your guard down,” she replies.
The demon then starts shooting fire balls at Silent Warrior and he manages to dodge most of them.
“Get ready to finish this thing off,” Yellow LightStar says.
The demon attacks with another barrage of fireballs, but she is ready for it.
“Star Shower!”
Yellow LightStar holds up her finger and it begins to sparkle. She then points her finger at the enemy, and countless stars attack the balls and get the demon.
“Now Silent Warrior, use your flaming fist!” she calls out.
“This fist of mine is burning red! Fist of the Phoenix Flare!”
Just as the demon is destroyed, Dark Blade and Dark Sabre show up.
“Wow, he defeated it all on his own,” Dark Blade comments.
Silent Warrior sees them, and then turns around only to notice that Yellow LightStar is gone.
* * *
A few days later, Marcy and TJ are watching Sean play in a match. Marcy tells him that Sean doesn't remember anything that happened with the other players.
“Well, since he is ok now, there is no need to remind him of what happened,” TJ says.
Sean then walks up to them and asks if Marcy wants to play a round with him.