Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Chaotic Outbreak Dark Fate ❯ Destiny Chapter 5 Rematch ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5 Rematch
Wandering the streets of the feudal city was pleasant to Fayt; this time he knew what to expect. He did not fit in with anything in his machine body, but if anyone saw him they would hide instead of confronting him. The mechanical terror was so advanced and terrifying that it stole warriors courage away. No one dared challenge something so alien from fear of losing their lives.
Fayt enjoyed the peace and quiet of the dusty barren streets, but then again he would not mind if a fool challenged him. It would be nothing more then a chance to test out weapons and try his aura conjoined with the mechanical energy weapons. The endless possibilities of creative weapons was a complete thrill, but there was a greater thrill to be had. Fayt intended to test his armor and Aura against the full force of a Bankai.
In the last fight Fayt fell victim to Byakuya's Bankai from a careless lack of respect for his opponents abilities. He still had no intention of honoring his opponent, but now he knew what to expect. After fighting such a strong opponent he knew what the best of this world could do, and he would be ready. This time was not about anything other then the pleasing idea of revenge.
The journey was slow with Fayt only waking and not using anything else extra to move faster. Eventually he arrived at the same white walls that separated him from the inner sanctum, and again they towered like a massive testament in comparison to Fayt. It was nearly the same under whelmed reaction inside, but nothing was showing it on the outside in any way. A quick charge and his thrusters from his back sent him upwards to the heavens like a shot.
The wings along his back spread out at the first instant of flight, and a glorious multicolored light came out making it look like wings made of light and red metal. It took only a few seconds to reach the top of the wall and climb over it, and then it was time to hunt the prey down. The optical cameras acting as Fayt's new eyes could search anything for miles, and he did a quick fly by at super sonic speed, till he spotted his opponent a perched a roof top.
Once spotted; Fayt whipped around and fired his boosters taking him right over to Byakuya. Fayt however did not slow down and continued to go while drawing his collapsed sword. The blade then extended and lit up along the blade's edge before he slashed through the top of the building. Fayt stopped suddenly and turned to watch Byakuya land on another high tower, and then the two starred down their opponent.
It did not take too long before Byakuya had a hunch of who this alien device was really, but Fayt was the first to speak through his new voice. “So Byakuya do you recognize me…? I have to guess you do since there is only one like me anywhere.”
“So Fayt you survived, and it looks like you have more power then before. I have to say you are continually disproving what I think someone like you should be able to do, but why are you here? You have already lost our fight and I have no interest in fighting you again.”
“Really Byakuya how is that to treat a guest of your world; it is very rude to think you do not even consider me worth a second shot after I have become so much more powerful. I hate people like you, ones that think you are simply too good to be seen or even waste your precious time with me. If you believe I'm not even worth a second fight after what I went through, then it just proves that you are worthless to me.”
No longer did Byakuya see that he could avoid a confrontation with Fayt; the last time he had spared Fayt which was an apparent mistake now. Also when Fayt had left he was displaying an much more heightened state of power and now that could be combined with his armor to make things so much worse. “If you want me to fight then say so; considering what you have gone through you are a worthy opponent Fayt.”
“Flattery will get you no where with me Byakuya…!”
The cannon attached to Fayt's back lowered under his arm before extending and firing in a few short seconds. A massive beam shot out and clipped the top of the tower eradicating its existence with the massive amount of energy that came forth. The red beam continued long past the tower and shot off into the distance till it disappeared. A few more seconds later and Byakuya landed on the top of the white wall shaken to his core.
A few seconds of dead silence later though and Fayt began to speak again in his half human half machine voice. “You are a fool; I'm not interested in approval Byakuya… I'm interested in doing what I feel like. The last time I was looking for a good fight but that was only because I needed to…”
Instantly Byakuya was looking at Fayt in the machines body and listening intently. “You see I need more power if I'm to do whatever I please, and you helped me. My growth is not based on anything other then every time I fight; win or lose I get stronger depending on how strong my opponent is. Do you get it, I used you Byakuya, and you are partially responsible for what I can do now.”
“No you Byakuya can scowl and curse me all you like, but this time you cannot stop me. No matter what you think of me you cannot kill me this time even if you wanted. This time I'm not looking for a good fight… this time I'm looking to kill you and then I'm going to do what ever I please in this world, but I have to say you even rattled my spirits the first time we fought...”
“You made me doubt myself and that has not happened since my powers awakened a while ago. This time I'm not scared so I will let you take the first free attack against me. I think you know what you should be attacking me with… go for it and lets see if you can beat me again.”
Byakuya unsheathed his zanpakuto and was almost happy to give Fayt the death he obviously desired. This time he knew his mistake and was still a little amazed that Fayt was so much more tactical then he had ever had gave credit for. “No one uses me and I will not allow myself to make the same mistake again...”
Again the bright sunny day disappeared while Byakuya's bankai started to activate. Fayt stopped hovering and touched down on the new floor only a few feet below him. It was the same black dimension Fayt remembered from before, and it would not be long before the key word was ushered. Slowly every last piece of Fayt's armor started to glow pink with such intensity and the overuse of Fayt's power even manipulated his synthesized voice to something much deeper. “Show me your power, and this time destroy me with one shot!!!”
