Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Murder My Heart ❯ Lost Time ( Chapter 13 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any Bleach affiliates.
(A/N: Hey peoples, just wanted to tell you thanks so much for all my reviews, I really appreciate everything everyone writes, so just thank you so much.
And I'm also sorry that I haven't updated in a while. Life's been hell for the past two weeks or so… so bleachedserenity, if you read this, I'll try and get on this weekend.
A special shout-out to jazzjackrabbit and 07janina07 (and no, I don't mind if you review my other fics! Nothing could make me happier!!!). I consider them to be truly awesome!
Chapter 13
Wearily, Rukia made her way to the shower, feeling the sticky insides of her thighs rubbing together with every step she took. A tremor shook her body and she remembered the tumultuous night—morning?—she had just experienced.
Three times. She had never had sex three times in one night. She hadn't even thought it was possible until only a few hours—minutes?—ago. Christ, she felt like she had been drugged. She wasn't even sure she could feel her fingers, or her toes for that matter, all twenty of the little digits had either curled tightly into Ichigo's hair or squeezed against themselves, going numb as she came around his pulsating cock. Experimentally she moved each of the little buggers, her fingers first, then her toes… there was slight sensation but not much.
Sighing heavily, she turned on the faucet and waited until the hot water was finally rushing from the tap. Her fingers tested the liquid and she groaned with pleasure as it fell around her hand and between her unpolished nails.
With careful steps she entered the shower and shuddered as the heated water surrounded her. Her hair was sopping within moments.
“Jesus,” she murmured softly, wetting her hand and smoothing it between her legs, relieving them of any come they still had on them.
She didn't know why the experience with Ichigo had left her so shaken. She had had sex before, both when she had been in college and in the Police Academy. There, she had been the object of many men's affections and desires. She had even given in to a few of those slick suggestions and secretive glances. There were multiple dark beds in apartments she only saw once, men who would flirt with her one day and ignore her after they had gotten into her pants, and the occasional man who would brag about “scoring” her the previous night. Each one of them had been jerks, losers, or just plain weird. But each of them had one thing in common, after sleeping with them she had always regretted it. Always. And it wasn't just the looks she got from almost the entire office the next day; she had been able to deal with those. Everyone knew better than to whisper behind Rukia Kuchiki's back about her being “easy.”
But still… there had not been a single morning when she had woken up and wished the sun had stayed dormant within the sky for just a while longer. No, each of those times she had woken up, gotten dressed, and left without saying goodbye.
It wasn't the sex part she didn't enjoy… it was just the sex partner. And that was only about half true, she didn't know what exactly it was about Ichigo that made him so fantastic in bed—or anywhere outside of an actual bed—but she was also wondering how she had gone so fucking long without it.
She just knew she wanted more. So much more.
That was the entire problem with sex, she thought bitterly, once you have it you just want it more and more… and even `Killer Kuchiki' was no exception. Yes, sex was something she wanted to happen as often as possible… it was just the person she had tried so many times to get right.
Tried and failed usually.
But Ichigo?
She had absolutely no doubt left in her mind that what she had experienced only a few hours ago was the best sex of her entire life. Ichigo had done things to her and shown her things that no one else ever had.
Dreamily, she placed her hand on the marble wall of the shower and felt her satiated pussy begin to throb. Never had a man so boldly placed his head between her legs and eaten her as if she were a delicious treat—and on their first coupling too. She had never, in the course of the night, had someone be so tender, so giving, and so passionate to her all at once. Fast slow fast slow fast slow… it never seemed to end. It was just until there was a tight winding of pleasure and the eruption of Ichigo inside of her and then… and then… and then she was in euphoric bliss, her body flat against Ichigo's, his heartbeat racing at the same pace as hers.
Oh great, now she was wet again, Rukia shook her head and placed that next to the cool tiles as well. Did it ever end?
Not that she actually wanted it to end… but Ichigo was asleep on his bed, the blankets swirled around his torso like a toga wrapped around a god. Rukia smiled softly and wondered what time it was, Christ knew she hadn't gotten any sleep tonight. It was a good thing Kenpachi had given her three days off for her birthday.
Her birthday. That's right, it was technically her birthday, at least, she hoped it was, it might have been after midnight. In truth she couldn't tell if that sex had lasted for countless hours or simple minutes. Rukia smiled softly, if it had been only minutes… well… then they still had the rest of the weekend, didn't they?
