Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Meridian ❯ Meridian ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

Renji paced anxiously across the cold, sterile office he shared with his Captain turned lover, sandals slapping furiously, echoing in the stark, lifeless interior. Back and forth in swift haphazard steps, trying to wrap his mind around what was going to happen next. Things never went this well, this smoothly, for him, he reflected worriedly. Stiffly, hurriedly turning he retraced his previous path back across the room, he wondered apprehensively when the other sandal was going to fall, taking his happiness crumbling, crashing to the ground with it. Lost in thought, the worried, anxious vice captain continued his rotation, oblivious when his taichou enter the room. Hurriedly stalking down his worn, worried path, he jumped at the feel of two strong, slender arms encircling his waist from behind, a warm, hard body pressed lightly, teasingly to his back.

“Byakuya!” he swiftly, angrily jerked his head sideways to glare menacingly at the other man for scaring him, turning his body in the solid, comfortable embrace. Spying the look upon the cool, noble features now facing him, he felt his body temperature rapidly rising, searing blood gushing through his body, instantly hardening his lower regions, while tinting his face red in embarrassed excitement.

“Renji,” the ever calm, proper voice murmured, quietly demanding in his ear, head slowly, purposefully tilting forward. “Why are you marching a rut in the floor of my office?”

At the sensual flick of warm tongue brushing heatedly against his ear, the instantly befuddled fukutaichou moaned softly, melting against the warm, loving body embracing him.

“Uhnn,” escaped his throat before he could prevent it, lingering heatedly in the air surrounding them, further inflaming both men’s already heightened passions.

Feeling the moist, hot mouth trace it’s sweet, volcanic path lower, suckling the prickly stubble on his jaw, licking, nipping his taut, straining neck, all rational thought was lost. The slow slide of damp, slippery tongue against sensitive, cool skin created an inferno of desire, racing, striving, begging to erupt.

Pushing aside the many robes that were hiding his Captains body from him, he ran his hands along the smooth, pale chest. Leaning forward, he captured the small, flat nipple in his teeth, worrying it gently, licking away the sting of his nibbles. Suckling softly, he drew a slight groan from the older man, proud that he could affect the controlled, unemotional shinigami that way.

“You still have not answered my question, Renji,” Byakuya whispered, forcefully grabbing his fukutaichou’s face with his delicate yet strong hands. Tugging none too gently, he lifted the flame haired man’s lips to his. He captured them swiftly, leaving no time for the other man to try and turn the tables, which he absolutely loved to attempt, though he never succeeded, the noble smirked slightly. Running his tongue along the seam of the tightly sealed lips, feeling them open for him, he plunged inside to taste the spicy flavor, to tease the other man, letting his tongue show Renji what he wanted to do with other parts of him.

Hearing a dry, forced cough from behind them, Renji pulled away, discreetly, quietly pulling his taichou’s robes closed, hiding that magnificent body from his eyes once more. Peering over the regal shoulder that was blocking his view, he saw none other than Rukia, grinning from ear to ear.

“What do’ya want, brat?” he growled, slipping unconsciously into his childhood slang, upset at having been interrupted for what was probably no good reason.

“I just stopped by to see why you skipped lunch with me today, Renji,” she smirked,” I can definitely see why now!”

Turning on her heel, she laughed her way out the door, kicking it closed with her foot.

“Damn her! What makes her think she has any right to come lookin fer me?!” He grumbled, embarrassed that he’d been caught like that. Only Byakuya was supposed to see him that way, weak, begging, body open for anything, everything his lover chose to bless him with.

“It’s nothing to worry over Renji. Everyone knows about us now, there’s no reason to hide,” the man behind him stated softly, firmly, not affected by his sister’s abrupt visit in the least.

Shoulders slumping apologetically, he sighed. “I know, taichou, I know. I'm sorry. It’s just not quite sunk in yet that we can act how we like now.”

He just wasn't used to the thought of not having to censor their behavior, of affection in public. It was what he had desperately longed for, hoping each day would be THE day it happened, only to be unsure how to proceed with it now.

Turning slowly, he laid his head against the soft, warm robes he had been removing only minutes before. He inhaled deeply; drawing the scent he so loved deep into his lungs, filling them to capacity with the smell of Byakuya. Spicy, musky, the aroma comforted him in ways he would never before have imagined. This was love, he firmly acknowledged, the acceptance, the freedom he was offered by his patrician lover. Looking into the beautiful eyes above him, he kissed his lover deeply, pouring forth all he felt in that single touching of lips, stroking of tongues.

When he pulled back, he saw tightly closed eyelids that were surprisingly damp in the creases. Understanding completely, Renji wrapped his arms possessively around the slightly trembling body, gently pulling Byakuya’s head down to rest on his shoulder.

