Bleach Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Silent Warrior ❯ The Ultimate Sacrifice; Enter the Dark Kingdom ( Chapter 45 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“An enormous evil power is about to be revived. Finally, the time for the final battle is here. Sacred legendary Phoenix, please give me strength. Knight, Sabre, Warrior, and Blade, we will always be together.”
Silent Warrior
Episode 45
Athena and Prometheus are watching a TV in the showcase of an electronics store. Both she and Prometheus are in bandages, still in their god forms, but wearing normal clothes. The news is on, and the reporter is talking about the strange weather patterns happening around the globe. A volcano has been discovered at the North Pole, causing earth quakes, heat waves, ice fronts, and all sorts of other natural disasters.
“We need to do something about this soon,” Athena says.
The Ultimate Sacrifice: Enter the Dark Kingdom
TJ has prepared dinner for his family. He's left the kitchen a mess, and his food looks just like it.
“It was nice of you to make dinner for us,” Henri starts.
“But is this even edible?” Prince moans.
“What a rude little brat,” TJ answers. “It may look like trash but the taste is the real deal.”
TJ goes ahead and takes the first bite. Everyone stops to watch and see his reaction. After a moment, his eyes tear up.
“TJ, what's wrong?” Krystalyn asks.
“It's so spicy,” TJ replies with a wave of fire coming out of his mouth.
Prince falls on the floor and Henri rolls his eyes.
* * *
Later that evening, the guys are all gathered at the Masaki Shrine.
“Finally, it's time,” Tyrone says.
“I can't wait,” Damon comments.
“I can't believe we've come this far,” Tyrese states.
“So Styve, did you give Nikki a goodbye kiss?” TJ whispers.
“Why are you asking me something like that?” Styve yells.
“Well, if something were to happen, you'd regret it.”
“Nothing is going to happen, bendejo!”
“You're always such an ass to me!”
“Hey T, let's not focus on the `what if's' if we don't have to,” Tyrone says quietly.
“Yeah, he's right man,” Damon agrees. “After this is over, I'm going to focus primarily on the ladies.”
“My bad, you guys are right,” TJ says.
“Romance doesn't sound half bad,” Tyrese says shyly.
The guys all stop and stare at him, causing him to get completely embarrassed.
“You guys, we don't have time for the idle conversation,” Athena says, walking up with Prometheus.”
“You guys, it's time,” Prometheus says.
“Phoenix Transform!”
“Dark Ice Power!”
“Dark Fire Power!”
“Dark Lightning Power!”
“Dark Power!”
“Brother Power!”
“Can they really do it?” Athena asks as the boys are transforming.
“Sure,” Prometheus responds. “Tyrese, Tyrone, Damon, Styve; they won't have a problem. TJ, well, that's another story.”
“But they have to be ready; they're going up against Lord Mithos Yggdrasil, the hero of ancient times.”
“Well, if worst comes to worst, maybe he'll have a klutz attack and trip King Mithos.
The guys finish transforming, and the two demi gods walk up to them.
“You're going to d-point in the North Pole in one shot,” Prometheus says.
“How?” asks TJ.
“You'll combine your powers to teleport,” Athena answers.
“Because we're injured, Athena and I will stay behind,” Prometheus continues.
“As long as you all work together, you'll be able to defeat Lord Mithos Yggdrasil without a problem.
The guys then gather around Dark Warrior. He is standing, holding his sword with both hands above his head, pointed straight at the sky. The guys around him have their arms linked, making a square. All eyes are closed as they focus their powers. Dark Warrior begins to glow as he lifts off the ground, and the silver transparent wings appear again. Once he gets above the group, the wings spread, and a light from the heavens shines on the group.
“Dark Teleport!” Athena cries out as his wings spread.
Once she says that, the light pulsates once, striking like silent lightning, and then the boys are gone.
May everyone come home safely,” Prometheus thinks quietly.
* * *
“It's so cold out here!” Silent Warrior complains as they arrive in the middle of a blizzard. “How can you guys act like nothing is happening? I know your suits aren't that warm!”
“Quit your bellyaching and endure it,” Dark Blade roars.
“Something is off here,” Dark Sabre thinks to himself as he types on his palm pilot. “Guys, I found something over there. A huge amount of negative energy is being released from that direction.”
* * *
“The power of Lord Yggdrasil will be revived shortly,” King Mithos says, looking into his vision window. “You boys shall not interfere! Who wants to take a place in Dark Kingdom history by killing those boys?”
“Allow us that pleasure, your highness,” some voices answer.
A group of 4 men and a woman appear before him, all dressed in black leather outfits.
“Take out those pests and bring me that crystal!”
* * *
The guys are still walking through the blizzard, when Dark Sabre's computer starts beeping frantically.
“The energy reading is getting stronger,” he tells them.