She sighed and closed her eyes, the hot water was such a relief, it soothed its way all over her body and massaged her scalp. Granted, it didn't feel as good as when Ichigo ran his fingers through her hair, but it came close. She was just so glad she was able to relax this way… but she also wished that her new lover—was that the proper term to use? Lover? It did imply some sort of feeling beyond sexual desire, and she didn't feel anything like that—would awaken soon so they could be together again. Rukia shudder at the thought. Or she could creep into his room, her body still heated and dripping from her shower, watch as his eyes fluttered open gently and fastened to her body, crawling sensually towards him. She could turn him over so he was on his back, straddle his hips, and imbed him so deeply inside of her she would never get him out of her blood, and vice versa. Oh it would be wonderful to move above him, watch his face, hear his guttural groans—
“Don't scream.”
Rukia's head snapped up as she felt warm and callused hands gripping her hips. She drew in a ragged breath and his name slipped from her lips, dribbling with the steaming water down her face.
She hadn't even heard him come in. She was in such deep thought… how could she not have…?
He was already hard, she could feel him pressing against her inner thigh as her back molded to his solid chest. She moaned loudly and pressed both hands to the tile walls. Ichigo growled softly, the vibrations spearing through her body and sending the shockwaves directly into her hot pussy.
His arms wound around her body until one of them was cupping her breast, fondling and tweaking her nipple and his second hand was snaking down her stomach, her abdomen, and finally to the patch of midnight curls he found so heavenly. His finger slipped between the lips of her core and located the tight bundle of nerves that could bring her so much pleasure.
His name shuddered from her lips as he continued to pleasure her. His arms tightened around her as her legs threatened to buckle underneath the slow, leisurely movements he was creating. Every touch and tease was stimulation. But he was going so slowly. She wanted him now. Hard and fast she wanted him.
His lips were on her neck now, biting and kissing and licking.
She was panting now, her body pushing back against his. He groaned as she pressed her tight ass against his erection. She could feel him pulsating and knew that he was ready for her.
She twisted her head backwards and managed to place her mouth next to his ear. From what she could see of his face she knew that his orange hair was flopping slightly into his eyes. She wished she could see what his gaze was saying… they were like a window into his deepest desires—even though he tried so hard to hide it.
“Ichigo,” she groaned as she felt him press a bit closer to her. The hand on her cunt was causing her insides to tighten, but she wanted to come with Ichigo, not before. “Please,” she gasped, “Please, I need you… to fin—finish.”
The hand on her breast clasped down hard, Rukia whimpered as her pert nipple was pleasantly crushed under his insistent palm. Everything, however, was forgotten the moment Ichigo impaled her with his engorged shaft.
“F-Fuck!” She screamed as he pulled out of her quickly and thrust back with endless streams of power.
Ichigo's fervor darkened around them as he pressed her full against the wall of the shower. She gasped at the cold tiles on her skin but soon found that the cold would be but a distant memory in moments to pass. Searing water was running down her shoulders and permeating the connected skin between them, making their motions slick and sensual. Ichigo's lips were on her neck, his teeth biting an insatiable imprint onto her delicate skin. His hands were now pressed onto the tops of hers, flattening them against the wall.
Rukia could feel her sanity slipping away with outrageous speed. Each of Ichigo's movements caused her body to lurch upwards and slide against cold tile, stimulating her body into cries and fits as temperatures collided and her inner sanctum was pleasured with hard thrust after thrust.
“C-Christ,” she sputtered, curling her fingers into the tile, Ichigo's hands closed over hers as she gasped. He groaned loudly as he crushed her against the wall.
Her insides clenched around him and with a final scream she came, her head thrown back and Ichigo's mouth on her neck. Gasping in the heat of the shower, it almost became too much—she felt him inside of her, thrusting once, twice, thrice, before finally coming himself. His teeth bit down hard on her neck and she cried out at the painfully erotic sensation.
His thrusts began to slow and in a matter of moments stopped completely until he was still and spent inside of her.
Her heartbeat had finally returned to the pace of normalcy when Ichigo withdrew from her. She sighed in desolation as the feeling of emptiness returned.
She also felt it when Ichigo removed his teeth from her neck. His bite had been slightly painful but by now she would have whined for them to be back. The water continued to flow down their bodies as Ichigo sent one of his hands running in between her thighs. She sighed softly as he caressed the slightly bruised area and made sure that she was clean. She continued to sigh and moan until there was no more stickiness inside her and Ichigo was placing butterfly kisses on her marked throat.
