Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ ONS and More ❯ Office Space ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any Bleach affiliates.
(A/N: I hope you guys like this new chapter! I think it's one of my favorites. Oh, and by the way, awuyzaki, the question was kind of rhetorical but still, thanks for all your support! Don't forget to review this chapter.
By the way, I'm sending you this from PA, not my native VA! . Tituba.
Office Space
Rukia stared at the large pile of papers on her desk and groaned aloud. Newspaper clippings, memos, letters, and assignments—all bombarded her once peaceful workspace and cluttered her desk. Gingerly, her fingers pattered over the stack of sheets and she shook her head. Kami, how in the world had she not noticed all of these?
Easily, she thought dryly, Ichigo's been fucking me nonstop for the past two weeks.
Rukia placed an assignment on the center of her desk but did not look at it. It was something about an ad her boss wanted her to create for a new hotel coming to the area. Instead she propped her head on her hand and fiddled whimsically with a pen.
After her brothers' restriction and Ichigo's impromptu visit—along with some of the best sex she had ever had in her life—he had taken to spending every minute he could with her. The only times he seemed to be away was when he was in school, studying, or taking an exam.
Rukia picked up a piece of paper and shriveled her nose, was she supposed to send a gift to that shower or not? Well, it didn't matter; she was two weeks too late anyway.
The little brat's probably already out. She thought in an attempt to convince herself not to feel guilty.
Only five days ago Ichigo had rung her doorbell and appeared carrying a medium sized leather bag filled with clothing and a razor. Confidently, he announced he would be stay with her for three days. When asked why he simply said that Ishida was mad at him and needed his space. Rukia was about to ask if she had any competition when Ichigo dropped his bag on the couch, swooped her up into his arms, attacked her mouth, and dumped her on the bed.
Rukia shifted on her leather swiveling chair and tried to delay the heating inside of her.
Kami, she just couldn't get over how horny she was. It was just sex wasn't it? Shouldn't she be tired of it by now?
Hell no! Her brain screamed as she shifted the papers on her desk. You're an attractive and healthy female and you have needs! Needs woman!
Maybe it had something to do with her brothers' restriction—after all, wasn't it a known fact that if you told someone not to touch the stove they were bound to reach for the burning surface? Was it a compulsion? Rukia shrugged, maybe it was just because Ichigo was a sex fiend—not that she cared, hell, she'd even bet she wanted it more than him.
She took the pen in her hand and tried to think of a logo for a new fast food chain coming to the neighborhood but couldn't, instead she chewed on the end and sighed.
He had also become so… attentive to her lately.
He was over so often he knew where everything was in her apartment, he knew which drawer she kept her pants in, where her dresses stayed, and what shoes she liked to wear on Sundays. Once she even came home and found him cooking salmon and roasted potatoes with salad.
He knew her inside and out.
Literally, inside and out.
She picked up an easy-looking assignment and began to doodle.
What worried her wasn't the fact that he seemed to know her so well, but that she didn't seem to know enough about him. What were his father and his sisters like? What about his roommate, Ishida, what did he look like, what were his hobbies? What ever happened to his mother?
Rukia sighed at her childlike drawing—how she ever got into advertising she had no idea. Apparently one of her professors thought she had a real talent for cutesy drawing and ads.
He could be so considerate yet still be being so annoying. She adored how his face scrunched into a scowl when he was unhappy and how his eyes lit whenever she kissed him and even how he joked with her about new sex positions… then carried out his jokes with a physical demonstration.
Rukia doodled on the paper and furrowed her brow ever so slightly.
She liked where she was with Ichigo… she really did. She just… sometimes… wanted to know if there was going to be anything more.
Rukia shook her head and exerted a frustrated sigh. She promised herself she wouldn't do this. She had told herself the night she had first taken Ichigo to her apartment that she would not go this route and wonder what was next.
Next, she thought warily, what's coming next?
She knew it was mostly Ichigo's fault. After all, he was the one who had stayed with her that first night after they had had sex. He didn't have to curl himself around her and keep her close, letting his strong arms accept some of her burden of rejection… he didn't have to.
But he did.
He was also the one who made her breakfast the next morning—albeit that it was toast and coffee which was later ignored in the heat of passion—and confessed to her what he thought.
“No… I can tell, this wasn't just an ONS.”
“You've lost me again.”
“ONS… one night stand.”
He knew. She didn't.
Rukia cocked her head and looked at the image she had made, cute… professional but still cute. Those drawing classes did come in handy. She thought appreciatively. Second grade doodles to first rate sketches.
