Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Hiding Is Pointless ❯ Hiding Is Pointless ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.
A/N: This is my first attempt at anything for Urahara! Please Read And Review!
He looked around the empty room and sighed. Closing his eyes he remembered the days when he'd been surrounded by people, people doing everyday things, as everyday as things could be in Soul Society anyway. He hadn't ever been alone, but had still managed to be somewhat lonely. Only when she was with him did the loneliness abate. Nowadays his life was somewhat fuller in ways, not in others though, and he had his store to keep him busy. He had companions and things to do, customers to greet and products to sell. He couldn't say he really missed those other days…only parts of them, mostly the parts involving her of course. He thought of her beautiful eyes…slender body…she really was very attractive…but the most attractive thing of all was her genuine affection for him. She had stood by him through it all and he knew she would never leave him. That, he really truly believed, was the most wonderful thing about her. She could always sense when he needed her and was always there for him. Sighing, he pulled his usual striped hat down over his eyes, like a curtain coming down over his innermost self, blocking away all the useless thoughts running through his head, and walked to the doorway, prepared to begin his day as usual. What he saw when he stepped through caused his heart to race and his smile to light up, although he tried to hide these reactions somewhat. A black cat lounged there staring into him with those beautiful eyes…the eyes that could see what he tried to keep so well hidden. He wondered if she really knew how much he needed her…