Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Of Violence ❯ Theories ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Of Violence
Chapter One: Theories
“Ichigo, you seem tired,” Byakuya commented, the first thing that came to mind as he greeted his brother-in-law at the door, too eager to wait for his servants to answer. Besides, his nieces and nephews preferred seeing him first rather than sour-faced Yuu or stern Kuina.
The other man gave a smile that seemed a bit too hesitant for Byakuya's liking. “Do I?” Ichigo joggled the young one in his arm, little Mikan murmuring sleepily where she lay tucked into her father's hold. “Well, Syaoran was up last night with nightmares. Something about monsters under the bed.”
The Kuchiki heir lifted a brow in confusion as he stepped aside, gesturing them into his manor. “I thought she slept on a futon.”
“She does. That's why I can't understand it,” Ichigo responded, shifting slightly to transfer the weight of his other burden to Byakuya.
Ryuunosuke, Mikan's twin, reached out happily for his uncle. His fingers clutched as he gurgled with interest. Byakuya smiled faintly, taking the little one into his arms. Even so, he was not entirely convinced that Ichigo's story was true.
“I see,” he commented noncommittally, a passing thought bouncing around in his head that was as surprising as it was disconcerting.
'When was the last time I saw him smile other than around his children?' he asked himself, then promptly clamped down on such thoughts.
It was none of his business, anyway. He was certain it had to do with occupational fatigue. Both Ichigo and Rukia were busy enough as it was, four children only added to the overwhelming sense of lost time. It did not help that Ichigo was a captain in his own right, heading Aizen's former division, or that Rukia was now a vice-captain.
Forcing himself to change subjects, though the discussion had been entirely internal, he redirected, “Where is Rukia?”
His sister was usually with Ichigo when they dropped off the children, though that had been less and less lately.
“Tou-chan, I'm hungry,” Syaoran complained, tugging on the folds of her father's hakama.
Reaching down with a free hand, Ichigo patted her hair. “In a minute, sweetie,” he said with considerable patience before answering Byakuya's question. “She went ahead to the office. Something about Jyuushiro wanting to meet with his higher seats early this morning.”
Byakuya frowned thoughtfully. “She has been doing that a lot recently, has she not?” he questioned as Ryuunosuke made a noise of discontent. He idly shifted the weight in his arms, settling the child until he was satisfied, snuggling closer.
Shrugging, Ichigo raked a hand through his hair, badly in need of a trim. It only served to highlight how very tired he seemed.
“They've been going through a reshuffling of their positions. Kaien, stop teasing your sister.”
Despite himself, Byakuya found his lips twitching in amusement. Segueing one phrase into the next, the true mark of a father that Ichigo had quickly mastered. He had chastised his son without seemingly noticing what the boy was doing. Ichigo was a natural at child-rearing, needing very little guidance. From what Byakuya had learned, it only made sense considering he had often looked after his younger sisters.
Kaien, the eldest of Ichigo's brood, tried not to look guilty as he tucked his hands behind his back. His attempt at nonchalance failed, especially when considering that he had just been poking Syaoran incessantly.
“Yes, tou-san,” he mumbled, not sounding the least bit contrite. Dark blue eyes, the same shade as his mother's, sparkled with the hint of more mischief to come.
Byakuya reflected on this. Kaien already thought himself too old to call his father “tou-chan” anymore. It was rather endearing and almost surreal how quickly these children were growing up. Still, Byakuya sometimes didn't envy his sister and her husband for their brood. Four was perhaps too many, not that he would trade his nieces and nephews for anything. They only served to remind him how much he had wanted children with Hisana.
In response to his boy, Ichigo rolled his eyes, though Kaien couldn't see it. Sometimes, the father was more juvenile than the son.
Amused, Byakuya turned his attention to Syaoran. “Why don't you head into the kitchen?” he suggested, remembering her declaration of hunger. “I believe that Kuina made something you will like.”
Arrogant and prideful disdain fully in place, she edged away from her brother. “ajigonomi?” Syaoran asked hopefully, flicking her dark hair over her shoulder.
