Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mordfabrick Songfic ❯ Mordfabrick Songfic ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Notes: I don't own nor make any claims/profits on the characters of Bleach. Rights to the characters remain with their creators. The song used is called Mordfabrik and is by the band Suicide Commando. All rights for the song remain with them.
Additional Notes: Mordfabrik is German for murder factory. For those curious, this takes place during episode 82.
Much love goes to my beta on this. You rock, girl.
Mordfabrik Songfic
Start the attack
The Bount facing me spoke words in a language I didn't know as he held up a fist-sized ball of metal. He finished speaking, and the ball hovered above his hand, a weird symbol glowing on it before it started bubbling and growing until it looked like some kinda spider-bug-woman. The voice of the thing grated on my ears, I wanted to kill it just because it was so annoying. The Bount commanded the thing he called Daruku, to attack, and it seemed more than happy to do what it was told. The fucking thing laughed like it was thrilled to try to kill me.
I swore softly. Another one of those fucking Dolls. That was fine. I'd dealt with them before, and I could deal with them again. They were a pain in the ass, but I was sure they could be killed. Everything died, eventually. I hefted my sword and gave the Doll my best `gonna fuck you up' sneer as I put myself between it and Keigo.
The Doll laughed at me, and that pissed me off so bad I swear I coulda ripped her grinning head off with my bare hands. The only thing that kept me from doing that was the hail of metal it fired off. The damned thing was fast. I narrowed my eyes at it.
I was gonna kill the bug-bitch.
The evil lurks on your back
The Doll was relentless in its attack. I was pushing myself as hard as I could, but it didn't seem to make much difference. The fucking thing was too fast, making me really work to protect Keigo from attacks and keep my own ass in one piece.
“You need me, Ichigo. Come on, don't be such a wuss. You're wasting energy protecting a guy who's almost dead. Let me out. You can't beat it. You don't have the balls. I do. Come on; let me play with the bug-bitch. I'll fuck her up better than you ever could.”
I grit my teeth and ignored the voice. I didn't need fighting advice from an evil fucking Hollow lurking in the back of my head. I didn't need shit from him. I could do this by myself. The Doll continued its attacks. Didn't the fucking thing ever get tired? I swatted the latest round of metal missiles away and stood, panting, trying to ignore the trickle of blood that dripped down the side of my face. I had to figure out how to defeat this thing. There had to be a way. There always was.
“Of course there is. My way. I got power to burn and you know it. Come on, Ichigo. Give it up and let me out. What, you chicken or something? Think that once you let me out you won't be able to stuff me back inside? Think that maybe you won't want to shove me back into your head? Shirosaki's laughter pissed me off just as bad as the bug-bitch's cackling. How the hell could something that annoying live inside my head?
“Shut the hell up,” I hissed under my breath. I didn't need that evil fucker distracting me, or I really was gonna get my ass kicked.
I leaned over Keigo to tell him I'd save him only to have him tell me to get out of there. I snorted. Like I was gonna leave a friend to die. Not gonna happen. The asshole with the Doll reminded me that if Keigo could see me in Shinigami form, it was pointless to try to do anything for him. The Bount said Keigo was beyond help.
Fuck that. I promised Keigo I'd save him even if I didn't think he heard me.
My reiatsu built until it almost hurt to hold it back. I cut loose with Getsuga Tenshou, slicing the bug-bitch in half and knocked her off the wall she'd been crouched on. The wall crumbled on top of the damned metal spider and the Bount who controlled her, burying them both under concrete and steel. I smirked.
Who's laughing now, asshole?
It's like a rope around your neck
I turned back to check on Keigo and heard something heavy shift behind me. I whipped around just in time to get my sword up. The Doll shot metal strands out that caught my sword and held it no matter how hard I yanked on it. The Doll and Bount shoved hunks of concrete and steel beams aside like it was nothing and faced me again. This was so not happening.
What the fuck was it gonna take to kill the gods damned Doll and the Bount if Getsuga Tenshou and a wall falling on them wouldn't? More metal strands wrapped around me. I felt like I had a rope around my neck and struggled against the bonds. I was going to be severely screwed if I couldn't get out of these… whatever the hell they were.
The flash of light out of nowhere was surprising, but I was suddenly free so I didn't bitch. Ririn wanted me to ditch the fight, and Keigo, while the illusion she created held. I couldn't do that. I told Keigo I'd protect him and, even if he'd been barely conscious, a promise was a promise. And I was getting pretty pissed off by the way that damned Doll was kicking my ass.
I wanted it dead so bad I could almost taste it.
Let's hang him higher and higher
Metal strands shot out of the Doll again. This time, they formed a web around my body. Ririn tried to come to me, but the Doll's metal web almost speared her and she backed off. I gripped the hilt of my sword tighter and let another burst of energy fly at the bug-bitch. It kinda worked a little the first time so, what the hell? I didn't exactly have a better battle plan at the moment. Or any battle plan really. More like keep swinging my sword until I eventually cut the Doll to pieces. I sure as shit wasn't expecting my sword to get snagged in the metal strands.
