Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ ONS and More ❯ ONS ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any Bleach affiliates.
(A/N: Hey peoples, just want to say a few things. One: I do not hate Renji, in fact he is one of my favorite character, the only thing is I'm a strong supporter of IchiRukia so he is simply the most plausible… um, shall we say, antagonist?... in this story. Two: I am still working on Romeo and Juliet Remix, I just thought of this one on a whim. So here ya go, enjoy this story and don't forget to review! Yours, Tituba.)
(A/N: Also, should this be a one shot? A collection of one shots? I dunno, suggestions would be appreciated.)
The door to a small and obscure bar opened with a small tingling of a bell and a woman wearing a dark dress and even darker look walked inside. Her footsteps clinked softly on the soft wood as she made her way to a small stool near the counter. She placed herself delicately on the seat and dusted off a few bits of stray peanuts. The bartender—a short and portly man with a thick mustache and even thicker waist—approached her quickly and asked for her order.
“Scotch on the rocks,” the girl muttered as she picked at the peanut bowl.
“Coming right up,” the man said as he pulled out a small glass.
“Bigger,” she said automatically.
The bartender lifted an eyebrow but did as she asked and got out a larger glass. He plunked three ice cubes into the cup and then filled the rest of the glass with a thick, brown, liquid. He slid the glass over to her and she gladly took a sip. The drink burned in her throat and she grimaced slightly.
“Can't you hold your drink, pretty lady?” The man three seats to her right asked.
The girl looked at him and glared. He was the exact image of what a bar stereotype should be: worn jeans that looked like they might fall off at any moment, oily, shoulder length hair that was hidden underneath a dirty Stetson, leather jacket with extra pockets on the front, and a flannel shirt that was unbuttoned down to the middle of his chest. The man shifted slightly towards her and leered, his teeth were dirty and stained from the cheap beer he was holding in his hand. She could even smell his disgusting form from where she was sitting.
“I can hold it just fine, thank you,” she replied coldly, “And my name is Rukia, not `pretty lady', as you so eloquently put it.”
The mans' leer widened even further, exposing three gold and one silver tooth.
“Well then, Miss Rukia, my name is Sal and I'd—”
“Frankly,” she growled shortly, “I couldn't give a flying fuck what your name is.” She lifted her drink and took another swig. “Don't talk to me.”
Sal-the-pick-up-artist sat, bewildered, for a moment before narrowing his eyes and muttering “bitch.” He swung his seat around to talk to the seedy blonde sitting beside him and completely forgot about the woman on his left.
Rukia picked up her drink and swirled its contents before sipping it again. She set it down once again and stared at her reflection; it was distorted by the ice cubes and ruined by her ow n red face.
`“Rukia… I've—I've fallen in love.”'
She felt a small tear drip from her eye and slide down her face. Kami, why was she crying? Was she so pathetic that she'd come to this? What was this—this state of helplessness that she'd never felt before?
`I feel so used and broken.' She thought bitterly as she swallowed the contents of her glass. It clinked on the tabletop and she slid it over to the bartender. She didn't need to tell the bartender to refill it, he did it on instinct.
“Something the matter?” He asked when he handed her the glass.
Rukia shook her head and muttered a `no' before delving back into the blessed alcohol.
The bartender leaned his elbow down onto the countertop and shook his head. “Beautiful girls like you don't come into run down bars on Saturday nights to pass the time.” He paused and sighed, “Besides, you look like shit.”
Rukia shot him a dirty look. “I thought you said I was beautiful,” she said dryly.
The man nodded and said, “Yeah, you're as beautiful as they come but you still look like shit.”
“Thanks,” she said bitterly as she swirled her glass.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked her quietly.
Rukia looked around the bar and sighed; there was hardly anyone in here, only Sal, the woman he was currently charming, two gentlemen playing pool and complaining about their wives, and an old lady with dyed red hair and red, sagging, cheeks.
She lowered her eyelids a bit and glanced back at her scotch, “Not really.”
The bartender nodded and heaved himself up so he was standing again. “Well, if you want to talk about it,” he said as he topped off her drink again. “I'm right here.”
“Thanks,” Rukia muttered.
`“She's absolutely amazing—funny, smart, easy to be around, she makes me laugh… Rukia, I think I've found the one.”'