It was a purely Byakuya move, something she had adopted from her uncle. It caused said man to lift an eyebrow in surprise as Ichigo rubbed the back of his neck, considering her request.
“Maybe not ajigonomi but probably something just as good,” he answered with a light laugh, jiggling Mikan in his hold.
She began to stir, sleepily waking.
“I don't think Byakuya-oji-san likes ajigonomi.”
This seemed to flabbergast the children.
“Why not?” Kaien demanded, far too stubborn for his own good, but he was a Kurosaki after all. “I like ajigonomi.” In true child-like fashion, he couldn't fathom why his uncle wouldn't enjoy his favorite snack.
In a discontented gurgle, Mikan complained about being woken and all the noise surrounding her. Seemingly unconscious, Ichigo shifted to hold her against his shoulder, one palm rubbing soothingly on her back. Content with this, Mikan settled down again, a crying session successfully averted, much to Byakuya's relief.
“Come on, nii-san,” Syaoran insisted with some impatience, grabbing her brother by his upper arm. “I'm hungry.”
Byakuya chuckled to himself as she began pulling him down the hallway towards where both children knew the kitchen to be. Syaoran was as bossy as ever it seemed.
The two adults, each carrying one of the twins, followed the children, tabi swishing across the polished, wooden floors.
“I do not understand why Rukia is putting in this much extra work. It is not as though she is in danger of losing her post,” Byakuya commented, returning the conversation to when it had been interrupted.
Ichigo sighed. “Three pregnancies have interrupted what was supposed to be her chance,” he explained, hand still in the midst of soothingly stroking his daughter's back. “To show that it was on her own merit and not on our backs. Even after more than two decades, Rukia still feels she has something to prove.
Blinking, Byakuya found himself rather surprised. “Defeating the ninth Espada was not enough? And then, the tenth at a later time?” He tilted his head. “She still feels inadequate?”
His voice echoed around them as they turned into the Kuchiki's rather expansive kitchen, large windows brightening the room where Kuina bustled busily inside. The pleasant aroma of breakfast already in the midst of cooking greeted them, even as they bumped into both Syaoran and Kaien, who had paused in the doorway. They were impatiently hungry but knew better than to rush or bother Kuina.
Setting a hand on Syaoran's shoulder, he urged the little girl inside. “I think she would like some ajigonomi, Kuina,” he suggested.
His cook, a matronly woman who thought it her duty to mother anyone in sight with a firm hand, sniffed and shook her head. “This early in the morning, Kuchiki-sama?” Her words were servile but her tone reprimanding.
Out of the corner of his eye, Byakuya caught his brother-in-law give the barest hint of a smile, amused at the immediate pouting of both his children. “She's right, kiddo,” Ichigo said, reaching out and ruffling Kaien's dark hair. “Real food now. Snacks later.”
With a gentle push from the palm of his hand, Byakuya directed them towards the table along the far wall. It had been set up specifically for the children's use not long after he started watching them on his days off.
“Go sit and wait. Quietly.” A hint of warning in his tone was evident.
“Yes, oji-san,” they two sang in unison, somehow sounding as if they planned something devious for later on.
Before they could move away, however, Ichigo caught them in one hand and crouched briefly, kissing each on their forehead. He was particularly adept at ignoring Kaien's squirming, the boy beginning to feel he was too old for fatherly affection.
“Listen to oji-san,” he warned, both already escaping from his grasp and scampering off to the table where they would eagerly await breakfast.
Byakuya knew that they had probably been fed that morning, but like all children, they were already hungry again.
With another matronly sniff, Kuina returned to her cooking, taking the momentary interruption in stride.
“Watch them for a moment, please,” Byakuya instructed.
She nodded without turning. “Hai, Kuchiki-sama.”
Assured of their safety, Byakuya turned and gestured for Ichigo to follow. The two continued down the corridor, towards the room he had prepared for the twins. They were young enough to sleep a while longer before he bothered with the difficult and oftentimes messy task of feeding them as well. He would first take care of Syaoran and Kaien, both of whom required immediate attention and entertainment until they were satisfied.