“I love you Kuchiki Byakuya, more than life itself. I would fight to the death to stay by your side for all eternity,” he softly, but resolutely, promised the other man. “You don’t have to be alone anymore.”

Warm long fingers clasped the back of his robes tightly, unrelentingly, almost desperately, holding Renji, enveloping him in the warmth of their combined love for each other.

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Something was bothering his lover, Byakuya silently, worriedly admitted, looking out the open window of his bedroom to the welcoming sight of the gardens beyond. So many wonderful memories there, he mused, remembering the countless times they had lain in the protective embrace of the many branched trees. The love shared, heartfelt conversations, dark confessions, all hidden from the world. Yes, the garden was their special, private escape.

Frowning, he wondered what was upsetting Renji. He did not like to remember the last time Renji was uncertain, unhappy, the incident when he had almost lost the young shinigami, but instead found peace in proclaiming their relationship. While ending well then, there were no promises of enduring, everlasting happiness. The fates were a fickle, ofttimes cruel lot, completely unpredictable. He would take no chances, losing Renji would be the end for him. Knowing, deep in his soul that he absolutely could not go back to being alone, could not return to solitude, his resolve firmed.

This time, he would not let his questions go unanswered, he vowed. He would right all wrongs before his fukutaichou could be hurt by his captain’s casual assumption that all would be well. Only one other time in his life had Byakuya been defeated by someone he cared for, would have died for. Her name whispered softly through his mind. He had stood by and let death steal her away, without a fight, without a prayer, not bothering to protest. He did not care to let that happen again. He would not fail Renji; he would not let the other man doubt their love.

Determinedly walking out the doorway, making his way through the spacious dwelling, he went to find his lover, to force the strong, resilient Renji to accept his aide; to make the younger man understand that he didn’t have to face his troubles alone anymore.

Pausing near their office, he closed his eyes and focused on locating Renji’s reiatsu. Unable to locate him within the barriers of Soul Society he searched further outward, finally finding him in the barren, bleak fields near Rukongai, where the rough and tumble man had grown up. Flash stepping his way across the distance that separated them, he hurried to find his confused lover.

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Surprised, Renji watched as his taichou touched down elegantly, soundlessly beside him. He flicked his eyes down to the ground, unable, in his current frame of mind, to look at the beauty of the ethereal, noble man before him. He just couldn’t stop wondering what was going to happen, when it was going to happen, he knew something terrible would be happening soon, something trying to rip apart, to completely shred the happiness he had found. Never in his life had he been allowed to experience such joy, such contentment for as long as he recently had. It was always, inexplicably torn away from him, leaving him broken, desolate in its wake.

He felt the silent shinigami kneel beside him, stray strands of the sleek, silky hair dancing in the slight breeze, feathering lightly across his cheek; fine-boned, powerful hands pulling Renji forward into the warm, loving embrace. Feeling the hand that tentatively, gently massaged the taut, sinewy muscles of his neck, he felt his traitorous body begin heating, melting.

Squeezing his eyes closed, he concentrated on the fields around him, the sounds of trees blowing gently in the breeze, of the tall, lanky stalks of grass swaying, rubbing against one another; anything to distract himself from the heady feel of Byakuya touching, kneading him. Breathing deeply, he waited patiently, knowing his taichou would speak when ready.

“Renji, beautiful one, tell me what is bothering you,” Byakuya soothingly whispered in his ear. “Understand that you are no longer alone; accept that I am here to help you through whatever plagues you. Confide in me Renji, trust in me.”

Squeezing his eyes against the moisture all too easily appearing there, he threaded his fingers through the silken, black strands hanging down his captain’s back.

“I-I don’t know h-how to explain it to you,” he mumbled dejectedly into the soft robes pressed firmly against his face.

He felt the strong fingers stroking his hair, comforting him. This was love, his faith reaffirmed. Byakuya was quietly, indulgently giving him the time he needed to formulate his response.

“Everything good that’s ever happened to me has been stolen away, forced from me. You’re the best thing I can ever remember having in my life, Byakuya. It’s scary to think what the fates will do now. It’s never failed. The happier I am, the higher the rise, the worse the fall, and I’ve never been as high as I am now. I feel the clouds are mine for the taking, the moon, the stars, the very heavens. Plummeting from that height, I-I don't know if I would survive it. Do you understand?” he questioned, breathing deeply, comforting himself with his taichou’s scent.


He heard his captain stop, seemingly debating his words.


Another pause, he waited anxiously to hear what Byakuya had to say, warmed immeasurably by the endearment from his aristocratic beau.

“I will let nothing separate us, please believe that. Perhaps you have never had anything good, as you say, fight to stay with you. If you were the only one battling, it would be harder to keep from losing. I am fighting by your side now, nothing will tear us apart.”