He turned off the water in silence, not having spoken since the two words he had said in the beginning. He stepped from the shower and held his hand out to her, which she took immediately; her legs still had not solidified underneath her. He walked—stark naked and dripping wet—with her towards the bedroom, not even bothering to grab a towel for either of them. Rukia shivered in the transition from the steam of the bathroom to the chill of the hallways. She didn't know if Ichigo noticed but he led her back to the bedroom where he lifted the sheet allowed her to slip under them. She worried slightly that her body was too wet for the bed but Ichigo got in directly after her.
Without saying a word he slipped in next to her and drew her near, Rukia—too tired to realize anything beyond the heat of her body next to his—pressed her head against her lovers' chest and fell into a blissfully warm sleep.
Rukia awoke to the strange sensation of being numb.
Upon a few more moments of examination, she discovered that none of her limbs responded to any of the signals sent out by her brain. She had already tried twice but gave up when she realized she couldn't even feel her fingers. But there was something beneath her. She could feel that. Yes, it was Ichigo, his heartbeat was throbbing steadily below her and his skin was warm and solid.
She wondered if he was awake yet, or even, what time it was. Not that she actually cared anyway… because there was no fucking way she was going to wake up before she was technically able to move.
Sure her brain was working, but her limbs felt like they would burst into flames should she even attempt to budge them.
She wondered if Ichigo was suffering from the same affliction that she was. She could feel his heart beneath her head and heard the even beating so she knew he was alive but did he actually have control of his appendages?
Best not to think about it. She thought tiredly, Too many subliminal messages being sent from my brain to his.
She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, smelling Ichigo beneath her.
Wait… too many what? What had she just thought?
Good God I need more sleep.
She felt him shift beneath her—wait, how had she gotten on top of him in the first place? The last thing she remembered was sleeping on her side facing him, not actually resting above of him, oh well, not like she minded anyway.
As she contemplated whether or not she should attempt to move or just stay still long enough for the strength to seep back into her limbs one of Ichigo's hands rose to set itself on her shoulder while the other went to the top of her head.
It felt nice to have him stroking her hair like that; his hands were rough and large but moved so softly that she could almost mistake them for the hands of an angel.
Hands of an angel… she scoffed inwardly. Ichigo… yeah, last night he had something more like the hands of a devil.
He was moving beneath her. He was trying to get up. He was attempting to gently move her off of his body. She couldn't have that. No one was going to be moving while she couldn't even muster enough strength to wiggle her piggy toe.
“Don't you dare.”
Ichigo jumped slightly beneath her. Well, he should have, she thought wearily, he couldn't see her eyes because her head was turned away and her breathing hadn't really changed since she had awakened.
Must… move… head… she groaned mentally. With a spurt of what energy she actually had left Rukia turned her head to the side until her chin was resting squarely on his chest and her eyes were staring directly into his. Rukia almost laughed at the sight of his surprised amber orbs, but she held it in.
Sure, he had gotten sex from her, but he wasn't ready for an actual laugh yet.
Ichigo, on the other hand, chuckled deeply in his throat and gave her a soft smile, his hands brushing the wayward hair off of her face once again. “Hi.” He whispered softly.
Rukia's eyes blinked twice before they narrowed swiftly, “Don't you `hi' me Ichigo.” Damn, her voice was still feeble. Damn this enervated sense of weakness.
A slight cough came from his throat, Rukia couldn't tell if it was from disbelief or irritation. “Excuse me?” He asked clearly, she could almost smack him for the power she heard in his voice, well, if she could move her hand that is.
Cool it Kuchiki, she told herself glumly, don't make him mad. He gets mad he gets up. Don't do it.
She groaned softly and leaned her head forward, pressing her forehead to the very center of his chest. She swiftly placed a small kiss to his skin and let out a sigh. Rukia felt Ichigo's skin prickle and his hands grip her shoulder tighter.
“Sorry,” she whispered, shifting her head to the side again. “Can you just… not move… for… the next three hours?”
The second the last word left her mouth, Rukia was glad she couldn't see Ichigo's face anymore, if she did, she feared she would have seen a completely arrogant smirk covering his entire visage.
It took him another moment to answer, “And why is that?”
