Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Drawn From a Hat: Bleach Style ❯ My Secret Exposed ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: My Secret Exposed
Contest: Drawn From a Hat
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing Number: 5
Pairing: Ryuken/Ichigo
Catagories: Shoneni-Ai
They knew it was wrong on so many levels, but it hardly mattered to them really. They cared about the other in their own way; neither were quite sure what love was or how it was supposed to feel. But they didn't meet for love or any other major emotion, at least, not in previous meetings. That though had been changing in the last few months.
Laying there under the blankets, facing the window where lights from the passing cars threw shadows against the wall, Ichigo sighed softly into the blanket that he had tugged up to his nose. He was pressed against the elder Quincys' side, his head listening to the heartbeat of his lover, along with the indrawn breaths and pulls off of the cigarette in his hand.
The cherry glowed each time, drawing Ichigos eyes up to watch smoke slip past soft lips. His mind whirled with questions and thoughts.
“Why do we do this?” Ichigo asked suddenly, breaking the silence of the room. Looking down, Ryuuken raised an eyebrow and shifted slightly, sliding his hand from Ichigos shoulder down to his hip.
“Do what?” Ryuuken asked quietly, rubbing a thumb over the soft skin of Ichigos hip.
“Why do we meet in secret still? Why do we have to meet in secret still?” the red head asked quietly, laying his head down. “I don't work for Soul Society anymore. I'm just a liaison between them and all those who have powers now days. I still have my powers but I'm so much more then just a shinigami since my moms secret was discovered.”
Ryuuken paused in his movements before continuing to smooth his hands over the soft skin of his lover as he thought. He didn't really know why they didn't just move in together now. Really, it wasn't as if Ichigo was a full Shinigami, despite having their powers. On top of that, it wasn't all that odd for someone three, four, or five times the age of another person to get together.
So why was he so hesitant to show that he was with Ichigo? That he cared for Ichigo? Possibly even loved Ichigo.
But he knew why. They had started their relationship when Ichigo was only 16; barely the legal age of consent in Japan but still legal. They hadn't wanted to show everyone that they were sleeping together, training, sparing, dating, or anything else because then it would have been used against the both of them. So they had hid it. Kept it secret and Ichigo had become a wonderful fighter and warrior.
It was during that time they had discovered his Quincy abilities. It had been shocking to see Ichigo form a cross, like all Quincy did, from his energy. Then they had to hunt down why he would have the ability.
Ichigos father had told them it was because his mother had been a Quincy but had left that life when she was very young to go into hiding. The same as most of her family had done. There had been plans on teaching him when he was older, but then she had died…and the plans fell apart.
After that, Ichigos hollow had merged back into Ichigos soul once more, making him not only a vizard, but a King amongst all hollows. He was strong, powerful…young. So very young.
And during it all, they had stayed hidden, all of the secrets and powers, until he was ready to help end the war once and for all. Since then, he and Ichigo had grown closer as the red head had taken on the job of liaison between those with spiritual powers and awareness and Soul Society.
Even after Ichigo had turned 18, they had hidden in fear of what others would say. But, Ryuuken figured it was high time to come out.
“Let's…move in together,” the Quincy said, reaching over and snuffing out his cigarette before flipping Ichigo onto his back, settling between those long legs. “Let's come out to everyone. Stop hiding. There's no reason to continue to hide,” he continued, smiling at the surprised look that over took his lovers sweet face.
“You really mean it?” Ichigo asked, eyes taking on a cautious look. Ryuuken nodded with a smile and shifted slightly, pressing their groins together.
“Yeah, I'm sure. We'll start looking for a house tomorrow. Mine…is a bit too small since I down sized after Uryu left,” Ryuuken replied, leaning down to nuzzle Ichigos neck.
“Alright, let's do that,” Ichigo hummed, wrapping his arms around the others neck with a sigh of pleasure, his eyes slipping shut and head tilting back with a soft, twinkling laugh. “Let's show this world what a pair we make.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Ryuuken growled playfully before doing what he did best in times like this.
Driving Ichigo crazy with need.