However there was another pressing problem she had to deal with.
Her heart.
One of the reasons she had asked Ichigo to stay the first night was because she wanted a warm body and a warm bed. She did not want complications with the heart or the head—she just wanted sex. Plain and simple sex.
But now… now her heart raced at inhuman speed whenever he came near, her palms grew sweaty and her breathing became uneven.
This was extremely troubling, Rukia reminded herself as she commenced chewing on the pen cap. She didn't recognize this type of frantic panic she felt when he was near. Was it—was it—
“No.” Rukia murmured solidly, “No. I promised myself. No more after Renji. No more.”
She didn't want that, she was almost positive.
Damn it. Almost.
“Fuck.” She breathed. Rukia placed her head on her hands and closed her eyes. Renji had already broken her heart. Wasn't Ichigo just supposed to be a rebound?
An extended rebound?
A semi-permanent rebound?
The real thing?
“Kami I just don't know!” Rukia moaned. She knew she was talking to herself again, but she didn't care. Her walls were practically sound-proof—thanks to the previous occupant who was always afraid his ideas would be stolen—and her secretary always knocked before entering—she had once caught Rukia on a bad day and had a stapler thrown at her forehead—so she was free to scream if she wanted.
Was she really in… in…?
“Miss Kuchiki?”
Rukia looked up at her phone and blinked, it took her only a moment to realize that her secretary was paging her.
She pushed the button down and answered, “Yes?”
“Someone is here for you.”
Rukia looked up from the papers scattering her desk and frowned at the phone. Reaching over, she clicked the blinking button again and replied, “Who is it? I'm rather… occupied.”
There was a pause and her secretary responded, “He says it will be worth your time.”
Rukia stared at the phone and shook her head, a small smile grew on her face and she pushed back the button back down. “Is his name Ichigo Kurosaki?”
“Yes, Miss.” She said after a moment.
“Send him in.” She responded.
There was a small pause.
Rukia rolled her eyes and pushed the button on her phone again. “What is it?”
“He's holding a fichus.”
Rukia's small grin grew exponentially and she set her pen on the top of her large, oak, desk. “All the more reason for him to come in. Also, hold all my calls for the rest of the hour, Mr. Kurosaki and I have things to discuss.”
“Yes Miss.” There was a final click on the phone and footsteps sounded outside her door.
Grinning widely she sat back in her chair. Her eyes watched the door and she felt a warmth creep up her neck and into her cheeks.
A few moments later a large plant entered her room closely followed by a man with flaming orange hair.
“Hey,” he said as he shuffled inside.
“Hello,” Rukia answered as she stood up from her chair and approached him. “I see you got me a present.”
“Yeah, he said as he placed the fichus on the floor beside the door, “Ya know, I thought the fichus would look best in a workspace rather than in your apartment so I decided to bring it here.” He stepped towards Rukia and cupped the back of her neck. “I also decided that you might need a lunch… break.”
His mouth settled on hers and he slowly ate her. Her cherry lips slid against his and his sweet tongue tickled her.
He drew back and kissed her cheek and all the way down her neck.
Rukia chuckled and brushed his hair from his face, “I've already had lunch.”
“I haven't.” He responded as his hand scooted downward to graze her suit-enclosed ass.
“I also have a load of work to do, thanks to our rather over active sex life I haven't really had time to do anything.” She grumbled. Still… Kami, she'd rather go home right now and have Ichigo please her than stay at work.
Maybe she could take an extended lunch…
“Don't worry,” he said softly as he took her by the hand and led her back to her large desk. “You can do work and relax at the same time.”
Rukia whined as Ichigo pushed her back in her chair. She frowned at him as he came to stand in front of her, his bottom leaning on the edge of the desk. “And just how am I going to do that?”
He didn't say a word and instead pushed her chair back with his foot. Casually, he glanced at the underside of her desk. Rukia followed his gaze and raised an eyebrow—she had no clue what was going through his mind right now.
“It's really big,” Ichigo remarked softly.
Rukia nodded in agreement. Her oak tableau was huge, she had to slide four feet in her chair just to reach her drawers.
Ichigo flicked his eyes at her and grinned slowly.
“What are you going to do?” She asked, completely puzzled.
Ichigo simply continued to smile at her. She frowned and shook her head, with a sigh of defeat she sat back into her rolling chair and shrugged. “Whatever, the inside of my desk is clean; you can look through any drawer you want.”
