Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ MatchMaker ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer- I do not own bleach, or any of the characters from bleach, I own only my characters and well, this story.
Tba- Yawn* really tired..
Grimmjow-… hey, can we just skip this, and go to the story?
Tba-hm? Yeah,*yawn* I guess.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
5:00 pm (after Amatsu's and Grimmjow's battle. NOT THE NEXT DAY.)
Grimmjow woke up with a groan, looking around he found out he was in his room.
He wondered who brought him back here, since the last thing he remembered was fighting Amatsu...
He groaned as he rolled over to his left. He spotted a note, he picked it up and quickly read it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
If you are wondering what happened after your battle with Amatsu, you were thoroughly beaten by her. After which you lost consciousness and Amatsu as well. We, meaning Harribel and I carried you two to the infirmary to get you two checked.
You do not have any broken bones, but you may be sore for quite a while, or so the doctor said.
Aizen-sama has given me the order to take care of you.
Do not do anything unnecessary and stay put. I will come bring you dinner around seven.
Until then, find a way to occupy yourself.
Do not leave your room.
Im warning you Jeagerjaques, you had better not leave your room.
If you leave your room, you will face punishment from Aizen himself.
Ulquiorra Schiffer
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Grimmjow rolled his eyes, no one told him what to do. He crumpled the paper up. So what if Ulquiorra was higher ranked than him? That didn't mean shit.
Really, Ulquiorra didn't even look stronger than him.
Ulquiorra was pale, short and had a small frame. He had big emerald eyes and raven hair, if he didn't know any better, he would have thought Ulquiorra was a girl.
Due to his appearance, any would be mislead by his appearance and thought he needed to be protected, but he didn't. and he made it clear, he would never hesitate to kill when ordered to.
Sounds like you like him.
Grimmjow rolled his eyes and lay on his back, the note in his hand.
Shut up Pantera. I don't like emocar.
He heard Pantera chuckle, and wondered what was so funny.
Don't lie to me. I am a part of you. Besidesits obvious,you like him.
Im not gay Pantera.
I never said you were. You said it yourself.
Grimmjow could practically see Pantera grinning in victory.
What makes you think I like him anyway?
You did admire him for being stronger. And you think he has pretty eyes.
You're right, you never said it. However,that doesn't mean you don'tthinkit.
He heard Pantera laugh, happy that he had won once again.
Pantera-2, Grimmjow-0
Look Pantera. Im not in the mood for this.
It's because you know im right, isn't it?
Pantera-3 Grimmjow-0
Grimmjow sighed, he liked Pantera, honestly he did. But he didn't like Pantera prying into his business. AND HE DID NOT LIKE ULQUIORRA!!
Sure you don't. just keep thinking that.
Pantera, im warning you.
Why? What could possibly happen to me? If something happens to me, you'd be hurt to, remember?
Im serious Pantera. I DON'T LIKE ULQUIORRA.
Your scared aren't you? Scared of rejection.
Grimmjow let out a growl of frustration. Man, Pantera was thick headed, NO means NO. What part of that did he not get?
I bet that Amatsu girl could help you.
Don't be ridiculous Pantera, she'd be more likely to beat me to a pulp for even thinking such a thing.
HA! YOU ADMITTED IT! You like Schiffer! You like Schiffer!
Which one?
Don't play dumb, you know you like Ul-qui-or-ra.
Grimmjow rubbed his head with his hand Pantera sure was noisy..
Im saying this for the LAST time, I DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT LIKE Ulquiorra fucking SCHIFFER.
Your right you don't like him..
Grimmjow sighed in relief Pantera finally got the hint.
Grimmjow started to cough violently, (more like choking on air...)
Did Pantera say that Grimmjow, who was a guy, who did everything he wanted whenever he wanted, loved Ulquiorra, the guy who followed orders, and was emotionless?
“NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Grimmjow yelled to the top of his lungs.
Pantera was laughing quietly to himself, at least now his master knew. It was pretty fun to mess with him, you know, with Grimmjow being pretty darn dense...
He heard someone banging on the wall. He wondered who it could be, then he remembered that Ulquiorra's room was next to his. (Amatsu's is on the other side of Ulquiorra's room.)
“SHUT UP YOU STUPID CAT!!!” the yell was followed by the rustling of cloth and the opening of a door.
Then he heard footsteps, and the door close, his door opened and a black haired arrancar stood in his doorway, looking VERY pissed.
“YOU!” she said pointing at Grimmjow, she walked until she was a few feet from the bed.
She took his blanket from under him and pulled, causing him to land on the ground by her feet.
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR WOMAN??!!!” he yelled, glaring at her.
Amatsu narrowed her eyes. “Are you going to tell me what made you scream like that or not?” she crossed her hands over her chest.
“Che, I don't have to tell you.” he said sitting up and looking away from her.
