Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Kindred, Part Two
Author: Eumenides
Pairing: Kenpachi/Grimmjow
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU yaoi fic. Grimmjow draws the attention of one of the new members to join their inner circle in Hueco Mundo.
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite owns Bleach. I just fool around with the characters.

Part Two

That night, it took an inordinate amount of time for Grimmjow to finally slip off into sleep as restless as he felt after what had occurred between himself and Zaraki. In his dreams, Grimmjow rested on a soft bed, his eyes closed. He could feel the mattress dip as the weight of another person was added to the bed. Soon, a larger form that was strangely familiar spooned against him from behind. Muscular arms wrapped around him to pull him close, a hand slipping downwards to cup his groin, squeezing teasingly. Grimmjow moaned, wanting to get away almost as much as he wanted to allow the touch.

A deep voice rumbled in his ear. ‘What does it matter as long as it feels good?’

Hardness rubbed against his thigh, making him shiver. ‘I could make you scream, you know,’ that voice told him as something thick and stiff pressed against his entrance.

Grimmjow woke with a start, perspiration on his face. He turned around swiftly, half expecting to see the shinigami’s face smiling back at him from where he lay naked under the sheets. But the bed behind him was empty, the blankets lying twisted on the floor. The hollow frowned, denying that he felt a lingering sense of disappointment over this. He groaned at the state that he was in, hard and aching over something that had only been a dream. His face flushed, Grimmjow reached into his pants to pull out his erection, fisting it with quick strokes. He tried his best to keep his thoughts on women with soft skin and voluptuous curves, but his mind kept straying back to the sight of soapy water glistening on Kenpachi’s skin in the bath and the sensation of his thick erection sliding along his crevice as the man brought himself off with a low growl. The memory of it had Grimmjow letting out a choked cry as he spilled over his own hand, shivering. He went to the bathroom to clean himself up, not wanting to dwell on the way his mind had been working recently.

After he got dressed, Grimmjow set out, determined to avoid or ignore the shinigami if possible. But it soon seemed like effort on his part wouldn’t be necessary. Zaraki wasn’t at the morning meeting, nor was he anywhere in sight for much of the day. Grimmjow found himself feeling annoyed. How could he show the shinigami that he couldn’t have cared less about what had happened the previous day if he wasn’t even around?

Near midday, Grimmjow was walking through the courtyard when he noticed Yachiru and Wonderweiss playing what appeared to be a game of tag, with Tousen seated on a bench nearby. He had intended to steer clear of them when the girl looked over, noticing him as he paused to turn. She called to him, waving excitedly, Tousen turning in his direction as well. Grimmjow sighed, approaching the group since there was no apparent escape now.

The pink haired girl bounded up to him. “Hi, Nekochan!”

Grimmjow frowned, his lips curling into a sneer. “Hey, kid, I’m not a cat, so don’t call me that.”

Yachiru gave him a questioning look. “Huh? Ken-chan told me that you turn into a big kitty.”

Grimmjow’s gaze darkened, though the child didn’t let this affect her good mood. He glanced over at Tousen sitting on the bench. Was that faint smile on the man’s face a moment ago? “Look, kid,” the arrancar said as he turned his eyes back down at her, “I’m not a cat. My release form is a panther. That’s a lot different than some housecat.”

Yachiru gazed up at him, excited. “Oh! Let me see!”

Grimmjow growled, which earned an expression of disapproval from Tousen. “Fine,” he told the pink-haired girl. The last thing he needed today in the mood he was in was to have Tousen on his ass. Since when was it his job to entertain a kid? Oh, that’s right. If that kid is also a shinigami.

Sighing, the arrancar transformed into his release form to Yachiru’s delight. “You are a kitty!” she exclaimed upon seeing him. She bounded around behind him. “You’ve even got a tail!”

Grimmjow twisted, trying to keep her in sight. “Of course I have a- wait, don’t pull it!” he admonished as she jumped up to grasp it. Ignoring his words in favor of fun, Yachiru gave his tail a few good tugs before he could snatch it out of her reach. “That’s enough of that,” he told her as she pouted.

In moments, Yachiru was trying to harass Grimmjow into letting her ride on his back, shining soulful eyes up at him. Grimmjow grumbled as he found himself complying, getting down on all fours. He told himself that this was to avoid a run-in with Tousen when his indulging of her whim probably had more to do with the shinigami that was her apparent keeper. “What am I, a horse or something?” he mumbled as she climbed onto his back.

Yachiru grabbed locks of his long blue hair like reins. “Okay, let’s go!” she exclaimed happily, urging him forward.

