Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Identity ❯ first date??? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

First Date???
DISCLAIMER: STILL K.T. `s, not mine
This is just the unedited version. Promise to edit it once I get back.
This will have to do for now since I won't be able to write for a while.
Just needed to write this down. I posted it for your comments and reviews.
Promise to edit it when I get back.
Pray for me and wish me luck on my exam!
As she stepped out from the vines, took two steps,
Rukia was suddenly grabbed from behind and her right arm was now being held, twisted in her back by her unknown attacker. For a moment she was too stunned to react. She was being pinned from behind and her attacker surely has the advantage over her.
“Well hello again midget” her attacker nastily said.
That voice… I know that voice she thought. Finally remembering she started to struggle.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you midget.” This time he held both her arms in a vice grip. “You wouldn't want me to accidentally break your arms now would you? He tauntingly said.
“What do you want, freak?” she asked as she lay still. But her mind was already racing with different ideas on how to reverse the situation.
“Revenge midget, unadulterated revenge. Do you know what you did? Because of you I am now the laughing stock of this whole town.”
“Oh? I believe you can accomplish that quite well even without me, freak!” She then stomped on his foot hard,
Ichigo who was caught by surprise momentarily loosened his grip on her arms. The moment he did she lunged her body sideways and backwards connecting her shoulder to his chest.
Sending Ichigo straight to the ground, totally reversing their previous situation. Rukia was now half sprawled over Ichigo, her hand at his neck in a threatening angle, her right knee over his left arm, impaling it to the ground, her other hand holding his right arm above his head, her face only inches above his. He knew that in one move she could totally be able to cut off all his oxygen supply. Oh yeah, she could and by the looks of her she would.
For the second time, he was once again outsmarted by this puny girl. WTF?!
“You were saying, baka?”
He was about to push her off him when he unintentionally looked into her eyes, which was at the time were sending daggers his way, and he just looked. Or more accurately, gawked. She has one of the most extraordinary beautiful turquoise eyes. And it was actually changing depth almost indigo now that she was royally pissed off.
Whoa! He blinked. What the hell was he thinking? That fall must have surely affected my brain. I am not thinking straight. Damn! She does move fast. For such a small body she is quite strong. Shit! How am I ever going to live this one down? How the hell did she do it, again? Why am I again sprawled on the ground with her above me and securely pinning me to the ground?
“You sure look cozy down there Ichigo.” Ishida said as he stepped down from one of the trees.
Rukia didn't notice Ishida and Chad standing in the periphery. She was still pretty much annoyed at Ichigo for what he tried to do earlier and wasn't about to let him go. Hmm, should I leave a scar? A skin prick perhaps? Or should I just strangle him till he turns blue?
“Oi! Get a room you two! I didn't know you here so hot for each other. It's quite disgusting to see both of you going at it!” Ishida shouted at the two who were still pretty much staring each other to death, no one admitting defeat.
As Ishida's message got through both of them
“Whaaa…” Ichigo said as he struggled out of her grip and tried to topple her off him.
“Whaaa…” She hastily tried to get off him and get as far away as possible.
Both ended up with hands and limbs intertwined and both hopelessly on the ground Rukia on top of Ichigo, her elbows supporting her so her face would not touch his.
Now her eyes were wide with surprise and the color is now somewhere between indigo and amethyst. Never had she thought she would be in a situation like this. Her shock at her present predicament can be clearly read in her eyes. Really nice eyes, he thought. And once again he ended up staring at her, 1, 2, 3…, she quickly scrambled up and distanced herself from him, and he felt his world to return to normal.
“Are you ok my lady?” Ishida inquired as he stood closer to her.” I am quite sorry for what Ichigo did earlier. You see he was quite humiliated at the pub last night when…”
Toink! A stone landed in Ishida's head. “Oww!”
“Shut up Ishida!” Ichigo growled out. He was still thinking as to what had overcome him when he got sucked into the blue swirls of her eyes when he heard his friend recounting his humiliation at the pub.
“Baka!” she said once again to Ichigo. “What do I have to do with it anyway? I wasn't even there. Don't blame your stupidity on me moron!”
“Why you!!!!” Ichigo was about to lunge at Rukia but was blocked by Chad's arm across his chest. “Lemme have her…lemme have her!”
“beeeee….” Rukia said sticking out her tongue at him.
Another point against Ichigo, another score for Rukia.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -
“I told you to leave me alone! Are you deaf or something?” She said exasperatedly. They were already in the market place and the `freak', as she wanted to call him, is still following her around.
“Hey watch it midget! It's not like I wanted to be with you. I didn't have a choice in this so just shut up!” He said grudgingly.
Why are these things happening to him? Kami, why? Damn Ishida for making him do this. He never thought that Ishida would be so low as to resort to blackmail.
“It's just because Ishida threatened to tell my father of everything, that I'm doing this. So do yourself a favor and stop whining.”
“Ah, so you're telling me that you're not just a wimp but also a `papa's boy'? She said tauntingly.
Closing his eyes momentarily, he took a deep breath trying to control his temper. I do not hit girls. The mantra kept on running through his brain. But it's just so hard. Why is it that this tiny being of a girl, if one could call her a girl, can easily get into his skin?
Eyes glinting dangerously, he said very slowly “ I am not a papa's boy!”
“Eh? So what do you call a grown guy who actually trembles at the mention of his father? Who would actually be forced to do something he doesn't like in fear that `daddy' would know what he is up to? I'd still say that's a ninny of a papa's boy.”
“I am not! And don't you dare call me that again! If you only now my father, you'd understand why I don't want him to know what happened at the pub last night. He'd get all idiotic and deadly.”