Byakuya knew that he could simply leave the care of the children to his servants, but he rather enjoyed taking the duties himself. He could remember being left to the staff a great deal as a child since both his parents were often too busy themselves. He didn't want his nieces and nephews to endure that.
Alone again, the conversation continued.
“I don't understand her feelings,” Ichigo commented, his voice sounding defeated, almost saddened. It was enough to catch Byakuya's instincts. “But I won't tell her to stop either.”
“Perhaps I should speak with her,” Byakuya mused aloud.
Ryuunosuke twitched again, only to snuggle closer into his uncle's warmth. The male twin was always so quiet and calm, rarely expressing his displeasure aloud, unlike his more quirky sister.
Ichigo shook his head. “And have me be accused of coming to you with my problems again? No, it's not really an issue.”
Byakuya understood without having Ichigo clarify. “Very well.”
“Besides,” Ichigo continued, the two of them finally arriving at the room. “We should probably be talking about you.”
Sliding open the door and gesturing his companion inside, Byakuya turned on the light, a small fan clicking on and whirring quietly. The room was rather nice, painted in a pale blue with baskets of toys in opposite corners. There was a small bed, large enough for both twins, lined with a railing to keep them from escaping once they were of age to be moving around.
Byakuya arched a brow at Ichigo's insinuation. Having known the Kuchiki heir for several decades, he understood the wordless insistence on explanation.
Grinning, Ichigo lowered his daughter onto the plush mattress, pulling back the blanket. “Made any decisions yet?”
The sixth-division captain sniffed elegantly. “If you are referring to the multitudes of offers, then no. And I do not plan to.” He set Ryuunosuke in next to his sister, the twins having shown a preference for sharing a bed.
“And why not?” Ichigo posed, tucking the covers around his daughter.
She murmured and curled into her favorite position, hogging most of the bed and shoving Ryuunosuke as close to the railing as possible.
“Don't you need an heir or something?”
Feeling rather smug, Byakuya gestured towards the twins. “I have heirs aplenty,” he clarified, stepping back and letting Ichigo finish settling in his children. “I do not plan to take another wife.”
“Surely, there's someone.”
Byakuya made a noncommittal noise in his throat. “Despite rumors there is no one.”
The fifth-division captain shot him a shrewd look, visibly scoffing as he followed Byakuya out of the room. “If rumors were to be believed, you'd be having an affair with everyone in Soul Society outside of Rukia and me.” Ichigo paused and reconsidered. “And Renji.”
“Small favors,” Byakuya stated, the implication bringing a smile to Ichigo's lips.
Poking fun at his former subordinate was something they both enjoyed. Besides, seeing Ichigo smile was becoming few and far between unless the children were involved. And the small flicker of pride in him for causing that grin was somewhat confusing.
The laughter of children interrupted their discussion, quickly followed by a very loud crash. The two captains exchanged a glance, able to guess what had just occurred. They had left two under the eye of a busy cook, after all.
Ichigo sighed, fingers rubbing briefly over his temple as the length of Zangetsu's blade knocked against the back of his legs. “I know I should investigate, but...”
Waving him, on, Byakuya shook his head. “Go. I am sure it is nothing I cannot handle.”
“Thanks, Byakuya.”
The other man watched as Ichigo flitted away, easily finding his own way out of the house. Another smaller crash echoed, and he thought he might have heard the reprimanding tone of his cook. Thoughts echoed in his mind at Ichigo's strange behavior, but for the moment, he had a noise to investigate.
“Byakuya-oji-san, can I talk to you?”
Putting aside his brush from the paperwork he had brought home with him, grey eyes flickered to Syaoran. She was happily playing in the garden, crawling around in the flowers. Her father would probably be angry with the amount of dirt she was accumulating, but at least, she was amused. The twins, he knew, were taking their afternoon nap.
He returned his gaze to Kaien, the young boy unusually somber. He was most often like his namesake, energetic and rather loud, oftentimes boisterous. But for the moment, he was regarding his uncle with a quiet and thoughtful look.