“Actually,” he said as he crouched down to his knees before her, his legs rested on the top of her knees and he slowly slid the fabric of her business skirt up her legs. “I think there is going to be only one pair of drawers I'm going to want to open.”
With that said he disappeared underneath her desk…
And yanked her chair inside.
Rukia gasped at the sudden—and insane—idea and squealed slightly. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” She hissed.
“Helping you relax.” Ichigo muttered. “You're way too tense.”
Rukia's eyes widened as she felt his hands slide underneath her skirt and his hot breath roll over her thigh.
“I'm not going to—to be able to concentrate.” She whispered desperately.
“Then just relax.” Was his simple reply before his fingers hooked underneath her panties and pulled them down her soft legs.
“This is… crazy!” Rukia whispered in a last ditch attempt to stop him.
Not that she really wanted him to stop… but it was the moral thing to do, wasn't it?
Then his mouth settled on the inside of her thigh and every conceivable thought passed out of her mind.
Why he was doing this… she had no idea, nor did she truly care. Everything that mattered to her, at this very moment, was his hot tongue, stroking her leg just out of range of her hot pussy.
Rukia's hands clutched the desk as she scooted her core closer to Ichigo. His mouth was sucking on her thigh while his fingers pried open her legs even further. She accepted him willingly and allowed her skirt to bunch up even further up her legs.
A low moan escaped her throat as his hot orifice opened and his teeth raked along her delicate skin.
His hands—one of them still groping her thigh—were stroking her silky bed of curls and coming dangerously close to her clit.
“F-f-fuck…” Rukia hissed as he blew lightly on the small, pink, bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.
Ichigo clucked beneath her, “Dirty… dirty mouth.” He murmured, “Such a dirty bitch deserves a dirty reward.”
Rukia gasped as she felt his mouth hover over her clit. “Please…” she panted, “Give me… me… my d-dirty r-reward.”
Beneath her, Ichigo chuckled, “As you wish.”
His tongue flicked over her clit and she gasped, her hips bucked underneath the desk and she felt her hips jam against the top drawer. She tried to slide further underneath the chair but the rest of her desk was an obstruction.
Ichigo massaged her clit with his tongue and after a moment placed his lips on either side of the distended pleasure nub. With the touch of an angel and the heat of a devil he sucked her slightly and nipped at her leisurely.
Rukia felt her insides become a puddle of mixed sensations. Her legs were weakening under Ichigo's strong and seductive touch. She could see her office in a haze as Ichigo's tongue dipped inside of her soaking pussy.
“Miss Kuchiki?”
Rukia's ears perked at the sound of her name. Drowsily she opened her eyes and looked at her phone, there was a button blinking steadily… her secretary.
Rukia groaned and shook her head, the back of her neck was now damp with sweat and her hips were undulating with the throb of her core.
The phone sounded again, “Miss Kuchiki?”
Ichigo was beneath her, his lips parted from her clit for a moment and his hot breath steamed over her legs. “Answer it.”
She whimpered and pushed her hips towards Ichigo's hips. “Why?” She moaned.
“Because,” he chuckled as he puffed a stream of cold air on her heated flesh, he smirked in satisfaction when Rukia jerked beneath him. “I don't want to be interrupted again.”
She nodded weakly and sat up just enough so she could push the damn button.
“Yes?” She croaked, her voice cracked a bit and she attempted to clear it.
“There is someone here to see you, Miss.” Her secretary said.
“Damn it,” Rukia said harshly, but still softer than she had meant to—Ichigo had resumed sucking her helpless, “I told you to hold all of my calls.”
“B-But, he said he wants to see you.” Her secretary said with a small trace of— what sounded like—fear in her voice. “He said he came all the way from Kuchiki, Abarai, and Yamamoto, the law firm.”
Holy fuck.
Rukia's eyes widened and she swallowed with difficulty, Ichigo hadn't said a word, he had simply continued caressing her pussy.
“Is it my brother?” She asked, this time the slight fear was in her voice.
“No.” Came the quick reply, “It's Mr. Abarai.”
Rukia's eyes widened and she gulped. Inside of her chest, her already pounding heart catapulted.
This could not be happening.
Ichigo's ministrations stopped for a moment and Rukia inclined her head down—trying to see him. His hands and his mouth didn't move. Rukia didn't move. Her finger was poised over the button.
Rukia heart a soft snort beneath her, “Let the bastard in.”
“Y-you can't be serious,” Rukia moaned as his finger stroked her clit.
“Absolutely,” he replied, his thumb began to make soft circles on her flesh. “Let him in if you want, if he sees us… that'll send him a message.”
