Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ A Frozen Heart ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I looked around nervously unsure of where to go. A few of the older students made their way to class. I was too embarrassed to ask any one of them to help me. I sighed and pulled my hat down over my ears a bit more, scared of what others would say when they saw my wolf ears.
“Are you lost?” someone said behind me, causing me to jump a bit. I turned and saw a boy about my age with messy white hair and teal eyes. He smiled a bit.
“U-um…” I looked down at my feet, not sure what to do. “K-kinda…” I said quietly.
“I can help you if you want.” He took the map of the building and my schedule from my hands. “Hey, you're going next to where I'm going. You can follow me! C'mon!” He took my hand and pulled me down the hall to the classroom I was to be in. “Here you go. Better get inside so you're not late!”
“Th-thank you,” I muttered, a slight blush covering my cheeks.
“Sure. I'm Toushiro Hitsugaya! If you ever need anything, just ask, okay?”
I woke from my dream. It's been years since that happened. About 8 years since then. Toushiro had left about a year after that and I had been alone. But during that time, he and I had been inseparable. Although he was a year ahead of me, we still found some time to be together.
I groaned and got out of bed, knowing that my cousin, Izuko, would come in yelling at me to get up. Grabbing my school uniform, a pair of navy blue pants and a clean white shirt with a navy blue tie, the boys uniform (I refused to wear the girls uniform since I hate skirts), I went into the bathroom for my shower.
“Good morning, nya~,” my friend Neko said when I sat in my seat. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. One more thing. She's an animal-human hybrid like me. She's a cat. “Guess what!”
“What, Neko?” I asked, laying my head on my desk.
“They say there's a new student coming today!”
“A new student?”
“Yeah. He's a year ahead of us though. But it's still exciting.”
“I guess so,” I said with a yawn.
“Aw, well, you don't seem too happy, nya.”
“Not really. It's not much fun if it's not in our class.”
“Aw, cheer up! Maybe we'll get to meet this new student!”
“Heh. Whoever it is, I doubt we'll meet him. Since their a year older than us.”
Neko sighed. “You're no fun, nya.”
“Yep. Exactly.”
“Alright you idiots!” The teacher said when she came in. “Shut up and sit down. Let's get started shall, we?”
I yawned. “Finally, it's lunch time. A break. I think I'll go spend the period in the library.”
“Alright, nya,” Neko said as Uryuu Ishida, a pale guy with dark hair and glasses, came up to her desk.
I sighed and left the classroom, walking down the hall to the library. I settled into my usual corner with my notebook and pen in hand. I usually wrote a lot during this period, especially since I didn't eat lunch. Izumo, my other cousin, has tried many times to get me to eat lunch, but I refused. I felt bad doing it at times, since he always worked hard each morning to make me a special lunch.
“Excuse me,” someone said, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up to see a kid, much shorter than me with white hair and teal eyes stood there. He looked kind of familiar. “Do you mind if I sit here?”
“This isn't the place for middle school students,” I muttered, going back to writing.
“I'm not a middle school student,” he growled. “I attend this high school.”
I tried not to laugh since I was in the library. “You attend this school? You've gotta be kidding.”
“I'm not. I'm a third-year here. My name is Toushiro Hitsugaya.”
My eyes widened in surprise and I dropped my pen. “Hitsu-chan? It can't be.”
He glared at me. “How do you know that name? Only one girl has ever called me by that.”
“Yeah. I am that girl.”