Suddenly, the blizzard stops, and a low fog rolls in. A figure can then be seen hanging ahead of them.
“It's Yellow LightStar!” Silent Warrior exclaims, beginning to rush towards her.
“Wait,” Dark Sabre says, blocking him. “This could be a trap. Let me analyze it.”
“You're so simple minded that they would target you first,” Dark Blade complains.
Dark Sabre lets go of Silent Warrior, and begins to analyze the figure.
“Help me, Silent Warrior,” the figure says.
Silent Warrior looks at it, and it repeats itself.
“I can't take it anymore,” he says, taking off.
Dark Knight, Dark Warrior, and Dark Blade all chase after him, tackling him to the ground.
“She's suffering,” Silent Warrior yells. “How can you just leave her like that?”
Unnoticed, a smile appears across Yellow LightStar's face, and Dark Sabre's computer starts beeping again.
“Get away guys, it's a demon!” he yells out.
The figure begins laughing and shoots vines out of its chest. Dark Warrior gets them all out of the way just as the vines pierce the icy ground. The figure continues laughing, and changes from Yellow LightStar into the woman that was meeting with King Mithos.
“You idiot, you almost got us killed!” Dark Blade yells.
“I'm sorry,” Silent Warrior apologizes. “You think that's funny, demon trash? How dare you trick me! I was a fool for being so gullible, but you're an even bigger fool for crushing an innocent boy's feelings. You've really got me pissed off now!”
“Hurry with the speech already,” Dark Blade moans.
“Anyways, in the name of the Phoenix, I will punish you.”
The woman laughs as the other four men appear next to her.
“There are five of you?”
“We aren't demons,” the woman says, still laughing. “We are the 5 Grand Cardinal Seraphim of Lord Yggdrasil. I'm the leader, Pronyma, and you won't stand a chance against me, Magnius, Forcystus, K'var, or Rodyle. D-point is our zone, and you won't survive!”
Pronyma and the others then disappear in the fog, and the figure of Yellow LightStar can be seen again.
“Silent Warrior, I love you,” she says.
“Are you serious?” Dark Blade scoffs. “What kind of idiot would fall for the same trick twice…don't rush off as I'm saying that!”
Silent Warrior has taken off again as Dark Blade is making his side comment. The figure attacks again, and the guys barely get away.
“It could've been the real her this time,” Silent Warrior defends himself.
“Don't underestimate us,” Dark Knight says as his lightning rod goes up and he prepares to attack.
The figure then changes to Miranda.
“That can't be Miranda, can it?” he asks.
“It was, long enough for you to stop your attack,” Pronyma's voice says, coming out of Miranda.
Caught off guard, Pronyma catches him with her vines. The other four then capture him with vines as well and lift him into the sky.
“This fist of mine is burning red!”
“Dark Fire…”
The two prepare to attack, but the Grand Cardinal Seraphims move in close to him.
“If we attack, we'll hit Damon too,” Dark Blade says.
“Don't worry about me,” Dark Knight yells. “Go find King Mithos; I can handle these puppets.”
The enemies then begin shocking him with electricity through the vines. The guys are all down below watching.
“You have the nerve to try electric shock therapy with me?” Dark Knight smirks.
“What's so funny?” Rodyle asks.
“Prepare yourselves!”
Dark Knight's rod begins to collect the electricity from the enemies. Dark clouds then appear above them.
“Dark Lightning Bolt Strike!”
“You important little shit!” K'var yells.
“Die!” Forcystus and Magnius yell out.
The electric energy surges throughout Dark Knight, and an electric field surrounds the six of them. As the enemy realizes what's happening, they try to get away, but Dark Knight's lightning bolt strikes down with massive force. There's a huge explosion, and when the smoke clears, a giant ice crystal is in its place. Two figures can be seen trapped at the base of the structure, and at the top, the upper half of Dark Knight's body is sticking out.
“Dark Knight!” the guys call out.
He slowly opens his eyes, his body half upside down.
“We're going to get you down, I'll use my Phoenix Fist,” Silent Warrior tells him, running up to the crystal structure.
“I'm done,” he says weakly. “Everyone hurry to where Lord Yggdrasil is.”
“No, we're going together! Remember what you told me today? You've got ladies to go after once we're through here. That's what you told me…remember? You shouldn't lie like that…the king of hell will rip your tongue out…”
“Please, don't cry, Chosen One.”
“How can I not cry when one of my best friends is dying?”
“Come on, Prince, cheer up…”
Dark Knight stops speaking and closes his eyes. His body then goes limp, and Silent Warrior gets an image of Damon waving goodbye.
“You can't die, Damion Lee! Don't die on me!”
* * *
“Come on, let's go,” Dark Warrior says about 10 minutes later.
“Silent Warrior!”
