Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Left Behind But Not Forgotten ❯ Bitterness ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
fanfiction. Note that Tatsuki and the teenagers in this fanfiction are 17 and at the canadian age of consent laws for engaging in such situations.
A/N: This is a rewrite of something called Quincy Crackfic depicting a more adult relationship between Ryuuken and Tatsuki. I have currently written a 'first' chapter that I'm posting later on.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bleach, Tite Kubo does, as does Shonen Jump. This is a work of fan fiction, which I don’t get any money from writing. Some of the ideas for this fan fiction come from some conversations with snow zapped who liked the idea of Tatsuki taking a more than chaste interest in her Quincy mentor.
Arrogant and forceful Ryuuken fired a spray of arrows towards his pupil. She flipped and spun, landing on her feet heavily. Fire blossomed from her extended fist punching through the air towards him. His next blazing blue arrow narrowly missed it, her glove sizzling from the impact of reishi. Tatsuki pivoted on her foot, launching herself in the air. Somehow, she twisted and spun, catching multiple arrows or batting them out of the way with her shield of fire. Her foot slammed against the bridge of his bow, fire shield singing him.
Just how had he allowed her to get so close he wondered and she did as well? They twisted and rolled with one another, neither sure who would come out on top. Her punches aimed at his face he dodged by swinging his neck form side to side, while Tatsuki continually twisted her body over and around. Both hands pinned his wrists as she ended up straddling him. Within an inch of his frowning face, she bobbed her head, grinning.
“Gotcha,” Tatsuki whispered.
“I allowed you to,” he sniffed.
“Bullshit. I ought to kick your ass if you were holding back because I was a girl,” Tatsuki snorted, gritting her teeth.
“And what if I was?” Ryuuken challenged a twinkle in his blue eyes despite his stern face.
“You’ll be sorry, Doc,” she whispered, bringing her face dangerously close so their noses almost touched.
“The mere fact I am not reversing our position is due to my Quincy honor and the fact that you seem distracted,” Ryuuken said.
“Excuses, excuses!” Tatsuki scolded, clicking her tongue. “You’re going to be an impossible bastard again huh?”
“Would you expect any less from your sensei?” Ryuuken challenged, glaring up at her.
“So, you’re not a bastard but you’re a gentlemen today? And you haven’t once yet told me to let you go?” Tatsuki asked, realizing just where she was sitting. Granted she pinned him with her weight but he could have escaped at any point. If it was honor, it was one thing but he could have protested and scolded her.
“It seems I have your attention now and I will not insist to be released till you inform me of just why you’re not taking this seriously,” Ryuuken demanded. His body was relaxed and calm beneath hers, the usual reaction she would have expected absent from the fact she was sitting right atop a certain part of his anatomy.
“Mister Control. Okay, what if I won’t tell you and you’re just being a chauvinist prick?” Tatsuki quipped.
“Typical for women who wish to have all the privileges of equality yet when one shows gallantry or politeness you call foul. I had thought you were a lady?” Ryuuken jibed.
“Not biting today, doc,” she mumbled, lips descending. Ryuuken immediately tensed under her at the contact of her lips angling over his. Tatsuki repositioned herself so her breasts pressed to the front of his white suit jacket. She could feel the pressure of the gold plaited pens in his upper breast pocket, and feel the silk of his tie brushing the underside of her neck. A few seconds after the moment of contact she felt his lips twitch briefly beneath hers, not opening yet remaining firmly closed.
Neither reaching up to embrace her nor pushing away, Ryuuken remained completely still. Almost like a statue
or an impartial tree then a willing accomplice or a protestor. Drawing back Tatsuki breathed deeply, confused yet flattered to see a slight blush on his face.
“What do you hope to accomplish with this display of affection young lady?” Ryuuken asked, blinking up at her.
Still resting her hands on his shoulders she murmured, “Testing a theory.”
His brown eyes widened. “Theory? If you're testing a theory, I'm offering a diagnosis, young lady."
She frowned. “What’s your diagnosis Ishida-san?”
“That you are a frustrated and annoyed young woman who is lacking a love interest in her life?” Ryuuken began, not fazed by the angry glare in her eyes.
“And what if I am? I’m some freak if I don’t have a boyfriend. That I’m too boyish and I’m not some dyke who wants a woman as a girlfriend?” Tatsuki snapped hotly as she seized the cloth of his jacket between clenched fingers. Two hands rested in relatively neutral territory on her waist, tentative but warm.
“Your words, not mine,” Ryuuken said, as his eyes remained hard. He inhaled deeply, not averting his gaze.
“What would you diagnose? Hysteria? Lack of estrogen?” Tatsuki laughed bitterly, squeezing his shoulders as she forced back angry tears.
“Bitterness and hostility directed at my person due to a lack of resolution of unrequited love,” Ryuuken answered, tone far from mocking, face still serious. Tatsuki bowed her head so that her bangs covered her eyes.
“You’re too good,” she mumbled.
“Tell me, is the target of that affection Kurosaki, or my son or both?” asked Ryuuken. Although Tatsuki released his wrists, he remained where he was, sitting up and taking her hands in his. Tatsuki blushed realized she was still straddling his lap wondering why the director of Karakura General Hospital failed to push her away.
“Ichigo wouldn’t let me in. Wouldn’t tell me where the hell he was going, and Uryuu-san wouldn’t tell me he was going to find Orihime! She’s my best friend damn it!” Tatsuki shouted her face flushing.
Ryuuken immediately wrapped his arms around Tatsuki as she buried her face in his shoulder. She wrapped arms around him, clinging to him as she trembled. He murmured into her ear, “I comprehend.”
“Doc… Sensei… you know how much that fucking hurts?” Tatsuki hissed.
“Coming from a father whose own son calls him by his first name, yes I do,” Ryuuken answered, caressing her hair. He continued to let Tatsuki straddle his lap, soaking his blazer shoulder with her hot tears.
“I HATE crying. I’m not… I’m not some weak…”
“Oh do stop being ridiculous, young lady,” Ryuuken scolded.
“Old bastard,” she mumbled. “Jerk.”
“So you say,” Ryuuken murmured. “Infuriating woman.”
His insults were filled with warmth and affection. To someone he could express them to that needed him. Ishida had pushed him away, and after a promise sworn. Granted Tatsuki thought it was selfish of Ryuuken to demand it, she knew and respected why. So here she sat straddling a forty something doctor renowned for being a hard-ass, whom people claimed was colder than an arctic glacier. Someone who showed her more love and concern then she felt Ichigo did by his shutting her or, or Ishida by his silence.
Tatsuki grabbed the sides of his face and forced her lips onto his. Knowing that she was taking a chance and breaking trust. Hadn’t Uryuu done so by sneaking away and leaving her without a bye or leave? Not making it clear he would return?
Ryuuken’s lips twitched a bit. He did not respond, yet did not push her away. She tasted bitter tobacco and coffee, as she prodded his lips with her tongue. One of his hands slid down her back to the small of it while the other reached up and tentatively cradled her neck.
She pulled back, suddenly shy. Ryuuken’s lips parted and he breathed out through his nose. She mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Ryuuken asked quietly, frowning at her. “You wished to kiss me did you not? Had I minded I would have not allowed you to continue sitting where you are now.”