Rukia would have to kill him later for the smugness laced through his voice. She shifted her head to the side again so she could see him again. Oh and there it was, the smirk she knew would be there, only this one wasn't vindictive and evil but warm and… dare she say it… loving?
Rukia felt a piece of her crumpled hair fall into her face and she blew it away, “Because…” she began, a hint of a grumble creeping into her voice, “I can't move.”
She saw Ichigo blink twice before frowning and pushing another piece of hair from her face. Damn he looked so sexy from this vantage point, all naked and rumpled and oh so edible.
Another smile grew on his face and he snorted softly, “Wore you out, did I?”
Rukia glared at him. “I'll be lucky if I can use my legs by the middle of next year.”
“Well they had better start working soon,” Ichigo said, his voice growing huskier by the moment, “Because in the middle of the next ten minutes I'm going to want to feel those legs around my waist.”
She groaned and pressed her face into his chest. “I can't believe you.”
His hands started to run up and down her sides, tickling her ribs but still evoking almost mindless pleasure. Soon, she could feel her breasts prickling into hardness and the inside of her legs become liquid.
“Ichigo…” she moaned, “My God, not now, I need to rest.”
“You can always rest later,” he said, his hands slid down further and further until they were gripping her buttocks. Rukia moaned softly and felt her limbs begin to shake softly. With her last spurt of energy she jerked to the side and rolled off of him. She had to stop herself before she actually rolled off of the bed but Ichigo's hand grasped her arm before she could fully fall off.
“Damn girl,” he chuckled softly, “Are you really that worn out?”
Rukia groaned and buried her head in a pillow in response.
Ichigo sighed and bent down to kiss the nape of her neck. “Alright then. I'm going to go make something to eat.”
She felt the bed sink and then rise as Ichigo's weight lifted itself off of it. Rukia heard the rustle of clothes near the foot and dared to shift her body ever so slightly just so she could take a slight peek at Ichigo's naked form.
She had never seen him like this before, completely undressed and gleaming in the sunlight spilling from between the shuttered windows of his bedroom. Droplets of gold ran down his chest and stopped to play in the chiseled lines of his abdomen before continuing down until it wrapped around the entirety of his well endowed length. Rukia's eyes misted over as she remembered how that length had fit inside of her so tightly last night—this morning—whenever.
Then there were his sinewy thighs, leading down to curvaceous and strong calves where the rest of the sun pooled at his feet. His upper body was in shadows but she could still see the bulge of his biceps and the rippling motion of his pectorals. Rukia sighed and remembered how good it had felt to have those strong arms wrapped around her waist as she drifted off into satiated sleep.
She watched him as he drew on his boxers and ran a hand through his hair, unconsciously, Rukia licked her lips and thought of all the things those hands had done to her last night.
He must have sensed her watching him because a moment later he turned around and pinned his gaze to hers.
Rukia's eyes widened and she paid close attention to his face, the strong and soft lips, the sharp nose, the piercing eyes, and the delicate eyebrows—one of which was raised in a slight smirk.
“You sure you're too tired?” Ichigo asked her, his voice growing huskier by the minute.
Rukia swallowed noisily and pressed her face back against the pillows. “Just make me food, Kurosaki.” She mumbled.
There was a slight pause. “Was that my last name?” He asked calmly… too calmly, Rukia could hear the edge of wickedness in his voice. “You know what happened last time…” he murmured, taking a step forward and continued, “This time it will be increased by at least ten.”
She gave an exasperated sigh and turned her face back to his, “What I meant to say was,” she began, she cleared her throat and thought of ways to try and get that hard look off of his face, “Would you please make me something to eat… Ichigo?”
His stern glare evaporated like magic. Swiftly, he climbed back onto the bed and pressed a kiss to Rukia's soft forehead.
She grumbled and turned away from him, “If you're going to start policing everything I say then I'm just going to stop talking.”
Ichigo continued to kiss her face and sighed, “Don't do that…” he murmured, “I just love hearing you say my name…” he kissed her lips and she ended up trying to capture them with her own. “The way your mouth forms the syllables… I love it.”
He kissed her softly on the tip of her nose and sighed, “So, eggs and toast?”
Rukia could feel her heart pattering in her chest before she nodded softly, “Yes…”
With that, Ichigo smiled and rose from the bed. He turned and exited the room, completely ignoring her surprised and hungry gaze.