Concern stole its way into Byakuya's body, hoping that the child wasn't hurt.
“Of course, little one.” He gestured to the empty space next to him. “What is it?”
Blue eyes flickered away from him, staring determinedly at the ground as the boy briefly chewed on his lip. “Is it normal for parents to fight?”
Byakuya furrowed his brow. “Sometimes, your parents have disagreements, I'm sure,” he stated cautiously. “But I know they still love you.”
He felt rather proud of himself for nipping that problem in the bud. It often wasn't hard to fix a child's problem. And it was relieving that Kaien was not injured. Byakuya was certain he was doing a better job at being an uncle than he had ever done with being a brother.
His joy was short-lived.
Kaien shook his head. “That's not it.”
Inwardly, Byakuya cursed under his breath. He had thought the problem solved.
The boy took a deep breath, chewing his lip again to express just how uncomfortable he was at the moment. “I mean,” he clarified. “Is it normal for okaa-san to hit otou-san.”
Byakuya's eyes widened. “Your... okaa-san strikes your otou-san?”
A hesitant nod was Kaien's response.
Flabbergasted and a bit disturbed, Byakuya found himself prying for more clarification. “Often?”
“Only when she's mad or tou-san did something wrong or... But otou-san never says anything back. He just looks sad...” Kaien trailed off, beginning to look visible upset as the hands in his lap curled into fists. Tears were welling up in his eyes. “Is... is that normal, or...?” He couldn't seem to form the rest of his question.
The boy sounded so much older than his years, and it made something inside of Byakuya crack painfully. No child should ask a question like that. No child should have reason to ask such a thing. It left him feeling lost, unsure what to do. Nowhere in his darkest dreams would he have imagined being put in this particular situation.
He felt as if his brain were suddenly on ice, synapses refusing to fire and give him the answers he needed. The very implication was beyond his comprehension, the very thought of it disturbing. The child was implying no simple accusation. His only relief was that there seemed no indication that Kaien or the other children had been in any danger. But that didn't make it any easier to bear.
Swallowing thickly, Byakuya reacted purely on instinct, drawing his nephew into his arms. Pale hands soothed down the boy's hair as he sought to find the right solution.
“Do not worry, little bird. It's...” He paused, trying to swallow over the lump in his throat. He didn't know what he was supposed to say in response.
Kaien was looking up at him so hopefully. He was silently asking, begging his uncle fix the problem that tormented him.
Feeling almost backed into a corner, Byakuya said the only thing he thought would ease his nephew's concerns. “I'll deal with it.”
“Really?” Just the one word was filled with so much hope it was heartbreaking.
He nodded. “I promise.”
With that, he knew he had sealed his doom, feeling the weight of the vow settle onto his shoulders. There was no way he could simply turn his back now or pretend he hadn't heard. A child was depending on him, after all. He had a responsibility.
The watery eyes were blinked away, replaced by a smile.
Byakuya patted Kaien's head. “Why don't you go play with your sister?”
His nephew nodded. “Un!”
Kaien slid from his lap, practically skipping and probably planning to torment his sister in any number of ways. He completely trusted Byakuya, certain that his uncle was going to solve the problem. Certain that everything was going to be just fine.
Byakuya wished he had as much confidence in himself as his nephew did.
He watched the boy immediately pounce on Syaoran, much to her displeasure. He sighed, rubbing a hand across his forehead. Byakuya had no idea what he was supposed to do now. He was, however, certain that Kaien wasn't lying. There was too much truth in the boy's eyes, and Kaien was already spoiled. There was no danger of the boy telling stories simply to gain attention.
No, Byakuya was certain that something was seething beneath the surface of his sister's marriage. Whether or not he had any right to interfere was a matter of discussion. Politeness dictated that he stay out of the manner, that it was none of his business. And Ichigo had mentioned nothing; there had been no indication of anything amiss. Not that he believed the man would come to him for help in such a matter.
He quickly found himself in an awkward position, torn between his sister and his brother-in-law, the closest thing to a best friend he had. Byakuya was trapped with no clue how to even begin his escape.