Fuck. Me.
“Some other time maybe,” Shirosaki said in a sly voice. “I got a plan. You gotta let me out first though. Come on, Ichigo. You're getting your ass kicked by a giant bug chick. That's fucking embarrassing. Let. Me. Out.”
“Piss off,” I hissed between grunts of pain as the Doll was hanging me higher and higher in her web with every whip-like strike she was laying on me. Each hit was opening a deep cut, and I'd lost enough blood so that my world was starting to go black around the edges. My sword dropped from nerveless fingers and darkness rushed towards me.
My last thought before my eyes closed and the blackness sucked me under was that I was so very screwed.
Feel no remorse
A smirk twitched the corners of my mouth. Freedom always tasted the sweetest with the first breath. It was even better if that first breath was taken in the middle of a fight. The Doll picked my sword up and rushed at me, ready to run me through with it. I watched it with narrowed eyes as it came closer, waiting for just the right moment to make my move. At the last second, I grabbed the blade and heaved the Doll over my head. The Doll went flying with a surprised squawk, and I gave a sharp laugh. How dare the bug-bitch touch my sword and think it could get away with that?
The sword was mine and nobody touched my shit without permission.
I snapped my head up and spun my sword by the trailing end of cloth. Hot damn, but it was good to be free. I couldn't help the maniacal laugh that left me. Once that weakling Ichigo had all the fight knocked out of him, he couldn't stop me from taking over. Not if he wanted to stay alive and scrap it out another day. Did I feel remorse about almost letting him die for real?
A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do after all.
This is the only resource
Besides, this was my only resource to get the prissy bastard to let enough of his control go so I could be free. All's fair in love and war, baby. And now that I was in control, it was time to have a little bit of fun. I coulda killed myself laughing when that Doll asked if I thought I could still fight. Ichigo was the one who was a whipped puppy.
I was fresh as a rabid pit bull.
It's like a devilish force
The Doll taunted me so I charged. The thing was pathetically slow compared to me when I unloaded. Ichigo was such a burden. A total pain in the ass. He could have brought this whole fight to an end so much earlier if he'd just let me out to play when I first asked. I'd even been kinda polite about it, too.
I shoved my sword into the Doll's body, and ran with it stuck like a bug on a pin across the ground. We left deep gouges in the earth from the brute force I used to move it. The stupid thing didn't even realize it'd already lost. It just stared at me in surprise. I don't think it could wrap whatever passed for its brain around the idea that there was the fight with Ichigo where it kicked ass and took names, and then, there was the fight with me. Those were two totally different things. I was gonna kill it, and laughed again at the thought.
Wouldn't that just roast Ichigo's nuts?
I jerked my sword up and sliced the bug-bitch in half. Shock appeared on the Doll's face before it separated into hundreds of small metal balls and disappeared. It really didn't think I could hurt it. Once I got rocking, I was like a devilish force to be reckoned with. Another laugh sounded from me. Damn, but it felt so fucking good to be free from Ichigo's control. Felt good to kill the Doll, too when Ichigo hadn't been able to do it. I laughed and wondered what else there was to slaughter. The Bount was still hanging around. He seemed like a good target.
It's taking over me
My laughter was abruptly cut off. Ichigo was struggling to rise back to the surface when I was just starting to have fun. I could feel him fighting me for control of his body. The danger of him really dying was past so he was trying to take over again. He was such a god damn pain.
“Fuck off. You had your chance. I beat the bug-bitch when you couldn't. I win. Stay down, Ichigo. I'm stronger.”
“You can only get free when I'm unconscious. That doesn't make you stronger. Go the fuck back where you belong,” Ichigo said as he wrenched on the Hollow mask, trying to break my hold on his body.
You're so weak. Don't kick me out now! You're going to regret it. You need me.”
That sounded kinda whiny, but my grip on Ichigo was slipping away. I felt reiatsu build, and screamed in protest as Ichigo struggled to shove me back down into that crazy, fucked up world of sideways buildings. The Hollow mask on Ichigo's face shattered under the force of the spiritual energy, and I screamed again as I was hurled back into the depths of Ichigo's mind.
Over me
Reality snapped back into place and I was in control of myself again. I was breathing hard and felt just this side of puking, but I'd beaten that Hollow back into myself. Shirosaki was a way tougher customer than that Doll. He'd taken me over when I couldn't fight him off, but he had saved my ass. I guess I did maybe owe him just a little.
“It's my ass, too, Ichigo. As much as I don't like it, it'd be a serious pain if you were to die.”
“Fuck you,” I panted as the world tilted and the ground suddenly rushed up at me. Face, meet ground… hard.
“In your dreams, Ichigo. In your dreams,” Shirosaki said with a husky laugh that made me shiver for all the wrong reasons before it trailed off to nothing.
I might've felt a little like I should've thanked him for saving our collective asses, but I sure as fuck didn't have to like the bastard.