Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach Ficlets: Dare To Live ❯ 44 Shared Troubles ( Chapter 44 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: I don't own Bleach and make no claims on it. If I did, there'd be a whole hell of a lot of kinky shit going down.
44Shared Troubles
“What the fuck is his problem now?” I snapped at Zangetsu as I hunched my shoulders and waited for the rain to fall.
Asshole didn't answer me. Not like I expected him to, but he could've at least made like he was bothered by the cold wind and dark clouds in the sky. But nooo. He had to stand on that stupid pole of his, his eyes unreadable behind those stupid sunglasses, looking like the stupid weather wasn't bugging the shit out of him, too.
I was even more pissed over… everything `cuz I still hadn't gotten a piece of my king's ass or one of those bath things in the inner world like I'd asked for. This sucked.
I stomped away, barely keeping myself from kicking that fucking pole of Zangetsu's. The only thing stopping me was the sigh of disappointment I knew he'd give me. Well, that and the fact that I'd be getting even less action than I currently was if I did that.
I stopped by the mirror in Ichigo's room and the one in the bathroom. He wasn't in either place. I made a sound of annoyance deep in my throat and cruised around the inner world, trying to catch a glimpse of where Ichigo might be. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind about being a cock-tease and his going all emo and shit all of a sudden. It was a lot more satisfying to do that right to his face instead of just inside his head.
I wound up walking from one end of the inner world to the other without catching even a flash of his orange hair anywhere. Zangetsu was no help when I'd asked. He said Ichigo would call us when he was ready to talk. Yeah, well, fuck you very much! Zangetsu wasn't the one that'd been two minutes away from finally getting some ass only to have it snatched right out of his arms. Ichigo hadn't even come to the inner world like he said he was gonna after he found out why his little sister came home early.
Fine, fine, it'd been a Hollow attack that made his sister high-tail it outta the park, and Ichigo, being Ichigo, couldn't just let the Shinigami actually assigned to the area take it down. Nooo. Of course he had to go run it down himself. And then get tangled up with that prissy Quincy. And have every fucking Shinigami in a hundred mile radius come stomping down to see what the hell was going on. No wonder even more Hollows showed up after that. There'd been like… four or five of those idiots standing around pumping out reiatsu while they swapped stories.
And he called me a moron.
**Hey, Ichigo, where the hell are you? Can't you be emo in your room? I wanna talk to you face to face like.**
**Fuck off. I'm busy.**
**Busy being emo over some stupid shit. Yeah, I get that. Come on, you said you were gonna come here after your little sister interrupted us and you didn't. And there's no bath thing here. I even asked real nice for that. Zangetsu would like it, too.** Fucking beautiful. Now I sounded like a whiny girl. This was why I wanted to see him face-to-face. I never sounded like this when I was looking straight at him.
**I'm not being emo.** Ichigo sounded way defensive there and I smirked. **You wouldn't understand. It's about feelings and friends.**
Okay, that kinda hurt. I had feelings, too. Just because I didn't burst into tears when puppies got kicked didn't mean I didn't have feelings. They were just different feelings from other people.
**Yeah I would. I'm a part of you. If Zangetsu asked you what was wrong, you'd tell him. `S'not fair you won't let me in. I'm trying, y'know, but you keep smacking my hand away every time I make nice.**
Ichigo sighed and I felt another layer of guilt blanket him. The sky turned ominously dark over my head. Whoops. Hadn't meant to do that. Great. Now he was gonna be even more emo, if that was fucking possible.
**Come on, I promise I won't laugh. Whatever's bugging you has to be bad. It looks like it's gonna pour in here any second now. Zangetsu said something about shared troubles being halved or some shit. Talk to me, emo-boy or I'll keep bugging the crap outta you until you do. I'll bitch and moan your ear off until you tell me what the fuck is wrong just to get me to shut up. You know I'll do it, too.**
Ichigo snorted a laugh and the sky lightened a tiny bit. Cool. Maybe my hair wasn't in danger of being ruined by rain in the next thirty seconds. Sure I was bullying him into talking, but if I didn't, he wouldn't say shit and it'd just get darker and colder and the rain would come down fast and hard. I didn't want that. He still didn't get it that if he got all depressed, me and Zangetsu got all depressed. And wet. I waited for him to talk. I could be patient if I needed to be.