The sound of his cook's voice pulled him from his brooding thoughts. He turned to find Kuina hovering near him, face as prim as always. He supposed that since he had set Yuu to keeping a careful watch on the sleeping twins that Kuina had fallen to bringing him messages.
“Abarai-taichou is here.”
Byakuya tilted his head in interest, musing. “I wasn't aware that he was visiting today,” he commented, more to himself than her. “Very well. Bring him in.”
“Already here,” another voice announced from just behind her.
Renji stepped out onto the porch a second later, his arms ladened down with bags, which were undoubtedly full of gifts. That irrepressible grin was on his former subordinate's face, red hair still sticking jauntily from the back of his head.
“Yo, Byakuya!” the other man greeted, his voice booming cheerily in the serene quiet of the Kuchiki garden. “Just thought I'd stop by on my lunch break.”
He barely repressed his sigh. Ever since Renji had become captain and had married, he had managed to lose most of his restraint. He willfully came and went from Byakuya's home, addressing his former captain however he pleased. A part of Byakuya was glad that Renji had gotten over his inadequacy issues. The other half was annoyed by Renji's newfound confidence since the man now believed there were to be no boundaries.
Still, it could have been worse. Renji could have married Rukia.
Byakuya gestured towards his cook, who was regarding Renji with some disapproval. “Thank you, Kuina. Please continue preparing lunch.”
She bowed and pattered away as Renji plopped down next to him, looking as well as always. He seemed to carry a glow of excitement, his work in the seventh division obviously going well. The promotion had been good for him.
“You knew the children were here, didn't you?” Byakuya posed with some amusement as Renji unloaded his burdens onto the empty spot of porch on his other side.
He grinned. “Saw right through me, eh?”
“It wasn't particularly hard,” Byakuya countered as he raised a brow, eying Renji's impressive cache of bags. “And you brought gifts. Ichigo says you are spoiling them.”

The other captain shot him a strange look but that stop him from scoffing. “Che. You're just jealous cause they like me better.”
It was in that moment that both Syaoran and Kaien noticed the redhead's arrival, calling his name in unison. Kaien ran their direction ,while his sister followed at a more sedate pace, entirely above such a loud response.
“Hey, guys.” Renji chuckled as Kaien attached himself to his knee, a calloused hand immediately settled on the boy's head, tussling his hair. “How's it going?”
Arriving behind her brother a few minutes later, Syaoran climbed up onto the porch between the two captains. “For us?” she asked, pointing to the bags with one hand. She leaned comfortably against Byakuya, thereby showing just who her favorite was.
Byakuya was smug, though he tried and failed not to show it.
“Yep,” Renji answered before eying Kaien critically. “I swear. You get bigger ev'ry time I see ya. You're gonna be bigger than yer old man.”
“And stronger, too!” Kaien chirped, beaming proudly and causing his adopted uncle to laugh.
Hands disappearing into the bags he had brought, Renji shifted his gaze to Byakuya. “The twins nappin'?” he asked, pulling out two small bags of candy, one for each.
Byakuya inclined his head. “You should have known that.” He critically eyed what Renji was handing out, inwardly cringing at the thought of what all the sugar would do to their energy levels.
Shrugging and dismissing the minor chastisement, his hand disappeared into the bag again, only to emerge with something else. “Look. I even brought something fer Byakushi.”
Warily, Byakuya took the proffered item. It was a small placard that read “second best uncle,” perfectly designed to sit on his desk in the office. The gift prompted him to shake his head. Sometimes, his former subordinate was still just the immature juvenile he remembered accepting into his division all those years ago.

He set the gift to the side as Kaien and Syaoran exclaimed excitedly over the small toys they were being offered. “How is your wife, Renji?”
Another grin, this time sillier than the first and obviously lovesick was Renji's response. “Hime's fine. She's not sick in the mornings anymore.” He paused, one hand rubbing the back of his head. “I came home yesterday, and the nursery was already painted.”
Byakuya raised a brow as Renji made a face.