They were now walking side by side.
“So what exactly happened at the pub?” she suddenly asked quietly.
“Well you see Rangiku left me coz she heard I was beaten by a girl and tha…” gulp, He didn't just say that right?
Oh man! He is now definitely screwed!
“A girl left you coz she found out that you lost to me?” she said still laughing out loud.
“….” He honestly don't know what to say. Why had he just blurted it out? He knew Ishida knowing about it is bad. But her knowing, now that's a disaster.
“Just shut up!” he quickly took her hands in his to pull her into the middle of the market.
It was the action and not the words that made her do exactly as he said. She shut up. He wasn't just holding her hand, his fingers were intertwined with his. Clasping her hand firmly.
What is this I'm feeling? She asked herself. His hands were big and callused but it seems that her hands fit perfectly well with his. And there was a certain warmth that she can't identify. Oh Kami, he is holding my hand.
He noticed that she had truly shut up. Good he thought as he continued to guide her into the market place, pulling her to him with his hand. What the…she's not fighting back? He looked back at her and saw her looking somewhere in his hand. Following her gaze he saw what she was staring at.
His big gruff hands were intimately intertwined with hers. He never meant for that to happen. He just wanted to pull her along. Then their eyes met.
Both face flushed, hearts beating fast, they quickly let go of each others hands.
“Uh, we're here.” Ichigo said looking around, one hand scratching his head.
“…oh…yeah…” she said weakly.
“Look just go and buy whatever it is you want to buy and lets head back. Ishida and Chad are waiting.” They have been going in and out of shops and from one stall to another and the midget still hasn't bought anything.
“Oh just shut up! I still haven't found what I want to buy.”
“And stop harassing the vendors!”
“I was not harassing the vendors! I was just haggling for the price!
“Yeah right! Tell me does haggling usually end with the vendors crying and begging me to take you somewhere or someplace away from them?”
“But that's how I see people do it. You mean they don't cry when other people haggle with them? Man! There must be something wrong with those vendors. Seriously!”
ARGH! What is wrong with this girl anyway? Knowing that she wouldn't listen to any of his explanations.
“Come here” he said while grabbing her wrist and bringing (or pulling) her to the nearest stall. “This is how you do it”
“Oi, how much for this plushie?” Ichigo said to the vendor indicating a white plushie with long fluffy bunny ears.
Rukia stopped listening. She was already looking at the plushie Ichigo was trying to buy. It was chappy! Her absolute favorite chappy!
Moments later “See, that is how you haggle for a price.” Ichigo said. But she didn't even hear him, she just jumped at him to get the plushie he was holding.
“Chappy!” she said.
Oh man! She surely is deranged as his dad!
“Hey Ichigo, I'm hungry.” She said without preamble moments later.
This is surely getting worse he thought. What he agreed to was for him to accompany her to the market. He did not agree to spend money on her for a stupid plushie (which she was now hugging in her chest) nor did he agree to spend money for her food! But come to think of it, he is also hungry. Oh well…
“Come on, I know a place where we can eat.” He said.
He brought her to a stall where the smell of frying wafted in the air.
“So what do you want” he casually asked.
“huh?” She has no idea what he is talking about.
Seeing her blank look. “Don't tell me you don't know what these are?” He pointed at the rows of colorfull balls on the stall's stand.
“From what frigging hole did you come from anyway? Never mind. Just give us a little bit of something you have” he told the vendor.
He gave her a tray full of those colorful balls and handed her a stick. “here” he said “you eat it like this. He skewered one of those into his stick and popped it in his mouth.
Rukia did as he had shown her. And ate one of those white balls. He almost laughed at her expression. She looked so surprised! He never thought he'd see a person alive who doesn't know what a squid ball /fish ball/kikiam/chicken ball and crab stick is!
“Mmmmm…” she said. And gobbled it all up.
She is really something else Ichigo thought. She even had third servings! She could eat like a horse.
Then she did something he totally did not expect. She went up to the vendor and asked. “Do you have red bean paste? Yes? Then could you give me a bit of everything also and then roll it on red bean paste and then put it in a rice bun and then also pack some wasabe for the dip? Put it in a box please.”
Ichigo didn't know who was more surprised him or the vendor.
“What the…”
But Rukia interrupted him and said. “It's not for me, it's for my friend.”
“And your friend just have this terrible taste in food?”
“Well you could say that.”
She was now feeling the effect of doing too much in one day. She was tired. And the big box of food she ordered for Inoue was not helping matters up. It was heavy and her arms felt like it was going to fall anytime.
“Let me have that” Ichigo said as he took the box from her. He adjusted his sword and then knelt down in front of her his back facing her. “Hop on. I'm going to carry you”
She really didn't want too. But her body now has a will of it's own and found herself leaning on his back her arms wrapping around his neck. It feels good to rest her head in his back. She felt secure and safe.
He heard her sigh as he felt her snuggle closer to him. He smiled to himself. Somehow it felt right that she was there on his back. He didn't know why he offered to carry her. She was annoying as hell and she was also quite dangerous, well to his physical wellbeing at least. But he just can't stand and do nothing while she almost fell asleep on the road. I'm just a gentleman he told himself. Yep, that's what I am a gentleman. He repeatedly said in his brain. But somehow there is still this little voice in his head telling him otherwise. Nah, I'm just a gentleman.
She really is something else he thought again as he headed back towards where Ishida and Chad are waiting
Thanks so much for the previous reviews.
Really appreciate it.
Promise to polish and edit this chap when I get back.
Don't forget your reviews!