“You’re not the least bit concerned that I’m supposed to be dating your son, and… I’m your student and this is nine shades of wrong but I don’t fucking care?” Tatsuki mumbled.
“I have every right to be concerned, Tatsuki-san, but I’ve lived with rejection for a good portion of my life. I’m quite adept at shutting people out. It seems my son has made his decision. What I find unforgivable is that he failed to inform you or me of leaving,” he muttered.
“I’ve been there for Ichigo half his damn life, maybe more. It is not as if I’m asking to be his lover or anything. But I’m his friend. Doesn’t that count for him at least leveling with me about Orihime?” Tatsuki yelled.
Ryuuken snorted, “Ichigo is young and foolish, as is Uryuu.”
“And if I didn’t know better I’d say you were a dirty old man,” said Tatsuki, trying to keep from laughing at the look on the doctor’s face.
“Dirty… old… man?” Ryuuken huffed.
“Okay, you’re not OLD, sorry,” Tatsuki quickly corrected herself. “Hell you don’t look whatever the hell age you’re supposed to be, considering you smoke and it’s bad for you. What’s your secret huh? You and your son really brothers?”
Amused by Tatsuki’s attempt to try to take her words back, and how flustered she was, he simply answered, “I have no illusions about my age. My decisions are my own and my business. As are yours.”
“You liar. You’re insulted I called you old. Admit it,” Tatsuki said, unconvinced. “I’m sorry.”
“And if I was insulted how do you intend to atone for it?” Ryuuken asked, with a very serious face that Tatsuki was certain was an act. Still unsure if he was all right with this or if he was playing games with her Tatsuki decided she didn’t care.
“You are a pervert,” Tatsuki said with a smirk. “With a young girl sitting on your lap you love this.”
“I would be lying if I said no,” Ryuuken admitted, glancing to the side.
“HAH!” Tatsuki laughed, squirming in his lap. Now Ryuuken blushed fiercely, the tips of his ears becoming almost pink.
“And you are hardly backing down from the situation are you?” he said sternly again, but his hands tightened on her hips as hers did on his shoulder.
“So I can get to you after all?” Tatsuki teased, feeling him respond under her.
“Foolish girl,” Ryuuken mumbled but pressed his forehead to hers. Tatsuki stifled her giggle in the kiss she pressed to his lips.
This time Ryuuken’s lips parted wider, head turned to the side as he accepted her tongue past his lips and responded with his own probing her mouth. Tightening her legs around his hips, she gasped with pleasure, wide eyes falling shut again. Her fingers twisted in his silver hair, rubbing his scalp as she shifted so their bodies were pressed flush together. Breath hissed through his nostrils, telling Tatsuki he had no desire to pull his lips away even to breath. She inhaled sharply; wincing initially at the taste of cigarettes and the mint-flavored lozenges, he chewed to hide the smell.
He tasted bento and fruit juice from the shaved ice she’d eaten. No lipstick, just the intense kiss of someone who wanted to experiment, and was letting herself go. Her one hand slid down to grab his lapel and play with it at the same time his hands rubbed her young back but stayed clear of her chest.
Tatsuki broke the kiss and glared at him. “Why in hell’s name don’t you have a wife or a lover?”
“Why do you have no boyfriend or girlfriend?” Ryuuken mimicked, tossing her question back as Tatsuki tugged on his silver hair.
Tatsuki rolled her eyes. “Don't be an arrogant pain in the ass. You know why.”
“My wife is deceased, what’s your excuse?” Ryuuken said in a childish manner.
“I don't know. Maybe I have a thing for hardheaded uptight Quincy with a stick up their ass?” Tatsuki snickered. Ryuuken cut off what she was going to say next with a soft close-mouthed kiss followed by his lips touching her neck. Tatsuki moved her mouth so their lips again moved over each other. Then he removed his hands from her hips.
“You seem determined to continue this,” Ryuuken murmured. “Are you not?”
“Aren’t you?” Tatsuki asked, challenging him again. “You pulled away…”
“Merely to suggest that we move from this rather uncomfortable floor. At the rate things are progressing it would hardly be an appropriate place for such activities,” he said.
Pressing a hand over her mouth she giggled, “You are a prude aren’t you?
“Not a prude, just pragmatic, and old fashioned,’ Ryuuken said as he suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and stood up with little difficulty. Tatsuki blinked as she was shifted without effort, legs still wound around his waist and only a minimum of sweat on his face.
“Where to? Office? Your place or mine?” she couldn’t’ resist saying even though it was cliché. Any other questions seemed foolish and unnecessary at this point. Ryuuken by now had carried her to the elevator yet she released her legs from his waist, so he could set her down. Still they face each other, arms loosely wrapped around one another.
“That remains to be seen,’ Ryuuken said in a measured tone. He pulled Tatsuki so she stood directly in front of him.
“Using me to hide a hard on?” Tatsuki whispered. Ryuuken’s blush answered her question.
“I still must go on shift. However, what was set in motion cannot easily be… assuaged. We’ve a great deal many things to discuss if you insist on this… continuing?”
“Question is, do you want it kept a secret or not?” Tatsuki asked as she reached out and laced her fingers with his. “It’s not like we don’t’ live in a society where it isn’t done.”
“I am concerned for the approval of your parents and your peers. As well as my own reputation. I have to admit I can be selfish,” Ryuuken said.
“So can I,” Tatsuki said. “If my friends thought I’d was fantasizing about getting into bed with an older man…”
“So, that is your intent?” he said, making Tatsuki stammer.
“Damn it, now look what you made me say!” Tatsuki snapped.
“Which is why the floor of a training area is not an appropriate place for such activities,” Ryuuken finished triumphantly, pushing up his glasses.
“And an elevator isn’t?” Tatsuki asked.
“It isn’t with a security camera in it,” Ryuuken said.
“Well most of the people who know I’m here probably figure we’re screwing already,” Tatsuki whispered.
The elevator dinged for the ground floor after he finished turning his key. Doors slid open on a back hallway of the hospital maintenance corridor. Ryuuken handed Tatsuki her bag and said, “Best get changed. Meet me at the examination wards."
“You’re going to smoke aren’t you?” she asked, grabbing his hand.
“If I was to say yes, what concern is it of yours?” Ryuuken asked.
“Because I’m the one kissing you, jerk,” Tatsuki said, stamping her foot. “But no, go ahead and rot your lungs for all I care. I guess you figure since you’re a hotshot doctor you don’t follow the same rules as the rest of us.”
“You are correct,” Ryuuken smirked, and Tatsuki almost clobbered him in the head for it.
Instead, she spun him around and then leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Neither do I then,” Tatsuki said smugly, trotting off down the hall.
“Come to the regular offices for a physical,” he called. “You’re due for one.”
Exam rooms were useful places, as were hospital rooms. There were a good number on the floor that was being renovated. Tatsuki pondered this notion as Ryuuken led the way out of his office towards another elevator. The so-called last Quincy had answered the knock at his door after the secretary allowed Tatsuki to ask if he was free. A whole discussion about ‘physical exams’ was given as an excuse.
“You’re terrible,” Tatsuki answered. “You can’t tell me you don’t’ watch porno flicks because doctors exams are the oldest excuse for sex.”
“You seem to have a penchant for roll play and a filthy mind if you associate such things together,” he answered but she knew he was teasing.
“This coming from the Director who’s worried about his image?” asked Tatsuki.
