Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ A Lifetime of Love ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
In the early morning of Saturday that Isshin had awoken the Kurosaki kids. All Isshin had told them was that the Jaegerjaquez were coming for over for a visit. As soon as the small family stepped into the Kurosaki home, Ichigo had gotten a weird vibe. Thaleia looked unwell and the couple seemed to have forced smiles on. Even Isshin was smiling sadly as they talked.
While the adults talked Karin sat near Alessio and Yuzu sat on Thaleia's lap, the woman lightly running her fingers through the child's hair. Ichigo frowned, not able to put his finger on the weird feeling settling in his stomach.
The red head tore his gaze from the adults and looked to his best friend. Grimmjow grinned, but it didn't quite brighten his eyes like it normally would when the blue haired boy was having fun or planning something mischievous.
"Let's go to your room."
Ichigo could only nod as Grimmjow lead the way to the brown eyed boy's room. Once inside the room the blue haired boy looked around, memorizing his surroundings.
" something wrong?"
The blue eyed boy glanced at Ichigo then walked over to the bed.
"Hey, what happened to Kon? Wouldn't you normally sit him in front of your pillow?"
The red head rubbed his arm as he looked to the floor.
"I...I uh gave him to Yuzu."
Grimmjow took a deep breath then let it out slowly and turned around to face Ichigo.
"Ichigo we're leavin' Japan."
The brown eyed boy looked at the other with disbelief.
"Mitera...Mitera is still very sad about your mitera." Grimmjow looked down at the ground. "Bampas said we have to go away for a while back to she could get better."
There was hurt in Grimmjow's voice but Ichigo ignored it.
"Tell me you're lying..." Ichigo said barely above a whisper.
Grimmjow looked at Ichigo with confusion, the red head had his fists clenched and was still looking down.
" some type of joke right?"
The brown eyed boy looked at the other in the eyes, Ichigo had tears in his eyes. His face was mixed with hurt and anger. Grimmjow couldn't handle looking at the red head's pained expression and looked away. This set Ichigo off, the brown eyed boy tackled the blue eyed one to the floor. The both of them falling with a loud thud on the floor. Ichigo punched Grimmjow in the face.
The blue haired boy tried to push the red head off, but the brown eyed boy grabbed Grimmjow's shirt by the collar and slammed him against the floor once.
"I've already lost my mom...Now I'm losing my best friend."
The door to Ichigo's room burst open. Isshin and Alessio ran to the two children on the floor, struggling to separate them.
"M-Maybe those karate lessons were a bad idea."
Alessio huffed as he held Grimmjow. The room got quiet, the two boys just staring at each other. Ichigo with tears running down his cheeks. The blue haired child in Alessio's hands hung his head low.
"I'm sorry..." Grimmjow whispered.
"Isshin...I'm very sorry about this."
"You have nothing to apologize about Alessio. I'm sorry about Ichigo fighting with Grimmjow."
The brown haired male nodded and lightly pushed Grimmjow towards the door.
"I think we should get goin' or we'll miss our plane."
Isshin let his son go and walked the Jaegerjaquez family out of the house. Ichigo watched from his window with mixed emotions as the family of three got into a taxi.
It had been the day after the Jaegerjaquez family had left for Greece. The blue haired boy's father had told Isshin that he'd keep in touch with him. Ichigo couldn't take staying in his room because his little fight with Grimmjow would run through his head. He didn't know where to go or what to do. The red head just let his feet carry him wherever.
Ichigo found himself standing in front of the old Jaegerjaquez home. The red head sat on the steps of the house, fresh tears in his eyes.
"I'm so stupid. I wish I could have told Grimm goodbye the right way. I...I'm so sorry Grimm."
Ichigo hid his face in his hands as he continued to cry
A.N: I'm so sorry for the shortness of the chapter DX I haven't made a short one in this story for a while, I didn't mean for it to be this short for this heart breaking chapter.

Words in Greek-mitera: mother

bampas: dad
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