“Renji…” she murmured quietly, another tear slipped down from her eye and she angrily wiped it away.
She didn't want to think about it.
Rukia was sitting in her apartment, a photo album upon her lap, she was pointing and laughing hysterically at a picture.
“Do you remember that? Do you Renji? We were only fifteen and you took me to that stupid seventies dance? I can't believe you wore that! Kami! And look at the pumps I was wearing! Those are horrendous!”
Renji Abarai, Rukia's high school sweet heart, plopped onto the couch beside her, he looked at the photo and gave a nervous laugh.
“Yeah… yeah, that was some dance.” He gave a small cough and allowed one of his tattooed arms to rub at the back of his neck.
Rukia instantly noticed the small and intimate gesture, it happened when he was nervous about something. Her eyes moved to his left temple where she could see a small tick flicking near his hairline.
`I know him too well,' she thought happily as she moved the book from her lap. Rukia quietly moved so her ankles were beneath her thighs and her hands were placed on her knees.
“Renji… what's going on?” She murmured softly.
His cheeks reddened and he turned his face away from hers. “N-nothing is wrong.”
Rukia frowned slightly, like a mother berating her child, “Renji, come on, I can read you like an open book. I know something's wrong… tell me.”
Renji turned so his body was perpendicular to hers; he leaned forward and put his head into his hands. Rukia's frown deepened and she inched her hand towards his shoulder, the touch was soft and almost nonexistent, but the moment her fingers brushed his skin he flinched.
Rukia felt her heart plummet inside of her chest.
“What is it?” She murmured, removing her hovering hand from him.
Renji lowered his head even further and gulped.
“Rukia… I think it might be time for us to—to go our separate ways.” He muttered quietly.
The blood drained from Rukia's face and she felt a cold chill overtake her body.
“I've been thinking,” Renji hurried on as he blatantly avoided her gaze, “We've known each other since we were two, in the orphanage, and I know that I said we'd always be together, but Rukia… we've been together all that time and I've always known that I love you, I really do… I just don't think I love you like that.”
“`Like that?'” Rukia whispered as her throat began to close; she wouldn't let herself cry, she wouldn't. “What do you mean?”
“Rukia… I've—I've fallen in love.”
“Her—her name is Riiko and she's so sweet, she's perfect Rukia, I know you'd like her.” He rushed.
Rukia recoiled onto the other end of the couch and she tried to swallow the growing lump that was clogging her airways.
“Rukia… I know I said I'd marry you, but I don't think I can.” He said softly.
Rukia's eyes were burning with heat but she wouldn't do it—she wouldn't cry.
Renji was still talking, his voice—the same voice that said he loved her—was jarring her ears. She wanted to run around the room and scream, anything to block out the horribly sincere sound of his voice. “She's absolutely amazing—funny, smart, easy to be around, she makes me laugh… Rukia, I think I've found the one.”
`The one.' Rukia thought helplessly, `Renji, I was supposed to be your one, me! Not her!'
“Rukia,” he turned around and bent down before her, she wouldn't allow her eyes to meet his, she just couldn't look at him. “You know you'll always be close to me, you'll always be my Rukia… I just don't think it was meant to be with us.”
Rukia—despite her deepest desire to keep her distance—lifted her eyes to his. There was so much truth written inside them. He was telling the truth… he really was in love with this girl—this Riiko. He wanted to live with her and make her happy.
“Renji…” she whispered, her hand reached up and tried to trace the lines on his face, his tattoos that she loved, the furious frown she knew, the line of lips she had tasted, everything. She wanted to feel him, she wanted to touch him, she wanted him to stay.
Renji rose from his knees and backed away from her. So much pain was inside of his eyes. She hated the way he was looking at her, she hated him for loving someone else, but most of all she hated herself for still loving him.
“Rukia… I'm leaving. I had my things moved this morning.” He turned away from her and opened the door to their spacious apartment—the same apartment they had shared since the end of high school… five years.
His hand was on the knob and he twisted it slowly. He opened it only a few centimeters before resting his forehead on the cool wood and murmuring, “I'm sorry Rukia…” He turned to her and swallowed heavily, “I really am.”
Then he was gone.
Rukia lifted her heavy head and looked around her apartment. He was right, he had removed everything. Now there was nothing.