Rukia pressed a hand to her chest and swallowed. It was fluttering, she couldn't believe it was actually doing this inside of her chest. The way he said… the way he…
There was just something inside of his eyes that could suck the breath from her lungs and make her feel like she was the only person his gaze was ever meant to meet today. It made her legs shake and her arms tremble.
It was just this damn twanging in her heart that was making her worry. There should be no twanging, it was just sex. Just the most incredible sex of her life but still only sex.
It was just sex… right?
“Do you want jelly on your toast?” He called from the kitchen. “I've got orange, strawberry, grape, and boysenberry… whatever the hell that is.”
Rukia groaned and dropped back onto the bed, the softness of the pillow hitting her face and Ichigo's scent once again flaring into her nostrils.
What was she getting herself into?
Rukia screamed into Ichigo's mouth as he captured her lips right before they climaxed. He lurched once more before he convulsed and emptied himself into her.
He delved his tongue into her again, tasting everything in reach before pulling out and kissing her cheek. She was panting and groaning and sweating so much the drops were running speedily down her forehead. He could feel the slick liquid between their bodies as he slowly removed himself from her, breaking their intimate connection.
He wasn't doing too well either, both of his arms were shaking as he tried to keep himself above her body, his heartbeat was throbbing so quickly he feared it would implode, and the sweat was dripping off of him as well as her.
“Christ Rukia,” he groaned softly, wanting to roll over and draw her to his chest, but the couch was rather small so he would have ended up falling off and smashing into the glass coffee table.
Rukia moved slightly beneath him and ended up rubbing her stomach against his, the sweat on their skin making it more sensual and irresistible.
“Ichigo,” Rukia panted, her hands going up to caress his damp, orange locks, “It's okay, you can lie down.”
He nodded softly, his pupils were dilated and his body was shaking uncontrollably. Softly, he leaned down a bit and finally let all of his weight rest on Rukia's small body.
Her arms immediately wrapped around his neck and she pressed a kiss to the side of his face. Her eyes were closed and he could feel her lashes against his skin. She didn't complain about his weight, even though he was quite certain that he was at least three times heavier than she. She simply clung to him, her breath tickling his shoulder and her heartbeat thudding against his. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and her stomach kept touching his as she breathed. Her legs were woven into his and her lips were constantly placing butterfly kisses on his face.
He could feel the drowsiness beginning to settle into his eyes, his weariness from the previous night encroaching like a tsunami. But he had to get off of her before they both fell asleep and he ended up crushing her. He groaned and braced himself against the edge of the couch. In one movement he flipped around and placed his back on the other end of the navy couch. Rukia whimpered slightly and he saw her skin prickle as the cold air rushed into his unoccupied spot.
Leaning over, he pulled her up and set her head against the center of his chest. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling close to his naked body before closing her eyes once more.
Ichigo reached down and tugged at the black and red afghan, bringing it up so it covered Rukia up to her shoulders. With a soft smile playing on his face, Ichigo wrapped his arm around her back and placed the other one so his fingers could tightly grip her silken hair.
“So, what I want to know,” Rukia said conversationally as she dug her spoon into her ice cream and began to eat it, “Is how you got to be so good at sex. Because seriously, I have never felt this good after sex in a long time.”
Ichigo grinned slyly at her, “Which part was your favorite?”
“Not telling,” she answered immediately, “Wouldn't want you to think I'm that easy. Now answer the question.” She demanded.
Ichigo shrugged and stuck his spoon into the carton as well, “I don't know, I haven't been with an immense number of women so I guess it just comes naturally.” There was a smug tone to his voice and a suggestive look in his eyes.
“Bull,” Rukia retorted softly. She licked off the remnants of her strawberry ice cream from her spoon and stuck it right back into the container.
Ichigo frowned at her, “That's gross.”
Rukia wrinkled her nose at him, “Your tongue has been in my mouth constantly for the past twenty four hours, I hardly think that double dipping my spoon is going to do too much damage.”
“You do have a point,” he sighed softly, his eyes traveling down to the place where her—his—shirt stopped only a few inches below her hips. She looked so sexy wearing his clothing, not to mention he knew for a fact that she wasn't wearing anything underneath it.
He cocked his head to the side and gave his spoon a final lick, Rukia noticed his quirky eyes and immediately narrowed hers. “What?” She demanded, digging out another spoonful of pink ice cream.
