Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ A Quincy's Concept ❯ A Quincy's Concept ( Chapter 1 )
[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or anything related.
Author's note: Hi there. This is my first fic ever. I have been a reader for several years so I thought it was time to see if I can write a decent story myseld ^^.
This story is told through Ishida's (Uryuu) thoughts. Some sentences (only a few) are taken from the manga, mainly chapters 214 and 226. So beware of possible spoilers!
As this is my first fic, please review! Advice and constructive criticisme is greatly appreciated !
“blablabla”: Ryuuken speaking
dumdumdum: action, happenings
blablabla: What Ishida is thinking
A Quincy's Concept
How ?! How can HE help me. How does he know the way to get my powers back! He's the one that turned his back on grandpa and the entire Quincy-legacy. He's the one that walked away! I still can't believe that I thought I was the last Quincy alive. Apparently I never really was the last Quincy, but it was my father, a man that I have no respect for whatsoever and I even let him know this by calling him with his first name.
But seriously, how can all this dodging help me recover my powers? So I asked him if this “exercise” will help me.
“Of course” Ryuuken said. “If you don't die”
What! Uryuu thought stunned before quickly tossing some capsules in which he stored some rei-ryoku a while back.
“…you are quite precautious”
Ah, the subtle way of my father calling me a coward. Why do I put up with this, why do I tolerate all he is putting me through… I have to endure it, I have to get my powers back! For my pride, for the Quincy-pride, for the Quicy-honor! I will not be helpless anymore!
Ryuuken suddenly shot an arrow, but he could dodge it…just barely.
Damnit, I'm at my limit. I hate him. I hate that he's doing this to me, I hate that he's the only one that can help me, I hate that he has all this power, power that I never really knew he had, and that he still turned his back on the quincy. But most of all, I hate the fact that I'm almost sure that if I even made one mistake that he would kill me… and that he probably wouldn't even care. Shit, I can feel myself going slower. I can't go on any longer, I'll have to make a frontal attack but I only have one capsule left!
Ishida sighed Here goes nothing!
He made his attack and as his capsule succesfully hit his target he felt a surge of victory. Yes!! Wait…wha…? He got me…shit. I can't believe he actually shot me. I mean I was sure he would but I still had a small hope he wouldn't ever do that! I can't believe it's over!
As his mind faded into darkness he still heard his father say that that shot was the only way to return his powers. And although his entire body was slack, in his mind a grin formed.
My father is still a bastard, I still hate him and he still sees me as a failure…but maybe my hope that he wouldn't ever kill me has become more of a fact than a silly wish I've always carried around with me….
The End