The faint, firmly spoken words caressed Renji, like a balm easing the tormented ache in his heart. He had unconditional, unwavering faith in his Captain. All would be well. It felt odd to know, to accept deep in the recesses of his heart, that everything would turn out right. It was a feeling he had no experience with and didn’t know how to handle. Pressing his face even tighter against Byakuya, he let all the confusion, all the relief, all the hope recognized and faith secured pour from his body with deep, wrenching sobs. Eyes leaking the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume him. All would be well, he knew that now.

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Byakuya held his weeping lover until the sobs receded, whispering soothing, consoling words of tenderness in his beloved's ear.

He really had no clue how he had survived, thrived for so long in the emotionally barren wasteland he had existed in before. He would be ever grateful that his vice captain had seen something, anything in him worth rescuing, worth keeping. Tilting the shiny, red rimmed eyes up to look into his, he teased the younger man with petal soft kisses, tenderly, lovingly on his damp cheeks, his strong nose, his moist, pliant lips. Pressing harder, he plunged his tongue into Renji’s mouth, sliding their tongues together, tasting him deeply, suckling, mating.

Pulling back slightly, he nibbled his way, teeth scraping, lips nipping down the tanned, taut neck, alternately soothing him with kisses and inflaming him, biting him. He pushed aside the light, airy robes blocking his progression, hiding his prize. Chafing the sensitive, flat nipples with his teeth, he heard a long, deep moan flow forth from his lover’s throat. Feeling Renji’s hands tugging his hair almost painfully, he bit down on the muscled, hard stomach he was busily caressing, causing the slender hips to flex involuntarily, feeling his lover’s erection swell, harden, press desperately, rhythmically into Byakuya’s chest.

Mouth watering in anticipation, he licked a trail down his lover’s groin, sampling the salty flesh, pulling lightly on the curls residing there, enjoying the resulting jerks of his lover’s hips yet again.

Moving his mouth down tanned, muscular thighs, he tauntingly brushed black, silky hair across his lover’s already painfully hard length, smiling at the moans bursting loudly forth, at the panting gasps. Grasping Renji’s knees with trembling hands, he pulled them apart forcefully, aggressively licking the insides of his thighs, slowly working his way higher, slower still, the flame burning hotter. Stroking softly, ever so slowly, licking a fiery trail, Byakuya finally reached his reward. Overflowing with all the love he felt for the beautiful flame-haired man writhing in his arms, he lightly licked the sac hanging before him, slowly sucking first one mound, then the other into his mouth to savor, to taste, to tease. Skimming his finger lightly around the tip of Renji’s throbbing, pulsating erection, he dampened it, gliding back down, he dipped slender, shaking fingers into his lover’s cleft, slipping, sliding back and forth, brushing softly, teasingly against the spot that had his fukutaichou bucking erratically, jerkily against him, begging in desperate, hushed tones, pleading for relief, for release.

Suckling, nibbling his way up the underside of Renji’s straining member, he lightly ghosted his finger in circles around the edges of the puckered, tempting opening, smiling faintly at hearing his vice captain frustrated moans.

Looking up he saw the younger man tossing, flinging his head from side to side, eyes squeezed tightly shut, mouth tense, striving, hoping, longing for release.

Watching him intently, Byakuya ran his tongue over the head, the heart of Renji’s ache. Opening his mouth, sliding all of him in at once, in the same instant his finger plunged home, sinking inside his lover, tormenting him with what was to come. He saw Renji’s throat work as the pleasure filled scream emerged.

Pulling his head upward, slowly, lightly circling the weeping tip before plunging back down, he pressed his finger upward, searching, seeking that magic spot, that mind-blowing, breath-stealing spot. Locating it, he stroked rhythmically, steadily, in time to the now swift bobbing of his head, watching as Renji fought for his release, pressed closer, higher. Without altering the rhythm of their sensual dance, he pressed a second finger into the snug, straining opening, brushing, pressing against that wonderful button more forcefully, immediately feeling Renji stiffen, tighten in his arms, shaking violently with the intense force of his climax, tightening almost painfully, beautifully around Byakuya’s fingers.

Feeling the hot, slightly bitter cream pouring, spurting into his throat, he swallowed every drop, milking Renji softly, slowly, languidly stroking with his fingers, nursing the younger man until certain he could take no more.

Slipping his fingers free from the now lax form, he crawled slowly up the trembling body. Pressing his lips tightly against his lover’s, he flipped onto his back, dragging Renji atop him, laying his chin on the soft, vibrant hair. Still hard with need, Byakuya decided that he could wait; this was not the time for him. He felt his vice captain snuggle deeply, contentedly into his robes, sighing happily.

This was love, he knew, as he’d never experienced it before.

A/N: Please Read And Review! Seriously new at lemony stuff, criticism welcome!