Amatsu raised a brow at his antics, “I have other ways of making you speak you know.” Her voice was cold, and emotionless, `Just like Ulquiorra' Grimmjow thought.
“Let me guess... “ she pretended to think. “Its about Ulquiorra isn't it?”
Grimmjow's face turned a bright shade of red.
`Wow, I never thought he'd catch up this fast…' she thought to herself.
“Wh-What makes you think that?” he asked, ashamed of himself for stuttering, what kind of guy stutters?
She pointed to Grimmjow hand, Grimmjow looked down, and saw that he was still holding the note.
The note Ulquiorra left for him...
Amatsu rolled her eyes and sat on his bed, and looked at him. “So you gonna tell me or what?”
“Che, fine.” He said, getting up and sitting two feet away from her.
Amatsu raised her brow, but didn't question it.
“I think I like...” he paused, looking at her for a second. She was listening to him, hanging on his every word.
He turned to stare at the floor. “I think I l……Ulquiorra.”
He closed his eyes and waited for her to scream, yell, anything...
After a few moments, he opened his eyes she was sitting across from him, and she was smiling.
He blinked twice, what no death threats, no `If you get near him Ill chop you into pieces.', or `Ill kill you!'? (That's my threats for boys who get near my lil girl. No I don't really have a kid, but I treat my friend like a kid, she plays along and we joke about it.)
She sat there, smiling, as if she knew that he would say that.
She looked at the door and swung her legs back and forth. “You know Grimmjow,” as she talked, she continued to stare at the door. “I didn't like you at first..” she sighed. “The truth was because I knew you were going to take him away from Me.” she looked down at the ground, her legs stopped swinging. “Im not trying to make it sound sad or anything, I just want him to be happy. As long as he's happy, I'm happy.” She turned to him. “If you can prove to me that you truly love him, I won't get between you two...” She paused for a second.
“But, if you hurt him…” she glared at him, her gaze cutting through him, “Ill make sure you feel the pain her felt, only worse… Much worse.” Grimmjow was speechless, he couldn't think of anything to say.
With that, she got up, and headed towards the door. She reached for the knob, but stopped looking at Grimmjow.
“I won't stop you.” she said once more before smiling. “I'll see you tomorrow at the party.” She opened the door and left.
Grimmjow sighed and lay on his bed, `What am I going to do?'
Easy, you take her offer and make a move on him.
It's not that easy Pantera.
Ulquiorra was… well, it wouldn't be easy to get him to notice Grimmjow, that's a fact.
Yeah it is, see all you gotta do, is push him to a wall and-
No, I cant do something like that
Grimmjow thought that he could not possibly to that, for a few reasons. He did have his way with other girls but...
Sure you can! all you gotta do is catch him in a good mood. Then lay a nice one on him.
Wait, what are you talking about?
Grimmjow didn't understand, what was Pantera talking about?
Im talking about kissing, what are you thinking?
Uh.. kissing .. yeah.. I was thinking about that..
Grimmjow wanted to hit himself, Pantera was talking about kissing Ulquiorra.
OHH! You perv. You were thinking of thatweren't you?
No! What you said sounded very suggestive is all!
Mmhm.. Yeah, right. Pantera laughed.
What ever. Anyway, got any ideas?
Go with the direct approach.
The what?
He heard Pantera groan.
Go up to him and say it.
Why not?
Grimmjow thought about it, it sounded like an all right idea, but that would probably shock Ulquiorra. And he didn't want to be rejected..
You know what, if you don't like my ideas, think of your own.
Yes? It was as if Grimmjow could actually see Pantera smiling smugly.
.. Help me...
Grimmjow had given up, it was a surprise yes. However, he didn't know what else to do, he couldn't ask anyone. Well, he could, but they'd probably laugh at him or something.
I mean really, Grimmjow was in love with Ulquiorra.
They would think the world was about to end or something.
It would be as likely as…Noitra being in a relationship.
Moreover, not a one week relationship either. I mean like yearlong relationship.
Yeah, like that was going to happen. (It might... *laughs silently*)
Very good.You can start by talking to him.
Have you two ever had a decent conversation?
………. Grimmjow was left to his thoughts. That never really had a conversation that didn't involve meetings, battling, or words such as `trash'.
Grimmjow sighed. This was going to be hard.
Amatsu sighed, she sat on Ulquiorra's bed. Ulquiorra had also left her a note, telling her to stay in his room, and not to `run off'. She had nothing to do, there was two hours and twenty minutes until he would bring her dinner.
She sat on the bed, feeling bored. She had nothing to do, she looked around Ulquiorra's room. Everything was white, he didn't even bother to do anything to make it personal in the least.
