Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach Melodies ❯ Sleepy Innocent Strawberry ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Sleepy, innocent Strawberry
For: Chynyll, cause she needs some fluff…Yeah….
Summary: After being dragged to an 11th division party by Yumichika, Ichigo finds himself bored and tired. Yumichika soon takes him home, admitting his feelings in private.
Note: Beta'd by Sajahi. *noms on her*
Why was he here again? Why was he in the 11th division with the pretty 5th seat flirting with him and playing with his slightly longer hair?
No…the real question was: how did he get there?
One minute, he had been sleeping, quite happily mind you seeing as his inner hollow had finally shut the fuck up after Ichigo had promised to train some more later on, and to get laid, preferably with a strong mate.
[i]`Damn hollows. Always so damn demanding. I'm 17! Yeah, I'm still a virgin but come on! A war doesn't allow one to get laid often when you're training,'[/i] the strawberry thought to himself, eyeing the beautiful man who was smiling brightly next to him. Sipping his mixed juice drink, he shifted and looked around them.
Some how, Yumichika had dragged him out of bed and gotten him to shower and change into some of his human world clothes, before dragging him to the 11th. After pushing him onto a cushion, the pretty male had made sure that he had something to drink or nibble on. It was confusing to the substitute, especially since Ikkaku kept sending him dark looks.
His future did not bode well if that man decided to attack. When pissed, he was much like Ichigo and became stronger.
“What crawled up Ikkaku's ass?” the substitute asked Yumichika, looking at the other through his lashes.
“He's just mad that I refuse to date him again,” Yumichika replied, sliding his eyes over the lean body next to him. He had noticed that several of the people were eyeing the rather slim shinigami and had made sure that none of the idiots dared to touch Ichigo. Yumi was rather certain that the boy turned man was a virgin since all he really did was train and sleep since the war started.
“Again?” Ichigo asked, looking at the beautiful male, getting a beaming smile that made him blink a few times at the sheer brightness.
“Yes, again. He and I used to date quite a bit off and on since we meet each other. I just…don't want to date him any more. I have another prospect and he makes a good friend,” Yumichika explained with a smirk, shifting and shifting to look at Ichigo, watching him blush lightly.
“Oh?” Ichigo hummed, sipping his juice again and looking around the room. “Why did you drag me out of bed again?” he asked, eyeing the other man.
“Because you need some fun and you can't have fun if you're in bed,” Yumichika replied as if it explained everything, getting a dull look from Ichigo.
“Really now…I was quite happy in bed thank you very much. Yoruichi tossed me around again today, after dragging me out of bed after only three hours of sleep. I'm tired,” Ichigo said, hiding a yawn behind his hand and shaking his head in surprise at how hard he had yawned.
“How about I take you back to your room then,” Yumi hums, standing and pulling the strawberry up with a smile. “Come on. You came, you saw, you grew bored with it.”
“That's true,” Ichigo hummed, moving around the other people already, leading Yumi to follow after, watching the way the red heads hips moved back and forth so nicely. The pretty male couldn't decide what he liked best about Ichigo. His body, his eyes that flashed with fire and warmth. The sheer loyalty the boy showed those he cared for.
What drew him to the fiery shinigami really? Was it everything that made Ichigo who he was?
Shaking his head, Yumichika slid an arm around the others waist with a smile, getting a sleepily curious look from him before they continued to the home that Ichigo was staying at. The smaller of the two laid his head onto Yumichika's shoulder, yawning again. Yumi laughed softly and ran a finger through soft hair as they walked up to the door.
“Come on, lets get you into bed,” he said, opening the door and leading Ichigo up the stairs, getting a mild protest from him.
“Why are you stripping me?” Ichigo asked sleepily as Yumichika pulled his shirt up and over his head.
“Because you're exhausted and I have a feeling if I left you here, you would sleep in your clothes,” Yumichika said brightly, getting a sleepy glare and Ichigo's hands batting at his hands.
“I can get undressed on my own,” Ichigo muttered, moving away from the other and stepping behind a screen. After a few minutes of shuffling, the substitute shinigami moved back to the bed in a pair of sleep pants and a shirt. “Yumi, who are you interested in?”
Yumichika paused and looked at the male who was wiggling down under his blankets and looking at the 5th seat with a curious expression. Smiling, he moved to settle next to Ichigo, stroking a hand over his cheek.
“I'm rather interested in you, actually,” he says quietly, playing with a bit of Ichigos hair, getting a soft blush and a sleepy smile.
“Gonna stay here?” Ichigo asked around a yawn.
“Yes, I am. Do you mind?” Yumichika asked, eyeing the smaller male.