“If this is what we have to go through, then they can just have the Dark Crystal.”
“The fuck are you saying?” Dark Blade screams.
“You heard me, Styve. It's what we should've done from the start. We took this too far. Mithos Yggdrasil, you can have the Zinzuishou!”
Silent Warrior starts running, and Dark Sabre and Dark Blade have to hold him back.
“Let me go Reese,” he says, turning to him. “Because I have this, Damon is…I just want to go home and…”
Before he can finish, Dark Sabre slaps him across the face.
“Please understand, Silent Warrior,” he says. “Don't waste Dark Knight's death.”
His computer then stars beeping again.
“They're coming,” he says to everyone. “You three go on ahead, I'll stay here and hold them off.”
“But…” starts Dark Blade.
“Past this point, we'll need your powers since you have strong attacks.”
“Reese, you're not going to…” Silent Warrior starts.
“I won't die.”
“That better be a promise, Reese.”
The three walk off, and Silent Warrior looks back one last time. Dark Sabre knows his fate, and accepts it.
“Come and get me,” he says, with a determined look on his face.
The fog rolls in again, and the figure of Giselle can be seen hanging in the distance.
“So, I get to see this kind of illusion too,” he smiles.
Dark Sabre taps his left hand again, causing a visor to cover his eyes. He begins analyzing Giselle, when his data gets interrupted. A hole opens in the ground in front of him, and hot lava starts pouring out.
“Dark Mist Paralyze!”
Dark Sabre's attack freezes the lava, but Pronyma, Magnius, and K'var fly out of it into the sky. They then form together to throw a massive lava ball at him. He jumps out of the way and the first ball misses him. The three then create another bigger one, and aim it his way. Dark Sabre puts his visor back on, and begins analyzing the ball.
“It's just an illusion, but the heat is real,” he tells himself. “Those three are inside, and on the headband of Pronyma is the origin of the illusion; a gemstone! I need to get rid of that stone to stop these illusions. Dark Mist Paralyze!”
Putting away his computer, Dark Sabre raises his hands to form the mist. He then has it cover his entire body, just as the lava ball rolls into him. Once inside the ball, the enemies trap him with vines and begin electrocuting him like they did Dark Knight.
“Hurry up and burn to a crisp,” Pronyma laughs.
“Go to hell bitch!” he responds.
“How rude, little man!” K'var responds.
Pronyma then shoves an arm full of vines into his abdomen, and shocks him from the inside out. After a few minutes, she stops, and Dark Sabre's breathing becomes very slow.
“Maybe this will be the last time I use this,” he says quietly to himself as he slowly moves his left hand.
With his last bit of strength, he punches the gemstone on Pronyma's head, causing his computer to short it out and end the illusion. He then falls back and she lets him go.
“That asshole; I can't use my illusions anymore,” Pronyma complains.
The three leave, and Dark Sabre is left lifeless in a ditch of ice.
* * *
Elsewhere, the others suddenly stop and get an image of Tyrese waving farewell.
“Tyrese is…Tyrese is…he's dead!” Silent Warrior cries, falling to his knees.
“Don't cry like a baby every single time,” Dark Blade barks. “Remember, more enemies are coming after us!”
“But…but I never expected something like this…”
Dark Warrior is watching Silent Warrior, when he notices a dark spot forming underneath him.
“Silent Warrior, watch it!” he yells!
Dark Warrior knocks him out of the way, just as vines pop up from the ground and grab him around his waist.
“No, Tyrone!” Silent Warrior cries out. “Stop it; you can have the Dark Crystal!”
“If you do that, I'll never forgive you,” Dark Warrior yells at him, grabbing his sword off his back.
The vines then pull Dark Warrior underneath the ice.
“Fool, begging for his life won't do any good!” Magnius taunts. “We'll take the Zinzuishou after we kill all of you. First we'll kill this one!”
Bright flashes and loud screams can be heard coming from under the ground. The ground then begins shaking, and Dark Blade barely gets himself and Silent Warrior out of the way as part of the ground caves in. They can then see Dark Warrior being held by Magnius.
“Dark Crescent Beam Shoot!”
Magnius grabs the blade and snaps it in half.
“What a fool you are,” he laughs. “Your pathetic sword does nothing!”
As the shards from the sword fall, Dark Warrior's eyes go white, and he begins gathering energy.
“You shouldn't have done that,” he growls. “That sword was a restraining lock on the power within me, and you've just managed to release it. Now that the power is unstable, I can use my full strength, even if it'll cost me my life. Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams. Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat! Angelic Creation Theory: Heaven's Wrath!"
Once again, the Silver Wings appear on Dark Warrior's back, but this time they aren't transparent. Energy flies around him as his body is encased in silver light.
“What are you going to do, blind me to death?” Magnius laughs.
