Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ ONS and More ❯ Questions, Answers, and Punches ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any Bleach affiliates. I also do not own any of the movies mentioned here, such as 28 Days Later, Titanic, and The Notebook
(A/N: Hey guys! I just got back from camp! I recommend anyone who loves writing to go to UVA for the Young Writers Workshop in the summer! Dear god I sound like an advertisement! Ah well, I had so much fun. Another good thing though, my flight isn't leaving for five days so I might even get another chapter in! I'm so excited!!! Okie day…
Also, a note to gokusgirl: my computer crashed a while ago and it's still taking a while to get my email back up, but you can send me some ideas through the review page, I'm trying to get email soon but it might take a while. *sheepishly shrugs*
I hope you like this new chapter! Wink, wink, wink!
Don't forget to REVIEW!!!
Questions, Answers, and Punches
The law firm of Kuchiki, Abarai, and Yamamoto was a small but well known firm located in the heart of the city. Inside it was a place bustling with all sorts of activity, everything from corporate lawsuits to murder trials were handled inside. Legal brains from all over the country flocked to the small firm to gather information on trials, judges, and other lawyers.
To say the least, even though the building was small and the number of cases it handled was miniscule, the people were well known and their total number of defeats only came to five.
Renji Abarai was one of the lawyers whose name was proudly displayed on the buildings logo. He was a criminal lawyer who spent most of his time running through gruesome cases too graphic to be taken lightly. He went against any opponent who was thrown his way and made sure that his point was made in every single case.
This wasn't to say that Renji wasn't an old pro at being a lawyer, he had only had three years experience as of yet—although he was working on year number four, and during that time he had lost four major cases out the five in the whole firm.
Renji still considered himself “new” by the standards of his mentor, Byakuya Kuchiki, who had been serving the firm for a little over seven years—and had yet to lose a single case.
To some, Renji looked ruthless when he entered the courtroom. He was always wearing a suit of polished grey or stark black which contrasted wildly with his bright red hair. He wore his solid tie tightly around his neck, making the corded muscles seem larger and more powerful than ever. His hair would always be swept up in a large pony tail and he always kept it styled so it looked thrashing and dangerous.
Presently, Renji was dressed in such a suit and was making sure his pony tail was completely secured as he made his way to the office of Byakuya Kuchiki.
He looked down at the woman sitting in the desk directly outside his boss's office and smiled, “Hey Grace, how're the kids?”
The older and graying woman behind the oak fixture smiled and took the phone away from her ear for a moment.
“They're just fine, Mr. Abarai sir.” She smiled lovingly at him and nodded to the office just a few feet away. “Mr. Kuchiki is free right now but he's expecting a client in fifteen minutes, you can go on in.”
Renji grinned his charmingly sweet grin and winked at Grace, “Thanks for that, wouldn't want to catch him in a meeting.”
Grace smiled and nodded before putting the phone back to her ear and speaking again. “Kuchiki, Abarai, and Yamamoto, what is the nature of your lawsuit?”
Renji grinned at her comment and gave her one final nod. Grace was one of the best secretaries Kuchiki could have, if not for her, Renji doubted the man would ever be able to find his brilliant brain.
Not to say that the man was a pig—far from it actually, he was just so busy most of the time that he was never able to remember anything except who embezzled money from whom or who had just been recently murdered. Byakuya Kuchiki was a brilliant man and one of the best prosecutors in the country but he still had his faults.
Not many of them, but a few.
Renji knocked quietly on the door and waited until he heard the stoic “Enter” from within. Once he had made the mistake of barging in while Kuchiki was with a client, needless to say Renji had lived in fear of the man for over a year.
“Kuchiki?” He asked as let his leather loafers trod onto the plush carpet of the man's office. “Do you have a minute?”
“It depends on the nature of your question.” Came the bland reply.
Renji's mouth quirked upwards in the semblance of a smile and mentally he shook his head. Kuchiki always looked the same no matter where he was: black suit, white tie, sharp and pointed hair, delicate hands, and those white dressings in his hair. Truthfully, Renji had never seen him in anything but those clothes—even outside of the office.
Sure he was brilliant and all, but would it kill him to wear a pair of jeans once in a while?
Renji came in closer to Kuchiki's desk and sat down in one of the elegant leather seats before the oak tableau.
One of the benefits of being a in a private practice. He thought appreciatively as his fingers played lightly with the material.
