Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing ❯ an open window ( Chapter 2 )

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Being an ichiruki fan…do you think it’s easy for me to write this?! But of course…the end would justify the means right? –evil laugh in the background-

Ichihime fans can celebrate this chapter. I think.

It was hard to write this…but read it slowly and wholly so that you can understand it, okay?

‘her (Inoue) husband(Ichigo)’

Disclaimer: Tite Kubo owns the entire bleach universe. I’m just using his characters for my own enjoyment and, hopefully, your enjoyment too.

II. An Open Window

Waking up sometime between dawn and midnight was unsettling, especially when she saw the window was open. She was worried that the cold would go inside the room and give Ichigo and her some runny noses and coughs which could end up into much more especially knowing that Ichigo could be just as stubborn as a four year-old in taking his medicine.

A cold draft wafted in. She looked at the clear skies visible through the window and noticed that it has stopped raining. She sighed, it was Ichigo’s habit to open the window throughout the whole day, she was not averse to it, it was just that if no one was inside to mind the house, some burglars or worse, (maybe sumo wrestlers), might come in and invade their space. But that habit had lasted up until last year, although occasionally, he would leave the window open intentionally throughout the whole day if he was at home.

She always wondered why he insisted that it be kept open during rainy days, or rainy nights, she had asked him, but he gave her no clear answer, he was even a little confused about why he did it.

Pushing those thoughts aside, and the queasy feeling she got when she remembered about someone, she looked at her husband for five years. Seeing his familiar face, she really had nothing to worry about; after all, they were married.

He moved and his arm landed right over her flat tummy. She smiled when she felt him move her closer to him, a little bit possessively, she liked to think. She complied and closed her eyes, so what if he insisted that the window be open for the whole day tomorrow? He had promised to take the day off from his job as a doctor; tomorrow was their anniversary…their sixth year as a married couple. Her lips tilted to resemble a small, real smile.

She closed her eyes and sighed in contentment, Ichigo’s arm as her pillow, breathing the manly scent that was him.


Feeling Inoue shifting back to sleep again beside him, he cautiously opened his eyes, staring at her sleeping face. She looked innocent in sleep, and she was beautiful too, he knew that, yet, in all of it, something was missing.

Like the fact that he still called her Inoue-san or Orihime-san. Tomorrow he’ll make her happy by calling her by her first name, simply Orihime. He knew she was sad about that. Fighting the urge to grin, he happened to glance at the open window, and felt the anticipation for tomorrow slip from him.

Orihime-sa---, he stopped to correct himself.

Orihime, once asked him why he liked to keep their bedroom window open. He had blinked at the mention of ‘our bedroom’, thinking that it was still his bedroom window, he felt guilty inside, even if Orihime hadn’t known, he tried to appease himself to her. His mind had given no ready answer to that question, so he made one up. He can’t remember the reason he had given her and tried to keep in mind to ignore the urge to keep the window closed. It had worked now, but his self-control always broke when it was raining.

Rainy nights like this, it was hard to sleep, his sleep was usually short, he always woke up any time. He couldn’t understand it himself.

He doesn’t care to understand it, it was troublesome, yes, but it was a routine that he had had since his hazy memories of his fifteenth year.

Stifling a yawn, he wondered, unconsciously, if Orihime once dyed her hair black and wore her hair in a style that her hair tapered from the crown of head to her neck. And were her eyes black? Yes, it’s black…whatever made me think it was violet…

He fell to a deep sleep.


That was troubling, ne?