Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Rain ❯ Conflictions ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

(I have no idea where I got this guy's last name, or if it means anything, just go with it...XD)
“Tetsu Yabashi...though, it's probably the last time you'll hear this name, you'll be dying soon anyway.” The man finally answered the squad ten captain's question.
Renji and Hitsugaya were panting. They were having trouble dodging both Captain Komamura's attacks and the rain of little needles from the rogue shinigami's zanpakutoh.
“Getting all worn out already? That's a shame...” Tetsu's lips tugged up into a slanted smirk.
“Shut your mouth!” Renji snapped, throwing Zabimaru up to guard his face just as Komamura's zanpakutoh sailed down at him.
Hitsugaya was frustrated by the situation. He thought maybe if he could hurt the person in control of the captain, the control would weaken...the only problem was he couldn't get close enough to the man to land a hit on him. Between Komamura's ferocious attacks and the waves of needles, there were no openings. Toushiro didn't want to have to use his bankai either, for fear it might accidentally kill Sajin.
“Dammit...” he muttered, gripping the hilt to his sword tighter.
Renji was starting to get nervous as well. Where was Rukia? He knew that she went to check on Ichigo, but what was taking so long?
He began to wonder if Ichigo was okay too. If Rukia wasn't back by now, that could mean something either happened to Ichigo...or Rukia.
Renji was suddenly caught off guard by another swing from Sajin. The blade slid across Renji's cheek, leaving a clean red line on his face. Blood quickly sprung from the wound and began to drip down his chin.
“Damn.” He quickly wiped away some of the blood.
“What's wrong, your concentration is terrible...ever since your friend went off.” Tetsu flicked some of his long, curly brown hair over his shoulder.
“Awww, are you worried about her? How unprofessional.”
“I told you to shut your mouth!!” Renji seethed.
Tetsu sighed.
“You are starting to bore me with your big talk, shinigami...perhaps it's high time I shut you up.” He lazily reached for his zanpakutoh, sliding it out of its hilt.
Renji's eyes flicked over to his blade, tensing as Tetsu drew his sword...the design on its suba looked just like claws.
He brought the blade right up to his face, holding it at a slight angle.
“Squirm, Kuro Goburin!”
“Ichigo? Ichigo!!” Rukia shook his shoulder. He had stopped writhing, and now he was just deathly still, his eyes closed.
“Ichigo! Answer me!” She was getting frantic.
Suddenly, she saw a muscle tick in his neck.
His eyes opened.
Rukia jumped when they did. Not because it had been so sudden, but because of what his eyes looked like. They were no longer that warm chocolate color she was used
They were bright green.
“I-Ichigo?” Rukia called weakly.
He brought his hands up jerkily, and pushed himself off the ground, his green eyes seemingly staring into nothing. His expression was blank as he brought himself to his feet.
“Ichigo?” Rukia called again. She felt a sudden rush of weakness in her legs. She couldn't move...
He still made no move to look at her, but turned his head towards the open door. Suddenly, his body vanished.
Rukia blinked and looked shocked, as if she had never seen flash step before.
She jolted to her feet, forgetting her earlier weariness as new adrenaline coursed in her veins. She sprinted out of the shop, her gikongon still sobbing as she passed. She knew exactly where he was headed.
How could this have happened....he could I....
“No.” Rukia said solidly.
Her ears were buzzing.
She tried to stay professional, to keep her mind focused on the task instead of Ichigo's situation. She wasn't sure she would be able to move again if she actually thought about it.
He is...he's...
She shook her head. There wasn't a damn thing she could do for him if she couldn't think.
Abarai and Hitsugaya both blinked. They heard Tetsu call out his zanpakutoh, it had shined green briefly, but overall nothing had really happened.
Renji smirked.
“Heh, I think your sword's broken, maybe you should go have it checked somewhere...”
Yabashi grinned. He waved for Komamura to stand still.
“Oh yeah, how about you test it then?” he challenged.
Renji saw this as a chance to finally get a hit in.
“Fine, your funeral!” Renji rushed at him, raising Zabimaru above his head. Once the man was directly under his sword he swung down hard. Tetsu wasn't making a move to dodge though, he was just smiling away.