Kuchiki was currently looking over his newest case—something about a homicide to cover up an affair the owner of a multi-billion dollar corporation had while simultaneously embezzling millions for his own private accounts. Renji shrugged and flicked his eyes over the case. Kuchiki would win it, hands down.
Renji sat, patiently, waiting to be acknowledged by his peer while he ran over the bulk of his questions in his head. It was something he did to calm him down right before a closing argument; it was even kind of a habit now.
“Did you want something Renji? I have a client coming at three.”
Snapping out of his reverie Renji looked at his patron and gulped, “Yes, sir, actually I did want to ask you something.”
Kuchiki didn't even look up from his papers. “And it is?”
Renji looked down at his tie and wondered why it suddenly felt so tight. “It's about your sister, sir.”
Kuchiki's pen hovered over the word he was writing but in a moment he continued, almost completely unperturbed by Renji's statement. “What about her?”
“Well…” Damn the room had gotten hot. “As you might know, she and I separated about three months back and I was just wondering if she was seeing anyone, well… new?”
Renji looked nervously down at his loafers while Kuchiki shuffled some sheets on his desk and set them down. Casually—but still stiffly—he leaned back in his chair and looked coldly at Renji.
“To my knowledge she is not seeing, dating, or sleeping with another man.” He answered.
Renji's eyes perked up. “Really?”
Kuchiki glared at the man's two-year-old response. “However when I last visited her, about a month and a half ago, she was involved with a man by the name of Ichigo Kurosaki.”
Renji's eyes narrowed to slits. “But I thought you said—”
“You did not let me finish,” Kuchiki interrupted, “When I saw the crass way she and he were acting—not only in public but together—I forbade her from ever seeing him again. So to my knowledge she is not being courted by anyone. Although from my inspection she seemed rather distraught that he was ordered to leave.”
Renji swallowed hard and remembered Rukia's face the day he had gone to see her in her office: her cheeks had been red and her mouth alternating between pants and small moans of pain, not to mention her fingernails were digging hard into the wood surface of the tableau. Poor girl.
But still, in any case, if Rukia had been told not to do something there was a good chance that she was going to do it anyway.
Renji's aura darkened and he slumped in his chair. Who was this guy “Ichigo Kurosaki” anyway? Judging from the way Kuchiki disliked him he was bound to be some hobo from the streets or some low-life scum from the underworld.
“Rukia deserves better than scum,” he muttered angrily. His foot tapped viciously on the carpet and he glowered.
Kuchiki nodded and blinked slowly, “She does.”
Renji glanced impatiently at the clock on the wall and saw it was almost three. Quickly, he got up from his chair and gave a slight nod to Kuchiki, “Thanks for the information, I'll put it to good use.”
He was almost at the door when the sound of his name caught his attention, he turned and saw Kuchiki still sitting in his desk, a lethal look in his eyes.
“Yes?” He asked—three years in a courtroom filled with murdering scum and he was still terrified of this man.
“Rukia also tells me that it was you who separated from her.”
There it was, that killing voice he was so used to hearing in the courtroom. Once he had witnessed a case where a cocky murderer who had gotten under Kuchiki's skin and was subjected to both the poisonous voice and the fatal glare of Byakuya Kuchiki.
Needless to say the man peed his pants… then was found guilty of kidnapping, rape, and murder in the first.
Renji swallowed hard and nodded, “T-that's right, it was… it was a mistake. A very grave miscalculation.”
Kuchiki narrowed his eyes only a fraction. “Rukia may not deserve scum but she also does not deserve a person who `miscalculates' her worth. Remember that Renji.”
Renji felt his blood—which was always so normally heated—run cold.
He left the office with his head down.
“Ichigo! Come hither please!” Rukia called from the living room as she artfully arranged multiple pillows on the floor.
“Why are you talking like that?” He asked as he shoved his way through the door. Rukia was greeted with the sight of his boxer-enclosed backside as he sidled through the room and tried not to scatter any of the popcorn pieces he was currently holding in large yellow bowls. “You weren't born in the sixteenth century.”
“I am aware of that,” Rukia countered dryly, “If I were you'd be banging a rotten corpse.”
Ichigo shot her a small glare and she smiled back lovingly. Slowly, he seated himself onto the cushions Rukia had placed around the middle of the floor. He handed her a bowl of popcorn and bent to pick up the movie he had rented.
Rukia delicately picked up a popcorn piece and placed it inside her mouth. She chewed slowly and nodded at the movie. “What is it?”