Byakuya could only guess that Fayt had been lost to power and that he had to be stopped. This time Byakuya would not let Fayt off with any mercy and would destroy him, and it would all begin with one word. “Scatter…”
The zanpakuto was released from Byakuya's hand and disappeared into the black ground below. Fayt put all his weapons away and just stood there confidently with his aura completely covering every inch of his mechanical body. The aura was ready and stronger then Fayt could have ever hoped it could have been. Then in an instant the sensation of a thousand tiny blades cutting at his aura returned.
However this time Fayt stood up to the attack with no problems. It truly was an amazing sensation to be attacked nearly a thousand times every instant. All the blades were cutting deeper and deeper into the aura the exact same as before. The only difference was that Fayt was not showing any struggle. He stood there normally while his aura worked hard to keep the tiny blades at bay.
Then all of a sudden Fayt started to get pushed back the same as before, and Byakuya figured it must have been his weight that aloud him to oppose the attack. For a mere instant Byakuya even let him self believe that this was over again thanks to how foolish the eager fighter was undone by his own thoughts that he was superior. He turned to look away from what would be another gruesome scene but then the dark dimension was lit with a bright pink light.
Inside of the mechanical shell Fayt was smilling and laughing at how he had been right. The last time it was his weapon which weakened his aura to much and that is why he had failed, but Fayt had only led the older warrior on to have a chance to surprise him. Out of the attack flew Fayt in his Destiny Gundam form with his palm glowing as he flew in an arc.
The aura protected Fayt and was not affected by Fayt's other weapons from his other form, he had found a new way to exploit his power. Byakuya turned to late and had his face caught in the machines grip. Fayt lifted him up and let his palm fire a energy blast that knocked Byakuya across the dark black ground even with Byakuya's attack still attacking him. “You know I hate this attack because it is a waste of my time, besides I like the look of my armor on a bright day anyways.”
Fayt flew up and deployed his collapsed powerful laser cannon. It charged for a few seconds and fired a blast down onto the dimensions floor on Fayt's whim. The beam continued to apply pressure till finally it broke back into the bright sunny day a top the wall high above the city streets. Even Byakuya was shocked at how easily Fayt stood up to his Bankai and he could not figure out the reason why. “So Byakuya I bet you thought you had me, but I was jus playing you… you must be getting tired of me doing that right?”
Byakuya got up with a little bit of extra strength needed after that last attack. He took in the situation carefully planning his next move and noticed his zanpakuto lying on the roof smoldering from the beams power and heat. Byakuya already had a plan, but was to displeased with Fayt to hold his voice back. “Fayt that was a cunning move, but I'm not done yet. You caught me off guard but I will not be fooled again.”
Slowly Byakuya walked over to get his zanpakuto when Fayt fired another blast of his cannon knocking the weapon far off into the distance. Fayt did not say anything and just held his cannon with one arm supporting the long green weapon of destruction. It actually shocked Byakuya, and he jumped back to watch his weapon disappear into he distance leaving him little to use.
The landing was a little clumsy which was unusual for the professional class fighter. Fayt hovered and did nothing else only glancing over at Byakuya at first till he could not hold back his tongue. “You see Byakuya, I played you and you missed your chance. You sparred my life and now I'm a thousand times stronger so it is time that I finish you!”
Fayt whipped his right arm back behind him as he yelled and then let his thrusters fire and drive him forward through the air. Byakuya stood there for a moment and flash stepped his way when Fayt plowed into the top of the wall with a fierce kick. The instant Byakuya touched down from his flash step came Fayt teleporting right in front of him with his long green cannon pointed to Byakuya's chest. “I told you I'm not playing games anymore, you got me!!!”
The scream was followed by another large laser blast that spewed from the cannon and sent Byakuya flying through the air. His face was now so shocked by how he was losing to someone he underestimated. Again Fayt teleported ahead and caught Byakuya with his dark grey metal mist. The palm flashed a bright blue light in Byakuya's face and the blast of energy sent Byakuya down into the roof of the wall.
Fayt hovered above and drew his sword which expanded and lit up along the blade with pink energy. The point went straight to the dead center of Byakuya's throat and he was beside himself at how he had been beaten so easily. Fayt was ready to kill, but decided to be as cruel as he wanted to be. “Remember this forever; I am the god of destiny and I will not stop till I have everything I want. In short; I'm better then you…”
The words even caused Byakuya to cringe and become angry inside his mind, but it was over. Fayt backed the blade up to get a running start when all of a sudden he stopped and looked away to the distance. Inside the machine's shell Fayt was confused and angry. He forgot all about Byakuya and stared off into the distance angrier then he had ever been. “Why did… why Jenova!!! Why do you give him everything and ignore me!!!”
Seconds later Fayt disappeared and Byakuya was spared from an early death. There was no doubt in his mind that he would have lost. This time Fayt had been the better and stronger fighter, and for now it was best to leave it there. After all the time Byakuya had spent near the top of the best; it was a very different feeling being brought back down by a person he considered earlier as nothing.