There was a clash of blades.
Renji's air of confidence as well as his grin quickly fell as he stared horrified into a pair of unnaturally green eyes.
“Ichigo...what-what are you doing!?”
The orange headed shinigami was between Renji and Tetsu, Zangetsu fending off Zabimaru.
Tetsu began to cackle loudly at Renji's quick change in attitude.
“You seem shocked...but you did hear me release me zanpakutoh, did you not?”
Toshiro saw Ichigo defending Tetsu and immediately knew what was happening.
“What have you done?” He shot an icy glare at him.
“He is merely another supporter to my cause-”
“BULLSHIT!” Renji yelled from behind Ichigo's blade. “You're controlling him!”
“Ah, you're more perceptive than I thought.” Tetsu said sarcastically. He flicked his hand.
Ichigo suddenly threw more weight into his sword, pushing Renji back a couple feet.
Hitsugaya stared Tetsu down. “What did you do to that boy?”
“Well, aren't you just the nosy one?” He straightened up. “I simply planted a part of my zanpakutoh in his body. It easily squirmed into that tiny brain of his and now all of my commands are transmitted directly to his brain. In short, I have complete control of his nervous system, and even all of his memories. Whatever was stored in that head of his now belongs to me.”
Rukia quickly reappeared on the scene.
“Ah, so you've returned, the signal mustn't have been sent soon enough. I did order him to kill you before he arrived.”
Hitsugaya quickly pulled out his phone, punching in some numbers.
“Matsumoto! No! No time! I have an urgent message for Head Capt-!” Toshiro's sentence was cut short when Sajin's Tengen cut right through the little electric device in the boy's hand.
“Now, now! Where are your manners, boy?” Tetsu put a hand on his hip. “I think you're off to a time out for now...”
Captain Komamura suddenly grabbed Hitsugaya by the back of his captain's cloak, and disappeared along with him.
Rukia felt their reiatsu's reappear faintly, far away from them.
Tetsu looked back at Rukia and Renji. Renji was still in a fighting stance, but Rukia however, had yet to even draw her zanpakutoh.
“I believe you two know what your choices what will it be?” He was beginning to loose his patience. If he was really going to have his revenge on the shinigami, he didn't want to waste his time with weaklings.
“Join my side, or die by your own friend's hand.”
Ichigo's hands tightened around his sword as he straightened up robotically, his harsh green eyes still blank of expression.
“Renji...what are we-” Rukia was cut off quickly.
“Don't worry, I have a plan.” He whispered to her.
Tetsu noticed this little meeting and cocked his head in amusement, letting them plan their next move. Anything but cooperation would be in vain anyway.
“If we can hit the guy controlling Ichigo, we can probably get him to snap out of it.” Renji leaned in closer. “I need you to go after this freak. I'll hold Ichigo off long enough for you to get a good shot in.”
“Are you quite finished, shinigami? You're wasting my time and I'm a very busy man.” Yabashi put a hand on his neck and stretched to emphasize his increasing boredom.
“Alright.” Rukia nodded to Renji and started to gather her spirit energy.
“Oh? So you'll fight then?” Tetsu raised an eyebrow. “So be it...”
Renji sprung forward, headed straight at Ichigo with his sword raised. He wasn't going to hurt him, he was just going to pin him long enough to give Rukia a chance to attack.
He slammed his sword down against Ichigo's, who met it with equal force.
“Bakudo number one! Sai!” Renji focused the kidoh on Ichigo's arms. It probably wouldn't hold for very long, but then again...they didn't need very long.
Ichigo's arms automatically stiffened under the paralysis.
Rukia was already in position by the time Renji had pinned Ichigo.
“Bakudo thirty-three! Pale fire crash!!!” She shot from behind Tetsu and aimed right for the middle of his back.
The shot sailed straight at her target, dead on.
Right before the flaming mass hit Tetsu, Ichigo had just disappeared from in front of Renji. He reappeared right in front of the shot.
“Shit!” Renji cursed.
The kidoh hit Zangetsu squarely in the middle, effectively stopped by the giant blade. Ichigo's expression still did not change as his fingers seared in the intense heat. Instead he quickly disappeared again, reappearing right in front of Rukia.
