Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ MatchMaker ❯ Secrets Secrets ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer- I don't own bleach, nor the characters, they belong to Tite Kubo. Even though he killed off ALL of the espada, they still belong to him. Oh oops, I meant killed off espada: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9. Yammy and Grimmy's fate are unknown.
Tba- hands Grimmjow a bag of ice* you ok?
Grimmjow- puts ice on lap* c-COLD!
Ulquiorra- obviously. It is ice after all.
Tba-.. What? You want me to get you warm water or something?
Tba-… Uh.. im sorry for throwing a book at your… *giggle* assets.
Ulquiorra-smirk* nice.
Tba- Yay! Ulquiorra complemented me! *glomps Ulquiorra*
Grimmjow- HEY! *grabs Ulquiorra's arm* He's MINE.
Tba- grabs Ulquiorra's other arm* DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO SHARE?
Grimmjow-pulls* NO! AND I DON'T WANT TO.
Ulquiorra-being pulled apart* I may have amazing reproductive abilities, but at this rate, you'll kill me.
Tba-.. Can't you say Ow like a normal person?
Ulquiorra- No. No I cannot.
Grimmjow- Why not?
Ulquiorra- its simple.
Tba- snaps fingers* Damn, the universal answer.
Grimmjow- I thought that was global warming.
Tba- huh?
Grimmjow- Global warming.
Ulquiorra-.. Did you steal my cookie?
Grimmjow*shrugs* Global warming.
Tba- do you think Aizen is gay?
Grimmjow-YES and Global warming.
Tba- Why didn't you help me?
Tba-… I quit.
Ulquiorra- you do know that those scientists forged those results right?
Tba- yep. My teacher told me a while back.
Ulquiorra- must have relieved you.
Tba- yeah, but then a few weeks ago, there was this dude, his project was about *ahem*
“How air pollution helps prevent certain cancers and how reducing the smog would cause more cancers.”(I dumbed it down a little) You know, when we tried to stop global warming, apparently were in a lose-lose situation. Anyways, his project was in the news.
Ulquiorra- you do realize that you told the world where you go to school right?
Tba- I implied it. And the school has thousands of people. And unless you search hard, I doubt you'll find me. *takes out a piece of chocolate* Chocolate. *bites it* mmmhm~
Ulquiorra-… your doing this on purpose.
Tba- smile* Course not! Now on with the Story!
Secrets, secrets
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Ulquiorra walked down the halls, he was in deep thought.
When came upon a room with the number 3 on it, he hesitated, before knocking.
Apache, Harribel's blue haired, hot-tempered fraccion opened the door.
“Oh, Ulquiorra-sama.” She said still standing in the door way. Ulquiorra nodded at her, showing her that he meant her and her friends no harm.
“Is Harribel there?” He asked.
Apache nodded, “Ill get her for you.” He was about to close the door when Ulquiorra grasped the door.
“There's no need.” He said, pushing the door open and walking past her.
He walked into the room, looking at his surroundings. Its was a fairly large room, a large bed in the middle of the room, a small TV on a table, along with a rug and four bean bags, all in different colors. Here were a few stacks of games on the table and under the table, Harribel's closet was in a few feet away from the door, an across from the bed was her bathroom. Mila-Rose and Sun-sun were sitting in green and purple bean bags, they turned to him surprised at their unexpected visitor.
The bathroom door opened and Harribel came out, wearing her espada uniform, holding her pervious one in her hand and a towel wrapped around her hair.
“Apache, who's the-” She saw Ulquiorra and blinked twice in disbelief.
“Its about Amatsu.” He said.
Harribel nodded, she took the towel off her head and threw it on the bed. Ulquiorra turned and left the room.
“See you girls later.” She said as she followed Ulquiorra out.
As they left the room, Harribel turned to Ulquiorra, “So, what's up?”
Ulquiorra sighed, “I believe that Grimmjow... Likes Amatsu.”
Harribel nodded, “What's your point? So does Szayel and Starrk.”
Ulquiorra shook his head, “No, I mean REALLY likes Amatsu.”
“Oh…. So what's the problem?”
“I don't want Amatsu to be with Grimmjow.”
Harribel studied him for a minute, “Why not?”
Ulquiorra sighed, “Because, he's a piece of trash, has no respect, and, and...” he struggled with words to describe him...
“Is a psychotic bastard as well as a sadist?” Harribel offered.
“Yes, that's it.” He said, using his right hand to massage his temples.
“What if she likes him?” she asked, she instantly regretted it.
Ulquiorra had a dark aura surrounding him in seconds, his head hung low, his hair hiding his eyes.
Harribel shivered, who knew the normally stoic arrancar could be this.. Scary?
Ulquiorra clenched his hands into fists, “Im going to kill him.” He was about to find Grimmjow when Harribel grabbed his shoulder.
`Calm down, I just said what `if'.” She sighed and let go of Ulquiorra, whose intent to kill had died down.
“Do you think she likes him?” He asked still staring at the ground.
