Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ MatchMaker ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer- I don't bleach, the songs mentioned, heck I don't even own an instrument!!! (yet…)
Tba- I'm looking forward to next year. Im gonna take Art and Music.
Ulquiorra- you do realize you stink at art right?
Tba- I DON STINK at art. Im just not really good. I drew you. except you were really small, and I couldn't draw your right eye.
Grimmjow- she's got a point. She did draw you, at least you weren't super-deformed or anything. Your weren't even a chibi
Tba- nods* yea!! And I drew it without even looking at your picture!! (except for the zanpakuto, which I drew separately..)
Grimmjow- but you suck at drawing girls.
Tba-sigh* everyone is a critic. One say, `she's not tall enough' another says, `she doesn't have enough cleavage' and one says, `where are her boobs?'
Harribel- draw someone else.
Tba- I have to spend a lot of time getting details right. And I can only draw things once. No matter how stupid that sounds, its true.
Ulquiorra- yes, she failed at drawing my helmet.
Grimmjow- she doesn't even attempt to draw me.
Harribel- she says that im too hard to draw.
Tba-shrugs* that's why im taking beginners. Geez, stop lowering my self-esteem!
Ulquiorra- wasn't that because you barely have any re-
Tba-glare of doom*
Ulquiorra- point taken.
Grimmjow- lets go, I don't want to keep these ladies waiting for my amazing singing.
Tba- there may be some males reading you know.
Grimmjow- but if I say that it makes me sound gay.
Tba- you are gay(though the proper term is homosexual)... at least in this fanfic you are.
Grimmjow - SHUT UP!!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Grimmjow took the mike from the mike-stand
Amatsu waved at him from behind and snapped her fingers.
A single beam of light landed on him, Grimmjow rolled his eyes. Leave it to a girl to get all classy.
He cleared his throat, and announced the name of his song. “BrEaK”
I have no interest in crybabies like you
See if you can even scratch me once with your nails
Then for the first time I'll kill and walk on
I kill bastards like you
He smirked, scanning the room as he sang.
He could feel that a few arrancar were afraid oh him. Good. They should be scared.

You want to know what my name is?
Pray that you never hear it again
The next time you hear it will be your last

Anytime. Break, and everyone.
Anywhere. Break, and everyone.
Disappear. Break everything.
Anytime. Break, and everyone.
Anywhere. Break, and everyone.
Disappear. Break everything.
Amatsu rolled her eyes, he just had to bring them down, didn't he?

There's no meaning to my birth
Try wasting your free time fishing for even one reason
Bashing everyone is the only one
Just bashing bastards like you

You want to tie me up?
Don't ever think that again
Those times when I can move freely are everything to me

Anytime. Broken, everyone.
Anywhere. Broken, everyone.
Disappear. Broken, everything.
Anytime. Broken everyone.
Anywhere. Broken everyone.
Disappear. Broken everything.

You want to know my name?
Pray that you never hear it again
The next time you hear it will be your last

Anytime. Broken everyone.
Anywhere. Broken everyone.
Disappear. Break everything.
Anytime. Broken everyone.
Anywhere. Broken everyone.
Disappear. Break everything.

Anytime. Broken everyone.
Anywhere. Broken everyone.

Anytime. Broken everyone.
Anywhere. Broken everyone.
Grimmjow smirked and put the mike back. That'll teach her to mess with him. He gave a smirk to Amatsu when he passed her on his way back stage.
Amatsu rolled her eyes and got onto the stage.
“Did you guys like that?”
The crowd roared with applause. Amatsu smiled, “Alright! Our next contestant is my brother, ULQUIORRA SCHIFFER!!!”
The crowd went silent. Aizen was smiling, as always, Tousen was frowning, for some strange reason (probably because he couldn't see all the decorations), and Gin was clapping like a mad man. Well someone had to give Ulquiorra some encouragement.
Ulquiorra slowly walked onto the stage, he glared at Amatsu, who only smiled sweetly.
He gave her the `I'll kill you later' glare, while she gave him the `I don't know what you're talking about' smile.
She smiled to the crowd, “Treat him nicely.” She proceeded to run off the stage, just incase Ulquiorra decided to really hurt her.
An acoustic guitar was playing softly in the background and he sighed. Was he really going to sing?
Yes, yes he was…
He sighed, he was definitely going to get Amatsu back for doing this.
A winter's day
In a deep and dark
I am alone,
Gazing from my window to the streets below
On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow
I am a rock
I am an island
Ulquiorra closed his eyes, remembering, something.
I've built walls
A fortress deep and mighty
That none may penetrate
I have no need for friendship; friendship causes pain
Its laughter and its loving I distain
I am a rock
I am an island
The crowd was silent, listening to the song. Aizen thought to himself quietly, was this how Ulquiorra really felt? Even Tousen was surprised; he never knew that he (Ulquiorra) disliked love and laughter. Gin was smiling as always, but even he was wondering, if Ulquiorra hated love and laughter, why was his sister so cheerful and affectionate?
I have my books
And my poetry to protect me
I am shielded in my armor
Hiding in my room, safe within my womb
I touch no one and no one touches me
I am a rock
I am an island
He opened his eyes, and he looked around the room
And a rock feels no pain
And an island never cries.
He put the mike back and gave a light bow before rushing back stage.
Amatsu gave him a thumbs up in approval, it was about time he expressed himself, and what better than in a song?
He didn't seem to agree with her, and glared at her while she stepped onto the stage.
“Did you like it?” The crowd was shocked. Of course, Amatsu thought they didn't like Ulquiorra's singing, so she reacted in a way a normal sister would react.
She put on a very strained smile, her reiatsu leaking out just a bit, “Did you guys like it?” she said through gritted teeth.
Many arrancar, along with Aizen and Gin, were scared, and quickly clapped.
Tough Tousen couldn't see how she looked, he shivered and clapped as well.
Amatsu smiled happily, reigning in her reiatsu.
“Ok! Next up is HARRIBEL-CHAN!!!”
She hurried off the stage, and Harribel sighed behind the curtain.
`I can do this. I can do this...'
She stepped onto the stage, and took the mike. Her fingers trembled slightly.
`I cant do this, I cant do this!'
From behind the curtain Amatsu face palmed. Who knew Harribel had stage fright?
Well, she had to help her they were friends after all.
God she was going to hate herself for this.
She walked to the stage and put an arm around Harribel's shoulders, trying to reassure her.
She gave a nod, and took a deep breath.
“We'll be changing the song, into a duet.”
She snapped her fingers and the lights dimmed, a lower arrancar nodded and changed the song.
Amatsu sighed, `Its for a good cause…'
Harribel looked at her, not sure what to do, Amatsu gave her a reassuring smile.
“Follow my lead.”
“Lets go girl”
She winked at the crowd as the music started.
I'm going out tonight-I'm feelin' alright
Gonna let it all hang out
Ulquiorra quickly looked at Amatsu, she wasn't serious about the `hang out' thing right?
Wanna make some noise-really raise my voice
Yeah, I wanna scream and shout
No inhibitions-make no conditions
Get a little outta line
She winked At Aizen, who only stared at her.
I ain't gonna act politically correct
I only wanna have a good time
She winked as Harribel took the mike in her hands.
The best thing about being a woman