Not answering, Dark Warrior puts his right finger on Magnius' forehead.
“What the hell are you doing touching me?” he asks.
At the tip of his finger, the crescent moons collide, and place the symbol of Justice on Magnius' forehead.
“So that's what the symbol on his uniform stands for…” Silent Warrior comments to himself.
Fate of the three sparrows, bond of the four dragons, obstructing the five directions, return to the six villages. Heavenly wind, orangutan, spoon, cane of elm, a thousand ashes, a thousand wisdoms, the measure of white clouds, tread not on the scarlet light that embraces the new moon! Adhering Blossom: Niban Kagizaki!”
A holy symbol appears below them, and then releases a powerful pure light, completely obliterating whatever is in its way. When the light fades, a tall crystal structure is left behind, like with Dark Knight. At the top of the structure, Dark Knight's dead body is hanging with crystals piercing his body as if nailed to a cross. His silver wings are shining in the light of the sun.
* * *
Dark Blade is running up a hill, dragging Silent Warrior behind him.
“Stop, I can't run anymore,” Silent Warrior says.
They stop, and a single feather lands in front of Silent Warrior. He then receives an image of Tyrone saying goodbye.
“He was an angel after all,” Silent Warrior whispers.
“Silent Warrior, we always fought, but it was fun,” Dark Blade says.
“What are you saying?”
“I think you're supposed to face Mithos alone. I have to say it, just in case something happens.”
“We agreed not to talk about `what ifs,' remember?”
Pronyma and K'var then show up ahead of them. Dark Blade begins to walk off.
“Wait, I get it, I'll do this by myself,” Silent Warrior speaks up. “I'll go defeat Mithos Yggdrasil and then come home. You go on ahead of me. I don't want you to die…”
“You still have the big battle ahead of you,” Dark Blade says calmly. “You need to conserve your energy for that. Besides, who says I have to die? Now stay put, I'll take care of these two real quick.”
Dark Blade runs up to them and prepares to do his Dark Fire, when the two disappear underground.
“Shit, where'd they go?” he wonders.
The ground then explodes underneath him, only to encase him, trapping him from running away. As Silent Warrior watches, he goes into shock. Like a zombie, he begins to walk towards the ice prison, when K'var pops out of the ground behind him.
“You're mine!” he yells, throwing vines at Silent Warrior.
Stuck in his daze, Silent Warrior doesn't move. The vines get closer and closer, but he still doesn't move.
A massive fireball escapes from the ice prison, making contact with K'var and disintegrating him.
“How dare you, demon trash!” Pronyma yells inside the prison.
Silent Warrior watches as he can hear Tauro Demos' grunts and groans, and can see bright lights flashing inside the prison. There is a huge explosion, and the prison is destroyed.
“I guess that just leaves us, Prince,” Pronyma says, holding a limp Tauro Demos in her arms. “Even your demon guardian was no match for me!”
She tosses his body onto the ground, and begins to float up to prepare an attack for Silent Warrior.
“I'm not done yet,” Tauro Demos faintly says, grabbing her cape.
He turns to look at her, his eyes burning with fire.
“My body may not be able to move, but I won't let you harm the Chosen One. Ye lord, mask of blood and flesh; all creation; flutter of wings; ye who bears the name of man. Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges: march on to the south! Way of destruction number 34: Shot of Red Fire: Shakkahou!
The fire surges from Tauro Demos' hand, racing up Pronyma's cape, and causing a massive explosion, completely destroying her body. When the smoke clears, Silent Warrior gazes upon Dark Blade's body, encased in the crystal like Dark Knight and Dark Warrior.
“Just like you said, I should've kissed Nikki,” he says. “I really wish I had…”
Silent Warrior gets an image of Styve saying goodbye, and Dark Blade's body goes limp.
* * *
“Damon, Tyrese, Tyrone, Styve, I know this is a bad dream, it has to be a bad dream,” Silent Warrior is telling himself.
He has continued walking and has stopped to catch his breath.
“When I wake up, everyone will say `good morning' like they always do, and Styve will yell at me for being late and call me `lazy Te Jote'.”
Silent Warrior then falls to his knees and starts crying hard. As he is crying, a hand touches his shoulder.
“Cheer up man,” the spirit of Dark Knight says.
“Be strong,” Dark Sabre's spirit tells him.
“Don't give up hope,” says Dark Warrior's spirit.
“Stand up, TJ!” Dark Blade's spirit commands. “We'll always be together man. Now go!”
Wiping his face, Silent Warrior runs off through the snow fields.
“They're right. I'm never alone…”
At the Dark Kingdom, the pod containing Lady Yuna beeps, and the door opens. She sits up, and a smile comes to her face. She opens her eyes, and her pupils are gone. She then begins laughing like a maniac.