Slowly, she moved to the bedroom they had shared, the sheets were completely in order—nothing was left undone. She opened the drawers in his dresser…
She went into the bathroom and looked inside; his toothbrush was gone, his hairbrush was gone, his razor was gone, his special shampoo was gone.
Everything was gone.
The pictures in the living room, the jerseys in the closet, the shoes in the foyer, the keys on the counter, the bobble heads on the windowsill.
He was gone… completely gone.
Rukia felt another tear flow down her cheek.
`It's a good thing I'm not sobbing.' She thought bitterly as she drained her second glass of scotch.
The door to the bar rattled and a bell tinkled with the arrival of a new customer. Rukia didn't even bother looking up as a young man walked into the room and greeted those around him.
“Hey Trevor, how's the wife?” He asked one of the men over at the pool table.
“Bitchy as ever.” He complained as he shot a red ball into a corner, “I'm thinkin' of leavin' her.”
“Me too,” muttered his pool partner as he moved around the table. “Damn cunt gives me a headache every night.”
Rukia twisted her features into a snarl and tightened her fingers around her glass.
The man slid into the spot two seats from her right but Rukia didn't bother looking at him. Damn bastards, they were all the same. She reached her hand towards the peanut bowl and picked up one that didn't look diseased and bit into it delicately.
“Hey Ishizu, how's your kid adjusting to braces?” He asked.
The bartender—Ishizu—came over to him and shook his head. “Little whiner can't eat anything except warmed-up applesauce.” He sighed and rolled his eyes, “But I love the squirt so I can't do anything but pop a bowl in the microwave.”
The guy nodded and reached over to the same peanut dish Rukia was eating out of, her hand recoiled and she placed it on her lap, she averted her eyes to her empty glass and reveled in the small buzzing inside of her head.
The man was quiet for a few minutes before nodding and saying, “The regular, Ishizu.”
Rukia sat quietly as Ishizu passed the newcomer a beer, with a sigh of contentment he threw the bottle back and took a few sips.
Rukia shifted on her stool and pushed the glass away from her. She was no featherweight when it came to alcohol, but tonight she didn't want to do anything rash.
“You new?”
Rukia's back stiffened slightly and she inched her head towards the side. Why couldn't that bastard just leave her alone? He was just like the others, wasn't he?
Rukia would even bet one hundred thousand yen that his girlfriend was somewhere in the city, waiting for him at home.
She heard the bartender whisper, “Her name's Rukia, she's a bit testy.”
The man nodded and turned his body towards her again.
“Hey, are you drunk or just ignoring me?”
Rukia narrowed her eyes and she swiveled her head to him.
“Ignoring you.” She said nastily as she handed her glass back to Ishizu, “I'll just have water now, thanks.”
She turned the rest of her body forward as her eyes focused on a liquor license resting above a portrait of a cola bottle from the fifties. She wanted to ignore him, the man sitting beside her… but it was kind of hard.
He was a striking person to see. His hair—even in the dim lights of the dingy bar—was a bright, fiery, orange that flopped in an uneven mess around his face. His shoulders and chest were encased in a tight tee shirt that had a short, snappy, saying on the front, while the rest of him was wearing a tight and shining leather jacket. His slim hips and tight ass were wrapped in light blue denim that traveled down his long legs and ended in dark brown boots. It made him look irresistible.
But his face… his face was what made him look completely irresistible. He had a pair of intense amber eyes that seemed to burn her through to the bone, his cheekbones were high and accentuated the toughness of his complexion. His skin looked soft to the touch and his expression was one of ferocity: a confident smirk and a semi-permanent frown.
`Kami,' Rukia thought coldly, `I don't need this right now.'
Ishizu placed a glass of water in front of her and she gladly accepted it. As she took a drink she felt his eyes on her once again. Those burning amber orbs going right into her.
Irritated, she turned her stool and glared at the man two seats away from her. He was smirking at her, his hand was resting lightly on his knee and his other arm was resting on the counter, holding his beer.
“Do you want something?” She asked bluntly.
He shook his head and his smile widened. “No… not really.” He took a drink and set the bottle on the coaster, in one smooth movement he slid forward and moved until he was only one seat away. “The real question though,” he said as he took a few peanuts from the bowl and popped them into his mouth, “Is, do you want something?”