She barely had time to react before his sword was already swinging down at her. Her arms flew up in defense and she quickly moved out from under his deadly blow....well mostly.
The metal tore through her shihaksho and sliced the flesh in her left shoulder. She gasped in pain as she felt her blood rushing to the wound.
“Rukia!” Renji called, rushing to her side.
“Ah-ah!” Tetsu whipped his right hand, sending more needles at the red-head. “Don't interfere, now.” Renji suddenly stopped, having been stuck with two needles. He frantically ripped them out, feeling them start to dig deeper already.
Tetsu turned back to Ichigo and Rukia, the small shinigami holding her dripping shoulder. He grinned.
“Kill her.”
Ichigo's neck ticked again as his brain received the command. His green eyes flickered down to meet her deep blue ones, fear rising up in them.
She couldn't hit him back.
He raised his zanpakutoh again, bringing it down fast to strike her again.
“NO!” Renji, tried to quickly gather himself to save her. There wasn't enough time!
Rukia screwed her eyes shut, waiting for the hit.
Her eyes opened slightly.
She could see Ichigo's blade, not an inch from her face. But it wasn't moving....or was it?
Yes, it was moving...but not down to strike her.
It's shaking...
Rukia opened her eyes fully, not understanding why Ichigo's sword has ceased to cut her down. Her eyes moved to the boy gripping the sword.
She realized it wasn't the sword that was shaking...It was Ichigo.
His arms were shaking violently, like he was fighting with his own limbs on this one.
His green eyes were open wide, the color faltering briefly to show catches of brown.
His entire body began to shake and his eyes shut tight.
“Wh-what's going on?” Renji stared at the trembling teen.
“......Ru....Ruk...ia.....” He forced through his barred teeth. His body started twitching fitfully again.
She started back at him in horror. She was starting to tremble herself.
“...Ru....” He stammered out again.
“What is this?” Tetsu frowned. “You'll behave, boy!” Tetsu brought his left hand up. He laid his palm out flat, then crushed his fingers into a tight fist.
Ichigo screamed as searing pain ripped through every single one of his nerves. He crumpled under the pain, falling to his knees and clutching his head. He felt like he was being ripped apart.
Blood started to trickled from his mouth again.
He was being ripped apart.
His resistance weakened a bit under the pain, just enough for the parasite to take control again. His conciousness was blanketed once more, but not before one last thought crossed his tortured mind.
“Rukia...I'm sorry...”
Ichigo's eyes opened, once more a gleaming green. His jerky muscles began to function robotically again as he rose to his feet, taking hold of his sword.
Blood dripped from his closed lips.
“There, now as long as you cooperate, I won't have to do anymore damage to your organs, boy.” Tetsu snorted.
Rukia was still trembling.
I can't do this...I can't kill him...
She shook her head, her eyes beginning to burn.
It's's just Kaien....
She felt her throat closing up as the painful memories surfaced.
Yabashi was growing even more impatient. He wasn't the slightest bit worried about their strength; they were weak, but annoying none the less. He decided to pull out more of his power.
“Rukia...are you going to kill me?” Ichigo said flatly, his eyes still shining green.
Tetsu smirked as the small shinigami seemed to crumple by his puppets words. He had complete control of his mind, complete control of his memories, complete control of his pawns in this wicked game.
Rukia's heart froze when Ichigo spoke.
This was like a sick, twisted repeat of the most painful night of her life...playing before her very eyes.
He legs felt weak beneath her. She was positive they would give out any second now. She swayed a bit as Ichigo took a step toward her.
“Stop!!” Renji roared, rushing the grinning man, Zabimaru burning with his flared reiatsu.
Once again, he flicked his left wrist, and Ichigo was there to defend him in a second.
“You're really never going to learn, are you? Are you that thick-headed?” Tetsu sighed. He ran his fingers through his thick, curly locks.
“Oh well, I will save you from your own idiocy in a minute.” He lifted his left hand and spread his fingers.
Each digit began to glow slightly.
“I'll find out just how powerful your friend can get.”
((BTW once this story is done, I'll be making another one that explains what's going on in Ichigo's inner world while this is happening, just in case you folks were interested. =D))