“It's orange. Bright orange with green polka dots.” The redhead was faintly scared by the prospect.
The sixth-division captain coughed into his hand, at a completely loss for words. He could remember Orihime offering to paint the room for the twins when Rukia had first become pregnant. At the time, Ichigo and Rukia had been too busy to do it themselves. Now, Byakuya was glad that he had turned her down, instead hiring someone to do it for them. He was frightened to imagine what color scheme the quirky woman might have insisted upon.
Renji shook his head, adjusting the plain white bandanna adorning his forehead. “She's happy `bout it though, so I ain't complainin'. You know, I had ta run out at three in the morning the other week for vanilla ice cream. Just plain ice cream.”
His brow arched. “Surprising for her,” Byakuya responded, dimly registering the heat of the day. The sun was growing higher in the sky, beaming down on them and reminding him that it was becoming too warm for the children to play outside.
“You're tellin' me.” Renji shifted in his seat, turning his gaze to watch Ichigo's brood as they played with their new gifts; Kaien was attempting to borrow his sister's to little success. “I haven't seen Ichigo in a while, except at the captain's meetin'. Rukia's been pretty busy, too.”
Byakuya frowned. “You'll understand when you have four children of your own.”
“I'm just worrying about the one for now,” Renji put in with a chuckle, sitting back on the porch and placing his hands behind him against the floor. “Hime's baby shower's soon. I thought I should remind everyone. Especially Ichigo.”
“He's probably forgotten. I will inform him.”
His former subordinate gave him that strange look again, an almost surprised stare. But before Renji could continue their conversation, Kuina appeared once more.
“Lunch is served, Kuchiki-sama, Abarai-taichou,” she informed them briefly before bowing and leaving.
Renji's stomach chose that moment to give a hungry rumble.
Byakuya regarded him amusedly. “I suppose that you invited yourself.”
“Or be forced ta eat at the commissary or division for lunch?” Renji questioned as if offended before giving a fanged grin. “Of course!”
Byakuya rose to his feet, dusting off his hakama and making a note to remind one of the servants to fetch his paperwork for him. “Syaoran. Kaien. Come here.”
Beside him, Renji stood as well. The two children abandoned their toys and hurried to their uncle's side. He urged them towards the door with a faint press to their backs.
“Go wash your hands for lunch.”
They were more than eager to comply, having worked up quite an appetite. “Hai!”
He only noticed out of the corner of his eye when Renji gave him that bizarre look again and shook his head. Deeming it unimportant, Byakuya instead concentrated on making sure his two charges cleaned up properly without drowning themselves in the process.
For the moment, his worry of earlier was pushed to the back of his mind.
Predictably, Renji stayed for lunch.
As always, Ichigo arrived on time, exactly ten minutes after he was done with his work for the day. Yuu showed him in, while Byakuya was in the midst of looking over Kaien's schoolwork, correcting his nephew on a few simple mistakes. Syaoran was on the floor, legs kicking in the air as she hummed to herself and colored in one of her books. The twins were on the baby mat, remarkably quiet as they contented themselves with looking around.
Syaoran was the first to see him, smiling as she lurched to her feet. “Tou-chan,” came the warm greeting as she moved to meet him.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He scooped her up into his arms, and she laughed, kissing him on the cheek. “Did you miss me?”
“Hai,” was the ever predictable answer. She giggled when he kissed her back, only ever losing her reserve for her father. Or the occasional anger towards her older brother.
Beside Byakuya, Kaien fidgeted as if he, too, wanted his father's affection but was unwilling to say so aloud. The Kuchiki hair couldn't help but smile in amusement at this, closing the book that he and his nephew had been working in.
“I think that is enough for today,” he stated, much to Kaien's relief. “You are learning quickly.”
“Of course,” Ichigo inserted, strolling near them with Syaoran still in his arms. One free hand reached down, smoothing his son's hair. “He's a Kurosaki.”
Byakuya was unconvinced. “And that is meant to reassure me?” he countered, rising to his feet and brushing down his kimono. He scowled briefly at the ink spots that had mysteriously gravitated there.