“But I—” She began, but was cut short by a curt sound on her phone.
“Damn it Rukia,” Renji's rough voice said over the intercom, “Let me in, I just want to talk to you.”
Rukia sent a breath deep inside of her lungs—which felt restricted by Ichigo's ministrations—and swallowed. She wondered if her heart would break at his entrance. She pushed the button on her speaker and whispered a hoarse, “Okay.”
She had only two more seconds to steel herself before Renji walked through the door. Unconsciously her thighs tightened around Ichigo's head, his tongue continued to lick her clit and his knuckles kneaded her ass.
“Rukia!” He cried as soon as he walked through the door. “It's so good to see you!”
Rukia whimpered as he began to walk closer to her. Half of her was worried that he would see Ichigo while the other half felt her throat close at the sight of him.
He looked the exact same as he had two months ago. His hair was still a glossy red—held up high in a ponytail, his tattooed eyebrows were still the most prominent feature on his face, and his corded muscles still bulged mountainously. He walked towards her with a straight and confident stride; Rukia had to admit, being a criminal lawyer did seem to boost his confidence.
He was dressed in a tight black suit—the kind her brother wore all the time—and shiny black loafers.
Loafers? Rukia thought as she writhed slightly under Ichigo's mouth. When did he start wearing loafers? What is he, forty?
“Kami,” he said, his bright eyes scanned her upper body and the mess of her desk, Rukia felt herself thanking Kami that Renji wasn't born with X-ray vision. “You look the same.”
She nodded helplessly.
“I mean, I know it's only been two months but still… you look great.”
Because I'm being fucked orally right in front of you, you big idiot! She wanted to scream, instead she simply nodded again. Rukia could feel her throat tightening slightly… but not from sadness. Instead she was just trying not to moan.
He nodded his head and seemed to sense the awkward silence that was quickly falling between them. He looked uncomfortably around her office, pausing to stare at every book, lamp, diploma, and framed newspaper.
Rukia's hips jerked once again as Ichigo bit her clit lightly. Don't scream, don't scream, don't scream…
“So… how've you been?”
Rukia's hazed eyes looked up at Renji, she tried to keep them from dropping further—lest he figure something out—and she swallowed. “F-fine.” She answered in a cracked voice. “You?”
“I've been okay,” he muttered as his arm snaked upwards and he rubbed the back of his neck. Rukia's mind floated back to the day he had told her he was leaving, he had rubbed his neck in the exact same fashion. He glanced up at her and shook his head slightly, “No… not really. I haven't been okay.”
Rukia swallowed hard.
Ichigo bit down hard.
“I miss you, Rukia.”
Ichigo crushed his face to her core. Rukia bit her bottom lip and tried not to scream as his tongue violated the deepest regions of her searing pussy. His fingers were not idle either: they began to rub her faster and made a sizzling friction against her skin.
“O-oh, Kami.” She moaned then bit her lips until she tasted blood. She couldn't let it slip; she couldn't let Renji find out what Ichigo was doing to her.
“I-I know.” He muttered as he came forward and sat in one of the chairs facing her desk. Rukia's eyes widened almost against their will. “I shouldn't be telling you this… I mean, after what I did to you.”
Rukia's head bobbed forward and she suppressed a gasp as Ichigo slipped a finger inside of her.
“You're right,” he sighed as he rubbed a tattooed face over his hand, “It's just… Riiko and I… I'm not sure—well, I'm almost positive—she's not the one.”
He looked up at her and she saw his deep and bright eyes bore into hers.
Too bad Rukia's eyes were too hazed with passion to notice.
“I treated you badly Rukia,” he continued, “And I'm sorry. It's just that… I don't know… maybe we were too close to each other, maybe I was bored, maybe I just felt too safe… I don't know but… Riiko, she's just not—not what I thought.” He chuckled slightly. “I mean, you tell a girl you want her one day and she expects a diamond ring the next, right?”
Ichigo was whispering into her pussy, Rukia could feel the vibrations and heard it from beneath her. “Do you want him here?” She heard the hot murmur and whimpered at the insertion of a second finger.
“N-no.” She said, the syllable ending on a gasp.
Renji looked up and frowned, Rukia noticed that he blinked once before nodding, “Yeah, I guess you're right. Different women act in different ways.”
“Do you want him to leave?” Ichigo hissed as his tongue groped at her clit, his fingers were pumping into her while his tongue was torturing her.
“Ye-es.” Rukia choked, her body was beginning to tighten—she knew Ichigo could feel it. It was taking all of her energy just to look at Renji and not give away the immense pleasure she was feeling.