Ichigo turned leisurely and grinned, shrugging his shoulders he said, “28 Days Later.”
A painful groan escaped Rukia's mouth and she wrinkled her nose until it scrunched completely with her face. “You can't be serious,” she cried, “Another zombie movie?”
“Hey!” Ichigo shot back in defense, “You made me watch The Notebook!”
“Because it is a timeless tale of eternal love and passion!” She quoted hotly.
“That doesn't mean it's good!”
Rukia folded her arms and leaned back against a large pillow. “Of course it does,” she snorted, “You just have horrible taste in movies.”
Ichigo scoffed, “Oh I have horrible taste in movies?”
“Yes, you have horrible tastes in movies,” she growled, “Everything has to be zombies, aliens, mummies, or some form of reanimated life! There's no plot other than countless deaths and mind numbingly gruesome special effects!”
Ichigo scowled at her, “Oh, and so the Titanic sinking wasn't a huge amount of countless deaths and the movie didn't have mind numbingly gruesome special effects?”
“That's different.”
“Why, because they drowned?”
“Because you were supposed to focus more on the actual love story rather than the ship sinking.”
“Then why wasn't it called The Tale of Jack and Rose instead of Titanic?”
“Because it wasn't!”
“Ah ha!” Ichigo cried victoriously as he threw his arms into the air and made fists with his hands. “I think I have proven my point!”
“Since when did you start thinking?” Rukia shot back as she sent him an evil glare and popped the movie in the DVD play. Sure she was defeated but she would be sour about it for a while.
“Touché my love,” he said casually as he leaned back into the cushions and opened one arm. Rukia settled her head against his chest and swallowed her last piece of popcorn with difficulty.
My love…
Unbeknownst to Ichigo, her heartbeat doubled in speed.
As the previews ran by Ichigo bent his head and kissed the top of Rukia's. She is so small… he mused thoughtfully as he ran his fingers through her hair, and so fragile.
Rukia's eyes widened at one particular preview and she verbally gagged, “I can't believe you watch this shit.”
Maybe not so fragile.
Softly, he reached down and pulled the blanket over their exposed legs. He looked down at Rukia and saw she was wearing one of his tee shirts, the baggy garment drooped on her small form and he grinned. Secretly he wondered if she was wearing panties.
Rukia grimaced at the opening scene of the movie and snorted slightly. “At least The Notebook had sex in it.” She inclined her head and blinked at Ichigo. “I know you liked that part because we didn't get to finish the damn movie.” She looked back at the screen and sighed, “Blood, guts, and gore just doesn't turn me on.”
“Damn.” Ichigo muttered, half serious and half joking. He looked down at her and shrugged, “I was just experimenting with different stimuli, that's all.”
“Different stimuli my ass,” she chuckled as she turned her head back to the screen. “But I commend you for trying. Just remember that next week is my week to pick.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Ichigo replied as he focused on the movie.
Rukia's mind, however, wandered elsewhere.
Ever since their little talk in the waterfall at Lake Hikitorki, Ichigo had been more… understanding. He was taking her places on the weekends—as it was summer now and his classes were mostly over—that offered them privacy as well as fun. He had also been the one to suggest a ritual movie night every Friday, one week he would pick and movie and the next time it would be her.
Rukia enjoyed these nights mostly, except when he was able to pick out the movies. Most of the films he picked were horror—a particular genre she had no interest whatsoever in watching. He, however, enjoyed watching zombies or aliens being blown into bits. And as long as he was happy, she was happy.
Rukia turned her head slightly so she could focus on the movie but still consume Ichigo's intoxicating scent.
It's getting harder, she thought lazily, it's getting much harder to keep my distance.
Not that she cared much about keeping distances intact, hell, physical distances she didn't want at all, it was the emotional ones she was having trouble with.
When she began sleeping with Ichigo, and going out with him on occasion, she considered him a friend.
A friend with excellent benefits.
Now, however, it was becoming more of an obstacle to ignore the pattering of her heart and the rush in her head that accompanied seeing him. She knew what it was even if she wasn't ready to admit to him that she felt such a way.
Rukia's head buzzed in confusion and she bit into another piece of popcorn. Someone was getting chopped up on the screen. Senseless gore, how boring.