“Considering you’ve been seen in my presence some rather strange rumors had surfaced,” Ryuuken mumbled.
“Oh? So they think you’re a pervert to. And I’m ruining your reputation?” Tatsuki asked with annoyance.
“I would rather not elaborate. However the more acceptable terms included enjo kosai,” said Ryuuken, not meeting her gaze completely.
“Oh well, I guess that proves my point,” she muttered, folding arms across her chest.
Ryuuken could not determine if her smirk was from satisfaction being proven correct or something else. At this point, he was enjoying their bantering. Stopping at the medical records station, he knocked on the desk counter for the attendant.
“Director Ishida!” the man yelped.
“I’d like Arisawa’s medical records now,” he said. Immediately the man bowed, rushing off to retrieve them. Meanwhile Tatsuki sat in the waiting area for the Director to grab her manila folder.
“Here you are sir!” the man said handing it over nervously.
“Excellent,” he said, wandering casually over to the doctor’s station behind the records desk. A few minutes later Tatsuki heard the door click open admitting a nurse poking her head out.
“Arisawa san, the doctor will see you now,” she said. Amused, Tatsuki rose and followed her. She endured the collection of vital signs, even obediently following the nurse to the examination room where she was instructed to change into a gown.
“You wanna play doc, we’ll play,” Tatsuki snickered mentally.
Five minutes later Ryuuken knocked on the door. “Arisawa san?”
“C’mon in Doctor, I’m decent,” she called. Wearing a lab coat and stethoscope draped around his neck, Ryuuken entered. He set the clipboard to the side, paging through the forms. Paper crinkled under her as she shifted and waited to see what he would do.
“Ahem, well shall we begin?” he asked striding over to her. He tugged the stethoscope up putting the ends in his ears. She shivered at the pressure of the cold metal end pressed to her chest in a few places. Therefore, he was really going through with her joke, was he? It brought a smile to her face and she scooted forwards on the paper, causing it to crinkle even more.
“Cough please,” he said, reaching around to touch her back with the cold metal stethoscope. Tatsuki immediately draped her arms around his neck because he was reaching awkwardly around her to hear her heartbeat. Not even blinking Ryuuken pulled the stethoscope out of his ears and let it drop by her left hip.
“I knew you couldn’t resist this,” Tatsuki laughed with a triumphant grin.
Stepping between her knees Ryuuken slid his hand under the gown to feel her stomach, then her abdomen. He only gave Tatsuki a slight smirk in return, as if holding back his emotions to carry out the farce further. Then he straightened up still feeling her hands on his shoulders. She fiddled with the lapels before grabbing them and yanking him forwards so he pressed tightly to her. Tatsuki caught his lips in a fierce kiss, wrapping her legs around his waist before he could convince her otherwise that this may not be the best idea.
“Mmmm,” she murmured savoring the slight hesitation heralding his lips parting just slightly. Once more, she tasted tobacco and coffee, realizing that she could get used to it if he continued to eclipse his smoker’s breath with those damn mints. Who could figure that his rich musky aftershave, the same brand she remembered smelling on older men who would brush past her was so arousing. Thankfully, it was not the same brand her father used or it would be a deterrent. No this was the expensive kind.
His tongue brushed past hers on the way to accept her deepening the kiss. His hands stopped from sliding down over her backside as if unsure if he was allowed to continue. When he pulled back, she missed the contact of his lips since the cold air hit her on the chest and swirled around her bare skin under the gown. However, he had only let go to drag the stool over so he could sit in front of her. Again she slid her legs around his hips and he moved so they were sitting as close as they could. She unfastened the lowest button of his lab coat so the fabric of his pants slipped against her.
“Are you certain you wish to proceed?” he murmured.
“Please Sensei, I need this, and so do you,” she whispered, unbuttoning his lab coat, and then reaching down further as she tugged his shirt out of his dress pants. Breathing deeply the Quincy rested his hands on her thighs, allowing her to do as she wished.
“I can hardly count this as a conventional exam,” he mumbled.
“You know your way around the human body don’t you?” she smirked, even though it was a cheesy line out of a b porno flick. Ryuuken rolled his eyes.
“What?” she grumbled, kissing his lips as she realized that there was nothing much between them except the seams of his dress pants.
“I dislike the power differential between us,” he muttered.
“So that’s why you’re not touching me?” she whispered as Ryuuken traced his lips over hers and caressed her cheek. Seizing his hand she pulled it down, fully intent on showing him she wanted this and she wished the damn idiot would take advantage. Not that she could call Ryuuken an idiot since he was the director of the damn hospital, and the so-called last Quincy. Someone responsible for training Uryuu to be the formidable warrior he was, or for imbuing her with a vast amount of hardcore training.
“Shouldn’t be here. Should be in a proper place, like a bedroom perhaps,” he mumbled.
“I’ll live,” Tatsuki said dismissively, pulling his hand between her legs. She could not stand the tingling itch and rubbing herself against his pants made it worse. Especially the increasing erection that a lab coat hid but tailored pants did not. He shifted her to lie back on the exam table then sat on the edge of it himself so paper crinkled noisily in protest. Blue eyes behind glasses seemed clinical as they shifted her legs and slipped his fingers inside as if he were performing an exam.
“No hymen, but that isn’t necessarily a proof of virginity,” he mumbled. “A result of an active lifestyle.”
“I’d like you to do something about that situation, if you don’t mind, Doc,” she said with a confident smile though she was quite nervous. She suppressed the urge to giggle because his fingers tickled, tracing through her wetness and slipping inside. A low moan escaped her and she shifted forwards, grabbing the wrist so she could bear down on his two fingers in her entrance.
Ryuuken pulled his hand away, noting her sigh of frustration before he said, “This isn’t an optimal position. Allow me to use my expertise and be patient.”
“Okay, what are you up to?” Tatsuki asked, impatiently.
“You play along with this game and ask me that?” he replied, pushing up his glasses. He nudged Tatsuki out of the way so he could sit on the table, and then motioned her to kneel in front of him. She moved forwards, straddling his lap with a gasp and sigh of relief. Now she did not bother questioning him reaching into his pocket to pull something out of it and hand it to her. Since the gown tied in the rear, she was aware that her backside was quite obviously visible but it only made her more amused by the whole situation.
His breath hitched when she pushed him down by his shoulder and reached for his belt. Already his shirt was pulled out and she slid her hand under to feel the muscles of his toned stomach, fingers contacting a cotton undershirt. Glancing down at her with that probing look, he breathed deeply, lips parted. Allowing her to take the initiative to save his precious Quincy honor she figured. To reassure him Tatsuki angled her face over and kissed him, working at the button and zipper of his dress pants and slipping her hand inside.
She had only seen pictures from health books, and illustrations from those H doujin. They were usually painted out. Actually, wrapping her hand around one for real and seeing what it truly looked like made her laugh loudly. Ryuuken cocked an eyebrow, amused more than annoyed at her self-confidence. She only seemed shocked for a minute, and then curled her hand around to stroke his shaft.
He rested his back against the exam table, breathing deeply to ready himself. Fully aware of what he was doing and the fact that she was quite insistent, he felt convinced that his honor would be satisfied if she were atop him. No advantage taking since she was the dominant one. She bent down for a kiss, murmuring into his lips that parted and allowed her tongue access. Next time she broke for breath she felt him pushing her away slightly, reaching with his other hand to pull out some foil wrapped packages.