Rukia snorted and took another drink. “No. I don't.”
He cocked his head to the right, “Are you sure?”
Rukia nodded, wishing he would go away. She wanted to be miserable in peace.
He took another swig of his beer and set it down; some beads of water were running down the bottles edge, Rukia noticed them and quickly checked her face for unwanted tears. Whoever this guy was, she didn't want him to see her cry.
“So… boyfriend?”
Rukia's fingers tightened on the glass and she clenched her jaw, “What did you say?” She asked as she turned to him again.
The man beside her shrugged his shoulders and popped another peanut into his mouth. “It's not everyday that someone like you comes into someplace like this.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Rukia asked acidly, wishing she could throw her glass against his face.
“Come on,” he said, waving his hand emphatically, “You're single, obviously because you have no ring, you're crying, because your face is red, and you're angry, all of which point to classic signs of JD.”
Rukia swallowed slightly and felt her eyes burn again. “JD?” She managed in a small voice.
“Just dumped.” He confirmed as he polished off his beer and handed the bottle back to Ishizu. “Classic symptoms.”
Rukia could feel the burning in her eyes increase to the point where she couldn't stand it. She clumsily reached into her purse and pulled out a few bills. Her throat was closing again and he mind was rushing back to Renji… leaving her apartment and not even looking back.
She left more than was necessary on the counter and slid from her seat. She muttered a soft, “Excuse me,” before using her wobbly legs to go out the door.
“Hey!” It was the guy with the beer. Rukia didn't stop as she yanked open the door and went out into the cool night.
The city was dank and dark and dingy. Rukia hated this part of town but it was the best place to walk around and not get noticed. She didn't want to be noticed tonight, she just wanted to fade into the walls and cry.
Rukia's foot caught on a small crag in the sidewalk and she stumbled slightly. She would have fallen…
She would have, if a strong and steady hand hadn't caught her hand and her elbow.
“It's not a good idea to walk home drunk in this part of town.”
Rukia swallowed with difficulty at the smooth and strong voice that was now washing over her. It was him, the man from the bar.
She leaned her weight onto his arm and he hauled her up, a cocky grin was plastered on his face—but this time she saw something she hadn't seen before: kindness. Not pity, but kindness.
“Come on, I'll walk you home.” He said as his fingers left her arm.
“You don't have to.” Rukia muttered softly as she straightened her dress and wiped some dust off of her shin.
“I know,” he said simply as he moved a bit away from her. “Where to?”
“Takano Apartment Complex,” she said softly as she scooted further away from him.
He whistled softly, “Nice…”
Rukia glared at him, “I work hard.”
“I'll bet you do.” He said as he started walking in the direction she had told him.
The sounds of the city washed over them as they walked towards her building. It was only a few blocks away but to Rukia it felt like miles. Every siren, ever yell, every car, every engine—it was amplified until Rukia felt her ears were going to burst.
`Why Renji… why?'
“I'm sorry.”
Rukia glanced up and looked at the man accompanying her. His face was staring straight ahead and his eyes were glittering with the light from the streets. His face looked dark and dangerous but his mouth was set in a contrite line.
“What?” Rukia whispered.
The man looked over at her and offered a small grin, “I'm sorry.” He sighed and stuffed his hands into his pockets, “I didn't know you were still smarting about being… you know, dumped. I didn't mean to be so crass.” He nodded and then looked at her—straight in the eyes, his amber ones boring into her violet ones, “But let's face it, the guys a fucking moron to let go of someone like you. You shouldn't dwell on it.”
Rukia felt a small blush creep onto his face and a fluttering seep into her stomach. This stranger, this guy she had just met in a bar was comforting her. She looked a mess and he was here, walking her home.
Rukia took in a deep breath of foul city air and wrapped her arms around her small frame, the night wasn't particularly cold but she wished she could get warmer. “We met in an orphanage when both of our parents died, we were two.”
He inclined his head and looked at her; his eyes were soft and receptive. Rukia sniffed and shook her bangs out of her face. “We were inseparable after that. All of our friends were getting adopted but we wouldn't leave without each other. When it was time for us to go to school we were always in the same class, we studied together, we lived together, we shared everything. We went to the same college and even went to work for the same ad agency.”
