Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Minutes to Midnight ❯ Soundproofing ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Soundproofing
Pairings/Characters: Gin/Ichigo, Tousen/Justice, Aizen, Urahara
Rating: T
Warning: Implied Yaoi, Probably just a little crack
Words: 1,379
Description: Sometimes it's hard to sleep.
Ichigo bolted awake with all the readiness for battle, his fingers automatically reaching for Zangetsu on complete instinct. His body was poised to spring into action, the loud cry crawling up his spine and igniting his warrior senses.
“What the--”
The form on the bed behind him stirred, warm fingers wrapping around his arm and halting his movement. “S'just Kana-chan,” Gin murmured sleepily, nuzzling his mouth against the back of Ichigo's neck.
Ichigo stilled, his eyes widening as he stopped stretching for Zangetsu and looked over his shoulder. “What do you mean 'It's just Tousen?'” he asked, worry entering his belly. Perhaps it was better if he didn't know.
Amber red eyes slitted open, a bare glimpse showing through as Gin looked at him. “It's Kana-chan,” Gin explained with an amused tone. “Who's a guy... and all alone...”
The younger man's jaw dropped as a bright flush spread across his cheeks. “Please tell me his last girlfriend was named Justice.”
Gin smiled broadly as he slid his fingers across Ichigo's bare skin, causing his flesh to goosepimple. “Nope,” he chirped.
Ichigo groaned, feeling the sudden urge to bury his head under the pillow, even if Gin's warmth next to him was rather inspiring. Just the thought of that voice and what it implied... He didn't know if he could ever sleep again.
His lover moved closer, their skin pressing together. “You know what Ul-chan says when he touches himself, don't you?” Gin asked, always amused by Ichigo's prudish behavior. He couldn't help but tease the boy, finding that blush so endearing.
“Oh, kami,” Ichigo moaned in despair, trying to push out the images. “I try not to. But probably along the same lines as what the geta-boushi says.”
Gin's smile widened. “What? Aizen-sama?” he proposed, going along with the teasing. “Ki-chan's more like 'Oh, Sou-kun,'” he imitated in a breathless voice, tongue sneaking out and licking the back of Ichigo's neck directly behind his ear.
“Stop, stop,” Ichigo pleaded, even as another shiver spread down his spine. He unconsciously edged towards Gin. “I don't want to think about it.”
“Stop?” Gin questioned, fingers moving across Ichigo's arm and down to his back, brushing across the tanned skin. “Are you sure?”
Ichigo pretend-kicked at his lover, causing Gin to chuckle. “You know what I'm talking about,” he said shortly, sighing in fake exhaustion as the color in his cheeks deepened.
Just then, another low moan echoed from behind the wall. “Justice.”
“Dammit!” Ichigo cursed, feeling the urge to destroy his ear drums. “Again?” Perhaps it was better if he just slept outside. He liked sand, sort of.
Gin couldn't help but snicker, definitely amused by his lover's reaction. “What can I say? He's got great stamina.”
Rolling over, Ichigo glared at the older man. “That's not funny,” he said shortly, trying and failing to look indignant.
“Ne, Ichigo?”
“What?” The teenager sounded vaguely pained, as if he were on the verge of racing to the bathroom and losing last night's delicious dinner.
A palm settled on his belly, pressing him against the mattress as Gin leaned over him, swallowing his indignation with an open-mouthed kiss. Ichigo eagerly responded, tangling his tongue with Gin's and enjoying his lover's subtle taste. He momentarily forgot about the unsettling noises, his own hand curling around Gin's back.
The kiss ended, far too short for Ichigo's liking. He licked his lips, looking up into slitted red eyes.
Gin smiled before dropping his mouth to nibble on Ichigo's throat. He spoke into Ichigo's ear, a warm puff of air.
“Wanna bet we can be louder?”
Ichigo, for his part, blushed furiously but wholeheartedly agreed.
- - -
The lord and master of Hueco Mundo could not sleep.