“Feels interesting. I mean it’d be stupid to say I haven’t seen one but…” she trailed off, gripping and stroking him. He let out small groans, his eyes partly closed as he fought the urge to reach out and accept fully what she offered. Sweat beaded on his pale forehead, plastering his silver hair to it. Tatsuki and he opened one packet and slipped the sheath over his shaft.
“No other questions or desire to explore?” he murmured.
“Later,” she murmured, pressing down on his shoulders. Now his hands rested on her hips, steadying her and lifting her as he guided her atop himself. Tatsuki bit her lip, intent on taking him in yet fully aware she had heard it would hurt. He rubbed the small of her back, his intense blue eyes fixing into her trusting ones as Tatsuki threw one leg over and grabbed his tip. Before she could force herself down his hands grabbed her hips, holding her off so the process was a slow invasive push that spread her. Tatsuki gasped, her eyes wide open from the fact that it was painful, and just why Ryuuken was stopping her.
Immediately Ryuuken slid a hand under one knee, lifting her ankle on his shoulder so she almost topped back. She reached over and steadied herself with one hand on his shoulder, the other at her side as he used his other hand to grip her back. Gritting her teeth, she grunted, hearing the hiss of him inhaling through his nose and guiding the rest of the way down. Still it felt overstuffed, itchy, slick, and achy simultaneously to have him spearing upwards.
“Damn that feels weird,” she gasped. “But I’m okay…”
“Are you certain?” he mumbled, holding her completely still but rubbing her hips to sooth them. Tatsuki shifted her hips, wincing as he slipped even further inside and she felt like a pair of rubber gloves stretched too thin.
“Hurts and itches, but it‘s okay,” she murmured, breathing deeply so her chest heaved in and out.
“Relax,” Ryuuken urged, panting himself as sweat collected on his temples.
“Feels better though then I thought. Much better…”
“Quite satisfactory,” he murmured, his eyes half shut as Ryuuken enjoyed the tight squeeze around him that he had not felt in years and was floored that she had the guts to go through with it, and that he had as well.
“Well what are you waiting for? Am I going to have… to do all the work?” Tatsuki asked, rocking and moving on him. She was not quite sure how this worked but she had a good deal of imagination and reading. Nevertheless, no books in the world quite compared to having intense blue eyes boring into her soul as his lips were parted and he let out low moans. Gripping his shoulders, she felt him thrust up and move forwards so she had to spread her legs. He positioned her to kneel and push up and down more slowly.
“Stop,” he murmured. “Turn around…”
“Why it feels fine… I mean it does feel a bit weird but it doesn’t hurt,” Tatsuki grumbled.
“It can be satisfying for you as well as I this way. It's vital a first experience is positive for the full impact,” Ryuuken scolded, lifting her off as he urged her to turn around and sit facing away. Now her back was braced against his and she could rest her neck alongside his as she felt his hand lift under one knee and the other hold her around her waist. His hand slid up her front, curling around the right breast to squeeze it gently. Tatsuki took her other hand to duplicate what he was doing, hissing as her nipples were pinched and twisted slightly. The angle now gave her more satisfying remedy to her tingling itch, but she felt far from reaching it.
Frowning, Ryuuken lowered her leg and then moved her one hand, whispering her to reach down and touch. She had known about THAT place, but touching it herself seemed almost forbidden when a man was already inside, thrusting in and out. Grunting Tatsuki squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed, popping them open at the itching tingle that shot through her. “D… doc…”
“That is not my name,” he murmured. Ryuuken lifted her leg again, whispering her to keep moving. A loud yelp bit off by her teeth sinking into her lip heralded a clenching inside and Tatsuki almost hyperventilating as she curled up and then snapped back.
“Ryuuken… san…” she moaned out, and then yelped on the last syllable. An internal rubber band seemed to snap, unleashing a soothing rush of pleasure that squeezed her heart and tickled all over.
“Humph, you seemed to enjoy that,” he whispered, hand rubbing gently over her belly. Tatsuki caught her breath, resting lazily against him until she realized something.
“No shit doc. That was…” she trailed off, puzzled that he was still hard and thick while she had moved so much she was sure he should have released as well. At least that was what it was like in erotica. Nipping the back of her neck, he thrust up slowly, evenly as she resumed.
Sensing she wanted to turn over, Ryuuken helped Tatsuki to swing a leg over him but remained inside. It was hard to separate from her anyway. Facing him now Tatsuki lay across him and kissed him by slipping her tongue into his mouth. Ryuuken had unbuttoned his labcoat and pulled her so she straddled him with bent knees. Lazily he rocked his hips up as Tatsuki found a movement she liked, gasping and moaning as another climax started. Feeling her hot tight embrace, Ryuuken released some of his control and allowed his pace to increase. It had been a long time and he was pleasantly surprised.
She glanced down at his intense brown eyes through his glasses then reached down to pull them off his face. He frowned a bit, then she realized he wasn’t angry, just concentrating on moving in exactly the way that maximized penetration and stimulation. His fingers reached between them, probing and tweaking her secret spots. When he finally released, he shuddered, his energy seemed to surge over hers like blue flame.
Tatsuki groaned and shuddered, kissing Ryuuken to muffle her cries. She lay atop him, body humming with pleasure. Sore, sticky and sweaty she felt the ache inside her calming considerably. Ryuuken shifted to pull out of her but Tatsuki murmured, “Don’t move.”
“I hardly wish to, but I don’t want to hurt you too much,” said Ryuuken.
“Sokay. You feel good inside me, Doc,” she murmured, and blushed.
“You do realize that I won’t let you go now,” Ryuuken murmured kissing her neck.
“Does it seem like I want you to?” asked Tatsuki wrapping her arms around him.
Folding his arms behind his head, Ryuuken glanced up at her, and stretched a bit. Shoulder joints popped a bit. Tasuki rolled her neck, cracking the joints there as well making an identical sound. He then lowered his arms to fold around her and reposition her to lie atop him. She curled up listening to the sound of his heartbeat under one ear, feeling cool air chilling her back.
“Time to move,” Ryuuken murmured, rubbing her back.
“I am getting cold,” Tatsuki complained, pushing up against him as she shivered. Carefully he helped her untangle herself from him and turned his back for a moment to fetch something. The sounds of a wastecan lid slamming echoed in the otherwise silent room. Tatsuki hunted for her clothes only to find his hand extending them to her. In his other hand he held a wet washcloth soaked in warm water.
She cleaned herself off noticing he remained in the room with his back simply turned. As she struggled into her clothes again she heard him murmuring into his cellphone. “Correct. I'm taking several hours off for an offsite meeting. Any calls can be directed to the assistant director, and to my message box if it's an emergency.”
The corners of Tatsuki's lips perked up in a smug grin she hid behind one hand. Reaching around she tried to find the zipper of her school skirt, but felt his other hand reaching over to pull the tab up for her. She turned around to see Ryuuken appearing fully put back to gether except for a healthy flush to his skin and disheiveled silver hair. He clicked his cell phone shut berfore slipping it into his pocket.
Awkwardly they glanced at one another, Tatsuki resting her hands on her hips. Ryuuken pushed up his glasses with one finger in a familiar manner. He cleared his throat. “Shall we?”
