Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach Ficlets: Dare To Live ❯ 48 Damage Control ( Chapter 48 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: I don't own Bleach and make no claims on it. If I did, there'd be a whole hell of a lot of kinky shit going down.
48Damage Control
I wrinkled my nose at the smell of sex that still hung in my room. Thank god I'd insisted that Ichigo bring his own sheets. Of course, since I'd kicked Ichigo out of my apartment before my father showed up, I was going to be stuck changing those sheets. I sighed and turned to get a large garbage bag to put the soiled sheets in, and possibly grab the salad tongs so I wouldn't have to touch anything… questionable.
I nearly shrieked like a girl when I walked into the living room and straight into my father.
“Uryuu, what in gods name happened here?”
My father gripped my upper arms tightly as his eyes scanned my small apartment. I saw his eyes flick to the rumpled bed visible through the open door and cringed inside. I could see the wheels turning in my father's head and barely held a groan in check. I was going to shoot Ichigo full of holes when next I saw him. I opened my mouth to try and sidetrack my father with… anything that came into my head only to have fate beat me to it.
“Ryuuken? What…. Oh shit.”
I was surprised my eyes didn't pop out of my head at the pair of men standing in my open door. Given the power of the reiatsu Ichigo and his lovers let loose, it was a given Urahara would show up. I didn't expect him to use the intimate familiarity of my father's name or for my father to not protest. While Urahara's casual use of my father's name was shocking, it wasn't nearly as dumbfounding as seeing Ichigo's dad right beside him. Why he'd showed up and what he thought he could do was beyond me. My father turned his head, saw the men standing in my door and cursed softly.
“Wonderful, just fucking wonderful,” my father said with what sounded suspiciously like a very long-suffering sigh.
“What? We all felt that massive reiatsu surge and knew it was centered near where your son lives. What did you expect us to do?” Isshin asked as he folded his arms across his chest and pinned my father with a serious look I never dreamed he could give someone.
My father let go of my arms and faced the two men. He drew in several breaths as if he needed to control his emotions. I blinked at that. I'd never seen my father lose his cool. Not even a little.
“I expected you to use the infinitesimal amount of brains you have to know better than to go rushing off into a potentially dangerous situation looking like that,” Ryuuken ground out. “And you should've stopped him from doing something that stupid, Kisuke. You are supposed to be a genius after all.”
Looking like that? What the hell did Isshin's lack of fashion sense have to do with anything? Why was my father referring to Urahara by his first name? What the fuck was going on here? I had to bite my tongue to still all the questions that rushed forward. There was no way in hell I was going to say anything to draw their attention to me when I knew I could learn so damn much just from keeping my mouth shut and listening.
“You know how Isshin is,” Urahara said with a shrug. “Once he was sure the reiatsu surge came from near where Uryuu lives, he was off and there was nothing you or I could've done to stop him. You know that, Ryuuken.”
My father sighed heavily and his shoulders sagged slightly. He pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like stupid Shinigami. I was even more confused than before the whole bizarre conversation started. Nothing about what any of the three men were saying made sense and their almost intimate interaction with each other was highly suspect. I knew my father and Isshin knew each other, but I thought it was solely in a professional capacity as doctors whose work sometimes overlapped. I had zero explanation how either man could know Urahara, never mind know him so well that they used his given name as if they had a right to.
There was also a massive amount of reiatsu, tightly controlled and centred on one Kurosaki Isshin. A frown formed when my intense study of Isshin brought two tiny sparks of reiatsu over his heart to my attention. I'd seen something like that before but couldn't remember where and narrowed my eyes as I concentrated even harder. When I finally made the connection of what that reiatsu was and where I'd seen something similar, I gasped out loud. All eyes turned to look at me.
“I think we have a bigger issue here than Isshin and I showing up. There was an immense reiatsu surge centred on this location and while it seemed vaguely familiar to me, I can't quite place it. Since this is your son's home and he was here when we all showed up, I suggest we ask him just what the hell is going on,” Urahara said with a pointed look at me.
I had to fight to not take a step back. I licked my lips and thought frantically. I didn't want to tattle on Ichigo and what he was getting up to. Urahara might just raise an eyebrow and shrug Ichigo's affair off. My father would likely insist that we hunt Ichigo down and kill his inner Hollow, something I don't think Ichigo would survive. Isshin would likely go ballistic to find out that not only was his son gay, but that he was sleeping with two men at the same time and that, oh, yes, they were his inner Hollow and the personification of his zanpakutou and did he know that his son was also a substitute Shinigami?
This was completely fucked up.
I cringed mentally and tried to stall. I was hoping that I could somehow wriggle my way out of this without breaking Ichigo's trust or out-right lying to any of the people in the room for a variety of reasons. I swear there were times when having such a high level of honour were down right inconvenient. I nibbled on my bottom lip and came to the reluctant conclusion that if I wanted to keep Ichigo's secret, which I knew was very important to him and was my duty to uphold as a friend, I was going to have to bend the truth a little with regards to what I told my father, Urahara and Isshin.
“We're waiting, Uryuu,” Ryuuken said in a cold voice that set my teeth on edge and made me just the tiniest bit glad I was about to lie to him.
“Ichigo asked to borrow my place for the night. He said he'd been having a lot of spirits follow him around lately and he wanted to try and get rid of them himself, but needed a quiet, private place to do that in case things didn't work out the way he planned it. He was just leaving when I got here. I don't know where he was going or if he managed to do what he'd tried, but he mumbled something about leaving an offering at a temple in thanks.”
Ryuuken narrowed his eyes at me and I could tell he didn't believe a word of what I'd said. He also wasn't about to call me on it in front of Urahara and Isshin. Urahara's eyes showed surprise before he quickly masked it behind the fan he flicked open. Isshin looked like he wanted to say something but snapped his mouth shut at the last minute. I breathed a silent sigh of relief. It looked like they were going to accept my words even if none of them seemed to believe them.
“If that is all, I'd like to go to bed. I have some early commitments tomorrow and it's already,” I made a point of looking at my watch, “one seventeen in the morning.”
Ryuuken pinned me with an icy glare and I knew that while I might have just escaped from further questioning, he wasn't done by a long shot. That was fine by me. I had some questions of my own to ask of my dear old dad. Questions like why it appeared that both Urahara and Isshin had tiny drops of his reiatsu over their hearts and why I suspected that he'd have something similar of theirs on his person if I looked closely enough. For every answer he wanted out of me, he was going to have to answer questions of mine. Quid pro quo and all that.
I was going to get to the bottom of this new bit of strangeness between my father, Urahara and Isshin if it killed me. Knowing my father, it just might.