Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Orihime's Groundhog Day ❯ Fourth Attempt ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Bleach or any of the characters in this story. The charm is my creation.
Before you begin, I apologise for the following chapter. It contains really bad jokes, stupid and incorrect situations and possible OOC. Oh, and some nudity.
Fourth Attempt
Orihime sobbed, letting her emotions overwhelm her. After a few moments she recovered a little and went and sat in front of the picture of her brother. `I miss you, Kakei. No one will ever replace you in my life. Why did you have to die?' She reached out and touched her fingers to his photo. She had always loved his smile. It had comforted her so many times as she was growing up. `I hope you are happy in Soul Society. I hope you become a shinigami and come to visit me. That way I could see you again.' For a brief moment a happy smile lit her face at the thought of seeing her brother. Then she remembered his death and return as a hollow. It seemed so unfair that he had been punished for trying to protect her.
The remembrance of their recent bitter sweet parting was enough to bring the tears to her eyes again. As she wept, she remembered something Jidanbo said before he gave her the charm. He had mentioned that often the charm brought more sorrow than joy. He had hoped that it would only bring her joy. Any joy she had gained through the repeats had quickly been replaced by pain.
`At least I still have Ichigo's friendship,' Orihime told herself. `I met his father. He seems to like me. If only Ichigo had not been so intense in his declaration that I'm not his girlfriend. He was so kind to me when I cried. He didn't push me away when I leant on him. He even tried to comfort me, he patted me. I wish he hadn't seen me cry. But the contact was so precious. I want to be close to him. I want to touch him. I can't believe I grabbed his hand twice to make him come to the Karaoke bar. I didn't know I could act like that. Maybe it was something I ate that made me act like that.' She rubbed her eyes.
`I must look like a mess,' she thought and went to check. Here eyes were red and swollen. She quickly bathed her face with cold water. She checked her watch. Not long before the possible time for the next repeat.
She would repeat again. She was addicted to the presence of Ichigo. There would be no Karaoke bar, this time. No restaurant and definitely no science project. She would work on the science project when she returned to the normal time span. For now, these 4 hours were hers.
The pure selfishness of her decision amazed her. Orihime felt a twinge of guilt. Maybe she should try to actually do some work on the science project. A feeling of revulsion for the task overcame her. She was always taking the expected path. Well, no she wasn't, not since Rukia entered the human world and her life had changed completely. But so often she did as expected. Attended school, received good grades, fell in love with the `bad' boy.
It struck her as strange how Ichigo had such a bad reputation. Okay, he could be violent, and was constantly fighting, but only when he was provoked. Why couldn't people accept and understand the differences? Just because he had orange hair didn't make him a freak.
In many ways, Ichigo's darker nature attracted Orihime. She did not like violence or fighting, but, in some ways, it entranced her. Rage and violence were an integral part of Ichigo. If he lost them he would be other than the Ichigo she knew. If she loved Ichigo, she loved his violence and anger as well. She wondered if he would put as much passion into love as violence.
She thought back to the incident that had started this sequence. She was unsure about some of the things she had said to Ichigo. She had declared her love and had asked for sex, but was that enough? Of course she wanted to have sex with him, wanted him to be her first lover, but did she want sex without love? So far her efforts had not brought him any closer to loving her but she felt she understood Ichigo so much better. If she had the choice of sex or love which would she choose? If she chose sex she might lose his friendship. Or maybe Ichigo would feel obliged to stay friends with her and she didn't like the idea of that. Or maybe he would be too embarrassed to talk to her again. She wasn't sure how he would react.
Why hadn't the charm been a love charm. Then again, she probably would not have used it. It wouldn't be what she was really seeking
Why did relationships have to be so complicated? Why did Ichigo have to be so honourable and reasonable, and so attractive to her. She could have easily formed a relationship with other students, maybe. Why did she have to choose the guy who was so complicated? It was typical of her to take on a challenge that she had little chance of winning, with such unfounded optimism.
She looked at her watch. The 4 hours was coming to an end. Instead of considering the next repeat she had allowed her mind to wander. There were a lot of things to think about, but she should be concentrating. Would she, (shudder), work on the science project, or would she be selfish? Would she limit the number of times that she repeated, or continue indefinitely?