**Orihime talked to me the other day.**
**She's the ditsy one with the big tits, right?**
**She's not ditsy,** Ichigo growled. **She just sees things a little differently.**
**Whatever. So you talked to her. So what?**
**She asked if me and Ishida had been seeing each other. She said she was at Urahara's place when Ishida showed up with Hisagi. Stuff got said and I think Chad outted me. Not like I care who knows I'm into guys, but Orihime had no freaking clue.**
**Yeah, so? It's not wrong, you know. Liking cock I mean. She call you names or something? If she did, she's not really your friend. We can go kick her ass if you want. Not gonna bother me to beat up a girl.**
Ichigo sighed and the sky darkened again. Shit. This talking stuff was hard. Zangetsu made it look way easier than it was. I really didn't want to get rained on. I hunched my shoulders and waited for Ichigo to speak again. He was obviously bothered by this Orihime chick's reaction to him liking dick.
**No, that's not it. I think… you promise not to laugh or say something stupid?** Ichigo asked cautiously.
**I already promised I wouldn't laugh. I may be a Hollow, but I'm your inner Hollow. I keep my fucking word. Spill it, Ichigo.**
**I think Orihime believes she's in love with me. She didn't come right out and say it, but the look on her face when I told her that I was only into guys…. She looked like I'd just ripped her heart out with my bare hands and stomped all over it. She's the gentlest, sweetest person I know besides Yuzu. I feel like the biggest asshole on the planet for hurting her like that.**
Shit. No wonder the inner world had been threatening rain for days. Mystery solved. Nobody did misplaced guilt like Kurosaki Ichigo. How the hell was I supposed to fix this? Zangetsu probably knew. He was good with all this emotional crap. Knowing him though, he'd tell me that if I'd bugged Ichigo about what was wrong, I was going to have to be the one to fix it.
**Shirosaki?** Confusion and wariness was in Ichigo's voice. I'd probably been quiet too long.
**You like this Orihime chick as a friend, not somebody you wanna fuck, right? If she's as good a friend as you think, she'll get it that girls don't make you hot; guys do. You can't change that. Feeling guilty about something you can't do a damn thing about is retarded and a waste of energy. You also can't change or control the way somebody else feels. Unless you wanted to make her hate you. I could help you do that if you want.**
**But, I didn't see how she felt. All this time around her and I never noticed.**
**So? She didn't say shit until somebody else told her about you and the Quincy. She never noticed you lusting after Quincy cock, so she's just as bad as you, Captain Oblivious.**
**Hey, I never announced to my friends that I liked cock. It's none of their business who I want to fuck. Ishida and I were always discrete and…. Oh. Right. Okay, maybe you have a point.**
I did? Was I winning an argument? I replayed the last couple of sentences in my head and grinned. Hot fucking damn! I was winning an argument. Sweet! The sky lightened and the cold wind that'd been blowing hard for the last few days eased off. Warm, liquid approval swirled over me and heard a soft chuckle. I looked over my shoulder to see Zangetsu balancing on that fucking pole of his. Sneaky bastard wasn't there five minutes ago. He probably planned this whole thing.
“You coulda helped, y'know,” I said to Zangetsu.
“Why? You're doing fine on your own.”
I narrowed my eyes at Zangetsu. I was willing to bet this was another of his tests or lessons or whatever the hell he called them. Fucking prick looked pretty damn smug. I shrugged my shoulders. I guess it didn't matter. We weren't in danger of getting rained on anymore, so it was all good. Well, almost all good. There was still the little matter of some promised ass that I wanted. And that bath thing.
**You done being all emo now?**
**I wasn't being emo, asshole. I hurt a friend and,** Ichigo started with heat in his voice before I cut him off.
**Yeah, y'did. Get over it. Shit happens. You didn't mean to hurt her. Coulda been worse, y'know.**
**Worse? How?** Ichigo asked curiously.
**She coulda jumped you and tried to get something going by groping you. That would've been embarrassing for both of you on top of hurting her feelings.**
The sky lightened further and Ichigo let out a shuddery breath. **Yeah, I guess so. I still feel bad though.**
I grinned. **Know what'll make you feel better? Sex. Get your skinny ass home and me and Zangetsu can show you how much better sex will make you feel.**
Ichigo sighed and muttered about my having a one-track mind, but the last of the dark clouds vanished. Cool. He might not be totally happy about what happened between him and that Orihime chick but at least he wasn't wallowing in guilt anymore. I was about to bug him again to go home so we could fuck like bunnies when Zangetsu put his hand on my shoulder.
“It's enough for now. You did well, Shirosaki.” He stared off into the distance for a few seconds and a pleased little smile touched his lips. “I think Ichigo will call for us later.”
I pumped my fist and did a little victory dance. Booyaa! This horny Hollow was finally gonna get some. Zangetsu watched me and shook his head, but he was smiling. Between one blink and the next he was back on his pole, staring off into space, cool as a cucumber. He wasn't fooling me though. I'd felt the tiny jump in his reiatsu. I wasn't the only one looking forward to Ichigo calling.