“That sounds… boring.” He said stiffly as he rustled his clothing and slipped out of his jacket. Rukia felt the heavy material slip over her shoulders and gasped at the sensation. She glanced up at him and was about to protest but he wasn't looking at her, he was simply staring out into the city.
Rukia brought her tongue out and licked her dry lips. His coat smelled heavenly: it was a mix of leather, aftershave, and him. She grasped the edges of it and pulled it tighter around her. “Thanks.” She muttered.
She didn't want to let it go.
Rukia took in a shuddering breath and she shook her head. A few tears were running down her face. `I sound pathetic.' She thought stupidly as she smelled the coat again—oddly enough, it was a comfort.
“We knew each other too well.” She said, scoffing slightly. “I should have known he would get tired of it—of me. He could read me like a book and I could do the same.” She glanced up and saw her apartment building. Had they really been walking that long? “The only thing was… I was a blank book, no words, no plot, no illustrations… just white pages.”
She brought her hand to her face and felt the wetness on her cheeks. Good thing it was dark—he couldn't see her cry. She cleared her throat and nodded to the building. “This is mine.”
He nodded but continued to follow her as she used her key to open the front door. Rukia glanced at him but he simply shrugged, “I'll walk you to your door.”
Rukia nodded and motioned to the stairs. There was no elevator and she lived on the third floor. She slowly moved upward and he followed.
“You shouldn't think about it anymore.” He said from behind as they trekked upstairs.
Rukia snorted and shook her head. “Why do you think I was at a bar?” She got out at the third floor landing and walked towards her apartment.
She dug into her purse and pulled out a single, silver, key. She fit it into the lock and pushed the door open.
There it was: her apartment. Whitewashed walls with pieces of intelligent art splattering the cleanliness. A small living room with a spotless couch and a glass coffee table. A kitchen with stainless steel cooking instruments. A master bedroom with a king sized bed and two closets—one of them empty. A guest bedroom with a television and bookcases—one was missing a photo album.
Rukia took a breath and stepped inside; she wished she could leave here. She didn't want the memories.
The door shut behind her and Rukia nearly jumped out of her skin. He was still here.
“What—why are you?” She sputtered. For some reason, in the darkness of her apartment, he looked erotically dangerous. His muscles were accentuated in the faint light from the wide windows in her apartment. His face was dim but his eyes were bright and glowing.
She swallowed and tried to quell the heat pooling in her stomach. “What are you doing?”
He walked forward, his steps thudded on the hardwood floors and every step increased the beating of her heart.
“You're still wearing my jacket.” He murmured when he came before her. Rukia's breathing was becoming short and her mind was beginning to take dangerous turns.
Her purse slid down her arm and she touched her hand to the inside of his coat. Her vision was beginning to fuzz and her skin was beginning to tingle. She stroked her hands on the light down of the soft leather and looked up into his shining eyes.
“I—I don't want to let it go.” She murmured, her voice coming out as a husky whisper.
A slow grin began on his face; one of his hands inched upwards and touched the skin on her cheek. Goose bumps shot down her arm and she leaned into his touch.
“Then we have a problem.” He muttered softly as his other hand reached up to her cheek. He framed her face with his hands and leaned forward. “A big problem.”
“I want to forget.” Rukia whispered as she leaned towards him. She could feel the heat radiating off of his body. Then there was his scent, that spicy, wonderful, scent that was making the wetness pool between her legs.
He snorted and placed his lips of her forehead. “You do this often?”
Anger rose inside of Rukia and she stepped away from him, his hands left her face and she tried to slap him, only to have her wrist caught in a steel grip.
“I'm not a whore.” She snarled as she tried to yank her hand away from him.
He chuckled softly and pulled her back towards him. Rukia tried to resist but her body was screaming to get closer to him. His hand was still locked on her wrist and his other was back on her cheek.
“I know you're not.” He whispered as he kissed her forehead once again. “I also know,” he said as he kissed her eyelids and she moaned, “That you do not, in any way, resemble a blank book.” He kissed her nose. “And now… now I can help you forget.”
Rukia was melting in his arms; his hands and his mouth were making her shudder with desire.
She inclined her head and felt his lips a breath away from hers.
“Rukia…” he breathed before capturing her mouth with his.