The sides of his mouth rose and he smirked, “Would you let me eat ice cream off your stomach?”
Rukia's already narrowed eyes became slits and she flat-out denied him.
“Why not?” He reasoned, shifting forward slightly, “I mean, I have eaten practically every other part of you.”
“There are two things, Ichigo, that I've told myself I'd never be,” she retorted smartly, brushing off his previous comment, “One of them is a dining table.”
He grinned, “What's the other one?”
She jerked her eyebrow up and stared at him cattily, “That's for me to know, genius.”
He wiggled towards her just a bit more and brushed his leg against hers. “Are you sure you don't want to tell me?”
She took her leg from his encroaching reach, “Positive.”
He sighed and flipped onto his back, the rough carpet scraping into his skin. “It's going to suck when we get back to work.”
Rukia followed suit and lay down on her back as well, spoon dangling in her mouth as she continued to eat her ice cream. “And why's that?”
Ichigo sighed, “Because there I can't jump you whenever I want.”
Rukia turned her head and gave him an icy glare, “You're not going to keep doing what you've been doing, are you?”
“Like what?”
“Like sticking your hands where they don't belong, dragging me into the copy room to stick your tongue down my throat, touching my legs underneath the desk.” She answered, “Things like that.”
Rukia could have sworn Ichigo's mouth dropped into a pout. He shifted onto his side and faced her completely, his rigid body making strong outlines in the dim light. “How else am I going to keep from getting a boner?”
“Relieve yourself during your lunch break.” She replied shortly. “By yourself.”
Ichigo chuckled darkly before moving his hand and resting it on the top of her hip. His thumb rubbed against her—his—shirt and seared the skin underneath. She sighed softly and rolled her eyes, “When you get married,” she snorted, “You're going to have twelve children simply because of how much you like to screw around.”
This caused Ichigo to pause for a moment and frown at her. Rukia knew what he was thinking the moment his eyes took on that strange sheen.
“Oh don't worry,” she said nonchalantly as she took another bite of ice cream. “You never know if some whack-jobs drag you into an alley and gang rape you.”
Ichigo's eyes widened fractionally. Rukia smirked at him.
“I've been on the pill for years,” she told him after a minute, slightly enjoying his reaction. “So don't worry about knocking me up.”
“Oh… okay.” Ichigo sighed, slightly relieved.
“But you know,” she added, “You should have asked me beforehand whether or not I was on it.” She turned to him and smirked wickedly, “Just couldn't control yourself, could you?”
Ichigo grinned at her gentle joke, “Around you?” He snickered slightly, “You're lucky you've gotten off this long.”
“Come off it,” Rukia groaned, sitting up and gathering the remnants of their ice cream tub. “We had sex before we ate the ice cream, we had sex on the couch, we had sex on your kitchen counter—which, by the way, I am never doing again because of how close you got my ass to the piping hot burner—and we had sex four times last night. Well, at least I think it was four, I might have passed out.” She sighed and stood up, flashing Ichigo a perfect view of her inner thighs, her bundle of midnight curls, and the bare curve of her ass. He could feel himself stirring quite excitedly and had to look away in order to stop. Rukia gathered their ice cream carton and utensils before staring back down at him and giving him an exasperated glare. “What will it take to get you to hibernate for a few hours?”
“Short of a swift kick to the balls right now,” Ichigo mused, “I can't think of anything.”
“You're insatiable.”
“You're loving it.”
His answer was so cocky and confident that Rukia had to shake her head. “Contrary to what you might think, Ichigo, not all women enjoy getting jumped every second of the day.”
Ichigo raised an eyebrow and grinned, “`Not all women' or just Rukia Kuchiki?” He asked. “I happen to know that you like it when I jump you.”
“Yes, when I'm mobile.”
Ichigo stood up. “You're mobile now.”
“Not the point.”
He began to walk towards her, his body was tense and ready to spring. Rukia was now looking inside of the refrigerator. She was bending down slightly, her—his—shirt riding up until he could most definitely see the curve of her ass and the tiny hairs covering her delicious lips from his view.
“Rukia,” he murmured, his gaze trained hungrily to her taunt bottom. “You're not wearing underwear.”
She didn't look back at him and continued rummaging, “Thank you Captain Obvious.” She said in annoyance.
