Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach - The Karakura Tragedy ❯ Revelation ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

[I]Act I. "Interrogation."[/I]
(8:35 PM)(Unknown Location)
The first thing he realized was how disturbingly dark it was. The room he was occupying, assuming it was a room, proved to be a formidable vacuum. No matter what direction he looked in, no source of light revealed itself.
He felt an eerie sense of isolation.
The second thing he realized was that he was unable to move any part of his body, save his head. He had figured he was lying down on some sort of bedding. But It was the third thing he realized that caused him extreme discomfort.
The air around him reeked of blood. He had no way of knowing whether or not it was his own, or someone elses, being that he was unable to move. He attempted to try and recall any events that happened previously, but before he could, he heard a clanging of metal.
Suddenly he was aroused from his sleep.
"Get your ass up, kid," a voice growled.
Still confused, the young man rolled onto his back
His heart plummeted as his memory came back to him.
He was in prison.
Before he could utter any protest,the guard yanked him to his feet and forcefully slammed him into the cold cell wall.
"You'd better hope they decide to transfer you," the guard started as he nearly tore the young mans arms from they're sockets getting the hand cuffs on. "because if they don't give you the shot, i'll kill you myself."
As the guard guided the prisoner out of the cell block, the surrounding inmates screamed and cried out obscenities at them. luckily for the guard and the inmate, it was a maximum security prison. There was no way the inmates could throw any sharp objects at them as they walked down the corridor.
The young prisoner let out a long sigh.
He knew he was headed to the interrogation room for another pointless session with those idiotic detectives. They would no doubt take a different approach asking same series of questions.
The questions he had no answer to.
A moment later, the guard came to the room with the heavy door and bullet proof windows. Before he could knock, the door swung open.
"Welcome back, Mr. Kojima." Said the small female dectective.
"Guard, please. Un-cuff him. It won't be neccisary." her partner dectective said to the guard as he pushed the inmate inside of the room.
The guard reluctantly released him from the cuffs.
"You ladies are armed, correct?" The guard asked.
"Yes. Yes. Yes. This won't be a problem." The older female detective said impatiently.
"I'm just doing my job, ma'am. If this inmate was to harm you, i'd be held-"
"-Mr.Kojima has no intentions of harming us" the young detective said reassuringly
"Fine."The guard mumbled as he turned to leave, "I'll be right outside if I'm-"
The older detective closed the door.
The inmate glared at the two women. He grew to dislike these two over the past few weeks. they're lax behavior irked him.
[i]Why do they trust me?[/I] He thought.
The young detective, Keri Hatori, always seemed to be in high spirits. Even in the presence of a murderer, she smiled and spoke to Him kindly. The partner detective on the other hand, Rai Yogata, didn't bother hiding her disgust. She frequently reffered to him as a murdering bastard, and told him how he was going to burn in hell for what his crimes.
Although it seemed odd, Detective Hatori held the higher ranking of the two and usually lead the interrogations. Detective Yogata only questioned him on occasion, and always lost her temper.
Detective Hatori motioned for him to take a seat in the uncomfortable folding chair they made inmates sit in during interrogations.
"Have you had a change of heart since our last encounter?" Hatori said as she took a seat on the opposite side of the small table between them.
"I've said all I have to say, Keri." said Kojima.
"Oh, we're on a first name basis now, Mizuiro?"
"I suppose so."
Detective Hatori slid 4 pictures on the table.
Mizuiro looked at them and glared at the Detective.
"Why do you show those everytime-"
"-Because I don't think you grasp exactly how serious this is." interupted Hatori. "You say these people were your best friends? Why'd you murder them?"
Mizuiro let out an exasperated sigh.
"I only intended on killing her" Mizuiro said pointing to one of the pictures. "I hadn't planned for the others.... "
Mizuiro's voice faded off.
"When you say you 'hadn't planned for the others...' do you mean you were planning to kill them eventually?"
"So Orihime was your only intended target"
"Weve been through this.."
"And we'll go through this as many times as I feel is neccisary."
"Can I return to my cell, please? You really annoy me."
"That's sad to hear, Mizuiro. To be honest I find you intriguing."
Detective Yogata frowned at her partnet.
Detective Hatori continued "I find it...Fascinating..That an 18 year old high school student can posess such a psychopathic demeanor..That doesn't mean I applaud your actions. On the contrary. I plan to do everything within my power to ensure that you are brought to justice-"
"God, shut the hell up, lady!" Mizuiro growled.
Detective Yogata started towards Mizuiro.
"Stand down, Detective." Hatori commanded calmly.
"He shouldn't speak that way." Yogata said menacingly. "let me adjust his attitude."
Detective Hatori shook her head. "Do not take what he says to heart, Detective. He doesn't mean it."
"Of course I do." Mizuiro said.
Hatori ignored this and pushed the picture of Orihime in front of him.
"You two were briefly a couple, correct?"
"You said you truly loved her."
"How would you know your love was true? You plead insanity. You claim your derranged mind can fathom true love?"
"I'm not answering that until I have a lawyer."
"Mmhmm." Hatori nodded to herself. "I'll tell you what, Mizuiro. You explain one thing to us, and we'll leave you alone until your court date. Deal?"
Mizuiro thought for a moment.
"What do you want to know?"
"Explain to us your relationship with Orihime Inoue"
To start, i didnt really think it would happen. I mean, I wasnt exactly into girls like her.
Sure she was beautiful, kind, and intelligent, but it was something about her that completely repelled me from the start. In the end, it was her innocence that won me over.
It sounds corny, but I guess she was like an angel in that way.
Nothing she ever did was wrong, and she never intentionaly tried to hurt anyone.
I guess you could say I made the first move..
I don't normally get into peoples personal lives, especially people I'm not well acquainted with.
But for some reason I made an exception for her
It was the last week of school and everyone was chattering away about they're plans for the summer. I hadn't really contributed to the conversation much becuase for the first time in a long time, I had no summer arrangements. Ichigo had recently made his relationship With Rukia public, and the two had planned to spend a lot of time being "left alone".
Uryu had joined a summer stitching camp.
Chad was taking a trip to mexico.
Keigo had summer school.
and Tatsuki had signed up for every karate tournament in japan.
As we were all getting ready to head out that final day, Orihime blurted out something that caused everyone to stop in place:
"I'm going to die this summer."