There wasn't enough time to think all this through. She'd repeat. She would work on the science project again. Maybe she could make the science project interesting and show Ichigo what a good partner she could be. She quickly worked out a plan in the last few seconds.
The charm became cold in the warmth of her hand. Fate had rejected the change. In many respects Orihime was thankful. Wiping her eyes one final time, she invoked the charm `Kurikaesu. Repeat.'
***************************************************************** *******
Again the sensation overcame her. Again she heard the trigger phrase.
`Let's eat here,' said Ichigo.
`I've had an idea, if you will listen to it, Ichigo. It might be fun,' Orihime responded.
Ichigo stopped and looked at her. `You don't want to go to a… movie, do you? Now, why would I ask that?' Ichigo looked puzzled.
Orihime stared at Ichigo in shock. What was going on? For the brief second before he said movie she was sure he was going to mention the Karaoke Bar. What was happening?
`Um, no, I wasn't going to ask if you wanted to go to a movie,' she said quickly. `Why don't we try some experimentation? It might be fun.'
Orihime looked at Ichigo. He had a strange expression on his face again. Why did he have this expression on his face every time she suggested something different? She smiled at him, noticing that the sun behind his head made his hair look like a spiky aura. She briefly tried to remember what an orange and yellow aura denoted, but couldn't.
`I'm not sure that is a good idea, Orihime,' Ichigo placed one hand on his hip, the other holding his school bag behind his shoulder. `What do you mean by experimentation? You don't mean….' He flushed and looked at the ground, obviously uncomfortable. He started digging the toe of his shoe into a crack in the concrete on which they were standing.
`I mean do experiments on the science project we were given,' Orihime couldn't believe that the conversation had taken this turn, again. Innocent comments were beginning to seem as if she was suggesting something inappropriate. She couldn't suggest something sexual this early in the repeat. It wouldn't work, maybe.
`We can study all we like from books, but if we actually do some of the experiments, we can learn from our observations. It won't be hard. It's in the notes the teacher provided. I'll just need to pick up a few things on the way home,' Orihime quickly reviewed her strategy as she talked.
`I know. You're probably hungry. Why don't we go to that all you can eat pizza and pasta restaurant,' she improvised. `It doesn't look too busy. After we've eaten we can swing by the supermarket, pick up the stuff we need, do some experiments and write up the results. If we can actually prove we did more than just review other people's work we might get higher marks,' Orihime thought the compromise on food might sway Ichigo's judgement.
Ichigo finished his close study of the ground and smiled at Orihime. `Sorry. I don't know why I immediately thought, well, whatever. You're right. I am hungry. Why are we waiting?' He quickly walked to the door of the restaurant and held it open while Orihime entered.
This time Orihime ordered the same as Ichigo without a second thought. She was hungry.
They didn't talk much as they ate. Ichigo appeared to be very hungry. He ate fast, concentrating on the food while Orihime ate more slowly, enjoying the different flavours.
`Didn't get much time for lunch', Ichigo explained between mouthfuls. `I had to kill a hollow and Keigo threw my lunch at Mizurio because he was jealous about something. I don't know the full story. Nor do I care very much. I don't listen to their squabbling, if I can help it.'
Orihime hid her surprise. She remembered those words from the first repeat. `Were they a trigger phrase now?' she wondered.
`Keigo can be a little childish, sometimes, I suppose,' she said and then stopped. It was not like her to be this critical.
Ichigo laughed, astonished. `That's the nastiest thing I think I've ever heard you say, Orihime. But then, he has been annoying you recently. Since Rukia's return to Seireitei he's directed his attention to you.'
Orihime blushed. `I don't know why I said that,' she stammered. While she spoke, she again wondered about the corrupting power of the charm. Why had she said that about Keigo? Occasionally, she had these thoughts, but quickly dismissed them as wrong. She resolved to be careful. Before she spoke she would check her words quickly.
To distract herself, Orihime ate dessert. Sweet things had a soothing affect on her normally, but she was watching her words so carefully that she didn't enjoy it. Mentally she shook herself.
`I must act normally. I'll just be careful about anything I say,' she reminded herself.