Everyone could not say anything after that; Blair had been through a lot. Blair's head rested on his chest. Brett began to lead her toward the boat; once again they were together. Alexis jumped into their path; “There is no way either of you are going to leave like this. I will not let this continue Brett; Blair disserves the real you after all this… more then that I won't allow you to hurt anyone else.”
“I do not know about the last part, but I fully agree with the weak human. Brett you are not leaving this island like that.” The voice came from no where; suddenly a human sized machine came down from the sky. Brett knew who it was; he pushed Blair into Alexis who caught her. “Why in the hell are you here Fayt, and why are you in you tech form?”
“This is my form from now on; I only care about power, and also stirring up things to my benefit. I sensed Jenova's power, and here I find you, and you seem a little different. Now I'm going to take that power away from you before you destroy it anymore; you were not made for it like I was, and there is no way you should have what I asked for.” Brett looked at Fayt with disgust; he summoned two wings and flew up to his level. “What do you mean Fayt, why would I destroy something so liberating?”
“What do I mean; your power of healing and light is corrupting the Negastream. Soon it will be destroyed and gone, and your powers of Light will be destroyed too which is just a super waste. Enough of this though; I'm taking it back even if it is over your dead body!” Fayt used his thrusters to move forward and he tried to grab Brett, but Brett evaded. Brett was finding out just how weak he had become; everything including summoning two wings felt nearly impossible.
“I will never give my power to you Fayt!” Brett finished and evaded again; this time up into the air. The wings flying power was so much weaker, and he turned to look at the scrawny mostly destroyed wings. Fayt followed; his attacks only steered Brett in the directions Fayt wanted. Brett could not beat him; he had to evade till he thought of a plan. Blair stood there amazed; she looked up to Alexis who was smiling, and her eyes were filled with hope. “Does this mean that…?”
Alexis smiled and nodded; Blair tried to apologize for doing what she did, but Alexis silenced her with a little squeeze to Blair's left shoulder. Blair was happy with the promise of things were going to get back to normal. Axel was not so happy though; “excuse me but Brett is still in danger. We have to save him; then we will deal with this other stuff later.”
Axel readied his Chakrams to be thrown; he aimed till he heard another familiar voice. Axel dodged out of the way of two key shaped blades; the blades missed Axel and Brett's friends looked over to see a new man cloaked in black. “Axel I told you next time we met we would be enemies. Axel you are going down today!”
“Roxas stop this; I have to help Brett. “ Axel landed and was met with another twin swipe; each keyblade met with a chakram. “Please Axel you are now a traitor; I hope this Brett is worth it. You are no longer my friend; you are my enemy; so die already!” The two broke the stalemate before continuing to slash at the other. Both could not get past the others power; their power was evenly matched, but Axel kept trying to end this so he could help Brett.
Fayt continued to pursue him; he fired his laser rifle to steer Brett in what ever way he felt was best. Brett's strength was non existent compared, and he could no longer run. Fayt gave a mighty thrust and snagged Brett face with his metallic palm. Fayt was leaving no chance; his grip tightened around Brett's head and soon he stopped struggling. The grey energy was being ripped from his body.
“What is going to happen to Brett? What about the real one I love, or this fake Brett?” Blair questioned with great concern in her voice. “Like I care? Once I take the energy this fake Brett will disappear; but I could care less really. The only thing I care about is that I finally get what I want…”
Axel heard this and summoned a great deal of his power; a burst of flame sent his attacker. The attacker was badly burned, and retreated into a portal of dark energy. Fayt had finished extracting the power; Brett hung in the air lifelessly. “Here take this lifeless doll and be happy I was merciful. You better pray he can find the way back; that other thing is gone; my way of riding one less thing like me because there will only ever be one like me.”
The lifeless Brett dropped down into the ocean; Blair and Alexis both dived into the water. Everyone was hoping that they could save him; seconds later Alexis came up to the surface alone and empty handed. Time continued to pass; Fayt was still adjusting, but that did not matter to anyone. It was a good show to watch while Fayt adjusted to his new found change.
Half a minute passed; the bubbles stopped coming to the surface, and everyone else felt their hearts skip a beat. Suddenly Blair burst through the surface of the water with Brett. She swam over with Alexis and Brett over to the dock. Blair got out and pulled Brett out by herself; Alexis got out and all three were drenched from head to toe, but more important they were safe. They looked over to see Brett looking exactly like normal; they breathed a sigh of relief at the fact it was over for now.
“This is it, but Jenova you still owe me more…” Fayt disappeared into the air with no portals, but it was not important to any of Brett's friends. Blair got up and lifted Brett with her. She had no trouble lifting Brett which was a little surprising. Alexis walked over to Blair and put her hand on Brett's head; “he has a pulse. Let's get him back to your room; we can all dry off there.”
“This is it; this… this is exactly what I desired, but… I don't want to stop here, and there is no way Byakuya will ever be enough for me now. I can't, no I won't; this is the beginning of the real story!”