Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Overpowered and Overwhelmed ❯ Fallout ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Tite Kubo owns Bleach.  I just borrowed the characters.  I make no money from this work.


It was a peculiar experience to recognise the surroundings but still not to know where she was.  The line in front of her hadn't moved in some time and there were a few quiet grumbles from a few of the people around her.

Some of these people also seemed familiar, but different to how she remembered them, if she remembered them and hadn't dreamed them.  It might have been her memory which was causing the problems because she didn't recall how she'd arrived at this place.  If she had the emotional capacity to be surprised, she'd be surprised at how easy she found it to simply stand in line and wait.  It seemed to her the most logical thing, to wait for whatever was at the end of the line and once there she might learn how she arrived and where she was.  

The sound of crickets, the smell of freshly cut grass and the blue of the sky lightened her spirits, but she did feel slightly hungry.  There were no food vendors she could see, nor shops nearby.  

"I'm not meant to be here.  Why am I here?" a voice grumbled behind her.  Glancing back, she saw a tall man whose face was set in an angry frown. Normally she didn't dislike a person on sight, but it was easy to make an exception in his case.  He seemed slightly familiar and very threatening.  

"This line is a joke.  Everyone waiting around is an idiot," the man said, his voice growing louder, obviously in a manner to demand attention.  "Why are we waiting in a fucking line?"

A person clad in black haori and hakama, lightly edged with white approached the man with a very determined look on his face.  "Shut up.  You wait in line: you get assigned."

"Fucking Shinigami.  Think you're better than me 'cause you're wearing a crappy uniform?  I could rip off your arms and beat you to death with them."  The man was becoming more belligerent and seemed to becoming increasingly agitated.

"One more word and you go to the back of the queue.  Understand, blue hair? "

"Try it.  Just try it!" The angry man's jaw jutted out even further and he tried, and succeeded in looking more threatening.

The 'Shinigami' stood and smiled at the angry man.  "You want to try me?  You think you can take me?"

"Why think when I know?  Fight me. It will be more fun than standing around like cattle." Doubling up his fists, the man took a step toward the smiling person.

Another 'Shinigami' joined the first, one with an air of authority.  "This is a line, not a fight club."

For some odd reason, the girl wanted to say, "The first rule of fight club is you never mention fight club," but she bit her lip and tried to look small.  If there was a fight occurring she didn't wish to be involved or in the way.

"A line.  Why am I in a frigging line? I'm here and not happy about it,  I think I should be..." a few seconds passed and the angry man said, decisively,  No, I'm not happy about it."

"Shut up or lose your place and go to the end of the line.  Other people have been waiting longer than you and aren't complaining." The Shinigami seemed unimpressed by the large man, despite his size.

"I have complained, but been ignored," one dark haired male ahead of the girl commented quietly but firmly.  Again, he seemed slightly familiar and the large green eyes were unusual amongst so many dark eyed people.  The girl who thought her name started with O wondered why he seemed familiar and why he appeared so confident but at the same time radiating an air of sadness and despair.  What troubled him so deeply?

"It is not our place to apologise or explain, yet we have had an extraordinarily large influx in souls arriving in Soul Society in the last two days.  We're working as fast as we can to assign people on a needs basis," the one with more authority said.

The tall unpleasant man laughed, no mirth present in his voice.  "I need to be assigned and you need to do it now, or someone will get hurt."  He pushed his hand through his blue hair and growled.

Growling?  Why did the growl, the movement and the attitude seem familiar?

"Look.  I am more than happy to hurt you, if your tastes run that way, but what's in it for me?" A female voice purred from behind 'O'.

Glancing back again 'O' saw a number of females in various stages of undress, or they were wearing some form of revealing clothing.  The one who spoke was wearing a short white frilly skirt.  She was pretty and staring at the blue haired man with considerable interest.  The other women standing near her were also very attractive.  In some ways it made her feel better as most men would like to look at them, rather than talk to her.

Snorting, a disgusted look on his face, the man said, "You couldn't hurt me, even if I let you, even if you tried.  You're just a female with no talent or skills. A little girl who thinks she is my equal."