After paying for dinner they went to the supermarket.
`Can I wait outside, Orihime? I don't like supermarkets,' Ichigo asked imploringly.
`Okay. I won't be long, Ichigo,' she replied.
The supermarket was not busy and she quickly assembled the items needed. As she paid for her purchase she briefly wondered about money. She'd spent money in the repeats but when the next repeat commenced, all the money she'd spent was replaced. She briefly toyed with the whole idea about time, repeats and paradox, but decided that while it was interesting, but she had other things to consider.
She went outside to find Ichigo talking to Keigo. Orihime blushed, remembering her earlier comment.
`Hi Keigo,' she said brightly, hoping that her blush was not too noticeable. `How are you?'
`Sad. Ichigo won't go to the arcade with me. Keeps saying he is working on a project with someone. It's not due for a week!' Keigo turned his attention back to Ichigo.
`Come on, Ichigo. You don't want to turn into a complete nerd, do you? Ditch whoever it is and come play some games,' he tried to grab Ichigo's arm and was received a quick jab to the jaw.
`I've told you before, Keigo, quit touching me. It's enough to make me wonder if you're hentai. You're not my type anyway,' Ichigo said looking him up and down. `You're not pretty enough.'
Keigo started gibbering.
`Anyway, I don't think it would be polite to ditch Orihime. Do you? See you Keigo' Ichigo turned from the still gibbering student and spoke to Orihime.
`Have you finished? Can we go now?' he asked with a frown taking the shopping bag from her hand.
`Yes. I've got everything. Bye Keigo,' she blushed as she looked at the bewildered and gibbering teen. He looked like he was about to cry.
They walked toward her home. Keigo followed yelling something unintelligible at them, but Ichigo continued to walk and Orihime did not turn around.
`If we ignore him, he'll go away, eventually,' Ichigo muttered quietly to Orihime increasing his speed. `I sometimes wonder who is more annoying, Kon or Keigo. I suppose Kon helps out, sometimes. I'm sick of Keigo touching me or grabbing me. It creeps me out. No matter how many times I hit him, he doesn't learn.'
Orihime was having difficulty keeping pace with Ichigo. The yelling behind gradually died away and Keigo stopped following them.
As soon as they were in her apartment, Ichigo slapped his forehead as he realised something.
`Hell. I forgot what a gossip Keigo is. He'll probably invent some story about us. It'll be all over school tomorrow. Sorry Orihime,' he looked at her. `The gossip will probably be perverted, untrue and embarrassing. Maybe I should visit him and try to make him keep his mouth shut.'
Orihime blushed again. `No, it's okay Ichigo. I'm pretty sure if he tries to say anything Tatsuki will stop him. He's scared of her, haven't you noticed?' She smiled as his frown. `We'll both know it's gossip.'
Inwardly she exulted. `Gossip linking their names together! If only it was reality.'
She quickly recovered herself. She knew she was staring at Ichigo.
`I suppose we better start,' she looked at his school uniform. A thought crossed her mind. `I think it might be an idea if we put on something to cover our clothes in case we spill anything. I have an old sweatshirt of my brother's that you could wear. It should fit, I think. Or, you could change into it. It's up to you,' visions of a bare-chested Ichigo flashed through her mind as she spoke.
`Yeah, that would be great, Orihime,' Ichigo replied.
Quickly she went to get the shirt her back turned to hide her blushes. What was going on? Was she going to blush this whole repeat?
`Get a grip, Orihime Inoue', she told herself as found the shirt and shook it out. It was clean. She sometimes wore it when she was feeling particularly lonely.
As she handed the shirt to Ichigo, their fingers touched. The shock of the brief contact and her confused state of mind caused her to drop the shirt, blushing again.
Orihime mumbled `Be back in a minute,' grabbed a change of clothes and ran to the bathroom to wash her face.
Ichigo shrugged and bent to pick up the shirt.
As Orihime leant against the bathroom door, she slapped her hands, hard. `Stop it, just stop it. You're letting your fantasies intrude into reality. Get a grip, she repeated.
As she washed her face again in the cool water, she noticed it was having an effect. The blush had disappeared. Quickly she changed into the clothes she had brought with her, dried her face and went back into the main room of her apartment where she put her school clothes away.