“It's all about the social commentary,” Ichigo said after a moment, “You see how all the zombie's are angry and running around all the time? It's because their fear is magnified to ten times it normal level. The movie is trying to tell us that if we let out this fear that builds inside of us, we will have the capability of becoming zombie's as well.” He pointed to the screen and nodded, “See there? They just needed something to trigger the effect.”
Rukia stared up at him blankly and he smiled down at her. Seeing her sarcastic stare he blinked and nodded to the television. “What? You don't see that? It's completely obvious.”
“No,” Rukia muttered, “I don't. I just see people getting chopped into bits.”
“Then you're not seeing the point of the mov—”
On the screen a zombie jumped out at one of the characters and Rukia let out a tiny shriek. She jumped in Ichigo's arms and tightened her grip on his hand a bit more. Her knuckles were white and her skin was tingling.
Ichigo laughed at her reaction and ended up chortling so hard Rukia was bouncing against his chest. Angrily, she drew in her elbow and shoved it into his ribcage.
“Jackass,” she muttered. She swiped the blanket off of her legs and stood while Ichigo alternatively laughed in delight and wheezed in pain.
“Wh-Where are you g-going?” He choked out as she disappeared down the hall.
“To get another blanket!” She called back, her voice was one of anger but on her face was a smile of silliness. Damn it, even when she was angry at him she couldn't stay mad for more than a few seconds.
Entering her room, Rukia sighed and glanced at the helplessly rumpled comforter now flopping sideways on her bed. She felt her body tingle in warm remembrance.
Movie night wasn't technically supposed to start until around eight but Ichigo had been waiting for her when she came home from work. Rukia entered her apartment and saw him sitting at the kitchen table, studying the different aspects of the human spinal column. When she asked, rather bewildered, how he had gotten inside of her apartment he simply smiled at her and held up a key.
“It was underneath your welcome mat, I thought I might like to have it,” he said simply.
“Oh you did, did you?” Rukia asked him, a confused smile curling on her face. She deposited her sport coat over the chair next to him and dumped her briefcase on the floor. “And why is that?”
Ichigo grinned and leaned back in his chair. “Well, I figured since I'm over here all the time I might as well move in.” His smile widened and he cocked his head to the side. “What do you think?”
Rukia's confused smile twisted slightly so her grin was welcoming and coy, she dropped her fingers to the table to lightly touch the brass key resting on the surface.
“I think,” she said softly, “That is a wonderful idea.” She moved closer to the sitting Ichigo and leaned to kiss him. However, as her lips parted lightly and Ichigo leaned forward to accept her, she stepped back and creased her brows. “What about my brother?”
He stood and moved so he was standing in front of her. His fingers were beginning to run up and down the silk of her sleeves. “Whenever you want to tell him,” he answered huskily and seriously, “I will be right beside you.”
“I appreciate that.” She murmured as she stepped forward and breathed in the heavenly scent of his cologne.
“You better be,” Ichigo scoffed, “Because I think Satan Incarnate might just give me twenty five to life.”
Rukia smiled and rose on her toes to nip at his bottom lip. “Only if you've killed somebody.”
Ichigo placed both hands on the sides of her face and kissed her eyelids so they fluttered shut. “Well then,” he whispered, “He better not look at the end of route sixty two.”
With that said he gathered her mouth with his, swept her into his arms, and carried her to the bedroom.
The sex that followed was exquisite and passionate and even now, three hours later, Rukia was still thinking about it.
Sighing, Rukia tugged the squishy comforter off of her bed and trailed it through the apartment where she found Ichigo, sitting like a god upon a pile of pillows and a confusion of blankets. He smiled when he saw her and motioned to her vacated spot.
“Get back here already, I'm cold.”
Rukia twisted her face into a fake snarl. “As you wish, Master Almighty.”
Ichigo's eyes flickered off the screen and he sent a strange stare in Rukia's direction. She plopped down beside him and snuggled against his chest.
“Master…” he muttered softly as his arms wrapped around her once again. “I like it.”
Rukia scooted down even further and drew in the deep scent of his cologne. “Don't get used to it.” She muttered. Her eyes drooped as she watched more of the zombie movie. Occasionally, Ichigo would chime in about the social commentaries the movies' producers were trying to put into the film, Rukia simply nodded her head and continued to watch the movie, even though her eyes were glazed and unseeing.
All she needed to do was breathe in Ichigo's lovely scent. That was enough for her.
However… it was getting harder to think of him as a friend with benefits when her heart was so deeply involved.
Rukia sighed and shook her head, now was not the time to think about it.