"So, like most shallow, arrogant men you judge only by appearance.  You know nothing. "

"Yeah, that's what all women say.  Claim I insult you and then when it's time to prove your words, you fail." The man with blue hair gave a withering glare to the woman in the short frilly skirt, that lingered somewhat.

The female to whom he spoke grew visibly irritated.  "You claim experience?  I doubt it."

"Both of you:  quiet!  This is bad enough without people fighting.  Sure it's boring standing here, but it's preferable to listening to you speak."  A new female was speaking who seemed to have an air of authority.

Why couldn't she remember?  The word 'Shinigami' had brought a brief but temporary flash of memory leaving her more frustrated.  Trying to shut out the sound of the continuing argument, she thought about the word.  Shinigami were Soul Reapers, beings who collected the souls of those who had died, at least that was the usual story.




A sob caught in her throat as she understood the importance of the word and what it might possibly mean.

She was dead.

Dead at 15, or some young age.  She thought she was 15 and maybe she was.  Dead before she had a chance to tell someone  she loved him.  A man who was important to her.  What was his name? How did she know she was 15?

Pursuing that line of thought wasn't important now.  She was dead.  How did she die?

Even closing her eyes and trying to think about it didn't help.  No memory of her death surfaced.  The last thing she remembered was...

Going to school?  Was that it?  Going to school and talking to friends.  Had there been a terrible accident at the school, which had caused her death? Scanning the line, she didn't see any faces she recognised from school, so maybe that wasn't it.  Had she been run over by a car; died of food poisoning; fallen to her death from a tall building; drowned in the river or  been electrocuted by a faulty appliance?  Had someone, could someone have...  Was it possible she'd been murdered?

Who would want to kill her?  She was a simple high school girl who had no money, no relatives who cared about her and nothing of value.  Her brother and friends had constantly reminded her she needed to be careful with strangers...

What was she thinking?  A brother?  Friends?  Who were they?  What did they look like?  Were they here in this line?  Were those people who seemed vaguely familiar her friends and relatives?  But it seemed they didn't recognise her.

Such a long line.  Was it always this busy, or was the thing that killed her responsible for these people's deaths as well?  For a moment she almost forgot her usual reluctance to talk to people and nearly asked one of the others how he or she had met their deaths.  Was it polite to ask the question?  What would happen if they asked the same question of her?  How could she reply when she didn't know?  And there was the possibility she might offend the person she asked.  No, it was better she waited and asked someone later, once they had formed a superficial acquaintance, or even a slight friendship.

All the same, waiting seemed to be the solution with the least solace.  Immediate answers might help her settle into her new existence, yet she felt something or someone important was missing.  

One of the Shinigami who had spoken to the angry man walked along the line, possibly trying to keep the peace, but also looking searchingly at people.  For some reason she tried to make herself appear even smaller.  If she were noticed then questions might be asked for which she had no answer.  The Shinigami spoke briefly to a man whose dark hair and slight stubble triggered foggy memories.  She noticed the man answered quietly as expected, not drawing any attention to himself.  He was a distinct change from the group of people in which he stood.

How was it possible she didn't how she'd died? At the same time, her mind was quite happy to remind her she had died at such a young age.  She knew her name but not who her friends were or the events which happened immediately before she met her death.

Obviously, her mind didn't like her.  Why was that?   A small giggle was quickly quelled.  Her thoughts were silly.  A mind had to hate itself if it didn't like her and that was absurd.  

Trying to quieten her thoughts, she once more observed the scenery.  Was this the countryside?  Odd to think Heaven, or this part of Heaven, was set in a more simple place than a modern city, but wasn't a modern city more akin to Hell than any pleasant Afterlife?  Did Heaven change or remain the same through the years, unchanging.  A static Heaven seemed wrong, but then often the rules relating to religion didn't change no matter the changes in society or the new discoveries made.  Why cling to rules created for a society, which needed to survive the harsh existence of a desert country over 2000 years ago, or even 600 years ago?  

The line inched forward slightly distracting her from her thoughts.  After the slight move forward was over, she returned to her mournful thoughts.  She was in Heaven, or what might be Heaven, which meant she was dead.  Trying harder than before she again attempted to recall her death.  What had cut short her life so soon?  Most of the people in the line seemed older than her and many of them looked sad, or lost in their own thoughts except for the argumentative people who had complained loudly earlier.  Instead of sad, they seemed angry and frustrated.  Was it a normal reaction to be angry when you found out you were dead?  It was hard to decide.