Harribel shook her head, “Its hard to tell, she doesn't seem to hate him, I guess she view him the same as everybody. A friend,” Harribel stopped, “Does she like anybody?”
Ulquiorra shrugged, “I don't normally pry into my sister's business.”
“Oh I see... Wait! SISTER?!” Harribel practically screamed.
Ulquiorra nodded, “Yes, she is my sister.”
“Well, that explains why you're so protective of her and the fact she follows you everywhere…” Harribel trailed off.
Ulquiorra shook his head, “You misunderstand me. She is my older sister, not younger.”
Harribel's eyes widened, “She's OLDER than you? How much older?”
Ulquiorra thought for a few moments, “Im not sure, about two or three years, maybe...” He bit his bottom lip.
Harribel nodded, “But don't you think she's old enough to pick her own partners?”
Ulquiorra looked at her, narrowing his eyes, “I refuse to let my sister fall into the hands of... Of...”
“A arrogant, sadistic, bastard that plays around with women?” She said.
Ulquiorra nodded, “What kind of person would?”
Harribel nodded, “Alright, ill ask her how she feels about them, but...”
“But?” Ulquiorra asked eyebrow rose.
“They're having a fight tomorrow right?”
“Spar, but yes.”
“Well, we all know that Grimmjow's a sore loser, maybe he won't like her anymore if she beats him.”
“Or the opposite could happen” he said.
Harribel shook her head, and started to head for Amatsu's room. “Ill talk to her, you just... Stay away from Grimmjow for awhile.”
Ulquiorra nodded, even though he knew Harribel could not see him, he decided he wanted some peace and quiet. He would go to the roof, to view the night sky. (Its always night, except for that one room, I don't really understand Aizen's thinking...)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Amatsu had woken up a few minutes after she told Ulquiorra that she wanted to sleep.
She sighed, turning over to her right side, clutching a soft pillow in a tight hold.
“Stupid dreams.” She muttered while burying her noise in the pillow, it smelled like fresh air.
She heard a knock on her door, she threw a look at the door, then at her zanpakuto, which was lying between her bed and bedside table. She shook her head, got up, put the zanpakuto in her sash and opened the door.
She expected Ulquiorra, but instead she saw Harribel, “Hello, Harribel-chan. Do you need something?”
She asked, opening the door fully, Harribel made no move to come in, but motioned for her to follow.
Amatsu nodded, stepping out of her room, and softly closed the door, before following Harribel.
They walked in silence for a few minutes, Harribel was the first to break the silence.
“We're here.” She said gesturing to a door that a gothic number 3 on it.
Amatsu looked confused, Harribel opened the door and walked into the room, Amatsu followed still confused.
Three pairs of eyes turned to the doorway when they heard the door open.
“Harribel-sama” they all said, seeing their master.
Harribel nodded and sat on her bed, she looked at the doorway and patted the empty space beside her.
Amatsu walked over to the bed and sat down, Harribel's fraccion watched her walk towards the bed and finally sit down next to Harribel.
“Harribel-sama, who is she?” Mila rose asked.
“That's right, you haven't been introduced yet.” She gestured to Amatsu, “Mila-rose, Apache, Sun-Sun, this is Amatsu.
She pointed to her fraccion, “Amatsu, this is Mila-rose” she pointed to a dark-skinned tall woman, then to a female with short blue-ish hair, “Apache, and Sun-Sun” she pointed to the girl with long green hair.
Amatsu smiled, “Pleasure to meet you, Im Amatsu, second espada.” She gave a court nod to them.
They all bowed, “Pleasure to meet you Amatsu-sama.”
Harribel was quite shocked at that, her fraccion had never called anyone sama besides Ulquiorra, Harribel herself, and Aizen. They only called Ulquiorra that because they were afraid of his wrath.
Amatsu smiled, “No, that's alright. Just call me Amatsu, Apache, Mila-rose, and Sun-sun.”
“But..” Mila-rose started, but was cut short by Amatsu.
“No buts. Lets be on friendly terms, no need to be formal.” She said smiling.
All of them nodded, understanding that they couldn't argue with her on the matter.
Amatsu turned to Harribel, “So, what's up? Have relationship troubles?” she asked.
Harribel turned a light pink, “N-No!”
All of the other female arrancar looked at her strangely. They didn't expect that.
Harribel shook her head, “No, I was actually going to ask you how you feel about the other arrancar.”
Amatsu nodded, “Ask away.”
“How do you feel about Starrk?”
Amatsu smiled, “He's a really nice person, he can be understanding and sometimes mean, but that very rarely. He does care about the other espada and Lilynette, he just doesn't show it. He also sleeps a lot, but I think it's because his dreams are better than reality.”
Harribel blinked twice, processing the information, “Alright, what about Ulquiorra?”
Amatsu smiled, “I love Ulquiorra.”
The other three arrancars eyes bugged out, and their jaws almost hit the ground.
Harribel had already know that they were siblings, but hearing those words did shock her a bit.
Seeing their reaction, she waved her hands at them dismissively, “No, No. Not like that, he's my little brother.”