Near the middle of the movie Ichigo's hand began to run along the skin of her knee. Rukia felt it tickle and tingle as his loving fingers teased her skin. The zombie's were screaming and decapitating on the screen but Rukia wasn't watching them. Her attention was focused completely on Ichigo and where his fingers were traveling.
As her breathing quickened under his fingers Rukia felt his strong and stable hand wrap around her waist and pull her so she was sitting on his lap. Her legs stretched out before her and disappeared underneath the blanket. Her toes curled as his hands rubbed against her thighs, working on the outside first then slowly circling towards the inside.
“Ichigo…” she whispered softly, “What are you doing?” Her voice was husky and childish, as if she was asking him what type of reptile she liked best.
His head bent down and he nuzzled her neck. She heard her heart quicken as he inhaled deeply at the crook and began to lick gently. He lessened the pressure of his hand to a single finger and swirled circles around her lower belly.
“What does it look like I'm doing?” He asked back, his voice was just as husky and just as childish. She felt his fingers gently lift the elastic waistband of her silky panties and toy with the edges. “I'm going to give you a finger fuck.”
Rukia's breathing became harder as one of Ichigo's hands reached beneath her panties and began to weave through her patch of midnight black curls. His mouth was on her neck where he was slowly touching her soft skin with his slick tongue.
Rukia arched so her neck was pressed firmly against his mouth and her bottom was resting directly atop his growing erection. Her own tiny fingers were roving behind her range of vision, touching what she could of Ichigo. She settled for his thighs, kneading and gripping them as his intrusive digits pondered lower.
His finger flicked over his clit and Rukia moaned aloud. On the screen, screams from the unfortunate victims of zombies echoed but Rukia didn't hear them. She couldn't hear with the throbbing now coursing through her ears.
“So slick,” Ichigo whispered into her ear, “How did my little Rukia get to be so wet?”
She whimpered in response and swallowed hard as his thumb began to make circular motions on her clit. Her fingernails dug into the hardened muscle of Ichigo's exposed thighs, she wondered if she was hurting him and tried to lessen the pressure. She could also feel, pressing against her lower back, a hard and familiar presence simply aching for entrance into her heat.
His mouth switched to the other side of her neck and she sighed in pleasure and in frustration, his tongue was tormenting the soft skin at the same time it was relieving the pressure.
“I-Inside,” she muttered as his fingers became more intrusive and slid over the folds of her radiating pussy, “Ins-side me,” she groaned.
Ichigo didn't say a word as his fingers entered her but Rukia could feel the deep and contented rumbling he released inside of his chest as she gave a sharp cry into the empty air around them. Wildly, her hips bucked against his hand and she groaned deep into her throat.
“Does my little Rukia like it?” Ichigo grumbled into her throat.
Rukia surged her hips against the second finger her inserted and said yes in an almost inaudible voice.
Ichigo pumped them in and out of her and quickened the pace until all she could feel was his fingers inside of her hot pussy and his teeth on the side of her neck.
He bit down hard on her pulse and Rukia cried out again. “I didn't hear you,” he whispered after a moment.
His fingers began to slow just as the pressure inside of Rukia was building to a ferocious point. She whimpered and snarled at him as she tried to jerk against his fingers to get them to finish what they so lusciously started.
Ichigo released her neck and whispered near her ear, “Say it.”
Rukia was gasping and her shirt was sticking to her skin with layers of sweat. She didn't know if she could speak—she needed to—to—
“Y-y-yes.” She said in a small voice, the singular word broken by her pants.
Ichigo's fingers slowed even further. “With my new title,” he growled. Hot breath puffed against her ear and she moaned. What was he talking about?
Ichigo, sensing her utter lack of mental capability at the moment chuckled low in her ear and bit the distended lobe.
“It starts with an `M.'” He murmured lazily as his fingers ground to a halt.
“Go—going to—to k-kill you,” Rukia panted, “F-For this.”
Ichigo chuckled again. “Later. Now, does my Rukia like it?”
“Yes, Master.” She breathed softly.
Ichigo's fingers began to pump inside of her, slowly and torturously. “What was that?”
Rukia's back arched against his and she felt herself having the final push to catapult her over the edge of affliction and into bliss. Her mouth opened in a scream as her insides convulsed and she shrieked, “Yes! Master!
With her testament spoken, Ichigo plunged his fingers back into her hot core and continued to pleasure her until her insides ceased convulsing and all she could do was lie against his chest and pant.