The hollow grumbled as he took a lap around the courtyard, muttering to her, “If you tell anybody about this, I’ll eat you. I mean it,” when he was out of earshot of Tousen.

“No you won’t,” she said. “That would make Ken-chan sad.”

“What would I care about that, kid?” Grimmjow snapped.

Instead of pouting or getting angry like the arrancar had thought she would, she just giggled, which annoyed him to no end. What’s with a kid behaving like she knew something he didn’t?

A deep voice calling behind him made Grimmjow freeze. “Do you only let girls ride you, or can anybody get a chance?”

He spun in the direction of Kenpachi’s voice as Yachiru jumped down to pad toward the other shinigami, shouting a greeting. She clambered up to her usual position on his shoulder. Grimmjow glared at him, wanting to wipe the crooked grin Zaraki was wearing off of his face.

“You look good like that,” Kenpachi told him, referring to him crouching on all fours. “Makes me want to give you a saucer of milk.”

Grimmjow snarled before standing and dropping his release form. “I hate milk.”

“Maybe it depends on what kind of milk it is.” Kenpachi leered at the hollow who quickly became incensed.

“Really?” Yachiru asked, looking down at the man from her perch. “How many kinds of milk are there?”

“That’s not something you need to know,” he told her, which made her pout and complain about him not explaining things to her.

Grimmjow glared at him. Though the man always managed to say something infuriating, there was only so far the hollow could go with his backtalk. The man was a shinigami, and he’d learned the hard way how much it annoyed Aizen when arrancar didn’t obey them. He was startled out of his reverie by a large hand clasping his shoulder.

Kenpachi looked down at him. “Can’t play with you right now even though I want to. I’ve got some things to report to Aizen. I’ll catch you later,” the shinigami told him casually before turning to follow Tousen inside. Yachiru turned to wave to him as they headed away.

Grimmjow stared after them, annoyed. He rubbed absently at the shoulder Zaraki had touched. The shinigami had nerve acting so familiar toward him. As if the arrancar wanted to meet up with him later. Grimmjow’s brows furrowed at the warmth that blossomed in his gut at what might occur if they did.


A few hours later, Grimmjow was walking through the hallways of their stronghold. He headed back toward his quarters. Closing the door behind him, he was startled by a voice nearby that said, “It took you long enough to make it back here.” Recovering from his surprise, Grimmjow turned to gaze up into Kenpachi’s amused face as he loomed over him.

The hollow was far from pleased. “What the hell do you think you’re doing in here?”

Kenpachi raised a bottle of what appeared to be sake. “I brought some good stuff back from the other side,” the shinigami explained. “Figured I’d share it.”

Grimmjow watched as Kenpachi sat on his bed, pouring the clear liquid into two sake cups sitting on the nearby side table. He’d commandeered them earlier from a shelf on the wall. Nice that the guy was making himself at home in his room, the hollow thought.

“I thought you’d have better people to get drunk with,” Grimmjow remarked as he took a seat near the shinigami, taking the proffered cup. If the shinigami insisted on staying to bother him, he wasn’t going to pass up a drink.

“It’s not like I can drink with Yachiru,” Kenpachi told him, taking a sip of alcohol.

“What about the other shinigami?” the hollow asked before taking a sip. It was good stuff.

Kenpachi watched the hollow drain the cup, refilling it for him when he took it down from his lips. “Those guys are a little too serious for me most of the time,” he explained, adding, “Tousen’s got some issues with me, too.” The sly grin on the shinigami’s face indicated his amusement on the subject.

Grimmjow couldn’t help but smirk. If Kenpachi’s presence irked the other shinigami, then having him around was worth it. The parts of him controlled by baser instincts insisted that this wasn’t the only benefit. Grimmjow frowned. It had to be the liquor talking.

Kenpachi eyed him for a moment, watching the hollow’s throat work as he swallowed the sake. “So, did you miss me while I was gone?”

Grimmjow snorted into his drink, taking another swallow before saying, “Who’d miss you?”

“Aw, you’re so cruel, hollow,” Kenpachi said with mock hurt, “and after we got off to such a good start, too.” A large hand was placed on Grimmjow’s thigh.

The hollow placed a hand onto the shinigami’s, intending to shove at it but letting it linger a few moments before doing so. “I should have known you were just trying to ply me with sake.”

“Don’t be like that,” Kenpachi said in a low voice, moving closer. “Didn’t we have fun yesterday?” The hand returned to his thigh, sliding up toward his groin.

“You had fun yesterday,” Grimmjow insisted. Parts of him tried to rise in protest.