“It should.” Ichigo responded, turning his attention to his son. “How's it going, squirt?”
Kaien reached behind him for one of the papers, showing his scrawled arithmetic to his father. “I only got one wrong. It's Byakuya-oji-san's fault though. He can't count.”
Chuckling in amusement, Ichigo unraveled Syaoran's arms from his neck and set her on her feet. “I see. Help your sister clean up. Real quick, okay? Sanji's making your favorite tonight.”
This brought an even brighter smile to his son's face. “Un!”
The two scampered off, picking up scattered homework and coloring supplies, leaving Ichigo free to wander over to the last of his children.
“Evening, little ones.”
Byakuya watched in silence as Ichigo greeted the twins, kissing each on the forehead. It had surprised the older captain at first, just how affectionate the usually gruff Ichigo could be. But he supposed, given that they were children, it wasn't entirely impossible for a person to change.
Mikan cooed and gurgled in delight, kicking up her feet. Ryuu just lazily stretched. They were yet infants, but they were happy to see their father, recognizing his voice and face in an instant.
He found himself looking at his companion, wondering if he should say something. Byakuya recalled just how attached the Arrancar Nell had been to Ichigo and how well he had taken care of his sisters. Ichigo had always had it in him to be a great father, and despite not at all liking him at first, Byakuya knew that Ichigo was a great husband. He was good for Rukia.
Yet, there was a definite strain in his eyes that wasn't entirely work-related. Ichigo had been given the fifth division after the war, but with the aid of Ayasegawa-fukutaichou, everything was running smoothly. He had very little to worry about in that regard. Ichigo's stress had to be due to something else.
Byakuya tried staring, seeing if he could find any evidence of violence. The shihakushou and captain's haori covered far too much for him to notice much of anything. And either Ichigo healed too fast or Rukia never left any marks.
It took him several long seconds to realize just what exactly he was doing. The moment understanding dawned, he felt sick to his stomach. The uneasiness coiled uncomfortably, turning his insides to ice.
He had actually been checking for proof, casually and dutifully examining his brother-in-law and best friend for evidence of abuse.
What happened to happily ever after?
Byakuya knew that he needed to seek out advice. This wasn't something he could figure out on his own. It wasn't his place to interfere, but he also couldn't ignore the worry that Kaien had implanted in his heart. He had to do something. Though he did not want to admit it, the concern that the violence might be turned towards the children spurred his decision.
In cases like this, his best option was to seek the advice of his senpai. If all else failed, Ukitake Jyuushiro was unarguably the best for aid.
He watched as Ichigo gestured for Yuu enter the room, the two of them engaging in brief conversation. His butler bent to retrieve little Mikan, and Ichigo picked up Ryuunosuke, both twins gurgling happily at being removed from the floor. The sound of clanks informed Byakuya that both Syaoran and Kaien have finished cleaning the room, shoving their toys into their pockets and closing their storage chests.
“They weren't too much trouble I hope,” Ichigo asked as he gestured his eldest children towards him, already heading towards the hallway. There, by the front door, coats and shoes were gathered, waiting to return to their owners.
Byakuya shook his head. “Nothing I couldn't handle.”
“And the crash?”
At this, both Kaien and Syaoran found themselves studying the glossy floor, pretending they knew absolutely nothing about the conversation between the two adults. Byakuya regarded them with some amusement but didn't tattle. It wasn't a big enough deal that their father would have to take care of it.
“It was merely an accident.”
Ichigo looked at him in disbelief before turning to his hardly contrite children. “Spoiled,” he teased them. “The both of you. If had been me, I'll bet Byakuya would've told in an instant.”
“He likes us better,” Kaien shot back cheekily, ever glad to have one up on his father.
Brown eyes, unusually warm, caught Byakuya's gaze. “He probably does,” Ichigo agreed. “Though I think I'm growing on him.”
For the first time, Byakuya found himself speechless at that unexpectedly teasing response, and he was infinitely relieved when they arrived at the front door. Ichigo briefly handed Ryuunosuke to Yuu so that he could kneel, wrestling Kaien into his shoes. It was never an easy task.