Rukia felt shockwaves radiate through her body the moment his lips touched hers. She groaned at the sensation and instantly wrapped her arms around his neck. One of his hands was still on her cheek while his other left her wrist to grasp the small of her back and pull her body flush against his.
Within moments Rukia inclined her head to the side and moaned to deepen the kiss. His hand left her cheek and went to grasp the back of her head. She gasped at his quick movement and his tongue was instantly inside of her mouth.
He tasted hot, spicy, and delicious. His mouth was creating fireworks on her skin and his hands were digging into her hair. Rukia groaned and pressed her body closer to his. She could feel her breasts prickling against his shirt. It was clinging tight to his skin; his heat was seeping into her, making her crazy with desire.
Her hands unraveled from behind his neck and she ran them down his shoulders. They were so strong. Her fingers arched into claws and she dug them into his shirt, his hand tightened in her hair as she drew her nails down his pectorals and then further until they were running over his washboard abdomen.
Rukia placed both of her hands on his waist and pulled him closer; she tugged until she could feel his solid arousal pressing against his jeans.
His mouth was still exploring hers; his tongue was sweeping back and forth, tasting and touching every part of her his lips could reach.
Rukia's arms wrapped around his hips and her hands slowly slid up beneath his shirt.
He pulled his mouth off of his and tightened his grip in her hair. Rukia's lowered lids gazed into his fiery amber eyes and her heart began to beat even faster. She could feel the thunder broiling in her belly and the lightning sensations running up her legs as he began to grind himself against her.
His lazy grin grew even wider as he pulled her head back, exposing her creamy neck to his burning gaze. He lowered his mouth and brought his tongue out, slowly he licked his way up her throat, pausing to nip at her pulse point and then continuing, until his teeth were gripping her earlobe.
Rukia cried out sharply and dug her nails into his sides. “K-Kami!” She gasped.
He growled into her ear and she felt the vibrations against her own chest. Her nipples hardened into tiny pebbles and she lifted her leg up to caress the side of his thigh. Her wetness was expanding on her panties and an indescribable pressure was storming into her stomach.
Suddenly, he took his hand from his waist and clamped it onto her knee. His mouth was still biting and licking her neck while his hand was rubbing the spot behind her knee, then up until his fingers were pattering on her thigh and up, up, up until they reached the side of her panties.
“Bedroom.” He growled into her neck.
“Second room,” she gasped as his fingers teased her underneath her dress, “On the left.”
He pulled away from her and she practically cried in despair, she wanted—needed—his heat.
She was almost ready to reach for him, but before she could he swooped forward and placed one arm around her shoulder while the other wrapped around the back of her knees. He pulled her up and sought her mouth with his once again, Rukia submitted to the onslaught and opened her lips willingly.
He carried her to the bedroom, the same bedroom she and Renji had shared for years.
Only now she wasn't thinking about Renji—not at all.
He dropped her onto the bed and she bounced slightly before she felt his weight come on top of her. His body rubbed against hers and she whimpered in helpless feeling. Every touch was electrified; desperately, her fingers dug into his hair and she yanked his mouth back to hers.
He lifted himself above her and she felt his hands start to slide underneath her dress. It began to bunch as he lifted it further and further until it settled on her waist.
He released her mouth and began to leave a trail of heated kissed down her body; Rukia was squirming underneath his touch. His fingers were stroking her inner thighs and his mouth was assaulting the skin directly above her plunging neckline.
“M—more, please…” Rukia groaned as her hips bucked against his hands.
He snarled and Rukia felt his thin resolve snap. In one wild motion he grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head. He threw it to the side and stared at her almost naked form. Rukia was panting and her skin was blushing a delightful rose color.
“You're beautiful,” he whispered as his fingers traced her skin. He touched the smooth skin at her hairline, made damp with sweat, he touched the lace of her bra and cupped her perfect breasts, he dragged his nails down her stomach and allowed the pad of his thumb to run gently over the top of her cotton panties.
His eyes locked onto hers as both of his rough hands came to the front of her bra and undid the clasp. Her breathing was almost erratic as he slid the lace from the rosy, hardened, nipples and pale skin.
His eyes were still on hers as he lowered his mouth and took her breast into his mouth.
Rukia's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she arched her back against the bed, pressing her breast into his mouth.
