Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Bleach: The Return Fan Arc ❯ The Demon The Lieutenant, and the Gigai ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3
Hmph, Gigai why would I need one, im already in perfect shape said Shinsaku. Hey Tokoyoshi-san shouted captain Ukitake. Oh its you, what do you want. Ive been told to tell you that they may give you back your captain rank however you will only be allowed to be captain of either 3rd squad, 5th and 9th squad. However a letter has been sent out to the lieutenants of those squads asking them if they will accept you, many of them were very close to their captains. I know that feeling my lieutenant was the same way about me. Your lieutenant? Yes his name was Matsuo Murokami. Why does that name sound familiar? You probably would have known him as Captain Murokami. You do know about his death. Yes Ive was watching the Seretei for awhile, while I train in the woods outside of Rukongai. He was a good man though his first impression of me was not so good. (Flashback). Vice-Captain Murokami! Yes, what is it? The new captain of our squad will be arriving shortly, you best be prepared. 5th seat Riku Idonachi, you should know that I am ALWAYS prepared. Uh yes sir. Good now go back to your duties. As the 5th officer left the opposite door opened. The light created a figure of a large tall creature wielding a giant sword. So… you're the new captain well I guess I got to brief you about our squa- suddenly Matsuo was picked up the ground and held against the wall the light no longer masked the figure. Matsuo shocked at his lizard appearance he struggled to break free. What, what the hell are you?! You're the 11th squad lieutenant? You are a terrible excuse for one especially for the rough and tough 11th squad. Hey I aint afraid of you! Matsuo grasped his sword hilt tightly however it was shaking out of fear. Oh so you want to battle? Fine ill do so, Shinsaku drew his gigantic blade from his back slowly and raised close to Matsuo's chin. Matsuo cried out a cry of both battle and fear as Shinsaku shortly jumped back towards the door. Matsuo swung his sword horizontally toward Shinsaku. Shin blocked his sword easily by just using the massive size of his blade and forced Matsuo's Zanpakuto into the wall releasing it from his grip. Suddenly Shinsaku thrusted forward and hit the lieutenant with the unsharpened back of his blade, thrusting Matsuo into the air and broke though the screen door behind him as he fell from the 11th squad office tower. Quickly Murokami released his Zanpakuto. Fly, Tori! Suddenly a strong wind appeared below the vice-captain blowing up upward until he was back at the top of the tower. You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily! Actually, I did you've got more Reiatsu in you than I thought you would. Good this is good now it's my turn! Impale kurisutaru! The blade transformed into an emerald green as Shinsaku tackled Matsuo forcing both of them outside the tower once more. Is this guy crazy?! First he's a lizard and next he's pushing both of us of a tall tower (thought Matsuo) what you are doing your crazy! No im fighting that's all. At the command of Matsuo's Zanpakuto the wind separated Shin and Matsuo. Matsuo landed on the ground as Shinsaku slammed into the tower and fell to the ground creating a large dust cloud. Murokami smirked as he thought he had achieved victory. Just then a wall of emerald crystals pierced though the smoke and underneath the wall were more crystals this time pointed at Matsuo they sprung forward. Murokami managed to stop one of the crystals with the wind however he could not stop the others from hitting him. Now you didn't think you could kill me that easily. Matsuo slammed into a nearby wall and was greatly injured with his Zanpakuto impaled into the pile of rubble. Shinsaku was about to deliver the final blow. He dropped kurisutaru down on the vice-captain but quickly a burst of wind was the only thing separating Matsuo from his death. Murokami grasped his Zanpakuto tightly and was prepared to fight back. Shin sealed his Zanpakuto and struck his sword into the dirt beside the lieutenant. What the hell?! Why didn't ya kill me when you had the chance! Because you've already proven your self to be a true lieutenant never going down without a fight no matter what the circumstances. Well I guess that's a relief. This doesn't mean you can go all soft on me or next time that blade will be in your chest! Yeah sure, but you never told me your name. My name is Shinsaku Tokoyoshi Captain of 11th squad; many call me “The Demon” for what I am. What happened after that said Ukitake. Im no campfire story teller so just stop asking and ill tell you. Oh your getting hot tempered now. I AM NOT Tempered! Sure you aren't. Ukitake chuckled as he put a piece of chocolate in his mouth. Mmm these are good you want any? No thanks... Okay but you're missing out on some good stuff. Ukitake left due to his illness as Shinsaku arrived at the Bureau of technology. Who the hell are you yelled Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Im- you know what I don't care! Get the hell out of here before I make you into an experiment lizard-boy! What the hell did you say! The two captains growled at each other. When lieutenant of 12th squad Nemu Kurotsuchi entered the room. Captain, he is here for the “special” gigai. Oh so your that captain that was supposed to be dead. That's right. Yes I belived I have it here. Yes this is it a true masterpiece created by myself! Hmm thanks lieutenant. What the hell?! I gave you the gigai I made and you thank her! Get back here and thank me you arrogant son of a bitch! Meanwhile in the real world Toshiro Hitsugaya was in a conversation with Commander-General Yamamoto Genryusai. Has there been any contact with any espada or arrcanar? Yes but the ones we faced last time where rebels against aizen and where not even espada however several more Hollows are appearing and are easily transferring from hollow to arrcanar often. Hmmm this could be a problem if Aizen's and the arrancar`s former presence have left Reiatsu to be absorbed by hollows we could be looking at a massive army of arrancars. Also Hitsugaya, we will have 1 more reinforcement being sent there a captain-level shinigami. But I thought that the other captains where busy with other jobs? No this is a former captain. The commander's lieutenant came in with some papers which Yamamoto quickly read. My apologies Hitsugaya 9th squad lieutenant Shuhei Hisagi has accepted the former captain into his squad. The Captain being sent there is Shinsaku Tokoyoshi. Ive never heard of him. Because he was murdered by aizen long ago but somehow he managed to survive and return he will be sent there shortly. Here is a picture of his gigai to confirm his identity. As the monitor switched Hitsugaya became shocked. This is-!! Shinsaku walked though the soukyou gate. Him so this is Karakura town I had best equip my gigai. As Shinsaku entered his gigai something suddenly changed. This is- NO!!!!!