“I know,” Renji continued, a small smile was on his face, “That must be what I liked about—like about you, Rukia. I mean, come on… you're my Rukia, we've been together forever.”
Rukia could feel her orgasm coming on forcefully. Ichigo continued to torment her hot center.
“Rukia? Are you okay?”
“Mnnnhhh?” She moaned, her lips were shut tight and her eyes were open wide. She gripped the edges of the desk to try and steady herself. She was going to—
Renji swallowed and got up from his chair. “I—I know. I should have called first. I mean… listen, you obviously weren't expecting me… plus you don't look too good. I'll just come back later.”
“Uhn-huh!” Rukia groaned as she nodded her head. Her insides were shaking. She was trying so hard—so hard to keep from—from—
Renji began to walk towards the door, he opened it slightly and turned back to look at her. A half smile rested on his face, “You really should go home if you don't feel well. You're face is as red as a tomato.”
Rukia nodded, she could feel sweat pouring down her back and her forehead.
Renji opened the door the rest of the way and he nodded, “I'll call next time. My visit seems to have made you feel even worse. I'll… see you later.”
Rukia could feel splinters of oak pierce her fingers as she dug her nails into the desk.
Renji stepped out of the door and shut it quietly behind him.
“Come for me Rukia.”
Rukia's insides convulsed. She arched her back on the desk and let loose an earth shattering moan. Her thighs gripped Ichigo's head and she panted as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through her legs and shot through her spine—spiraling off into every single direction inside of her.
“Oh… Kami.” She panted as she collapsed on her desk. Her breasts heaved against the hard surface and the cool wood eased the heat of her face.
She felt Ichigo beneath her. His hands were snaking up her sides and yanking her business skirt up until it rested on the top of her hips.
Suddenly, he pushed the chair back and caught her in his arms. Rukia was so limp she could not believe she had the energy to even comply with his movements.
Gingerly, Ichigo picked her up from the chair and made her lead against the desk. Rukia rested her bare ass against it as she panted helplessly, she watched as Ichigo sat in the chair himself. Her mouth dropped—gaping—as he moved his hands to the crotch of his pants and pulled his zipper down. Rukia saw his erection spring free and immediately knew what he wanted. Without another minute of hesitation she came to stand before him. He grasped her hips—not saying a word—and helped her fit her legs into the area between the arms and body of the chair.
His eyes captured hers as he slid her body down onto his, his cock penetrating her deeply and slowly. Rukia gasped and groaned as he seared her insides with his heat.
Once he was sheathed in her to the hilt he held her patiently in his lap. He was breathing heavily and she was panting openly. Her hands came up and unbuttoned her suit jacket. She shuffled it off her shoulders and then began to unbutton her shirt. Ichigo watched—his eyes searing into hers—as her silk-covered breasts were revealed to him. His hands slid up from her sides and he began to palm her breasts roughly, not removing them from their silken cage.
Rukia began to move atop him, his body remained perfectly still as she rocked back and forth, taking him in and out, closer and further away. Her hands rested on his shoulders for support and she began to pant and whine.
Ichigo began to pulse underneath her, keeping time with her undulating movements, his hands still squeezing and teasing her breasts. Rukia forced her eyes to meet his, she was startled to see anger in them and felt her heart seize in her chest.
“W-what?” She gasped as he suddenly plunged into her. Her next statement was choked in the back of her throat as his thrusts became hard and rough.
Mine.” He growled as he leaned forward and bit her neck.
Rukia's head fell back but her body continued the tormenting pleasure. “Y-yours?”
“That's right,” he growled, Rukia could feel her insides contracting once again. “You're not his Rukia, you're my Rukia.”
She gasped and began to move faster above him. She needed this—she needed him, she was his, completely, totally his
“Damn straight,” she choked, “Yours, all yours I-Ichigo!”
She forced herself to look into his eyes; she could see her own sweating face mirrored in his glistening orbs. He smirked and continued to thrust into her, wild and unrestricted.
When Rukia came—twice as powerful as when he had fucked his with his mouth and fingers—he leaned forward and bit the junction of her neck and shoulder hard.
Mine!” He snarled as he felt his own release erupt inside of her, filling her to the brim with heated gold. “Always mine!
Rukia gasped and stopped moving atop of him. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her heart to his. She could feel it; both of them were beating at the exact same time.
Yours…” she gasped as his teeth unlatched from her neck. “Always.”
What she didn't say was what she had been thinking the entire time he had been in her office.
I love you.