Apache was the first to speak “Amatsu if you're his sister, why weren't you an espada earlier?”
Amatsu smiled at her, “I didn't want to become an espada then, but Ulquiorra wanted to, I decided to help cook. I was the head chef, im not going to let anyone Poison my little brother.” She smiled and clenched then unclenched her right hand.
“If they even try, ill rip their eyes right out of their head and stuff them down their throat.” She gave a smile that scared all four arrancar, (think about how scary Unohana can be, if you don't know how scary she is, hope you never do.)Apache, Sun-sun, and Mila-rose were visibly shaking while Harribel was making a mental note to never, and I mean never get on her bad side.
Ok... How about Noitra?” she asked.
Amatsu narrowed her eyes and said quite plainly, “Trash.”
Harribel nodded, “He can be such a sexist sometimes.”
Amatsu almost laughed, “A sexist bastard that's arrogant and has no manners.”
Harribel and her fraccion nodded, it was true.
“Ok, what about… Grimmjow?” She asked hoping she wouldn't notice her hesitation.
“Hm.. Grimmkitty?” She asked.
“Well, I think he's an alright guy, kinda mean, but I bet he can be really sweet when he wants to. He brings out the best in some and the worst in others. For instance, I think him and Ulqui-chan would make a cute couple. They bring out the best in each other, don't you think?.. uh, are you guys ok?” After Amatsu had said that `they made a cute couple', all of the arrancar in the room gaped at her.
Was she serious?
Grimmjow and Ulquiorra.
Ulquiorra and Grimmjow.
Bring out thebest in each other?
Well, you get the point, they were shocked, no beyond shocked.
Like, if Aizen came down the hall, knocked on their door and came in wearing a tutu and singing Barbie girl, they wouldn't even react. Yeah, they were THAT shocked.
Apache was the first to recover, `You think, Grimmjow and Ulquiorra-sama would make a good pair?” she all but squeaked, her voice was failing her.
Amatsu nodded, “But of course, have you seen them look at each other?” Amatsu suddenly had this dreamy look in her eyes, “That's true love~”
All of them thought the same thing, but refused to voice it, `Are you blind?'
(Yes, I wear glasses, but Im 100-200 I am not blind.)
Amatsu returned from la-la land and turned towards them, “I want to get the two together, can you girls help me?”
Harribel slowly nodded, “So, if you think they are so good for each other, why are you fighting Grimmjow?”
Amatsu let out a chuckle, “Im not going to give away my little brother to someone who can't even protect him right?”
The rest of them smiled, they understood, they started to talk about what they could and couldn't do to bring the two together.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
It was nearly time to sleep, all the arrancar returned to their respective rooms.
Most were excited for what would happen the next day.
Amatsu was excited, because she would be able to face Grimmjow and put her plan into action. She was fairly tired and decided to sleep right after her talk with Harribel and her fraccion.
She didn't bother changing out of her clothes, she curled underneath the blankets, hugging a pillow to her chest and burying her nose into it. Her left hand wrapped around the pillow, her right under the pillow that was under her head. (Yes, she has two pillows.)
She slowly drifted off to sleep, not aware of her younger brother's thoughts.
Ulquiorra stared at the ceiling, it was white like everything in his room, but he pictured a certain blue haired arrancar.
He could practically see him grinning, smirking, and laughing.
Ulquiorra wanted for Amatsu to accidently kill him while sparring, but he doubted that would happen.
It wasn't that he hated the blue haired arrancar, he didn't, truly he didn't.
They weren't on very friendly terms, but neither were most of the espada. They would get into fights very often, whether they are verbal or physical, Ulquiorra won then all, but Grimmjow was persistent. He would never give up a chance to fight him.
He would follow him around sometimes in hopes of getting a fight, sometimes trying to strike a conversation with him, not that it worked. It would always lead to them fighting, and Ulquiorra walking away while Grimmjow called after him.
Ulquiorra closed his eyes, his eyelids felt heavy, while his brain slowly shut down.
He left out a soft yawn and pulled the covers over him.
He was tired, there was no point in thinking about Grimmjow.
He slowly buried his face into the pillow and fell asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Tba- Yawn* I don't care if its short *yawn* im just gonna lie down for a.. while.. *flops down on bed asleep*
Grimmjow- pokes her* damn, out like a light. *continues to poke her*
Tba- mmm, if you poke me `gain, im gonna chop tha' finger off. *hugs pillow*
Grimmjow- quickly backs away*
Ulquiorra- bravo…err Brava. (Italian)
Grimmjow- yeah, since she is sleeping, I guess we gotta say it.
Ulquiorra- hm, it seems you will be the one this time Grimmjow.
Grimmjow- Wha?
Ulquiorra- waves hand dismissively* im going to bed. Goodnight. *leaves*
Grimmjow- hey wait you cant just! ARGGH!……….*sigh*
Review or I`ll cero your ass off. I mean seriously, if you bother reading up to chapter 5, you should at least review.
Next time- The Queen vs. The King