"I shouldn't be here.  I know I shouldn't be here.  This place looks like it has too many rules and restrictions. Why are we standing meekly in line?" One bespectacled pink haired man raved as he gazed disdainfully at the people near him.

"Shut up fool.  Or do you want to lose some teeth?  Yeah, let's have a bit of fun while we're waiting," a large brutish man said from behind her. This was not the first time he'd spoken, but all he'd said previously had been insulting and sometimes hard to understand.  His face lacked intelligence, but he was larger than anyone else she could see and she tried to make her body smaller so he wouldn't notice her.  He was scary and she didn't like him.  For some strange moment, he seemed familiar and that brief thought scared her even more.  There was something about this man she didn't like.  It seemed his looks matched his personality and she didn't wish to become further acquainted with either.

None of the people around her seemed to notice her, but for some reason focused on criticising each other or attempting to goad the other into fighting, all except for one or two.  

There were some men who were standing together, looking as confused as she felt.  One sneered and looked both confused and unpleasant until he saw her gazing in his direction and then he rearranged his features into a kind and friendly visage.  If she had not seen the previous expression she might have warmed to him, but now her instincts warned her to remain away from this man  They ones around him  didn't talk to each other, until one man finally opened his mouth.

"Where are we?  Why are we here?  I have this strange idea I've done this before, but a long time ago."

No one answered him.  He looked around, or appeared to look around; it was hard to tell, as he wore a large hat which covered his face.  Briefly, she wondered if he was could see through the large brim of the hat.  The longer she remained in the line the more confused and concerned she became.  

Her attention was distracted by a rather short Shinigami walking near her part of the line.  Was she here to make certain no further threats of violence were issued?  

"The line is longer than normal.  You will be processed in time.  We are asking extra Shinigami to assist as there was no warning of this increase in people requiring entry.  Listen carefully to this  Warning.  Any acts of violence or threats will lead to you being placed at the end of the line."

The line inched forward a little as she spoke and 'O' shuffled  forward a few steps.  

"I know you.  I'm sure I know you," the short, dark haired Shinigami was in front of her now, staring at her in disbelief.  She then turned and looked at a few of the other people standing nearby and her expression changed.  "This should be reported to Captain Yamamoto.  Something very wrong or strange is happening.  We might even need that dunderhead who models himself as a scientist."

She was there one minute and gone the next.  Where had she gone?  How did she know them?  If only the Shinigami had stayed longer she might have had the chance to ask who she was.

Looking around, many of the faces again looked confused, but now there was an element of hope.  They too hoped to find out more about the strange situation in which they found themselves.

"I don't think I'm meant to be here," the sad faced person with the large green eyes said.  "I feel an emptiness within and expect to be in an area that is as hollow as I feel."

"Don't care what you think," the large man said.   "But I don't want to be here."

A loud sigh from the female in the frilly dress drew attention to the fact she had crossed her arms and was shaking her head.  "We are here.  Deal with it."

"Don't talk to me like that, girl!  I'm big.  I'll crush you."

"Size isn't everything.  You may be big in everything but intelligence."

The man became angrier at her comment.  "I'm not stupid.  Only stupid people think big people are dumb."

The girl's eyes flashed with anger.  "I'm not stupid.  You talk as if I care what happens to you or even what you think.  Just shut up and wait like the rest of us."

The man sneered at her.  "Wait.  What good is waiting?  Standing around is stupid.  You're stupid.  I'm big and strong and don't wait.  I'm not stupid like you."

He moved out of the line and started walking to the front, flicking aside a few Shinigami who tried to stop him.  Suddenly a Shinigami wearing a pink women's kimono appeared in front of him.  The male Shinigami pushed a large straw hat he was wearing to the back of his head and smiled lazily at the large man.  "I think  you may have misheard the instructions.  Everyone waits in line until their turn is reached."

The large man glared down at the smiling man.  "Didn't mishear.  Are you saying I'm deaf?  Or can't understand?  You're wearing a woman's kimono.  Maybe you're the one who's stupid."