She moaned and closed her eyes as she writhed on the bed.
He suckled on her breast while his devious fingers reached the tip of her panties and ripped them from her body. Rukia cried out sharply and arched again. This was—this was getting to be too much.
He lifted his head from her chest and kissed his way back to her neck. He kissed the hollow spot between her ear and her chin, sending off sparks Rukia never knew she had.
Her legs were shaking and she was gasping in desperation. He kissed her cheek, her nose, her eyes, her forehead, and just when she was beginning to demand his mouth on hers she felt his fingers touch the spot where she was aching the most.
Rukia's eyes widened and she threatened to scream as she felt his hand touch her clit. She jerked her hips against him and unwittingly sent one of his fingers deep inside of her.
Rukia let out a small shriek and reached up to wrap her hands around his back, she buried her face into his neck and breathed in his aroused scent, all the while his fingers were pumping into her, his hand was coated in her juices and the pad of his thumb was rubbing against her nerves, testing her, touching her, sending her over the edge.
Rukia felt another finger enter her, and then another; it was constant, in and out, in and out, the slick torture that was causing her to lose her mind.
Soon enough, Rukia felt her inner muscles clenching around his fingers and she arched her back so her breasts were pressing against his chest—still unfairly clothed. The pressure was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Waves of pleasure rode through her body as she clung to him, shaking furiously.
Then it was over and Rukia was panting, her body clinging to his.
Slowly, she pulled away from him and sat back on the bed. Only when she moved, he moved and she realized that his fingers were still inside of her.
His eyes burned into hers and he leaned forward to kiss her. Her mouth opened under his and she sucked on his probing tongue.
His fingers slid out of her and she gasped again, she released his mouth and watched in fascination as he brought his hand to his lips and licked at the fingers that had been inside of her.
“Y-you…” she tried to say but he leaned forward, his eyes boring into hers.
“More.” He whispered huskily.
Rukia's eyes widened and her body began to shake as he crawled away from her and took off his shirt. She saw his muscles as they were slowly revealed to him, every ripple, every bulge of sinew, and every delicious piece of flesh.
He took his shirt off and tossed it aside, it pooled on the floor next to her abandoned dress and panties. His hands moved to his pants next, he snapped open the button and slid the zipper down.
Rukia swallowed and surged forward, she rose onto her knees until her eyes were level with his chin, she hooked her thumbs on the belt loop in his pants and tugged them down. To her delight his boxers caught on the jeans and slid down along with them.
She looked down and watched as his erection sprang free. Her eyes widened and she gasped, she wasn't sure it would fit.
Her gaze went back to his eyes and found a hopelessly smug expression glittering.
She heard his feet work behind him and heavy boots thudded on the ground. Rukia leaned back onto the bed and watched as he crawled above her and shook the rest of his clothing off.
Kami, he was a fucking god. The heavens couldn't have made a more perfect being than the naked man crawling above her right now.
His eyes were fixed on hers as he finally moved above her. Rukia swallowed heavily and her breathing grew heavy.
Then he was kissing her, intrusively and passionately. He licked her mouth and sent his tongue spiraling around the edges of her lips. Rukia was drunk with the sensations and hardly noticed when he dug his hands underneath her hips.
Suddenly, Rukia was lying on her stomach, he was behind her, his erection was pressing against her inner thigh and his chest was rubbing against her back.
“What—what're you doing?” She gasped as his hand came between her legs and moved up to the tip.
He placed his hands around her waist and lifted her up until she was resting on all fours. He was behind her, she couldn't see him but she could feel his hands; they were running all over her skin, he touched her shoulders, her sides, her back, her rounded ass, and her dripping core.
“Don't talk,” he whispered as he positioned himself near her entrance, “Just feel.”
In one swift move he was completely inside her and Rukia screamed. He was enormous and filled her completely. Everything was amplified to the extent where she could feel his hot breath on her neck, the silk from the sheets was piercing her skin, and his soft hair was scraping against her flesh.
Oh… Kami!” She cried as he pulled out of her slowly and thrust wildly back.
Rukia's arms and knees felt so weak she feared she would collapse, but she could soon feel his chest as it molded to her back. He pulled out of her and immediately thrust back inside. Rukia cried out and felt his arm come around her, it closed over her clenched fist while the other wrapped around her waist, holding her steady while simultaneously cupping and pinching her breast.