It wasn't that he suffered from insomnia or anything of the like. He had managed to get to sleep earlier just fine and with no trouble at all. No, the problem rested in getting back to sleep after waking from a few... unwanted noises. In the time he'd been in his fortress, perfecting it and such, he'd grown used to Kaname's late-night proclamations of love and utter devotion to Justice.
In fact, he was so used to it that his subconscious mind no longer registered it as a threat and easily blocked it out. Such shouts no longer woke him anymore, and he rarely, if ever, remembered them.
However, these noises weren't just Kaname. Across the hall, he could make out several sounds that he, as a fatherly figure, would have rather he never heard at all. Ever. He could only assume that Gin had somehow goaded Ichigo into having a volume contest with Kaname. Honestly, they weren't normally this loud.
And he still could not sleep.
It was beginning to be quite the problem.
Just as he considered getting out of bed, walking across the cold floor in his bare feet, and banging on Gin's door in order to ask them to 'please, keep it down because Aizen-sama requires sleep,' he heard his door creak open slowly. Sousuke's defenses instantly went on alert, and his entire body tensed. He feigned sleep, wondering which of his Arrancar thought to attempt an assassination in his sleep.
He listened for the sound of feet padding across the floor. There were three... then four steps... and then suddenly the mattress dipped down behind him. Ah, a brave one. He waited patiently, still feigning sleep.
The perpetrator lifted the covers, crawled beneath, and then slid close to him until a very familiar scent wafted Aizen's direction. He felt the warmth of another body and gave an audible sigh. Not an assassin but just as annoying. He couldn't decide which he would prefer.
“You have your own room and your own bed,” Sousuke reminded his newly arrived bedmate tersely, refusing to turn and acknowledge him.
“I just want to cuddle,” Kisuke inserted innocently. In the faint light, Aizen could just barely make out the shadow of that damn hat sitting on his unwanted bedmate's head.
He was going to burn it one day; he swore to it.
Across the hall, more noises echoed. Somebody cursed, though it was a happy and pleasure-filled curse. Another cry of “Justice” filled the air.
Sousuke twitched.
“Gets noisy at night,” Kisuke commented with a hum. The bed creaked as he shifted around to make himself comfortable, obviously not planning to leave anytime soon.
Aizen groaned helplessly. “In the morning, I'm soundproofing the rooms,” he declared. Kisuke inched nearer and then fingers were running through Sousuke's hair, tousling bed-tossed locks. “And putting a lock on my door.”
“Oh, I know you don't mean that, Sou-kun,” Kisuke teased with a defining nod, inching ever closer. Really, there was hardly any space between them.
Somehow, his king sized bed just wasn't large enough.
“According to them, you call me Aizen-sama,” he responded with a smirk, thinking of a snippet of the conversation he had managed to overhear.
Kisuke chuckled. “I'll call you anything you want.” Fingers dropped from his hair to trace Sousuke's lips, over and over.
Aizen resisted the urge to bite the damn finger off. It would be bloody, after all, and he didn't want to clean at three in the damn morning.
“I think somebody's lonely.”
“How can I be?” Sousuke demanded, doing his utmost best to ignore the other presence in his room and the increasingly louder voices. “I'm never alone.”
One leg, bare he belatedly realized, slid against his, also bare since he preferred to sleep that way.
“I know,” Kisuke responded merrily, a glint of mischief in his tone. “I'll never leave you alone.”
Sousuke sighed and simply let Kisuke do as he wanted. He had learned long ago that it was better that way. And if he didn't encourage, eventually Kisuke would stop on his own. Usually. Sometimes. When he felt like it. Really, it was all up to the shopkeeper's moods.
Another cry rose up from across the hall.
“Hmm, sounds like Ichigo-kun is having a really good night,” Kisuke hummed in Aizen's ear, finger tracing along Sousuke's throat. “Though I could have done without Kana-chan's input.”
Sousuke nearly choked and idly wondered if Ulquiorra would mind a bed companion for the night.
Just this once.
- - - - -