Ichigo took another step forward, now painfully aroused and ready to have her any way she wanted. Rukia sighed and stood, the shirt coming back down to cover what he wanted exposed. Ichigo moved without a second thought, in only a moment, her hips were grasped in his hands, her bottom was pressed against his large and growing erection. He heard Rukia gasp loudly and immediately step back, as if trying to push him away from her.
“No panties. No rules.” He whispered hotly.
“Not… fair…” She groaned, arching her spine against him.
Ichigo's hands slipped lower and brushed against her pubic hair. Her breaths became shorter almost immediately as his movements became clearer and more precise. His hands brushed a bit lower and tickled her clitoris. She moaned softly and turned her head to the side, capturing his lips in a scintillating kiss. Her mouth tugged at his and she slowly brought her teeth out to grasp the edges of his bottom lip. She dragged it into her mouth and slowly sucked. She felt his erection pressing into her ass as she moved her hands to grip his hips. She was still in front of him, her back to his front, and it was then, as Rukia continued to kiss him senseless, that she realized she wanted to have control.
Complete control.
Rukia shoved backwards and ended up getting Ichigo completely off of her. She flipped around and saw him leaning bracingly against the opposite counter. She panted breathlessly and let a long, slow, smirk grow on her face. Ichigo saw her maniacal grin and narrowed his eyes, wondering just what was going through that wicked head of hers.
She stepped forward just a bit and reached her hand out. Her fingers hooked around the waistband of his boxers and she tugged gently.
“Rukia…” he whispered, “What are you doing?”
She didn't say anything as she continued to tug at his only piece of clothing. The tiny hairs on his body were tickling her fingers as she smirked and jerked her head, indicating that he should follow her.
Ichigo went willingly, his strong legs moving clumsily, his hands constantly reaching forward and falling back, as if he was debating with himself whether or not he should grab her and fuck her on the hallway wall. She could tell that he knew she had a plan in mind.
Rukia's mind grinned evilly as she licked her lips. Ichigo had no idea what she had in store for him. She drew him into his bedroom and continued to pull him until he was standing in front of her.
“Rukia,” Ichigo breathed, his hand running up to her shoulders. He gripped her tightly and was about to yank her against him when Rukia placed both of her hands on his chest and pushed him. Hard.
Ichigo landed on his bed flat on his back, his eyes wide in surprise. He swallowed hard and opened his mouth only to stutter, “W-what are you doing Rukia?”
She quirked an eyebrow up at him and cocked her head to the side, her movement were slow and deliberate as she walked forward, step by step.
“I just realized,” she said conversationally, placing her hands at the base of her—his—shirt and gripping the ends. “These last couple times,” she tugged the shirt up and threw it over her head, “You've been getting to have most of the fun.”
A hard glint entered Ichigo's eyes as his gazed roamed her delicious body, “I don't remember you complaining,” he said as he tried to sit up.
“Oh no,” Rukia continued, coming forward and crawling onto the bed, “Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that you're so dedicated to sex.”
Ichigo couldn't breathe as he watched her crawling towards him on all fours.
“But the fact of the matter is,” she said as she raised her hand and pressed a singular finger to his chest, with that little finger she pressed him back down onto the bed. “You've been working so hard lately.” Her little digit ran circles around his pectoral and he groaned.
“You deserve a break.” She murmured, the rest of her hand palming out so she might rub its base against his nipple.
“So what's your plan?” Ichigo muttered, feeling all ten of her fingers skitter down his chest, probe into his bellybutton, and hook themselves in the waistband of his boxers.
“Nothing I'm sure you haven't seen before,” she said confidently, slipping the only piece of clothing down his lean legs and tossing them away. Rukia straightened her body and positioned herself so her thighs would drape over his, her buttocks resting lightly on his knees.
It was different seeing him like this, laid out completely before her like a delicious dessert on a tray. She could see the way his fiery orange hair flopped into his face and how his eyes clouded with heated haze whenever he looked at her. She liked trailing her gaze down the ribbed muscles of his body, seeing the sinewy flesh of his arms, the ridges of his stomach, and the tight cords of his legs.
Ah, and she couldn't forget the most important organ of them all; the one that, right now, was stiff and begging to be released.
“See something you like?” He asked hoarsely.
Rukia shivered at the sound of his strained voice and looked up at him, cocking an eyebrow in the process. “And if I do?” Her voice was just as rough and for once, she didn't care if he heard her vulnerability.
“Well,” he murmured, “If you see something you like you should take it.”
