Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Onyx Heart ❯ Realizing Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Bleach, and its characters do not belong to me.

Onyx Heart:

Chapter 1: Realizing Love

Rukia Kuchiki considered herself a strong women, someone who would not cry when she was hurt. At the moment Rukia felt pressure behind her eyes, and her heart began to ache. Rukia turned away from the scene in front of her. She couldn’t stand to see the couple before her embrace as they had.

Chad and Ishida were slowly making their way up the small incline where Ichigo and Orihime stood. They each took a turn to rub her back, speaking in low voices. Neither glanced up to look at Rukia.

She glanced back and watched Orihime rest her bright head on Ichigo’s shoulder. She heard the distant sound of her sobbing but felt no sympathy. The only thing she felt was pain, a deep ache that ripped through her.

Her clothing was ribbed at the stomach and knee, and she felt the familiar feeling of pain. Her choice to accompany Ichigo to Hueco Mundo went totally against her captains orders. Rukia had done it for one reason, it was what Ichigo wanted, and she only wanted him to look at her and talk to her.

Once she had helped him get to Orihime is when she knew it had been a bad idea. When he had run to Orihime, had hugged her, kissing the top of her head is when she knew. She was in love with a human, a man that could never love her.

She had watched him for a while now, and slowly began to understand that his feelings for Orihime were growing. When she had saw him at the day before he left to rescue her is when she saw his eyes. Fierce love had shined in them, whether it was the love of friendship, or lovers, she did not know.

Rukia rubbed her hand along her forehead, wishing the headache that had formed would drain away, but it felt as though it was going to be there for a while. She walked away, slowly at first, but her heart couldn’t take the pain of seeing Orihime and Ichigo together. She burst out into a run, dashing through the forest, loving the feel of the wind in her air.

A portal opened in front of her, and she escaped into the folds of it, letting it take her back to Karakura Town.
_________________________________________________________________ ____

Rukia gently rain her hands through her hair, trying her best to straighten it out. She tugged her uniform shirt down to try to cover the bruises that covered her stomach and lower back, but to no avail. She had masked most of the cuts, covering them with spiritual energy. For two days Rukia had been waiting for them to heal.

She heard the girls in front of her stop chattering while she made her way into the school, only to pick up volume while she passed. She had not come back to the high school for some time now, only showing up when it was appropriate.

“Rukia, how have you been?” The deep toned voice came from behind her, and she turned her head to the side in question. Chad, with his dark eyes and hair stood beside her. He held his hand out to her and she shook it, feeling as though she was meeting a stranger.

She looked down at her hands, fiddling with her lock before looking towards him. “I have been fine Chad,” her voice was strained even to her own ears “Thanks for asking.”

“You were brave back in Hueco Mundo, I did not get a chance to thank you for assisting Ichigo, Ishida, and myself,” He rubbed his palms along the front of his jeans, she gave him a wary smile.

“It was nothing, don’t worry about it.” Rukia turned from him, hoping to make it to her first class unscarred. But fate was not on her side today, they did not seem to hear her silent plea. Two bright heads of orange were making their way up the hallway, each to engrossed in each other to care for anyone else. Ichigo held Orihime by the arm, silently talking to her.

Rukia’s heart glanced when she saw him lean down and whisper something in her ear. Her eyes watered when she watched Orihime’s head fall back with laughter. Her eyes roamed along both figures, finding no record that either of them had been hurt. Orihime, she thought, probably fixed them all up when they had gotten her safely home.

Love blossomed in her chest, a feeling that she could not suppress, she put her head down, silently hoping the feeling would go away. She knew that this love she had would never amount to anything, only more heartache, and more pain.

She heart broke into pieces when Ichigo’s bright eyes locked onto hers only to retreat back to Orihime. She saw Ishida making his way to where Chad was standing but could not turn and greet him. She gave a humorless laugh before turned from them and walking swiftly down the hall.
_________________________________________________________________ _______

Ichigo was sore, not in body, but in mind. He helped Orihime to her locker, knowing that she did not need it. She was looking at him with hopeful eyes, and he could not refuse her anything. He had saved because she was his friend, and he knew she was hoping they would become something more.

He knew his actions were encouraging her, the way he would take her hand or arm, the way he would whisper in her ear. But he could not help it, Orihime had been his friend for a long time, and when she had been taken he had almost lost it.

Ichigo knew that something was wrong with Rukia, but at the moment he could not be bothered with it. Orihime was a friend he could not replace and Rukia was a women who just happened to show up in his life one day. He had seen her run down the opposite wing of the hall, and had silently cursed her. His heart gave a sigh as she turned the corner. He had looked at her, taking in her injuries. He had not wanted their eyes to meet, but they had and what he saw had startled him. He had seen defeat in her eyes, something that had not been there before.

He shook his head, sticking his hands in his pockets and turned towards Chad and Ishida, shaking each of their hands. “Thanks guys, for everything.”

“You know what Ichigo, we should all have dinner tonight,” Ichigo tried to hold back his laughter when he saw both Ishida and Chads faces crumble. “I was thinking about toasted plums with octopus suckers.” Orihimes face was alight with pleasure.

“That’s nice of you Orihime, but I have to,” Ichigo searched his mind for something hoping to find something. “I have nothing better to do…I’ll be there.” His subconscious was silently beating its head on a wall and calling him a moron.

“Ishida you’ll be there, right?” Orihime focused her entire body on Ishida, looking at him with large eyes. Ishida’s cheeks tinted with color, and he stammered a soft “sure” to her. He exhaled when Orihime turned her attention to a silent Chad, bickering with him for a second before getting a strained “yes.”

“Then that is that, I’ll see you all tonight!” All gave a sigh when she left.

“Ichigo, I need to talk to you,” Chad’s eyes followed Orihime before she went around the corner, “there is something that has been bothering me for a few days now.”

“What’s on your mind?” Ichigo shrugged his shoulders when he met Chad’s eyes. They were hard and fierce.

“Have you noticed that none of us has seen Rukia before today?” He watched Ichigos eyes widen, taking it into account that they dropped from his.

“At the moment, I don’t think she cares what we notice,” His voice was harsh.

“She is different now, she is…dimmer than she used to be.” Ishidas spoke softly.

“She doesn’t care.” Ichigo made sure his voice was hard and undeterred.

“Its either that or someone here doesn’t care.” Full of a life time of wisdom, Chad and Ishida walked away leaving a stunned Ichigo in their wake.

All Ichigo could think was ‘who the hell was he talking about?’ He shrugged his shoulders and headed to class, hoping deep down that he would get to see Rukia, and find out what truly was wrong.