“Okay,” Tatsuki murmured, extending a hand to him. Stiffly he put his own in hers letting her lead him out of the examination room.
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A/N: This is a rewrite of something called Quincy Crackfic depicting a more adult relationship between Ryuuken and Tatsuki. I have currently written a 'first' chapter that I'm posting later on.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bleach, Tite Kubo does, as does Shonen Jump. This is a work of fan fiction, which I don’t get any money from writing. Some of the ideas for this fan fiction come from some conversations with snow zapped who liked the idea of Tatsuki taking a more than chaste interest in her Quincy mentor.
Arrogant and forceful Ryuuken fired a spray of arrows towards his pupil. She flipped and spun, landing on her feet heavily. Fire blossomed from her extended fist punching through the air towards him. His next blazing blue arrow narrowly missed it, her glove sizzling from the impact of reishi. Tatsuki pivoted on her foot, launching herself in the air. Somehow, she twisted and spun, catching multiple arrows or batting them out of the way with her shield of fire. Her foot slammed against the bridge of his bow, fire shield singing him.
Just how had he allowed her to get so close he wondered and she did as well? They twisted and rolled with one another, neither sure who would come out on top. Her punches aimed at his face he dodged by swinging his neck form side to side, while Tatsuki continually twisted her body over and around. Both hands pinned his wrists as she ended up straddling him. Within an inch of his frowning face, she bobbed her head, grinning.
“Gotcha,” Tatsuki whispered.
“I allowed you to,” he sniffed.
“Bullshit. I ought to kick your ass if you were holding back because I was a girl,” Tatsuki snorted, gritting her teeth.
“And what if I was?” Ryuuken challenged a twinkle in his blue eyes despite his stern face.
“You’ll be sorry, Doc,” she whispered, bringing her face dangerously close so their noses almost touched.
“The mere fact I am not reversing our position is due to my Quincy honor and the fact that you seem distracted,” Ryuuken said.
“Excuses, excuses!” Tatsuki scolded, clicking her tongue. “You’re going to be an impossible bastard again huh?”
“Would you expect any less from your sensei?” Ryuuken challenged, glaring up at her.
“So, you’re not a bastard but you’re a gentlemen today? And you haven’t once yet told me to let you go?” Tatsuki asked, realizing just where she was sitting. Granted she pinned him with her weight but he could have escaped at any point. If it was honor, it was one thing but he could have protested and scolded her.
“It seems I have your attention now and I will not insist to be released till you inform me of just why you’re not taking this seriously,” Ryuuken demanded. His body was relaxed and calm beneath hers, the usual reaction she would have expected absent from the fact she was sitting right atop a certain part of his anatomy.
“Mister Control. Okay, what if I won’t tell you and you’re just being a chauvinist prick?” Tatsuki quipped.
“Typical for women who wish to have all the privileges of equality yet when one shows gallantry or politeness you call foul. I had thought you were a lady?” Ryuuken jibed.
“Not biting today, doc,” she mumbled, lips descending. Ryuuken immediately tensed under her at the contact of her lips angling over his. Tatsuki repositioned herself so her breasts pressed to the front of his white suit jacket. She could feel the pressure of the gold plaited pens in his upper breast pocket, and feel the silk of his tie brushing the underside of her neck. A few seconds after the moment of contact she felt his lips twitch briefly beneath hers, not opening yet remaining firmly closed.
Neither reaching up to embrace her nor pushing away, Ryuuken remained completely still. Almost like a statue
or an impartial tree then a willing accomplice or a protestor. Drawing back Tatsuki breathed deeply, confused yet flattered to see a slight blush on his face.
“What do you hope to accomplish with this display of affection young lady?” Ryuuken asked, blinking up at her.
Still resting her hands on his shoulders she murmured, “Testing a theory.”
His brown eyes widened. “Theory? If you're testing a theory, I'm offering a diagnosis, young lady."
She frowned. “What’s your diagnosis Ishida-san?”
“That you are a frustrated and annoyed young woman who is lacking a love interest in her life?” Ryuuken began, not fazed by the angry glare in her eyes.
“And what if I am? I’m some freak if I don’t have a boyfriend. That I’m too boyish and I’m not some dyke who wants a woman as a girlfriend?” Tatsuki snapped hotly as she seized the cloth of his jacket between clenched fingers. Two hands rested in relatively neutral territory on her waist, tentative but warm.
“Your words, not mine,” Ryuuken said, as his eyes remained hard. He inhaled deeply, not averting his gaze.
“What would you diagnose? Hysteria? Lack of estrogen?” Tatsuki laughed bitterly, squeezing his shoulders as she forced back angry tears.
“Bitterness and hostility directed at my person due to a lack of resolution of unrequited love,” Ryuuken answered, tone far from mocking, face still serious. Tatsuki bowed her head so that her bangs covered her eyes.
“You’re too good,” she mumbled.
“Tell me, is the target of that affection Kurosaki, or my son or both?” asked Ryuuken. Although Tatsuki released his wrists, he remained where he was, sitting up and taking her hands in his. Tatsuki blushed realized she was still straddling his lap wondering why the director of Karakura General Hospital failed to push her away.
“Ichigo wouldn’t let me in. Wouldn’t tell me where the hell he was going, and Uryuu-san wouldn’t tell me he was going to find Orihime! She’s my best friend damn it!” Tatsuki shouted her face flushing.
Ryuuken immediately wrapped his arms around Tatsuki as she buried her face in his shoulder. She wrapped arms around him, clinging to him as she trembled. He murmured into her ear, “I comprehend.”
“Doc… Sensei… you know how much that fucking hurts?” Tatsuki hissed.
“Coming from a father whose own son calls him by his first name, yes I do,” Ryuuken answered, caressing her hair. He continued to let Tatsuki straddle his lap, soaking his blazer shoulder with her hot tears.
“I HATE crying. I’m not… I’m not some weak…”
“Oh do stop being ridiculous, young lady,” Ryuuken scolded.
“Old bastard,” she mumbled. “Jerk.”
“So you say,” Ryuuken murmured. “Infuriating woman.”
His insults were filled with warmth and affection. To someone he could express them to that needed him. Ishida had pushed him away, and after a promise sworn. Granted Tatsuki thought it was selfish of Ryuuken to demand it, she knew and respected why. So here she sat straddling a forty something doctor renowned for being a hard-ass, whom people claimed was colder than an arctic glacier. Someone who showed her more love and concern then she felt Ichigo did by his shutting her or, or Ishida by his silence.
Tatsuki grabbed the sides of his face and forced her lips onto his. Knowing that she was taking a chance and breaking trust. Hadn’t Uryuu done so by sneaking away and leaving her without a bye or leave? Not making it clear he would return?
Ryuuken’s lips twitched a bit. He did not respond, yet did not push her away. She tasted bitter tobacco and coffee, as she prodded his lips with her tongue. One of his hands slid down her back to the small of it while the other reached up and tentatively cradled her neck.
She pulled back, suddenly shy. Ryuuken’s lips parted and he breathed out through his nose. She mumbled, “I’m sorry.”
“What for?” Ryuuken asked quietly, frowning at her. “You wished to kiss me did you not? Had I minded I would have not allowed you to continue sitting where you are now.”
“You’re not the least bit concerned that I’m supposed to be dating your son, and… I’m your student and this is nine shades of wrong but I don’t fucking care?” Tatsuki mumbled.