Rukia smirked softly, “I think I will.”
And with that, her mouth opened slightly, she leaned down slowly, and drew him into her.
Ichigo immediately lurched and moaned.
Rukia liked the sound of him moaning underneath her. She moved her mouth down a bit more and took him further inside of her, so far that she felt his head touch the back of her throat. This time, it was her turn to moan.
She knew that Ichigo could feel the sounds she made as it traveled through him. He was beginning to groan louder, she could hear him and knew that he was trying to contain his sounds. Ichigo wasn't one to moan willingly.
Her thighs clenched together as she felt her core start dripping with juice as she ran her tongue around the tip of him. He was liking this so much and she knew it. Encouraged by his fingers clenching in the sheets and the sweat dripping off of his brow she closed her lips completely at his base and slowly ran her teeth upwards. Ichigo jerked on the bed and released a guttural groan from his throat. Rukia's lips curled up softly and she began to hum, wickedly sending the vibrations through his entire body.
Hell, he might be enjoying this… but she was quite positive that she was enjoying this more.
“Rukia…” he groaned, his voice dry and hoarse as she continued to suck on him.
She thought about answering him, but that would just be too mean, he was close, she could tell.
“Rukia,” he said again, his voice filled with more urgency.
She lifted her eyes to his and saw his intense gaze fixated at her. She raised one eyebrow in question and cocked her head to the side, rubbing the inside of her cheek against his erection.
She saw him swallow hard and open his mouth before he said, his voice low and deadly, “I only want to come in one place Rukia, and that's inside of you.”
Her eyes widened fractionally. Slowly, she released his gaze and looked downward. She ran her teeth once more over the entirety of his erection before releasing him. The moment her mouth let him go, Ichigo reared up and grappled for her hips. He pulled her forward, removing her thighs from around his knees and grinning as he positioned himself at her opening.
He didn't bring her down on him just yet, first, he grabbed the back of her head and pressed her down into a searing kiss. His tongue invaded her mouth and she fought back eagerly, her nails gripping his shoulders until she broke the skin and caused him to bleed.
Her core was hovering above him and she knew that he was suffering, eagerly awaiting release.
Her mouth still fastened hungrily to his, she slid onto him, groaning helplessly as he fit inside of her so completely, so tightly, so deliciously… she loved the way he stretched inside of her body and seemed to touch places she had never known to exist.
Her hands still grasped his shoulders as she began to grind against him. His mouth left hers and his lips began to trail down her jaw and her throat, greedily sucking on her skin as he thrust upwards, increasing the friction between them. Rukia's breathing became desperate as she clung to him, her knees digging into the fabric beneath their bodies. Her chin was on his shoulder, her breasts pushing against his chest, her nails scraping down the planes of his back.
He wasn't going to last much longer, and—to her relief—neither was she; the pressure simply kept building and building until she was certain she was going to explode.
As Rukia continued to gyrate against him her eyes seared white and her body began to tingle. She didn't know how he did this to her, to made her feel so extraordinary that she could barely contain her screams, moans, and climax. With other men, it had taken forever for her to reach the heavenly goal of her squeezing inner walls and rushing juices. With Ichigo she felt so much pleasure that it was all she could do to delay it for a few minutes.
Ichigo, however, didn't seem to mind as he reached his hand down and massaged her clitoris. She let out a startled yelp and felt her insides beginning to shake. She would collapse soon and she knew it.
Rukia jerked her head off of Ichigo's shoulder and grasped his lips with hers; she forced herself into his mouth and screamed when her insides collapsed around him, squeezing and tugging him as she continued to move.
Ichigo soon followed suit, his own climax erupting into her. His satisfied roar was swallowed by her mouth and she whimpered as it traveled through her body. She felt his release as it ran down her legs and slickly slid between her thighs.
Rukia was shaking as she pulled her mouth from his, her lips were raw and puffy as she placed soft kisses on his eyelids and around his mouth. Ichigo, in turn, licked away the sweat on her neck.
Their arms still wrapped around each other, they fell back onto the bed, Rukia on top of Ichigo, his arms wrapped around her back as they soothed away the tightly knotted muscles.
Rukia could feel her eyelids growing heavy as Ichigo pulled himself from her and made sure she was securely encircled in the strength of his arms.
Before she fell asleep she heard him whisper, “Only inside of you.”
Rukia fell asleep, content.