'O' looked on in astonishment.  Was the big man so confident he could defeat anyone?

The smiling man's smile grew wider.  "Don't believe everything you hear about me.  Nanao doesn't really think I'm stupid.  Her main complaint is my indolence, but enough about me.  Back to your tiny problem.  You see, boring though it is, you have to stand in line and wait."

Folding his arms, the large man took a deep breath and said, "Make me."  His demeanour made it obvious he didn't believe anyone could move him, least of all the man standing in front of him.

"I see," the man standing in front of him said quietly.  "It seems you wish to fight.  Loathe as I am to argue or battle, in this case it seems I must.  According to etiquette it is necessary for me to introduce myself before we fight.  I am Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain of the 8th Division."  Captain Kyoraku bowed slightly as he introduced himself.

The large man stared at him in astonishment.  "You think you can beat me?"

Returning his gaze calmly the Captain replied, "We won't know until we fight, will we? Who will I be fighting?"

The sneer pulled the top lip of the large man almost up to his nose.  "My name doesn't matter.  You can fight with your little sword, I don't need anything like that.  I'm big and strong and a tiny little blade won't help me."

"He doesn't even know his name," the dark haired woman called.  "None of us do."

Her words made the Captain stop and look at the man closely.  "You don't know your name?"

'O' almost said she 'remembered' the first letter of her name but didn't wish to draw any attention.  This incident might become ugly, as ugly as the big man was now appearing to her.

"Names.  Don't need a name. Are we fighting or are you looking for a way out of getting hurt?"

The Captain shrugged.  "As I said, fighting isn't my favourite way to pass time.  Will you get back in line?"


Sighing loudly Captain Kyoraku nodded.  "You realise you may end up in prison rather than waiting in line," then he paused.  "In prison, or dead, I'm sorry to inform you.  I don't like to kill but will, when necessary."

A hard, harsh laugh erupted from the man to whom he talked.  "You talk lots and do nothing. You are stupid.  I am not stupid."

"Don't be a fool," one of the other people in line advised loudly.  "A Shinigami Captain is not to be underestimated."

"Don't bother talking to him," another said.

Before any more advice could be offered, the large man moved swiftly toward the Captain, his body bent toward him and his whole body threatening violence.  He reached the place where his opponent was standing, but suddenly the man wasn't there.

"Not so fast on your feet, Fuji chan," the Captain teased gently from behind his foe.

"Cheater.  How'd you get there so fast, unless you cheated?  And who's Fuji chan?"

His answer was a smile and the words, "You are tall and well built like the famous mountain."

'Fuji' snarled loudly.  "You called me chan?  I'm not some child or friend of yours."

"Tut, Tut, Captain 8.  Playing with and then taunting the new arrivals.  This is not like you." Another man appeared wearing a white coat over his Shinigami uniform.  For a moment the smiling face almost awoke a memory in 'O', a memory which was not pleasant, but terrifying.  She was certain that she had never seen his face before but the slight touch of dread remained.

"I'm not playing with Fuji chan, Captain Ichimaru.  He seems to lack the ability to remain in line as requested."

The words made the new arrival glance briefly at the line.  His eyes passed over 'O' and then stopped, almost opening in bewilderment or recognition as they saw her.  "It is not good practice to fight in front of the new arrivals.  Captain 6 might be a mite unhappy.  Kira, take over.  Quell the creature."

A man she had previously ignored moved in front of the large man.

"It is my fight, Captain Ichimaru.  Please do not interfere," Captain Kyoraku said gently.  The smile remained on his face, but the steel beneath his words was unmistakable.  "Assistant Captain Izuru, please withdraw.  Now, Fuji chan, will you get back in line?"

"No, I won't.  You people just talk and talk and do nothing except cheat.  I'll fight both of you, all of you!"  'Fuji' reached out but was again faced with empty space.  "Stop cheating!" he yelled.  "Stand and fight.  Stop fooling around. You are being stupid."

"I don't wish to hurt you," the man in the flowered coat said.  

'Fuji' grunted.  "Scared of pain?"

"No.  It's more that I am reluctant to inflict pain."