“Still trying to play hard to get, huh?” the shinigami remarked, amused. He slid a hand across the hollow’s belly, stroking back and forth over the rim of the hole in his abdomen, a sensation he knew the arrancar had a weakness for.

“Hey, what-” Grimmjow tried to protest even as he shivered from the touch, but soon found lips sealing themselves to his, muffling his words. Kenpachi deepened the kiss, a tongue plunging past his lips when he tried to gasp. Grimmjow planted a hand on Kenpachi’s shoulder, fully intending to push him away, but it lingered there, bunching in white fabric. A niggling voice in the back of the hollow’s mind insisted that this wasn’t such a big deal. With blood rushing to other places besides his brain because of Zaraki’s massaging hand, Grimmjow was inclined to agree. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that it was a guy if he could feel like this.

It wasn’t long before Grimmjow was on his back and Kenpachi was looming over him, tracing the dips and curves of the muscles of his chest and belly with his tongue. He circled the rim of the aperture in the hollow’s abdomen, making Grimmjow shudder. The arrancar gasped when he felt tugging at his hakama, the shinigami pushing it out of the way to expose his erection. With little preamble, Kenpachi surrounded it with a stroking fist before drawing it into his mouth. The hollow gasped, groaning at the sensation of suddenly being surrounded by warm suction. And the shinigami was far from an amateur at the act. He knew exactly how to use his lips and tongue to the arrancar’s delight.

Grimmjow clawed at the sheets, bunching them up in his hands as he shifted against the bed. His hips began to move almost with a mind of their own, pushing upward with short rutting strokes. The hollow’s behavior earned a grin from Kenpachi before he took him more deeply.

After a few moments, Kenpachi let Grimmjow’s erection slip wetly from his lips, fisting it almost roughly in one hand as he sucked two fingers into his mouth, moistening the digits. Removing them, he slid his dampened fingers along Grimmjow’s crevice. The hollow gasped, but whatever protest he was going to make died on his lips as Kenpachi engulfed his erection once more, treating it with more enthusiasm than he had previously.

Even though there was something unnerving about the shinigami touching him so intimately, Grimmjow had to reluctantly admit that the feeling was pleasurable in ways he hadn’t thought it would be. The way the other man stroked across his entrance with a thick finger, applying pressure as he circled the ring of muscle was almost maddening. This sensation coupled with the warm suction the shinigami treated him to made the hollow moan almost continuously.

The shinigami’s talented mouth had Grimmjow crying out moments later, a string of curses spilling from his lips as he emptied into Kenpachi’s waiting throat. The shinigami slid down to the base of the writhing arrancar’s erection, swallowing around him. Kenpachi pulled back, gazing at the panting arrancar as he licked the traces of Grimmjow’s essence from his lips.

As Grimmjow lay on his back recovering, he was met with the sight of Kenpachi stroking his own erection in a loose fist as he sat on the bed, a hungry look on his face. Kenpachi eyed the hollow with interest as he moved to sit up.

“You’re not going to just leave me like this, are you?” Kenpachi asked him in a teasing voice. When he saw the shock on the hollow’s face, he sighed, adding, “I should have known that a hollow would be selfish.”

Frowning, Grimmjow glared at the man before his eyes trailed down to the sight of his ample erection jutting out from dark curls. It wasn’t as though Grimmjow wanted to reciprocate. The shinigami had seemed to enjoy performing the act, but the hollow doubted that he would. The thing was, if he didn’t reciprocate now, the man might never perform it on him again. And Kenpachi was very talented at it. So talented, in fact, that Grimmjow found himself shifting toward him, albeit a little reluctantly, just to keep the prospect of feeling Kenpachi’s mouth on him again open.

Kenpachi watched as Grimmjow shifted to move beside him before reaching down to surround his erection with his fingers. The shinigami watched the hollow gaze at his stiff member as though it was an enemy to be defeated. He chuckled, his voice a deep rumble. “Heh. The way you’re looking at it, you’d think it had teeth or something.”

Grimmjow raised his eyes to glare at the man. “It’s not like I’ve ever done this before, so if you want me to do it, zip it.”

Kenpachi had to suppress a grin at the look on the annoyed hollow’s face. “Alright, alright.” He gazed eagerly at the man hovering over his groin, barely able to restrain himself from reaching out to guide the hollow downward. He couldn’t wait to see the other man take his member past those lips of his.

Finally leaning over, Grimmjow drew the crown of the shinigami’s member past his lips, suckling on it tentatively. Kenpachi moaned softly at the sensation. The hollow was unskilled, but Kenpachi intended to give him a good deal of practice in the coming days. He watched as the arrancar took him deeper, his blue eyes at half mast as he worked. Kenpachi lowered a hand to comb through pale blue locks before sliding it down to grasp the hollow’s shoulder.