“I have every right to be concerned, Tatsuki-san, but I’ve lived with rejection for a good portion of my life. I’m quite adept at shutting people out. It seems my son has made his decision. What I find unforgivable is that he failed to inform you or me of leaving,” he muttered.
“I’ve been there for Ichigo half his damn life, maybe more. It is not as if I’m asking to be his lover or anything. But I’m his friend. Doesn’t that count for him at least leveling with me about Orihime?” Tatsuki yelled.
Ryuuken snorted, “Ichigo is young and foolish, as is Uryuu.”
“And if I didn’t know better I’d say you were a dirty old man,” said Tatsuki, trying to keep from laughing at the look on the doctor’s face.
“Dirty… old… man?” Ryuuken huffed.
“Okay, you’re not OLD, sorry,” Tatsuki quickly corrected herself. “Hell you don’t look whatever the hell age you’re supposed to be, considering you smoke and it’s bad for you. What’s your secret huh? You and your son really brothers?”
Amused by Tatsuki’s attempt to try to take her words back, and how flustered she was, he simply answered, “I have no illusions about my age. My decisions are my own and my business. As are yours.”
“You liar. You’re insulted I called you old. Admit it,” Tatsuki said, unconvinced. “I’m sorry.”
“And if I was insulted how do you intend to atone for it?” Ryuuken asked, with a very serious face that Tatsuki was certain was an act. Still unsure if he was all right with this or if he was playing games with her Tatsuki decided she didn’t care.
“You are a pervert,” Tatsuki said with a smirk. “With a young girl sitting on your lap you love this.”
“I would be lying if I said no,” Ryuuken admitted, glancing to the side.
“HAH!” Tatsuki laughed, squirming in his lap. Now Ryuuken blushed fiercely, the tips of his ears becoming almost pink.
“And you are hardly backing down from the situation are you?” he said sternly again, but his hands tightened on her hips as hers did on his shoulder.
“So I can get to you after all?” Tatsuki teased, feeling him respond under her.
“Foolish girl,” Ryuuken mumbled but pressed his forehead to hers. Tatsuki stifled her giggle in the kiss she pressed to his lips.
This time Ryuuken’s lips parted wider, head turned to the side as he accepted her tongue past his lips and responded with his own probing her mouth. Tightening her legs around his hips, she gasped with pleasure, wide eyes falling shut again. Her fingers twisted in his silver hair, rubbing his scalp as she shifted so their bodies were pressed flush together. Breath hissed through his nostrils, telling Tatsuki he had no desire to pull his lips away even to breath. She inhaled sharply; wincing initially at the taste of cigarettes and the mint-flavored lozenges, he chewed to hide the smell.
He tasted bento and fruit juice from the shaved ice she’d eaten. No lipstick, just the intense kiss of someone who wanted to experiment, and was letting herself go. Her one hand slid down to grab his lapel and play with it at the same time his hands rubbed her young back but stayed clear of her chest.
Tatsuki broke the kiss and glared at him. “Why in hell’s name don’t you have a wife or a lover?”
“Why do you have no boyfriend or girlfriend?” Ryuuken mimicked, tossing her question back as Tatsuki tugged on his silver hair.
Tatsuki rolled her eyes. “Don't be an arrogant pain in the ass. You know why.”
“My wife is deceased, what’s your excuse?” Ryuuken said in a childish manner.
“I don't know. Maybe I have a thing for hardheaded uptight Quincy with a stick up their ass?” Tatsuki snickered. Ryuuken cut off what she was going to say next with a soft close-mouthed kiss followed by his lips touching her neck. Tatsuki moved her mouth so their lips again moved over each other. Then he removed his hands from her hips.
“You seem determined to continue this,” Ryuuken murmured. “Are you not?”
“Aren’t you?” Tatsuki asked, challenging him again. “You pulled away…”
“Merely to suggest that we move from this rather uncomfortable floor. At the rate things are progressing it would hardly be an appropriate place for such activities,” he said.
Pressing a hand over her mouth she giggled, “You are a prude aren’t you?
“Not a prude, just pragmatic, and old fashioned,’ Ryuuken said as he suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and stood up with little difficulty. Tatsuki blinked as she was shifted without effort, legs still wound around his waist and only a minimum of sweat on his face.
“Where to? Office? Your place or mine?” she couldn’t’ resist saying even though it was cliché. Any other questions seemed foolish and unnecessary at this point. Ryuuken by now had carried her to the elevator yet she released her legs from his waist, so he could set her down. Still they face each other, arms loosely wrapped around one another.
“That remains to be seen,’ Ryuuken said in a measured tone. He pulled Tatsuki so she stood directly in front of him.
“Using me to hide a hard on?” Tatsuki whispered. Ryuuken’s blush answered her question.
“I still must go on shift. However, what was set in motion cannot easily be… assuaged. We’ve a great deal many things to discuss if you insist on this… continuing?”
“Question is, do you want it kept a secret or not?” Tatsuki asked as she reached out and laced her fingers with his. “It’s not like we don’t’ live in a society where it isn’t done.”
“I am concerned for the approval of your parents and your peers. As well as my own reputation. I have to admit I can be selfish,” Ryuuken said.
“So can I,” Tatsuki said. “If my friends thought I’d was fantasizing about getting into bed with an older man…”
“So, that is your intent?” he said, making Tatsuki stammer.
“Damn it, now look what you made me say!” Tatsuki snapped.
“Which is why the floor of a training area is not an appropriate place for such activities,” Ryuuken finished triumphantly, pushing up his glasses.
“And an elevator isn’t?” Tatsuki asked.
“It isn’t with a security camera in it,” Ryuuken said.
“Well most of the people who know I’m here probably figure we’re screwing already,” Tatsuki whispered.
The elevator dinged for the ground floor after he finished turning his key. Doors slid open on a back hallway of the hospital maintenance corridor. Ryuuken handed Tatsuki her bag and said, “Best get changed. Meet me at the examination wards."
“You’re going to smoke aren’t you?” she asked, grabbing his hand.
“If I was to say yes, what concern is it of yours?” Ryuuken asked.
“Because I’m the one kissing you, jerk,” Tatsuki said, stamping her foot. “But no, go ahead and rot your lungs for all I care. I guess you figure since you’re a hotshot doctor you don’t follow the same rules as the rest of us.”
“You are correct,” Ryuuken smirked, and Tatsuki almost clobbered him in the head for it.
Instead, she spun him around and then leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Neither do I then,” Tatsuki said smugly, trotting off down the hall.
“Come to the regular offices for a physical,” he called. “You’re due for one.”
Exam rooms were useful places, as were hospital rooms. There were a good number on the floor that was being renovated. Tatsuki pondered this notion as Ryuuken led the way out of his office towards another elevator. The so-called last Quincy had answered the knock at his door after the secretary allowed Tatsuki to ask if he was free. A whole discussion about ‘physical exams’ was given as an excuse.
“You’re terrible,” Tatsuki answered. “You can’t tell me you don’t’ watch porno flicks because doctors exams are the oldest excuse for sex.”
“You seem to have a penchant for roll play and a filthy mind if you associate such things together,” he answered but she knew he was teasing.
“This coming from the Director who’s worried about his image?” asked Tatsuki.
“Considering you’ve been seen in my presence some rather strange rumors had surfaced,” Ryuuken mumbled.