“Did you have fun with Byakuya-oji-san?” Ichigo questioned as Byakuya helped Syaoran, having a much easier time.
It was obvious that Kaien took secret pleasure in making things difficult for his father.
“Yep!” the boy chirped, gleefully fidgeting as Ichigo tried to tie on his sandals with increasing frustration.
“I found this,” Syaoran inserted, holding out her hand.
Momentarily distracted, Ichigo gave her his full attention. She uncurled her fingers, showing him a faintly twitching cricket that had been hidden in her grasp. Byakuya stifled a chuckle as he finished tying her sandals with relative ease.
To his credit, Ichigo hardly blinked, already well used to his children bringing him the oddest things. “All by yourself?” he said with a grin.
Syaoran nodded, seeming incredibly proud of her deed.
Always eager for attention, Kaien pushed himself between her and his father's line of sight, trying to redirect the conversation back to him. “We saw Renji-oji-san, too!”
Brown eyes met cool grey. “Is that so?”
Byakuya shrugged gracefully. “Reni stopped by during his lunch. He wanted to remind me and you of the baby shower.”
Turning back to Kaien, Ichigo snorted, tugging a bit too harshly on the last of his son's sandals. “That bas-- idiot. I remember. We've already gotten the gifts.”
That was all it took to remind Kaien of his uncle's visit. “Renji-oji-san brought us presents!” the boy added loudly, digging into his pocket and pulling out a fistful of candy, some of it empty wrappers.
Ichigo looked at the wrappers and exhaled loudly. He was going to kill Renji. And why didn't Byakuya stop them from eating it?
He shot an accusing glance towards his friend.
“They didn't eat it all,” Byakuya said in a defensive tone, feeling as if Ichigo were questioning his uncle-ing abilities. “They were more interested in the toys.”
“See, tou-chan?” Syaoran uncoiled the fingers of her other hand, showing him something that Byakuya couldn't quite identify, but it was colorful. That was all that mattered to the children.
Ichigo shook his head. “Both of them spoil you terribly.”
He rose to his feet, hand briefly sliding over his son's shoulder. Syaoran kissed Byakuya on the cheek, and the older man stood as well, straightening.
“I suppose Tohru will keep them tomorrow?” he posed, patting his niece on the back.
The fifth-division captain nodded, moving to Yuu. He gingerly took the twins back in his arms.
With a faint smile, Ichigo added, “Thanks for watching them, Byakuya. Kids, say goodbye to your oji-san.”
“Already did,” Syaoran remarked primly, stepping to her father and attaching herself to his fluttering haori.
“You know that I don't mind,” Byakuya answered, momentarily shocked when Kaien came to him and wrapped his arms around his uncle's upper thighs.
“Thanks, Byakuya-oji-san,” the boy murmured. In his eyes, that gleam of hope and gratefulness further cemented Byakuya's resolve.
No turning back.
Byakuya found a smile. “You're welcome, little bird.”
Ichigo watched this exchange with interest but didn't comment. “All right, brats. Time to go home. I'm sure you've exhausted Byakuya-oji-san enough for the day.”
He ushered them towards the door, which Yuu had so kindly opened for them. As Kaien and Syaoran scampered out ahead of them, expressing interest at the sinking sun, Ichigo paused. He gave Byakuya a faint grin, almost as if he had something on his mind before he turned and followed his children out the door.
Byakuya had given him just the smallest smile in return, but he didn't know if Ichigo caught it or not. He almost didn't realize what he was doing until Yuu closed the door after the departing family, shooting him a look that mirrored Renji's earlier ones.
Byakuya merely shook his head, contemplating both dinner and a bath. Kaien had given him much to think about. He would see Ukitake first thing in the morning.

a/n: Some translations:
shihakusho: the name for the shinigami uniform
ajigonomi: A child's snack, a mix of crackers and peanut-based items together with tiny fish
a note about the terms for father: distinguishing tou-chan from tou-san is distinguishing 'daddy' from 'dad'