Is the prerogative to have a little fun (fun, fun)
Harribel smiled, it wasn't so hard after all.
Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!
Amatsu smirked, Harribel was doing well, might as well enjoy it.

The girls need a break-tonight we're gonna take
The chance to get out on the town
We don't need romance-we only wanna dance
We're gonna let our hair hang down

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun (fun, fun)
Amatsu smirked and stared to dance, Harribel did the same.
Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!
Both girls let out a laugh and smiled at each other. “Oh yeah”
They smirked and sang together.
The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun (fun, fun)

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

I get totally crazy
Can you feel it
Come, come, come
on baby
I feel like a woman
Both bowed low with large grins.
Many arrancar clapped loudly, along with Aizen, Gin, and Tousen.
There were a few whistles and chants of `Again, Again!' as well as, `are you single?'
Both Amatsu and Harribel blushed at the latter.
Amatsu glanced at the reserved table and blushed.
Harribel looked at the curtain concealing backstage, thinking of a certain dark haired man.
Both quickly got off the stage, feeling a bit embarrassed about the whole thing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Tba- you know, I recently took a test, apparently I have a lot of problems. But I may have exaggerated, a little.
Ulquiorra- how much?
Tba- er.. 10 outta 13.
Noitra- grumbles* there goes my $50 bucks. *hands over cash*
Tba- apparently, according to the test, I may be/have:
-Bi polar (bet you didn't see this coming.)
-Seasonal mood disorder
Grimmjow- well she is a girl. I thought it was normal.
-problem with cravings
Tba- what are you talking about... ok maybe, I crave chocolate a bit too much..
-sleep apnea
Tba- apparently that means I stop breathing when I sleep sometimes. I think I messed up or something, I do have problems sleeping some times, but I don't think I have this problem.
-sleep issues
Tba- well, I did admit to this.
-Memory problems
Tba- I tend to forget things that aren't of real importance. Like what I ate for breakfast. Just like how I rewired my brain to forget everything I learn in math class in the 7th grade. (Its true, if you asked me anything, id reply “I don't remember that.”))
-Stress and anxiety problem
Tba- im in high school, with nagging teachers and only a few close friends.(most are only in one class) of course I have stress!!!
-Mood is a problem
Tba- I was born with negative thoughts!! Blame my childhood!!
-problem with `flexible' thinking
Tba- when you get a thought more than three times in your head, you have to distract yourself. Not easy when you're an anime fan like me!!
-Focus/control issues
Tba- I can focus! Just when its interesting, if its not interesting, I don't want any part of it. And what do you mean `control' issues? I have to be in a class filled with idiots for 45 minutes (per period) and I haven't killed any of them (yet) and you have the nerve to say I have control issues????
Grimmjow- I think most of that is correct.
Ulquiorra- yes, it is fairly accurate, if not a tiny bit exaggerated.
Tba- growl* if I had to comply, then I'd have to become a STUPID BORING AND MORE IMPORTANTLY UNCARING BITCH.
Ulquiorra-… are you mocking me?
Tba- you're not a girl. And if I was like that, id have to stop writing and stuff.
God life without anime & manga WOULD BE HELL.
Ulquiorra- rolls eyes* alright alright, we get it.
Grimmjow- enough about your problems, help me with mine!
Ulquiorra- im getting out of here.
Tba- Im going to write a very angry letter, which I will promptly burn after writing.
Care to join me Grimmjow?
Grimmjow- does it involve burning Noitra's arrancar outfit?
Tba- no, but it might include tampering with szayel's experiments..
Grimmjow- IM IN!!
Ulquiorra- sigh* please review.