Ichigo, who was wearing her brother's shirt, was looking through her CD collection. His school shirt was on the back of one of the chairs.
`So my fantasy became reality and I wasn't here to see it. He probably wouldn't have changed in front of me anyway,' she comforted herself.
`Sorry about that. I think dinner may have disagreed with me. Probably some additives in the food. I've got to be careful about additives,' she gabbled, thinking up any sort of excuse.
Ichigo turned to her. `That's okay. Can I borrow this? I haven't heard it, yet,' he held up a CD he was examining.
Smiling ruefully Orihime replied, `Sorry. It's not mine. I borrowed it from Tatsuki. I'll ask her if you can borrow it, if you like.'
`No that's okay,' he replied, putting the CD down reluctantly.
`We could listen to it while we work, if you wouldn't find it too distracting,' suggested Orihime eagerly.
`That'd be great,' was the pleased response. `I haven't heard it yet and Chad told me it was good. You know how he is about music. When he says something is good, it will probably be the best music you hear all year. That guy really has an ear for talent.'
Together they began to work on the suggested experiments while listening to the music. Ichigo was not very adept in the kitchen, but he followed her directions well. The first CD finished and Ichigo selected another he wanted to hear.
The first couple of experiments went well. They got the correct results. After each experiment they sat down and wrote up their findings, as was required. Ichigo had chosen a compilation disc which was now playing. It contained a variety of music, both loud and quiet. Orihime normally listened to it when she was tidying up because it was a mixture of heavy metal interspersed with ballads.
`This was a good idea Orihime,' Ichigo commented. `Doing the experiments makes it a bit more interesting. What's the next one?'
Consulting the notes Orihime was not very happy with the information. `I don't think we should do this next experiment, Ichigo. I can't believe our teacher included it. It must be a mistake. Maybe it was for an experiment in class.' Noticing his puzzled look Orihime explained, `The experiment seems to result in a mild form of bleach. It seems an irresponsible experiment to expect us to do. I'm also worried about how to dispose of it. It would be negligent to just put it down the drain.'
`You could use it in cleaning,' Ichigo suggested. `Just store it in a glass bottle and use when required. You do have an empty glass bottle, don't you?”
Orihime nodded in response to the question.
`If we do all the experiments we might get extra credit. I want to beat Chad on the class list this time. Maybe this will help,' Ichigo looked at Orihime expectantly.
Reluctantly Orihime agreed.
Despite her fears the experiment proceeded without incident. The bleach was made and passed the tests required.
`Let's put that in the bottle now, Orihime,' Ichigo suggested.
With Ichigo standing beside her, holding the bottle steady Orihime poured the bleach into the bottle. The CD skipped from a ballad onto the next track unexpectedly and a fast, loud rock track started playing. The contrast in sound was a shock and the surprise made her grip slip and the bleach poured over her clothes. Orihime stood there in disbelief.
Ichigo acted fast. He grabbed Orihime's arm and quickly rushed her into the bathroom. He turned on the shower.
`Quick, get your clothes off. The bleach is on them and is in contact with your skin. We need to remove them and rinse your skin clean as quickly as possible,' Ichigo commanded.
When she didn't move fast enough, he undid her shirt and removed it. Orihime quickly removed the rest of her clothes and handed them to Ichigo who took them and placed them in a bucket that Orihime kept for soaking clothes.
`Get into the shower. Keep it lukewarm. No, don't use soap,' he said as she instinctively picked up the bar. `Just let the water wash off any remains of the bleach. You'll have to remain in the shower for at least 10 minutes to prevent burns.'
As he said these words, Ichigo looked at her, as if examining her skin for any marks caused by the spillage. He asked her to turn around so he could make sure all her skin had been washed by the water. Suddenly he flushed bright red and ran out of the room, closing the door behind him.
`What's the matter now?' Orihime asked herself. As she posed the question she realised the answer. She was naked and in the shower. She blushed again. Ichigo was embarrassed, obviously. Had she noticed an appreciative glint in his eyes before he left so abruptly? She thought she had.
Orihime laughed slightly hysterical. This situation was absurd.