“Oh? So they think you’re a pervert to. And I’m ruining your reputation?” Tatsuki asked with annoyance.
“I would rather not elaborate. However the more acceptable terms included enjo kosai,” said Ryuuken, not meeting her gaze completely.
“Oh well, I guess that proves my point,” she muttered, folding arms across her chest.
Ryuuken could not determine if her smirk was from satisfaction being proven correct or something else. At this point, he was enjoying their bantering. Stopping at the medical records station, he knocked on the desk counter for the attendant.
“Director Ishida!” the man yelped.
“I’d like Arisawa’s medical records now,” he said. Immediately the man bowed, rushing off to retrieve them. Meanwhile Tatsuki sat in the waiting area for the Director to grab her manila folder.
“Here you are sir!” the man said handing it over nervously.
“Excellent,” he said, wandering casually over to the doctor’s station behind the records desk. A few minutes later Tatsuki heard the door click open admitting a nurse poking her head out.
“Arisawa san, the doctor will see you now,” she said. Amused, Tatsuki rose and followed her. She endured the collection of vital signs, even obediently following the nurse to the examination room where she was instructed to change into a gown.
“You wanna play doc, we’ll play,” Tatsuki snickered mentally.
Five minutes later Ryuuken knocked on the door. “Arisawa san?”
“C’mon in Doctor, I’m decent,” she called. Wearing a lab coat and stethoscope draped around his neck, Ryuuken entered. He set the clipboard to the side, paging through the forms. Paper crinkled under her as she shifted and waited to see what he would do.
“Ahem, well shall we begin?” he asked striding over to her. He tugged the stethoscope up putting the ends in his ears. She shivered at the pressure of the cold metal end pressed to her chest in a few places. Therefore, he was really going through with her joke, was he? It brought a smile to her face and she scooted forwards on the paper, causing it to crinkle even more.
“Cough please,” he said, reaching around to touch her back with the cold metal stethoscope. Tatsuki immediately draped her arms around his neck because he was reaching awkwardly around her to hear her heartbeat. Not even blinking Ryuuken pulled the stethoscope out of his ears and let it drop by her left hip.
“I knew you couldn’t resist this,” Tatsuki laughed with a triumphant grin.
Stepping between her knees Ryuuken slid his hand under the gown to feel her stomach, then her abdomen. He only gave Tatsuki a slight smirk in return, as if holding back his emotions to carry out the farce further. Then he straightened up still feeling her hands on his shoulders. She fiddled with the lapels before grabbing them and yanking him forwards so he pressed tightly to her. Tatsuki caught his lips in a fierce kiss, wrapping her legs around his waist before he could convince her otherwise that this may not be the best idea.
“Mmmm,” she murmured savoring the slight hesitation heralding his lips parting just slightly. Once more, she tasted tobacco and coffee, realizing that she could get used to it if he continued to eclipse his smoker’s breath with those damn mints. Who could figure that his rich musky aftershave, the same brand she remembered smelling on older men who would brush past her was so arousing. Thankfully, it was not the same brand her father used or it would be a deterrent. No this was the expensive kind.
His tongue brushed past hers on the way to accept her deepening the kiss. His hands stopped from sliding down over her backside as if unsure if he was allowed to continue. When he pulled back, she missed the contact of his lips since the cold air hit her on the chest and swirled around her bare skin under the gown. However, he had only let go to drag the stool over so he could sit in front of her. Again she slid her legs around his hips and he moved so they were sitting as close as they could. She unfastened the lowest button of his lab coat so the fabric of his pants slipped against her.
“Are you certain you wish to proceed?” he murmured.
“Please Sensei, I need this, and so do you,” she whispered, unbuttoning his lab coat, and then reaching down further as she tugged his shirt out of his dress pants. Breathing deeply the Quincy rested his hands on her thighs, allowing her to do as she wished.
“I can hardly count this as a conventional exam,” he mumbled.
“You know your way around the human body don’t you?” she smirked, even though it was a cheesy line out of a b porno flick. Ryuuken rolled his eyes.
“What?” she grumbled, kissing his lips as she realized that there was nothing much between them except the seams of his dress pants.
“I dislike the power differential between us,” he muttered.
“So that’s why you’re not touching me?” she whispered as Ryuuken traced his lips over hers and caressed her cheek. Seizing his hand she pulled it down, fully intent on showing him she wanted this and she wished the damn idiot would take advantage. Not that she could call Ryuuken an idiot since he was the director of the damn hospital, and the so-called last Quincy. Someone responsible for training Uryuu to be the formidable warrior he was, or for imbuing her with a vast amount of hardcore training.
“Shouldn’t be here. Should be in a proper place, like a bedroom perhaps,” he mumbled.
“I’ll live,” Tatsuki said dismissively, pulling his hand between her legs. She could not stand the tingling itch and rubbing herself against his pants made it worse. Especially the increasing erection that a lab coat hid but tailored pants did not. He shifted her to lie back on the exam table then sat on the edge of it himself so paper crinkled noisily in protest. Blue eyes behind glasses seemed clinical as they shifted her legs and slipped his fingers inside as if he were performing an exam.
“No hymen, but that isn’t necessarily a proof of virginity,” he mumbled. “A result of an active lifestyle.”
“I’d like you to do something about that situation, if you don’t mind, Doc,” she said with a confident smile though she was quite nervous. She suppressed the urge to giggle because his fingers tickled, tracing through her wetness and slipping inside. A low moan escaped her and she shifted forwards, grabbing the wrist so she could bear down on his two fingers in her entrance.
Ryuuken pulled his hand away, noting her sigh of frustration before he said, “This isn’t an optimal position. Allow me to use my expertise and be patient.”
“Okay, what are you up to?” Tatsuki asked, impatiently.
“You play along with this game and ask me that?” he replied, pushing up his glasses. He nudged Tatsuki out of the way so he could sit on the table, and then motioned her to kneel in front of him. She moved forwards, straddling his lap with a gasp and sigh of relief. Now she did not bother questioning him reaching into his pocket to pull something out of it and hand it to her. Since the gown tied in the rear, she was aware that her backside was quite obviously visible but it only made her more amused by the whole situation.
His breath hitched when she pushed him down by his shoulder and reached for his belt. Already his shirt was pulled out and she slid her hand under to feel the muscles of his toned stomach, fingers contacting a cotton undershirt. Glancing down at her with that probing look, he breathed deeply, lips parted. Allowing her to take the initiative to save his precious Quincy honor she figured. To reassure him Tatsuki angled her face over and kissed him, working at the button and zipper of his dress pants and slipping her hand inside.
She had only seen pictures from health books, and illustrations from those H doujin. They were usually painted out. Actually, wrapping her hand around one for real and seeing what it truly looked like made her laugh loudly. Ryuuken cocked an eyebrow, amused more than annoyed at her self-confidence. She only seemed shocked for a minute, and then curled her hand around to stroke his shaft.
He rested his back against the exam table, breathing deeply to ready himself. Fully aware of what he was doing and the fact that she was quite insistent, he felt convinced that his honor would be satisfied if she were atop him. No advantage taking since she was the dominant one. She bent down for a kiss, murmuring into his lips that parted and allowed her tongue access. Next time she broke for breath she felt him pushing her away slightly, reaching with his other hand to pull out some foil wrapped packages.