His thrusts became wilder as both of their climaxes approached. The sweat ran down their bodies as they created a frustrating yet delicious friction.
Rukia was panting and crying and lurching under the ferocity of his delicious ministrations.
Suddenly, she felt his strong hand leave her clenched fist and move up her neck, his fingers wove through her hair and gripped tightly; he yanked her head to the side and probed her mouth with an intrusive and bruising kiss.
Rukia could feel her climax approaching quickly and shivered at the rippling sensation inside of her.
His mouth wretched off of hers and she gasped, her eyes were rolling into the back of her head and she was shaking.
“Rukia,” he growled as he thrust into her, “My name is Ichigo.” He groaned as he teased her breast, the hand in her hair tightened and he jerked her head back until his hot breath was puffing into her ear, “I want you to scream it… when you come.”
Rukia felt her climax crash upon her. Within an instant she threw her head back and shrieked, “ICHIGO!
Her insides clenched and gripped Ichigo's member tightly. The sweat dripped from her body as she convulsed around him. Ichigo thrust twice more before he erupted inside of her. His cum mixed with hers and dripped slowly down her legs as she shook helplessly beneath him.
It took only a moment before Rukia's arms gave out and she fell onto the bed. Ichigo was gasping and shaking and he collapsed on top of her only seconds later.
Slowly, he pulled himself out of her and rolled onto his side. Rukia was on her stomach, she was still panting, her heart was beating erratically, her eyes were open in a daze, and her skin was pulsating with heat.
Ichigo fumbled with the sheets for a moment before pulling the white silk up and covering both of them. Slowly, he reached over and wrapped his arm around her waist; he pulled her against his chest and rested his chin on her shoulder.
She gave a small moan and he whispered, “Sleep. We'll talk in the morning.”
She exhaled softly and fell asleep against his chest.
Rukia woke the next morning to the sound of clinking glasses and the sweet smell of coffee.
Hazily, she opened her eyes and blinked around her room. She was lying in her bed, the sheets soft and smooth beneath her, through the window, light was pouring onto the floor, and through the closed door she could swear she smelled something like… toast.
She sat up quietly and held the sheet up to her chest. Rukia frowned and looked at the floor, she saw her dress, her panties, a pair of boxers, and a mans shirt.
The clinking sounds stopped and she heard footsteps coming towards the door. The knob turned and she blinked in surprise as she saw the golden-bodied, fiery-haired, sculpted god who had fucked her last night.
He was carrying a plate and two cups of coffee.
Rukia's jaw dropped slightly and her eyes widened as he looked back at her with equal surprise.
“You're awake.” He said simply.
She nodded and held the sheet tighter around her. “Y-Yeah,” she said hoarsely. “I am.”
Ichigo nodded and walked forward, Rukia could see his jeans slide down his slim hips just far enough to make her start to feel heat pooling in the pit of her stomach. He sat on the edge of the bed and smiled, “I didn't know how you liked you coffee so I just made it black.”
“That's okay,” she muttered, suddenly shy, “I like it black.”
He nodded and set the plate of toast on the sheets, an awkward silence passed between them, Rukia simply sipped her coffee, she wished he would stop staring at her.
“I thought you'd be gone by now.” She murmured.
Ichigo gave her a small smirk but shook his head. “Not after what you did to me last night.”
“If I remember correctly,” Rukia said, “It was you who did most everything to me last night.”
Ichigo shook his head and nibbled on a piece of toast. “No… I can tell, this wasn't just an ONS.”
Rukia frowned, “You've lost me again.”
Ichigo scooted towards her and she swallowed hard, his hand reached up and he ran his fingers down her bare arm. Goose bumps rose and she shivered.
“ONS… one night stand.” He said huskily.
Rukia licked her dry lips and could feel that she was becoming wet once again.
“So… Rukia,” Ichigo said as he kissed her chastely on her lips, “Will you have dinner with me tonight?”
Rukia pulled herself closer to him and she smiled. She ran her hands through his hair and drew him back towards the bed, letting the sheet fall from her naked breasts once again. The plate of toast fell to the floor and the coffee lay forgotten on the bedside table.
Rukia released his lips and grinned into his amber eyes.
“Yeah… I think I will.”