`It should be safe to get out now, Orihime,' Ichigo's muffled voice said, a few minutes later.
Orihime turned off the shower and was faced with another problem. The only clothes she could wear were the ones on which the bleach had spilt. She quickly ran water into the bucket to let the clothes soak. She couldn't go into her room clad in only a towel. Well, she could, but was scared of the effect it might have on Ichigo. How could she get to her clothes?
`Umm, Ichigo', she called through the door.
`Yes?' was the hesitant reply.
What was she going to ask him? It would be embarrassing to ask him to go through her clothes.
`Can you hand me the dressing gown, please? It's opposite the bathroom door,' she said her voice shaking.
`Err okay,' he replied.
There was a knock on the bathroom door and she opened it a little. She grabbed her dressing gown as it appeared, accidentally touching Ichigo's hand in the process.
`I won't blush this time,' she told herself, incorrectly.
Orihime giggled. If this was happening in normal time, she would be worried. But this wasn't normal time. There was no question that she had to repeat if this version of events was accepted. Even though it was funny, Ichigo would probably not be able to act normally around her.
Having donned the robe and tied it tightly she quickly went into the main room. At the scene of the accident, Ichigo was wiping up the bleach with her tea towel. He looked up, saw her in her robe, flushed again and concentrated on what he was doing.
`I hate science projects,' he said dismally. `Are you okay, Orihime? Have you noticed any burns? I couldn't see any when I loo…' Ichigo abruptly became silent and bent down to scrub at the floor. Even the tips of his ears were flushed a bright crimson.
`Crimson and orange don't look great together, normally. They look good on Ichigo,' Orihime thought distractedly as she grabbed some clothes and retreated to the bathroom to dress.
As she dressed she realised that the trigger phrase had been spoken.
When she returned to the main room Ichigo had finished his cleaning. The tea towel was ruined. She took it from him and put it to soak with her clothes.
Ichigo was standing uncomfortably in the centre of them room. His hands were in his pockets and he was examining the floor with what appeared to be a great deal of interest. He didn't look up when Orihime returned to the room.
`S s Sorry, about that,' Ichigo stuttered. `I was just acting instinctively. I realise I should have known better. With acid or chemical spills you have to remove any clothing and wash the skin immediately. If it's not treated properly it can cause burns and that would spoil your…..' He stopped abruptly.
`I'm not burnt, Ichigo. `It was mild bleach, not acid. I think the clothes protected me and you made me remove them before any damage could be done', she replied and bit her lip as she realised what she had said.
`All the same, I should have known better. I was just so worried,' Ichigo scowled at the floor. `I don't like to see you hurt Orihime. I've seen that too often. I was scared you might be marked so I looked closely,' he gulped as he realised what he was saying.
`I understand, Ichigo. Forget about it. It doesn't matter. You were trying to help,' Orihime reassured her red faced friend.
He looked up at her quickly and returned his gaze to the floor.
`You're always so nice, Orihime. I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone I've seen you…,' he stopped with a groan and bit his lip.
Orihime blushed again. How many times was that? She'd lost count. She noticed Ichigo was still flushed.
`What a pair of idiots we are. Constantly blushing. Scared to look at each other,' she thought trying to prevent a smile.
Before the situation could become any more awkward the blessed sound of the Shinigami battle license alerted Ichigo to the presence of a hollow.
Ichigo quickly grabbed his bag and ran for the door.
`Ichigo. Your shirt.'
Orihime's words made him pause giving her enough time to grab the shirt and give it to him.
`Thanks. I'll return your brother's shirt tomorrow,' he paused still too embarrassed to look at her. `I'm sorry, really sorry. Talk to you tomorrow.'
He rushed out the door. Orihime closed it behind him.
She started laughing. It was all so stupid. Once she started laughing she found it hard to stop. Scenes from the evening played through her mind, making her cry with laughter. If only she could tell someone about it. Maybe they would find it funny as well.
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Authors note:
I know this sort of science project wouldn't happen in reality and this is not reality.
The First Aid advice is reasonably correct when treating a chemical spill.
I've apologised already. If you read it and didn't like don't blame me, please.
Please review. (I hope the next chapter contains some elements of sanity, but doubt it)