Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mistletoe ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1
Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya woke up to another long day of paperwork and putting up with his assistant captain, Rangiku Matsumoto, extreme laziness.
“I'll probably end up doing her share of paperwork-again.” He sighed as he got up and put on his captains robes.
Stepping out into the fresh morning air, he inhaled deeply; breathing in the scent of early morning going on's in the Soul Society. As he made his way to that morning captains meeting, he heard someone familiar footsteps fall into a matching rhythm beside his.
“Good morning Shiro-kun!” Momo Hinimori sang out brightly. “I wish you wouldn't call me that. Why can't you call me Captain like everyone else?” Toshiro sighed, exasperated. They had the same conversation almost everyday. But no matter how hard he tried, she just wouldn't call him Captain, and instead insisted on calling him `Shiro-kun'. It was humiliating.
“Because silly, we're to close of friends for me to do that. And besides, don't you like you nickname?”
“No, I don't. So would you please stop calling me that?”
“No way Shiro-kun.” She beamed. “It wouldn't be the same.” And on that note, she turned right and went into her office.
Toshiro grumbled to himself all the way through the meeting and then back to his office. When he arrived, he spotted Rangiku, who was asleep on his couch with a bottle of sake in her right hand.
“Rangiku! Wake up! Do your damn paperwork and stop sleeping” he shouted at her.
“Ahhhhh! Jeeze Hitugaya, don't scare me like that. I almost dropped my sake.” Rangiku nervously checked to make sure she still had some left in this bottle.
“And stop drinking at work.” He continued ignoring her “You don't need to be any slower then you already are.”
“My my, someone sure is in a bad mood today.” She noted as she pulled the nearest stack of paper towards her and set to work. “What's got you so pissed off this early in the morning?”
“You and your laziness. Now do that God dammed paperwork!” he snapped at her.
She continued anyway. “No, I don't think it's me this time. Was it Momo? I know she knows how to piss you off. Hmmmm.” Toshiro moved onto the next stack of paper as she tried to figure out his bad mood for today. She really had been spot on, but he would never tell her she was right.
`Let her figure it out herself.' He thought.
Stopping briefly only once to get himself a cup of tea, Toshiro ended up working well into the night. Sighing, he put down his pen and let his head fall into his hands. He had a pounding headache from lack of food. This was because he had been trying to even make a dent in all the work he had waiting, so he had decided to skip out on dinner in order to do so.
Trying to think of a place that would still be open this late, he lost himself in thought. He had completely forgotten he was in his office until he heard Momo enter his office, laden down with a tray of food that she had been carrying.
“Momo? What are you doing here?” his voice colored with surprise.
“Well I thought you might be hungry. Because you weren't at dinner and all.” She said, the smallest trace of a blush dusting her cheekbones.
“Um, thanks. But you really didn't have to do this. I could've managed.” He said as he took a rice ball from the tray.
“Oh it was nothing. I knew that you would probably be working late, because we all know how much Rangiku loves to help with all this paperwork.” she laughed and smiled as she said this.
“Wow, I'd almost forgotten how well you know me. It's kind of scary.” Toshiro laughed. “But you have always been perceptive. That's one of your best qualities.” He said as he finished the first rice ball and reached for some miso soup. The bowl was still warm, and the soup felt good on his nearly empty stomache.
“So Shiro-kun, how have you been? I feel like we never see each other anymore.”
“Well, I've been busy with paperwork, and I have to do double since Rangiku's so damn lazy.” At this she laughed a small girlish sound that startled him.
“What's so funny?” he demanded
“Oh, it's nothing; I guess it's just not that I'm not that surprised. It's not that funny, I don't even know why I laughed.” Another light blush spread across her cheeks.
A few hours later, he was still up, watching Momo sleep on his couch. She had been so tired that the rice ball she had been eating, had suddenly dropped to her and then her body had gone limp, her breathing turning into a steady rhythm. Deciding not to wake her, he pulled the blanket, which was lying across the top of his couch, over her, picked up the rice ball and began to watch.
He was now sitting at his desk, cup of tea in hand as he moved his eyes from her to look out his window.
`The sun will be up soon.' He thought as he got up from his desk deciding that he should get at least a couple hours of sleep before he had to start his day.
When he woke up later that morning, he went straight to his office to check on Momo. Upon arriving he saw that the tray of food was gone and that the blanket had been put back where it belonged. Sitting down at his desk, he saw that she had left him a note.
Dear Shiro-kun,
It read
I'm sorry that I fell asleep during our conversation last night. It won't happen again. Thanks for letting me sleep on your couch.
“Even when she writes she refuses to show me any respect.” He said aloud to himself.
A couple of minutes later, his assistant walked in yawning hugely.
“Morning Captain. What's on the agenda for today?”
“All the paperwork you didn't finish. So try to at least get some of it done. Then it won't pile up so much.” He said eyeing her.
“Yeah, sure Boss.”
The two began their work in a peaceful silence for the first couple of minutes, and then Rangiku shattered it with more of her annoying questions.
“So,” she began slowly “I saw Momo leaving your office this morning. Is their something I should know about?” she smiled hugely at him when she finished.
“That is none of your business.” He said not looking up from his paper while he answered.
“Ohhh. So something did happen. Tell me, I want all the details.”
“I already told you noth-” but a knock on the door interrupted his defense. “Come in.”
The door opened revealing Momo. Rangiku smiled so big it looked as if her face was about to split in two. Toshiro's face, however, remained perfectly calm.
“Hi Rangiku! Hi Shiro-kun! I just came by to say thanks for last night. It was fun and we should do it more often.” She smiled the whole time she said this.
“Uhhhhh, sure. Anytime?” he said unsure how to reply to that.
“Okay, well I should go and do my work now. I just wanted to say thanks.” Smiling she shut the door leaving him and Rangiku alone.
“I knew it!” she jumped up causing her massive chest to bounce “Something is totally going between the two of you.”
“No theirs not. Now sit down, shut up, and do your work.” But he smiled in spite of himself. `Yes.' He agreed inwardly `We will have to do that again.
A/N: review please! Tell me what needs to be changed and what you liked