She lay down, her head on his pillow. She looked at the ceiling, she was bored, maybe she should have stayed with Grimmjow. It would be funny to see him panic and think about how he should approach Ulquiorra. But she had left, because she thought he needed to think, alone. And she was Ulquiorra's sister, she had to put up a bit of a struggle, she wasn't just going to hand Ulquiorra over to him.
No, if she was going to do that, she should have him gift wrapped and presentable. AND have Ulquiorra understand how he felt about Grimmjow. If he didn't like Grimmjow, that was that. She wasn't one to pry into someone else's business, but when it was someone close to her, that was a different story..
She turned over to her right side, grabbing the blankets and pulling them over her.
She breathed in the scent of the room and it was a calm scent.
She buried her nose into the pillow, breathing in the scent, Mint. (Yeah, that's all I could think of. And besides, who doesn't like Mint?)
She would think of a plan to get them together tomorrow. She let out a soft yawn.
Tomorrow she'll do it.
She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Grimmjow was staring at the ceiling, he had tried to think of something to say to Ulquiorra. ANYTHING. Sadly, he had wasted two hours, he wasn't able to think of anything. He sighed for the hundredth time. He didn't know anything about Ulquiorra besides the basics, didn't know his likes, dislikes, nothing. And it would be strange if Grimmjow just went up to him and asked him what he liked.
He wanted to bang his head against the wall, but that might attract unwanted attention.
Not that he cared about that, but he was, believe it or not a bit scared of Amatsu.
And he wasn't sure of exactly how he felt for Ulquiorra. Sure he didn't hate him, but he wasn't sure if he loved him. They got into fights, arguments and disputes over pointless things. Or rather, Grimmjow thought they were pointless things, Ulquiorra didn't think so.
Such as, how he wasn't loyal enough to Aizen-sama.
He didn't want to be Aizen's lapdog, just the thought was highly disturbing...
And he was a cat, err... Panther, he was the type to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.
He heard a knock on his door.
“Jeagerjaques, are you awake?”
Grimmjow blinked twice, Ulquiorra was outside his door.
Ulquiorra knocked again, before saying “Im coming in.”
Grimmjow almost cursed, should he pretend he's asleep, or not? Well, Ulquiorra would probably notice that he wasn't really asleep so…
Grimmjow sat up just as Ulquiorra walked into the room with a tray of food.
He put the food on the table, Grimmjow watching his every move.
The tray had a tuna sandwich, a bowl of salad (with minimal dressing), and a glass of milk.
`Ha ha' Grimmjow thought. `That's really funny Ulquiorra.'
He took the sandwich and bit into it, he chewed and swallowed before speaking.
“What about her?' he asked jerking a thumb to his left, to the room where Amatsu was.
Ulquiorra closed his eyes for a second before answering. “She's sleeping.”
“..Oh.” Grimmjow took another bite out of the sandwich and drowned it with some milk.
(For your information, I don't like tuna, and I never tried so I don't know what is tastes like. Canned tuna anyway..)
There was a long silence in the room.
`Say something damn it!!' Grimmjow was nervous, believe it or not, he had no idea what to do. Sure, he could act cool with girls and charm them, but he did not even dare try.
In the worst-case scenario, he would be killed with a point blank cero. And he still wanted to live thank you very much.
In the end, Ulquiorra left while Grimmjow was thinking of something to say.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Tba-Yes.. this ending sucks. Next chapter will be better. Ok?
Ulquiorra- thinking*
Tba- hehe. Next time, ulqui-chan will sing.
Ulquiorra- what?
Tba- NOTHING~ ^.^
Ulquiorra- no you said something. Tell me!!
Tba- starts humming*
Grimmjow- am I going to too?
Tba- smile* mmhm! *starts humming again*
It began with our first kiss
The history of our love
As if casting a spell over this fate
You suddenly appeared!
(English translation)
Tba- smiling* ahh. What a nice story.
Ulquiorra- …. *sigh*
Grimmjow- che, fan girl.
Tba- Hehehe. Louise and Saito FOREVER <3
Next time- I'M AN IDOL!
Grimmjow- what?
Ulquiorra- ignore her Grimmjow. Besides.. *reads next chapter* you'll need this. *hands him microphone*
Grimmjow- oi… you're not serious right?
Ulquiorra- I have to sing as well. *sigh* how humiliating.
Tba- Kyaaa! Ulqui-chan's voice is soo dreamy! Ooh! Grimm-kitty's too.
Ulquiorra- yes, I do admit that he is a good singer.
Tba-listening to Our world* OMG the song totally fits you!!!
Ulquiorra- Thank you?
Grimmjow- ugh whatever. Anyways, review.
Tba- and help me think of songs for Grimmy chan to sing! I already thought of ulqui's though.
Ulquiorra- your going to make me sing some sappy song aren't you?
Tba-… REVIEW!!!! *runs away*