Grimmjow faltered in his movements when he felt Kenpachi place a hand on his head, half expecting the shinigami to push him downward beyond what he could bring himself to take. But he found that the hand merely massaged his scalp pleasingly before slipping down to rest on his shoulder, squeezing encouragingly. The sound of Kenpachi’s soft groans and murmured encouragements caused Grimmjow’s spent member to twitch.

It had been far too long since Kenpachi had been given such treatment. It was all he could do to keep from pushing up into the moist warmth of the hollow’s mouth. As the moments wore on, Grimmjow’s movements became surer. Even though the hollow couldn’t take him that far into his mouth, the shinigami found that he didn’t mind, especially since the fingers wrapped around the base of his cock stroked lightly. Lost in sensation, Kenpachi forgot to warn the inexperienced hollow of his impending orgasm. With a drawn out moan, the shinigami spilled into the hollow’s mouth. Surprised, Grimmjow swallowed reflexively before pulling away to cough, Kenpachi’s essence staining his lips and droplets spattering his bare chest.

Kenpachi gazed at the coughing arrancar somewhat remorsefully. “Sorry. You okay?”

Grimmjow glared at him until he was able to speak when the spasm of coughing ended, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. “The hell! Why didn’t you warn me before you came in my mouth?”

The shinigami gave him a sheepish look as he scratched his head absently. “Well, you made me forget with that mouth of yours. You’re a natural at it, you know.”

The hollow gave him a dark look. “Eh? What’s that supposed to mean?”

Kenpachi rolled his eyes. “It was supposed to be a compliment. You were really good for an amateur.”

Grimmjow looked away, his face flushing. “Don’t expect a repeat performance, especially after what happened.”

Instead of being annoyed like the arrancar expected, Zaraki was mildly amused. “Don’t sulk. You’re going to make me nibble on that pouty lower lip of yours.”

Grimmjow’s brows furrowed as he turned back toward the shinigami. “I don’t sulk,” he insisted. The rest of what he was going to add was muffled by the press of the shinigami’s lips to his. The hollow gasped, Kenpachi taking advantage and deepening the kiss. He loved the taste of himself on the hollow’s tongue. It made him moan into Grimmjow’s mouth, a low rumble that made the hairs on the back of the arrancar’s neck stand up. Kenpachi raised a hand to cup the back of the other man’s head, fingers pulling at the short hair at the base of his neck. Grimmjow shivered as he was drawn into returning the kiss, letting out a small moan of his own as Kenpachi suckled his lower lip, nibbling on it.

The hollow tipped his head back to allow better access as the shinigami took up nibbling on the column of his throat. Zaraki grinned against his warm skin. The other man was warming up to him again if the way he clawed at the cloth of his shoulder was any indication. Kenpachi let a hand trail down Grimmjow’s back until it cupped his rear, squeezing lightly and earning a small moan from the arrancar. With a little coaxing, Kenpachi figured he could probably get the hollow to want to go further. The image of Grimmjow on his back naked, giving him a hungry look as he spread his legs rose to mind. But Kenpachi hadn’t brought anything suitable for lubrication, as he had been unsure of how well the arrancar would take his offered attentions. So anything more would have to wait until later.

When Zaraki pulled away, breaking the kiss, Grimmjow gazed up at him, chest heaving. When the shinigami suggested that they should stop, the hollow felt disappointed. But why, exactly? The remembered sensation of the man stroking across his entrance made Grimmjow shiver along with the memory of his dream, thickness pushing inside of him. There was no way that he could really want something like that. Blowjobs were pleasurable, but something like what he imagined the other man wanted to do at some point couldn’t be. Then why did his mind keep coming back to it?

Realizing that the man was waiting for some kind of response, Grimmjow flushed, saying, “Yeah, sure,” as he pulled up his hakama.

Kenpachi leaned over to throw an arm around him. “Heh, sorry to disappoint you. Next time, I’ll be sure to bring the right stuff.”

“Who said there was going to be a next time?” Grimmjow found himself grumbling, “Or that I wanted to do that?” Never mind that he possibly did, but the shinigami being so confident about feelings he himself was unsure of ticked him off.

Zaraki’s grin widened, watching the hollow grasp the bottle of sake and drink from it. There he went, thinking too much about things again. He couldn’t wait to get the spirited arrancar where he wanted him. For all his joking about Grimmjow being an overgrown cat, Zaraki wanted him wild, the arrancar giving a feral growl as he clawed at his back, bucking against him. A sly look passed over Kenpachi’s face. He knew just the thing.