The next action shocked 'O'.  'Fuji' ran to the crowd and grabbed her around the waist.  Why did he grab her?  Many other people were there.  How had she attracted his attention?  Had she smiled at him or seemed amused?  Briefly, she struggled but his hold on her only grew tighter.  She had to get away from him, but knew his greater strength would prevent it.

"Fight me or I hurt the girl.  Hurt her so bad." 'Fuji' seemed glad to have this idea. His grip tightened and 'O' found she was waggling back and forth in his clutches.  She stifled a scream and tried to relax her body.  No matter what happened, there would be bruises.

The dark haired woman said with a large amount of sarcasm, "What a man!  Prepared to use a female to get what he wants.  So brave."

"Let go of the girl.  She isn't part of this," Captain Kyoraku seemed shocked and unhappy about this turn of events.  Then he started and looked at 'O', raised his eyebrows and frowned deeply.

"Does he recognise me?" was the hopeful thought which crossed her mind as she winced at the pain from the increased grip the large man was exerting on her.  Instead of voicing her thought, she said quietly, "You're hurting me."

A hard laugh and another waggle preceded his answer.  "The girl is hurting.  Will you fight me or will I pull her apart in front of you while you stand there, useless and stupid."

A dark and cold dread pierced her bones.  Pull her apart?  Was the man so distanced from empathy that he would kill her so he could have a fight?  Despite her efforts, her body tensed and she knew it was a mistake.  As his grip tightened even further, she found it hard to breathe and her bones seemed to be bending in from the force.

"Is there any way I can defend myself?" she wondered.  "Being helpless is frightening and makes me feel small."

Suddenly the tightening grip loosened and 'Fuji' staggered.  "Cheaters!" he yelled before he fell to the ground, a large wound on the back of his head.

"Take that creature to the Maggot's Nest until further notice," a new, deep voice said. A number of Shinigami appeared and 'Fuji' was bound and rapidly removed. "Don't like hitting idiots from behind, but it wasn't going to be a fair fight.  Might fight him later.  Who knows?  It might be fun.  Hey, girl.  I know you.  You're that Ryoka's  friend.  Why are you here?"

Feeling faint from the shock and all the new faces and experiences she looked at the man who spoke to her.  He was very tall, not as tall as 'Fuji' but still an impressive height.  Her eyes were immediately drawn to his hair and eye patch.  He too was wearing a white coat, torn at the sleeves.  Did this mean he was a captain as well?

"It's Boobies.  She's back," a sweet high voice chirped in.  "But if she's back Ken-chan and standing in line it means, doesn't it mean..."

"She's dead," Captain Ichimaru walked closer, appearing to stare at her, but with his half shut eyes it was hard to tell.  For some reason his proximity made her uncomfortable and trying to move back from him made her sway on her feet.

There was her proof.  The Captain had said that standing in line meant she was dead.  The lack of doubt in his voice made it very clear to her that all her fears were real.  She had died before she lived, before she had managed to experience love with the person she was sure she knew but couldn't remember.

"Yeah, break the news gently, Ichimaru.  Always liked your subtle approach," the new Captain said.  

"When you die, you're dead," Captain Ichimaru shrugged.  "Words don't change the facts."

She thought she saw a pink haired girl sitting on the new Captain's shoulders.  She smiled and waved.  "Hi.  Want some kompeito?"

She began to nod her head but felt dizzy and swayed on her feet.

"Ken-chan.  I think Boobies is going to faint.  She's such a girl.  Maybe you should catch her and we can take her to Captain Unohana.  She might have some lollies for me and some tea for you.  I like how we always get tea at 4th Division."

"But she hasn't been processed," the man accompanying Captain Ichimaru protested.

The large man laughed.  "She doesn't need to be processed.  She'll be one of us.  I'm sure of it.  She showed some skills when she was here last time, I think.  Was she here?"

Things began to swirl around her and she felt increasingly weaker.  None of this was really happening.  Soon she would wake up somewhere familiar and this scary dream would end.  It had to end, didn't it?

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Autho rs Note

This story will complete the series, which began with A Walk in the Park.  It has taken much longer than expected to complete this first chapter and had far too much Yammy in it for my liking, but trying to keep him quiet was rather difficult.

Please review.