When it was over, Ichigo slipped his fingers from inside of her underwear and up to his mouth. Rukia licked her dry lips and smiled lazily as she watched him lick his fingers until they were clean.
Rukia sighed and rested her head on the crook of his shoulder and his neck.
“You had better not put those back into the popcorn bowl,” she muttered as she turned and put her nose into his chest. She inhaled deeply. So good…
Quietly, they settled back and continued to watch the movie. Neither of them were paying attention. Ichigo's hand was leisurely stroking her arms and her mouth was kissing the tips of the fingers on his other hand.
The movie finished about forty minutes later and by that time Rukia's body had grown hungry for him… again.
The credits rolled by and she sighed and began to turn in his arms. He smiled drowsily—but insatiably—at her and raised an eyebrow.
“Did you like my choice of stimuli?” He asked her huskily.
She shook her head and pressed a kiss to his lips. “No, your taste in movies still sucks.”
He began to stroke her more insistently. “But you seemed to have fun.”
“It was your fingers I was paying attention to, not this terrible movie.” She groaned and swung so she could straddle his hips, “Come on Ichigo… let's move this little party to our bedroom.”
Our bedroom. The thought still made her shudder. Ours, not hers, not his, ours.
Her lower body began to gyrate against his and her arms looped around his neck. Through the thin material of her panties she could feel his hardness.
He kissed her insistently and pried her mouth open with his tongue. She moaned and pressed herself against him.
Ichigo wretched his mouth from hers and began to push his growing erection against her. “Do you think we can have more of that `master' stuff in the bedroom?” He asked her sensually.
Ichigo's eyes were twinkling with mischief and his hands were palming her breasts, delicately tweaking the nipples to hardness.
Rukia smiled and heard a small chuckle escape her throat. “I can't really see you being chained to the bed, but if you want—”
A knocking sound on the door interrupted her and she groaned.
Ichigo froze, his hands tightening around her breasts. Rukia stopped moving above him and he stopped moving below. Her head, which was now trained on the door, shifted its gaze slowly back to hers.
“You… you didn't order pizza, did you?”
Ichigo could hear the slight fear in her voice and wondered if she thought it was her brother on the other side of the door.
He shook his head and muttered a `no' in response to her question and frowned. “Do you want to ignore it or answer it?”
Rukia swallowed and shrugged, “I don't know.”
There was another knock at the door and she swallowed hard. Ichigo leaned forward and kissed her lightly. “I'll come with you.”
She looked back at him and nodded. Her hands unclasped from his neck and she began to get up, looking around for the pair of pants she had shucked earlier onto the floor. She tugged them on and watched as Ichigo covered his bare chest with his discarded shirt.
She grasped his hand and together they walked towards the door.
Rukia rose onto her toes and glanced out the peephole. Ichigo watched as her eyes widened and her hand inched towards her mouth. Her fingers touched her mouth gently and she looked semi-horrified.
Ichigo's frown deepened. “What?” He asked seriously. “Who is it?”
Rukia looked back at him. “It—It's Renji.”
There was a pause of silence. Ichigo looked out the door next as another knock—this time more insistent—banged on the door. Rukia heard a low grumbling start in his chest and emerge from his throat.
“What are you—?” Rukia began, but never finished.
Ichigo reached for the doorknob and yanked the thing open. On the other side was a rather surprised looking red-head in a crisp navy suit. His face was tattooed and a pair of sunglasses were perched above his forehead.
Ichigo and Renji stared at each other for only a moment before each flushed a deep color of red. Rukia watched as their faces steamed crimson. She tightened her hand in Ichigo's and attempted to pull him back—just a bit.
“Renji—” she started, but Ichigo squeezed her hand and the rest of sentence died in her throat.
Ichigo glowered at Renji and Renji glowered back.
“So,” Ichigo growled softly, “You're Renji.”
Renji's eyes flickered down and noticed Ichigo's and Rukia's clasped hands. His eyes narrowed into slits and he snarled, “Ichigo Kurosaki?”
Rukia wanted to say something, maybe make them stop this cold war, or just pull Ichigo back inside and keep him away from Renji's deadly look.
Ichigo's scowl dropped even lower onto his face and he gave a swift nod of his head. “That's right.”
The next thing Rukia knew, Ichigo was on the floor, Renji's knuckles were raw, his eyes were wild, and Ichigo was clutching his stomach in pain.