“Feels interesting. I mean it’d be stupid to say I haven’t seen one but…” she trailed off, gripping and stroking him. He let out small groans, his eyes partly closed as he fought the urge to reach out and accept fully what she offered. Sweat beaded on his pale forehead, plastering his silver hair to it. Tatsuki and he opened one packet and slipped the sheath over his shaft.
“No other questions or desire to explore?” he murmured.
“Later,” she murmured, pressing down on his shoulders. Now his hands rested on her hips, steadying her and lifting her as he guided her atop himself. Tatsuki bit her lip, intent on taking him in yet fully aware she had heard it would hurt. He rubbed the small of her back, his intense blue eyes fixing into her trusting ones as Tatsuki threw one leg over and grabbed his tip. Before she could force herself down his hands grabbed her hips, holding her off so the process was a slow invasive push that spread her. Tatsuki gasped, her eyes wide open from the fact that it was painful, and just why Ryuuken was stopping her.
Immediately Ryuuken slid a hand under one knee, lifting her ankle on his shoulder so she almost topped back. She reached over and steadied herself with one hand on his shoulder, the other at her side as he used his other hand to grip her back. Gritting her teeth, she grunted, hearing the hiss of him inhaling through his nose and guiding the rest of the way down. Still it felt overstuffed, itchy, slick, and achy simultaneously to have him spearing upwards.
“Damn that feels weird,” she gasped. “But I’m okay…”
“Are you certain?” he mumbled, holding her completely still but rubbing her hips to sooth them. Tatsuki shifted her hips, wincing as he slipped even further inside and she felt like a pair of rubber gloves stretched too thin.
“Hurts and itches, but it‘s okay,” she murmured, breathing deeply so her chest heaved in and out.
“Relax,” Ryuuken urged, panting himself as sweat collected on his temples.
“Feels better though then I thought. Much better…”
“Quite satisfactory,” he murmured, his eyes half shut as Ryuuken enjoyed the tight squeeze around him that he had not felt in years and was floored that she had the guts to go through with it, and that he had as well.
“Well what are you waiting for? Am I going to have… to do all the work?” Tatsuki asked, rocking and moving on him. She was not quite sure how this worked but she had a good deal of imagination and reading. Nevertheless, no books in the world quite compared to having intense blue eyes boring into her soul as his lips were parted and he let out low moans. Gripping his shoulders, she felt him thrust up and move forwards so she had to spread her legs. He positioned her to kneel and push up and down more slowly.
“Stop,” he murmured. “Turn around…”
“Why it feels fine… I mean it does feel a bit weird but it doesn’t hurt,” Tatsuki grumbled.
“It can be satisfying for you as well as I this way. It's vital a first experience is positive for the full impact,” Ryuuken scolded, lifting her off as he urged her to turn around and sit facing away. Now her back was braced against his and she could rest her neck alongside his as she felt his hand lift under one knee and the other hold her around her waist. His hand slid up her front, curling around the right breast to squeeze it gently. Tatsuki took her other hand to duplicate what he was doing, hissing as her nipples were pinched and twisted slightly. The angle now gave her more satisfying remedy to her tingling itch, but she felt far from reaching it.
Frowning, Ryuuken lowered her leg and then moved her one hand, whispering her to reach down and touch. She had known about THAT place, but touching it herself seemed almost forbidden when a man was already inside, thrusting in and out. Grunting Tatsuki squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed, popping them open at the itching tingle that shot through her. “D… doc…”
“That is not my name,” he murmured. Ryuuken lifted her leg again, whispering her to keep moving. A loud yelp bit off by her teeth sinking into her lip heralded a clenching inside and Tatsuki almost hyperventilating as she curled up and then snapped back.
“Ryuuken… san…” she moaned out, and then yelped on the last syllable. An internal rubber band seemed to snap, unleashing a soothing rush of pleasure that squeezed her heart and tickled all over.
“Humph, you seemed to enjoy that,” he whispered, hand rubbing gently over her belly. Tatsuki caught her breath, resting lazily against him until she realized something.
“No shit doc. That was…” she trailed off, puzzled that he was still hard and thick while she had moved so much she was sure he should have released as well. At least that was what it was like in erotica. Nipping the back of her neck, he thrust up slowly, evenly as she resumed.
Sensing she wanted to turn over, Ryuuken helped Tatsuki to swing a leg over him but remained inside. It was hard to separate from her anyway. Facing him now Tatsuki lay across him and kissed him by slipping her tongue into his mouth. Ryuuken had unbuttoned his labcoat and pulled her so she straddled him with bent knees. Lazily he rocked his hips up as Tatsuki found a movement she liked, gasping and moaning as another climax started. Feeling her hot tight embrace, Ryuuken released some of his control and allowed his pace to increase. It had been a long time and he was pleasantly surprised.
She glanced down at his intense brown eyes through his glasses then reached down to pull them off his face. He frowned a bit, then she realized he wasn’t angry, just concentrating on moving in exactly the way that maximized penetration and stimulation. His fingers reached between them, probing and tweaking her secret spots. When he finally released, he shuddered, his energy seemed to surge over hers like blue flame.
Tatsuki groaned and shuddered, kissing Ryuuken to muffle her cries. She lay atop him, body humming with pleasure. Sore, sticky and sweaty she felt the ache inside her calming considerably. Ryuuken shifted to pull out of her but Tatsuki murmured, “Don’t move.”
“I hardly wish to, but I don’t want to hurt you too much,” said Ryuuken.
“Sokay. You feel good inside me, Doc,” she murmured, and blushed.
“You do realize that I won’t let you go now,” Ryuuken murmured kissing her neck.
“Does it seem like I want you to?” asked Tatsuki wrapping her arms around him.
Folding his arms behind his head, Ryuuken glanced up at her, and stretched a bit. Shoulder joints popped a bit. Tasuki rolled her neck, cracking the joints there as well making an identical sound. He then lowered his arms to fold around her and reposition her to lie atop him. She curled up listening to the sound of his heartbeat under one ear, feeling cool air chilling her back.
“Time to move,” Ryuuken murmured, rubbing her back.
“I am getting cold,” Tatsuki complained, pushing up against him as she shivered. Carefully he helped her untangle herself from him and turned his back for a moment to fetch something. The sounds of a wastecan lid slamming echoed in the otherwise silent room. Tatsuki hunted for her clothes only to find his hand extending them to her. In his other hand he held a wet washcloth soaked in warm water.
She cleaned herself off noticing he remained in the room with his back simply turned. As she struggled into her clothes again she heard him murmuring into his cellphone. “Correct. I'm taking several hours off for an offsite meeting. Any calls can be directed to the assistant director, and to my message box if it's an emergency.”
The corners of Tatsuki's lips perked up in a smug grin she hid behind one hand. Reaching around she tried to find the zipper of her school skirt, but felt his other hand reaching over to pull the tab up for her. She turned around to see Ryuuken appearing fully put back to gether except for a healthy flush to his skin and disheiveled silver hair. He clicked his cell phone shut berfore slipping it into his pocket.
Awkwardly they glanced at one another, Tatsuki resting her hands on her hips. Ryuuken pushed up his glasses with one finger in a familiar manner. He cleared his throat. “Shall we?”
“Okay,” Tatsuki murmured, extending a hand to him. Stiffly he put his own in hers letting her lead him out of the examination room.
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