Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ A Strange Love ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclamer: I Don't Own Bleach.
A Strange Love!
They talked amongst themselves as Yamamoto walked in a sat down above the others.
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Everyone felt the reiraku in the air.....powerful, strong-minded,hot? Kyoraku-taichou and Ukitake-taichou smiled.They knew who it was but were told to keep their mouths shut by Yama-ji-san. Yamamoto held a zanpak-tou be his side. Who was this person? Everyone asked themselves that question to themselves.
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All the Captains were getting antsy except Kuchiki-taichou, he was quiet as he usually was. Komamura-taichou looked at Kyoraku-taichou then to Ukitake-taichou. 'Why are they smiling?' he wondered in his head.
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The thumping had stopped at the door. Ukitake-taichou and Kyoraku-taichou opened the door to come face to face with an old friend. "Hello Jushiro and Shunsui." she said as she pasted them. All the Captains gazed upon her. A girl on older than 15 or 16. Her hair was black and longer than Ukitake-taichou's. Her eyes were a piercing baby blue and her curves were sharp. "Yama-ji-san, What kind of business have you called me here for?" she said in a sacrcastic voice. " Izuna, I have asked you here for the replacement as 9th Captain." he asked with hidden words. "And If I refuse?" she said. "I will let you walk away with you zanpak-tou in hand." he said hoping she'd say 'Yes'. She looked at the vacant sit next to Kyoraku. "Before...I take this postion can I see, who my lieutnant is first." she asked. " Yes, I will give you a week to get to know him, A week no more Izuna." he said slowly getting up. "Yes, Grandfather." she said. Everyone looked like they were in pure shock. Yamamoto had a granddaughter?!?! Of Course, no said anything.
"Everyone is dismissed." Yamamoto yelled as he escourted his granddaughter to the ninth company office where Hisagi Shuhei was doing paper work.
Hisagi was in the middle of signing the last paper when he heard a knock at his door. "Its unlocked." he said as he neatly stacked the last paper. His head looked at the door as a girl walked in his office with a note in her hand. "Yama-ji-san told me to give this to you." she said. He took the note and read it.
"Dear Hisagi-fukutaichou,
My Granddaughter wishes to get to know her before she becomes your taichou. Please make her feel welcome to your company.If you have any questions you wish to ask please ask Kyoraku-taichou or Ukitake-taichou.
Thank you,
General Yamamoto-taichou
First Company"
He looked at her and was about to say something but he forgot what he was going to say. "What?" she asked. He just shook his head and got from behind the desk. "Would you like to go see the sakura trees in the garden?" he asked. She smiled. "Yes, I would really like that." she said putting her arm under his. He blushed. They walked down the stairs.
Ukitake and Kyoraku with Nanao were watching them as they talked. "She's done it again." Ukitake said. "Yep." was all Kyoraku said as he sipped his sake. Nanao looked at them. She couldn't believe it. In a matter of minutes she had charmed Hisagi- fukutaichou. "Kyoraku-taichou, how do you know her?" Nanao asked. "Me and Ukitake-taichou went to the acadamy together with her. She was in one our classes. She was all shy back then. She was the first kiss I ever recived." He said smiling. Nanao looked at Hisagi and her.
A sakura petal fell in her hair. Hisagi looked at her. She had a rough life after her parents died. "My mother and father were both shinigami and I was just a child when they were killed by a hollow. My Grandfather took me in and said that if I pass the entrance exam I could be a shinigami and kill all the hollow that are sent to kill the innocent." she said as she wiped a tear from her pretty face. "I grew up in the sixty-ninth distract. I could say I grew up in one the most dangerous districts in the Rukongai." he said. He looked down at her. She had fallen asleep.
Kuchiki looked at Hisagi and the girl. Something strange stirred up within him. Kurosaki appeared next to him. "What is you need from me Byakuya?" he asked. "Abarai is busy with his new paperwork in the third company...would you care to spar with me in the sixth company dojo?' he asked removing his gaze to Kurosaki. "Yea, I'm always up for a good spar or two."
The sunset with the sound with clashing swords.
Izuna awoke in her bed chambers something or someone was outside her door. She opened the balcony doors. She looked at the figure on the edge of her balcony. "Hello, Izuna." it whispered. She gasped as she backed up against the glass door. The Creature came closer to her. It's hand caressed her cheek. The Creature's hand was made of human flesh. The hand was smooth against her cheek. "I thought you died, there is no way you are alive. Kyoraku and Ukitake killed you long ago. Why are you here?" she asked. " You thought you could go to the land of the living and escape me so easily after the academy. Sweet Izuna Why do you let Shunsui and Jushiro defeat me so long ago..Why? WHY?!?!? " he shouted grabbing a fist full of her hair. "Beacause I never loved you , I love Shunsui and Jushiro like they were my brothers. Jushiro risked his life to save me from you that day. I never wanted to leave but grandfather said that the king would let me." she silently. He gripped her hair tighter... She screamed.... She tried streach her reiraku to her grandfather. "Scream louder for me Izuna, No one can hear your pathatic cries." He whispered in her ear. Blood hit the ground as he began to feel pain in his stomach. " Let . Her. Go!" he roared. Katen Kyokotsu was removed from his stomach. He fell to the ground a disolved. "Are you ok? Izuna-chan" he said helping her to her feet. She smiled. " I guess I'm ok. Now that your here Shunsui -onii-san. " She said wrapping her arms round his waist. He was bit taller than her. "I most be going. I'll see you tomorrow." he said leaving from the balcony. She watched him run off in the distance. She turned around and went back to bed.
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